UK UK - Corrie McKeague, 23, Bury St Edmunds, 24 September 2016 #9

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....I'm seriously beginning to think 'lured' into that corner through an app of some kind. :/

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the thing I find strange is that we are told it's perfectly normal for corrie to do all this stuff, to be honest if that was my night out until the point he went missing I would be saying that I had a bad night no mates with him pissed a a newt sleeping in a door way, if that was all normal then what would a bad night be, it looks rather sad to me, only in the club for around 30mins then billy no mate for the rest of the night, things aren't right, imo
Having just read about the forces usual stance on going AWOL it doesn't strike me as possible in this scenario.

1. He went out and got smashed with a dog in his toilet back home. Then executed a perfect plan while so drunk that he fell asleep in a doorway.

2. He wouldn't be able to get a proper job, go abroad, renew a passport, get arrested, get a council house, get any benefit or allowance.

3. His mum is a police officer so any contact she had with him after he went AWOL would put her in a very difficult position.

4. The forces don't come looking for people the day after they don't show up. They get marked as AWOL and inform the relevant authorities, this then turns to Deserted after a period of time. There is no reason to go to the elaborate lengths of going missing as it wouldn't change anything in regards to how they dealt with the case.

5. Why leave the car? If you want to get as far away as you can you could just drive for two days and dump the car. Possibly even take it abroad before you're listed as AWOL.

6. He had no other items with him, for those that say he could have dropped them off and then went to collect them, he would have had to do it in previous days or the day he went missing, increasing the likelihood of his stuff being found and taken. Possibly handed in to the police thus ruining his whole plan.

I just can't see how anyone would see that as a good way of going AWOL or even why it would be necessary.

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I met an army captain doctor last week in a professional capacity, he hadn't even heard of this case, his first instinct was 'he's fallen somewhere drunk into water', then last week I met a young army lad from Southampton at a gig in Kentish Town, a serving army staff member, a similar age as Corrie, he hadn't heard either, but his first instinct was I bet he's AWOL, the RAF is Sh**, of course he's gone AWOL?? Difficult one..
Im starting to think he is with someone and is still alive. Gone by choice, staying by choice.

Theres been nothing said about the break up with his ex gf who happens to be a very talented beautiful young lady.

Maybe the break up finally got to him.

I know people try to hide their devastation when they split up. Maybe he finally felt enough was enough after a random night out of weird behaviour that showed he was kind of desperate to make friends and be seen and heard.

Maybe he just had a breakdown.

I have known this to happen. Breakups can be devastating.
Having just read about the forces usual stance on going AWOL it doesn't strike me as possible in this scenario.

1. He went out and got smashed with a dog in his toilet back home. Then executed a perfect plan while so drunk that he fell asleep in a doorway.

2. He wouldn't be able to get a proper job, go abroad, renew a passport, get arrested, get a council house, get any benefit or allowance.

3. His mum is a police officer so any contact she had with him after he went AWOL would put her in a very difficult position.

4. The forces don't come looking for people the day after they don't show up. They get marked as AWOL and inform the relevant authorities, this then turns to Deserted after a period of time. There is no reason to go to the elaborate lengths of going missing as it wouldn't change anything in regards to how they dealt with the case.

5. Why leave the car? If you want to get as far away as you can you could just drive for two days and dump the car. Possibly even take it abroad before you're listed as AWOL.

6. He had no other items with him, for those that say he could have dropped them off and then went to collect them, he would have had to do it in previous days or the day he went missing, increasing the likelihood of his stuff being found and taken. Possibly handed in to the police thus ruining his whole plan.

I just can't see how anyone would see that as a good way of going AWOL or even why it would be necessary.

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, good comment but my defence to that comment would be just suppose corrie is gay or bi that I think is quite possible in my mind, I'm thinking that he was out to at least one family member, don't know who! And the guys at base put 2 and 2 together, maybe he never quite fitted in and they were giving him a hard time, hence no lift, maybe he made his calls and arranged his departure early on, as I've always said the whole thing dose not look random in any way to me, IMO it looks pre planed, not a scrap of evidence, some one in my mind knew what they were doing that night, just my opinion
After all this time we are all still going through the what if's, I'm baffled as to how there can be so little evidence of anything in 2016, however, no matter what I read I still stand by my original theory.

