GUILTY UK - Helen Bailey, 51, Royston, 11 April 2016 #11

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From the link above:

"Proceedings are now to commence to seize Ian Stewart's assets.

The judge set a timetable for him to list the assets he presently holds.

There will be a further hearing later this year."

I can't see him fully cooperating, somehow.

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I bet his ornaments will top the list. Can you imagine? He'd probably be detailing every crumpled shirt or can of lager he owns if he thought it was in his interests.
I've never managed to multiquote, but cottonweaver are these two different accidents that are referred to ? One being the fall through a door, then another for a head injury?

It seems so Jessie, I saw the two sun extracts on the last pages of thread 10.
It just piqued my curiosity on what Roy Cropley might have to add on this mysterious psychological injury considering GGHW loved to tell us his every ailment on the stand. So I agree, it is odd.

ETA from here:

ETA 2 - I'm still on page 96 and I see Squamous has posted exactly same - chapter and verse on his every ailment on the stand
I'm just remembering the way he casually commandeered Helen's properties in conversations- "We've got a cottage in Broadstairs", "Our flat in Newcastle" - and I'm angry all over again.


And can you imagine how trying it must have been for Helen, having him spend seven months carting over all sorts of sh1te from Bassingbourne? I bet he wanted to put his bowling trophies on the mantelpiece.

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Thank you, she is writing a novel in it now. The first page reads "The sosij dog did a poo", with illustration. She's got a way to go before she rivals Helen's skill.

Loving the notebook choice for Squamlet. How wonderful to have a prize and delightful to read her first page - 'The sosij did a poo'. I think it would be good if we all altered our spelling of 'sausage' - as 'sosij is fabulous.
From the link above:

"Proceedings are now to commence to seize Ian Stewart's assets.

The judge set a timetable for him to list the assets he presently holds.

There will be a further hearing later this year."

I can't see him fully cooperating, somehow.

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The Police announced two investigations. One into IS' finances and the other one into the death of Diane Stewart. The financial investigation will be the easier one IMHO.

Investigating the death of Diane Stewart will be complicated for so many reasons. If nothing is found, there will always remain a lingering doubt. Yet in the unlikely event that IS decides to come clean, and denies involvement, who will believe him after all his deceptions including the Nick & Joe charade?
The best possible outcome would be concincing evidence that points at murder - but no one will be happier for that.

Personally I do not think IS suddenly became a murdering sociopath after the untimely death of his wife. Legally, this is a different matter altogether.

The investigation into his finances may shed new lights on Diane's death and raise new suspicions.
Val Burns: We all need a baloney detection kit to protect us from sociopaths

The heinous murder in April 2016 of author, Helen Bailey, by her fiancé, Ian Stewart, is chilling. Stewart, who's been sentenced to 34 years imprisonment for the drugging and murder of Helen Bailey, was, by all accounts, a dyed in the wool sociopath.

Reading and watching the news reports, we can all cry out, pantomime style, from the stalls: “He's behind you, look behind you!” But in cases like this, where a sociopath "love-bombs" their victim in order to trap them before they move in for the kill, it can be extremely difficult to see the wood for the trees. This is not because of stupidity or naivety, but because as humans, we have a strong need to love and be loved.


IMHO We are all hard working here on our baloney detection kit. It won't benefit Helen, alas, but perhaps it is of use to ourselves or someone else.

But no matter what, this remains very difficult.

I liked this piece. It also totally ties in with IS' over the top clichéd romantic gestures when they went to Brighton (the occasion where he managed to get their relationship public by catching Helen off guard). I don't want to dwell on the rose petalled bed or IS' performance therein though!!

I wish people would stop saying Helen was buried in the cesspit though. There was no burial or any attempt at it. He literally just treated her like poo.
Any news on the WS's 'helping police with their enquiries' situation as of last evening? :)

No 'phone call to me Milly. Mark said the area code would be 01707 but couldn't tell me which phone number they may use. Maybe they shall not need to phone me when they have the email of IS's FB words.
Loving the notebook choice for Squamlet. How wonderful to have a prize and delightful to read her first page - 'The sosij did a poo'. I think it would be good if we all altered our spelling of 'sausage' - as 'sosij is fabulous.

sosij is more or less Medieval North French.

