GUILTY UK - Helen Bailey, 51, Royston, 11 April 2016 #11

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I think his looks (or lack of) worked in his favour. Gold diggers are usually much younger and better looking than their victims. Had he fit into that category alarm bells would probably have gone off for Helen and she'd have realised he was after her money.
How do you know it was a long saved for trip Batface?

His girlfriend said he only went to the passport office April 12th, the day after Helen went missing so I assumed it might be a last minute trip rather than long planned.

I'm not saying anything- just speaking generally of young people and their plans. I can't know whether he saved up or not, just that that would generally be the case. Mind you, I can't see IS lavishing his miser's hoard on anyone but himself. I don't think that getting a passport late is necessarily indicative of much- not everybody is terribly well-organised at that age.

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I choose not to see avatars as I find them distracting, so I wouldn't see it.
But I will say that if I did, it would sadden me every time I saw it.

Each to his own, but I couldn't be buying items with dachshunds on, it chokes me up whenever I am reminded of little Boris and his fate and I just couldn't bear such permanent reminders.
Just a note to other people too that I'm sorry if my dashchund avatar and pics make people sad. Yes this has been an awful and tragic case but I want to remember the tremendous and magical bond between an inspiring lady and her doggy and her witty writing. I want to remember the good and positive things not just the awful way their lives ended. *Hugs Cherwell*
I am nursing a secret crush on the CPS Prosecutor after watching that interview ::swoon::

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LOL I misread that and thought you were saying that Jack Hardy was the object of your admiration.
Either of them were more impressive than anyone we saw last night on C5's crappy collage. Joe Hemmings's tweet about Diane put the tin hat on it.

( Someone said wtte of CPS man, that he "lived and breathed " the case.)

"WHEN I began investigating Helen’s disappearance I told cops of Stewart’s strange and worrying behaviour.Speaking to neighbours in Royston, Herts, I was met with a wall of silence that disturbs me to this day.Most claimed Stewart had told them not to talk to the press. It sent a shiver down my spine even then.Didn’t he want to know where she was?When I called on Stewart himself, he slammed the door on me without a word.And in Broadstairs, Kent — where they had a second home and where Stewart claimed Helen had gone — things took an even more sinister twist.Nobody had seen her. They had seen him, though, and said he seemed more concerned with what cops knew than where Helen was.Alarm bells rang again. Stewart was building a wall of silence intended to hide his guilt.These were not the actions of a devoted man in fear for his loved one’s safety.The truth was hidden in plain sight."

Thanks Milly.

This kind of stuff is much more interesting.
I had to log off when I read that Jo Hemmings tweet last night after C5's predictably lame coverage.

walls of silence - anyone new to WS will have seen we don't go in for those on here., we like to turn over the stones, within reason!
Yes, that's why I was disappointed it came so soon. It could have been much, much better if they hadn't rushed it out.

But I think that's an unrealistic expectation. The interest is now. Most people - hard though it is to believe on WS! - knew nothing about it till the verdict. On that basis, and given that of course they had to record and put most of it together well before yesterday, it wasn't bad.
Very reminiscent of his plea to the Facebook group to complain to the BBC about press intrusion, isn't it?

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Very . He was good at exploiting innocent bystanders too.

As per post of many weeks ago - imagine he had gotten away with this (as Trimmer said subsequently) - what then? Just hope to maintain that wall of silence?
Just been listening to the Jeremy Vine discussion. Don't think much of that Wansell chap. He was mostly talking out of his

Totally agree with you on this one! Charming the police, indeed.
I'm still giggling at the prosecutor's crotch shot! I'm so grown up.
I think his looks (or lack of) worked in his favour. Gold diggers are usually much younger and better looking than their victims. Had he fit into that category alarm bells would probably have gone off for Helen and she'd have realised he was after her money.

Plus the fact that he was a widower and that his original schmoozing of that community was online, not face to face.
The psychologist on C5 made an interesting comment on projection & the bond between widows/widowers - the perception that this is a unique bond that unites.
Ultimately he was a psycho con man above all else.
When you look at the MO's of career con men( women) the "setting- up" is the crucial stage.
Has anyone else got a Jeremy Vine allergy, or is it just me?


On a different note, I thought I would sum up the documentary for our friends abroad:



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Did anyone else notice this from The Times?

‘If one incident crystallises Stewart’s betrayal of his fiancée, it is the fact that she had intervened to stop him taking the sleeping drug that subsequently he would use in her murder. Ms Bailey asked Stewart to give up Zoplicone after discovering that it was not advised for sufferers of his muscular condition myasthenia gravis.’

ETA i.e. they've mistaken IS's testimony for the truth.
Catching up with it all this morning ...nothing much there we didn't already know. I really liked the neighbours and it sounds like they were very friendly with Helen ....but not so much Ian.

As before though I now no longer want to think about him. Let him rot forgotten in a cell for the rest of his days.

I will remember the amazing women he had in his life...and his sons who are also victims.


For the sons I suspect as I said before that there are advisors who guide them in all this to a certain extent. I know when I cared for a man who had been involved in a serious incident (he was perpetrator) that his family were devastated and wanted to say as much to the Press who were everywhere. They were strongly advised not to do so, to keep their heads down and let justice take its course.
I wouldn't mind betting that Jamie and Oliver have been told/advised much the same. Let the focus be where it should....on Helen and her family.

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I don't think I did.

And how do you know she's poor?
I think IS made more of this than is actually true. He said that his mother had PND then OCD. I am not minimising these at all but she was a school teacher wasn't she? She obviously functioned at a high level academically and held down a respectable post. I don't think there was any need for IS to share this information in court, it was just another example of the blame game.

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Just a note to other people too that I'm sorry if my dashchund avatar and pics make people sad. Yes this has been an awful and tragic case but I want to remember the tremendous and magical bond between an inspiring lady and her doggy and her witty writing. I want to remember the good and positive things not just the awful way their lives ended. *Hugs Cherwell*

Hello jenspired
Your typo has provoked my pedantic nature to observe that the word dachshund is German for badger-hound - dachs = badger + hund = dog.
Sorry, I can't help it!
I think IS made more of this than is actually true. He said that his mother had PND then OCD. I am not minimising these at all but she was a school teacher wasn't she? She obviously functioned at a high level academically and held down a respectable post. I don't think there was any need for IS to share this information in court, it was just another example of the blame game.

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The trouble is IS's rambling testimony and lies still pollute the story - as you can see from the Times piece I quoted above.
But Diane was a school secretary, I think.

ETA Sorry, misunderstood Janeh, she was talking about IS's mother (which was clear to anyone not jumping to conclusions!).
The trouble is IS's rambling testimony and lies still pollute the story - as you can see from the Times piece I quoted above.
But Diane was a school secretary, I think.
Yes, lies to excuse himself and blame others for his shortcomings. I meant his Mother was a school teacher though. I an sure I have seen that somewhere.

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I thought the comments about his mother summed him up. Any decent person would not bring their parents' private life struggles into a public court just for the sake of it.

LozDa, your post made me hoot. I didn't watch last night and now feel thoroughly caught up.

Like florrie, I am pushing him into my mental cesspit
Mornin All

Gorgeous sunny day out there, although very cold.

And the first day that we don't have to check what time court begins.

That's the good part.

The sad part is thinking that Helen and Boris are not here to enjoy this lovely day and take a walk on the Heath.
Everyone who loves you misses you. Whatever has gone wrong, everything can be sorted. Please get in touch, to let us know you are safe.

Nope, not IS, this is a quote from one of Helen's Electra Brown books
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