Corrie is an outgoing, young, fun lad who seemed, judging by what we have seen, loved to have a good time. His behaviour that night doesn't strike me as odd until we get to the point where he ordered a LOT of food & decided to sit in a doorway to eat it instead of taking up the offer of a free lift home, im also still confused as to how he only appears to be holding a chip tray whilst walking past the grapes pub and there's no sign of a kebab and 2 burgers? Anyway, he stayed in town that night for a reason, that's for sure.
Sending a picture of himself at 3.08am and dandering down to a discreet area looking as though he is looking for someone... it HAS to be an arranged meet, there is no other real option there.
I'm still with Grindr (that's why after spending so long in the main area that he walked to the horseshoe area, let's face it, he was well known, if I was meeting someone I shouldn't be I would meet them somewhere where I wouldn't be seen meeting them), I truly believe something has went drastically wrong on the road outside of bury, looking at the maps I am suggesting tetford forest as the area, if I were the police, thats where I would be spending my time searching.

Regarding the bins, we had the same bins in work, we always kept them locked so other people couldn't fill them... they were most likely locked. The fella just spent ages sleeping in the doorway, a fresh crisp breeze round him after he woke, very doubtful he would climb into a bin for a snooze. Not too many roads in and out of bury and I think it's just coincidence that the phone was pinging in the general area off masts at the same sort of time.

In my opinion, this could have even been a sex game gone wrong... if he met with another man who maybe wasn't outted as gay either then the man that picked him up most likely not only has his freedom to lose but face too.

Sorry guys, don't buy that he was hit by a lorry, no traces of any evidence of any accident plus, he was drunk but he certainly wasn't blind or deaf.

I donated to the just giving page, I wouldn't be miffed if he turns up AWOL even though I donated money to help him, that money will be used for charity if he is found safe and sound [emoji3]

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I think the police have an idea what has happened. I think he was picked up by someone he knows. I think the lack of information and sometimes even misleading info has blurred the evidence for us, the general public but that won't be the case for the police. There must be reasons why we have only been drip fed the cctv, both initially and even now. There must be a reason for putting the pod at BM initially and for the apparent police disinterest for evidence at the BSE end. Until corrie is found I don't think anything else is going to happen except the searches funded by the very generous general public. I hope he is awol and returns by the 90th day, as I originally predicted, as this would be the best outcome for everybody. The alternatives are unthinkable and unwelcome.

I so hope you are right and he turns up safe next week!
After all this time we are all still going through the what if's, I'm baffled as to how there can be so little evidence of anything in 2016, however, no matter what I read I still stand by my original theory.

Corrie is an outgoing, young, fun lad who seemed, judging by what we have seen, loved to have a good time. His behaviour that night doesn't strike me as odd until we get to the point where he ordered a LOT of food & decided to sit in a doorway to eat it instead of taking up the offer of a free lift home, im also still confused as to how he only appears to be holding a chip tray whilst walking past the grapes pub and there's no sign of a kebab and 2 burgers? Anyway, he stayed in town that night for a reason, that's for sure.
Sending a picture of himself at 3.08am and dandering down to a discreet area looking as though he is looking for someone... it HAS to be an arranged meet, there is no other real option there.
I'm still with Grindr (that's why after spending so long in the main area that he walked to the horseshoe area, let's face it, he was well known, if I was meeting someone I shouldn't be I would meet them somewhere where I wouldn't be seen meeting them), I truly believe something has went drastically wrong on the road outside of bury, looking at the maps I am suggesting tetford forest as the area, if I were the police, thats where I would be spending my time searching.

Regarding the bins, we had the same bins in work, we always kept them locked so other people couldn't fill them... they were most likely locked. The fella just spent ages sleeping in the doorway, a fresh crisp breeze round him after he woke, very doubtful he would climb into a bin for a snooze. Not too many roads in and out of bury and I think it's just coincidence that the phone was pinging in the general area off masts at the same sort of time.

In my opinion, this could have even been a sex game gone wrong... if he met with another man who maybe wasn't outted as gay either then the man that picked him up most likely not only has his freedom to lose but face too.

Sorry guys, don't buy that he was hit by a lorry, no traces of any evidence of any accident plus, he was drunk but he certainly wasn't blind or deaf.