It so happens we'll be wil having sosijsjes for dinner today.
Was going by what Alyce posted earlier today #1408

ETA this is re him potentially still being in Bedford
Found one of Helen and JS - God love them. xx
This photo is a treasure. Such a happy photograph - I love John's expression and Helen is beautiful and so in her own skin with joie de vivre.
From the link above:

"Proceedings are now to commence to seize Ian Stewart's assets.

The judge set a timetable for him to list the assets he presently holds.

There will be a further hearing later this year."

I can't see him fully cooperating, somehow.

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Can't tell you how pleased I am to hear this. This is the only justice that this man understands.

( I know a 34 year sentence is a living hell* but this seizure will hit him where it hurts and in the UK we desperately need this money back in the system , the police case, the CPS stage and then the legal admin of justice must have cost millions. How many? I dread to think. )

* and that can't compare to the total suffering of 3 families and scores of individuals in any case
I remember reading - book or blog not sure which - her comment when she says she is a south paw.

Wow - yes we do learn something every day on WS. I am left handed and haven't ever heard the description of 'south paw'. (Also a Leo like Helen). Would love to know other Star signs of you all.
I'm just remembering the way he casually commandeered Helen's properties in conversations- "We've got a cottage in Broadstairs", "Our flat in Newcastle" - and I'm angry all over again.


And can you imagine how trying it must have been for Helen, having him spend seven months carting over all sorts of sh1te from Bassingbourne? I bet he wanted to put his bowling trophies on the mantelpiece.

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ha! I remember him saying to one of the cops he had still "stored his old BBC computers" above the garage. IIRC this is like 1980's gear. ( Ok you might be able to ebay these things as cult classics but I had no luck with finding his ebay account ;) )
Wow - yes we do learn something every day on WS. I am left handed and haven't ever heard the description of 'south paw'. (Also a Leo like Helen). Would love to know other Star signs of you all.

Are you into astrology Joely? Some of those amazing astrologers need to take a look at his chart!

( Cancer, Leo rising, G. trine in water. Me not IS!)
Re the move of El Beano from Bedford to who knows where.

I expect it takes time to sort out the paperwork and send him somewhere else. Almost certainly he is going to have a major whinge about something or other, which is likely to be reported by the press - and at the same time, the article should mention which prison he is in.
Are you into astrology Joely? Some of those amazing astrologers need to take a look at his chart!

( Cancer, Leo rising, G. trine in water. Me not IS!)

Aahhh , you had me for a moment there. I am interested, but not successful so far, in finding out his DOB....

He was born last quarter of the year, so we are down to only 4 possibilities. My money's on Libra.
Shame we don't know the number for the tiny little phone or we could call and check with Joe if he's still in there.
I can understand how you feel icemaiden, maybe take a break and check in later on this thread.
I cannot leave it until all is explained and Diane's death is deemed a sudden innocent accident.
My avatar here represents a celtic symbol for 'truth & justice' and this is what I desire for Helen and Diane so I will continue to follow this case, as I do others, until truth and justice is complete.
You must always do what is right for you.


icemaiden your input to Helen's WS page is enormous. And I can understand you, like many of the 'detective fact gathering' WS must be exhausted or where family may say 'we need your time now'. Or you simply need to catch up with yourself again.
I hope Dolly is OK - wish she would pop in to say 'all is well' but busy, need time. She may very well be busy.
Jessie - I understand your need to stay - that is how I feel. Apart from not being able to 'switch off' anyway from Helen and appreciate the link with her here amidst sensitive souls - I also need now to know what ever happened to Diane.
But - yes - you are right, Jessie - everyone must do what is best for their own wellbeing x
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