I donated to the just giving page, I wouldn't be miffed if he turns up AWOL even though I donated money to help him, that money will be used for charity if he is found safe and sound [emoji3]

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To be honest I'm with you on that

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I think he certainly was waiting to meet someone. I really couldn't say anymore without being completely speculative. It could be a pre planned awol situation made to look like an unexplained disappearance (you can consider why that might be the case) or it could be he's met someone for a party or a hook up.

I don't think it was a chance pick up.

I accept there's a possibilty he walked and had an accident, I know with water it can take a while for someone to be found plus they have to search the right place at the right time. It could still be an accident after the meeting.

What I don't think is it's likely a premeditated targeted murder in my opinion. I'm currently watching a docu on Steve wright and they're now discussing about how unlikely it is to find a murdered body in water. In 15000 cases the forensic investigator has covered 30-35 murders.

I feel if there's a dangerous person out there they will commit a crime again.
Ooh, can I pick both? Lol!

Erm... well yes ordinarily I'd encourage people to pick whichever options were still on the table, but I suppose this one's a bit more black and white.

FWIW personally I don't think he'd hide away from his family and let all this happen, I'll go and personally kick his butt if that's the case. I suppose he could be being held somewhere but that seems increasingly unlikely. So sadly, I doubt he's still with us but would love nothing more than to be wrong!

I'd like to think the police know what happened but I have big doubts about that too. I still need to be convinced he could not have left on foot, I still wonder if he ended up in a river. But I can go with the hook up theory, the accident theory, the lift to Mildenhall theory and several other suggestions, I think we've covered them all. Or have we?!?!

There has been some awesome sleuthing here, you all rock!
I don't think it was a hook up with a stranger. I could see meeting up with a casual FWB type hook up, but not a stranger. If it was earlier in the evening, then anything's possible, but not after a skinful of drink and a belly full of food. With all that food, burgers, chips and kebab, I can't understand why Corrie didn't buy a bottle of pop in the pizza place to wash it down and for the salt thirst? But he doesn't seem to be carrying a drink in the first CCTV footage when he's headed to Hughes doorway?

I don't see why a car couldn't be heard pulling into the horseshoe from doesn't look like it's that far away and sounds carry a lot more in the dead of night than they do during daytime. But I think he probably just went for a pee.

I can imagine Corrie asking a friend to pick him up, but we don't seem to have any evidence of that happening. I think it would explain why Corrie remains in the doorway for 15-20 minutes between 3.08 and 3.24. I guess it would have to be a WhatsApp call ...although police wouldn't be able to get the content of the call/message they should be able to tell that the connection was made by getting records from the mast and the phone provider/ISP. If Corrie's going for either a long walk or in a car then having a pee beforehand makes sense.

We've seen the Greenwoods camera change direction when running man came into view, and during a time like that Corrie could easily walk across from the horseshoe to Short Brackland unseen by CCTV. Where would he be headed? What would happen next? How far could he get, could he possibly pass the Lawsons Way camera and get down to Cannon St? Corrie could be heading up toward Tesco or the garage for a drink, planning to try thumbing a lift as he walks down the A road back to base? But if Corrie got to an A road, then I think that would be memorable for a driver to see someone in light clothing walking down the side of the road and maybe sticking their thumb out.

I find it hard to believe there are only four vehicles between 3.20 and 8am. There were people going home from clubbing, club workers making their way home, taxis driving around, and then people coming in to set up stalls for Saturday market, and then the shop workers coming in. So I think Corrie may have made it to a car that isn't in those four vehicles. But..if it wasn't someone Corrie had called to come pick him up, then whose vehicle was it and what happened next? And why does it seem this vehicle hasn't made it onto the police radar?

Thank this post if you believe:

Corrie is not alive

I sincerely hope I'm wrong. Unfortunately I can't see him strolling in after 90 days AWOL, his ma would kick his butt so hard after all the worry he's caused her!
I still hope to see Found Alive tagged onto this thread. I'd give that about a 10% chance though?

Oh it would be brilliant. if he is alive, the way I see it the most plausible explanation is he is being held against his will - but the more time goes by, the less likely this seems
Looking around the general North Bury area it seems the only body of water is Ampton Water (other than the small river) - anyone know if this has been searched?

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