GUILTY UK - Helen Bailey, 51, Royston, 11 April 2016 #4

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Joely ... is this it ?

She would have LOVED this thread.

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That's good to know.
I'm trying to envisage his bull crap tomorrow afternoon. ( you can't write Bull***** on ws , it has an auto wipe. )
Bullcrap alert

My Defence
reality according to slug Stewart.

- " You have to be joking! Someone else put the body in the pit. The garage doors were open on 11th July, in morning , before we had even gotten up,could have happened prior to 10th. When I was at snooker. Anytime? I never knew she was there, that's why her car was not parked over the hatch for days after she “left”

- Cops put no effort into joe & nick pursuit, never sought to track them despite telling cops in December and despite me describing the tattoos and the baldy one. Joe & nick been to the house, been inside when my boys were at work, when I was recovering from a cancer scare. The cctv sightings such as Morrison’s, cops weren't bothered to pursue either. Instead they just piled the pressure on me with constant interviews, even when I was bleeding right there in an armchair. No sympathy. As for that Hollie Daines, well , she's a right little madam. I'd defy anyone not to feel harassed by her. You've seen her Judge Bright, you know what I'm talking about.

- It's no wonder I had to go on holiday to get some peace. As for this phone issue. They looked at my phone on 20th april, I offered it to them – I showed them my *advertiser censored* texts to Helen on Monday night.

Can I have some water please, your honour, I'll have to sit down and catch my breath, it's my condition y'see, been a martyr to Myasthenia since I was eight....."

Bullcrap 2:facepalm:

- HB & nick & joe. Helen was very private, particularly when stuff went wrong, if she felt threatened. She wouldn't go to the cops in December even though my boys 'n me could have been in terrible danger. On 11th April I sincerely thought, at first, that she was fleeing to safety as it had just got too much for her. T'was only later I suspected Joe & Nick.

-She left me right in the doo-dah so you can see why I was feeling aggrieved at her swanning off. Not telling the cops was like her not telling doctor that anxiety was ruining her life. Private with a capital P was our Helen. She made me promise not to tell anyone as, deep down I think she was ashamed , her past life with John was affecting our lives together. We tried to put our pasts behind us, just like me suggesting she put his ashes in the garage with mine. We'd had a very bright future ahead of us.

- nick & joe : Helen claimed to know nothing of the mysterious papers, "but may have got a bit anxious about it all” - your Honour, you'll see I put that in my 2016 statement. It's the God's honest. I loved Helen, I kept my promise to keep schtum, well until December. I did think about coming clean mid-July once her body was found but my health took a turn inside and I had temporary amnesia. Finding her body was the final blow for me, I went down-hill fast. By the time I came round, mentally like, it was December and I couldn't keep lying any more, it wasn't a time for loyalty.
He'll be lying in bed tonight thinking how he can get out of tomorrow.

There are dramas to come, I feel.

Darn, and we're absolutely committed to a lunch date with another oouple of friends. Checked and the place does have wifi - but not really on is it to scoff meal whilst surfing and such so will have to wait until back home and I can gallop back to the laptop! How flippin' inconvenient :gaah::hanging:
My Defence 3 by Ian "Cyclops" Stewart. :abduction:

"- I had the zoplicone for insomnia. That was down to Joe & Nick, those tattoos were enough to give anyone sleepless nights. Now, as it happens, in the end I never used them myself. I went herbal, and got one of those whale& dolphin cassettes from Royston library, you can check if you like.

- I think Helen took my meds when she was at her lowest. To be honest looking back now, I think she was losing her mind but put on a brave face, maybe it was sending her mad with worry. I absolutely did not dose her, in any way. Maybe she got some strange side effects from the zimmers but I didn't know she was sneaking them, I just thought she's at that time in her life..... I tried to get her to go to the doctors, but again she would not, she said she'd google it on mumsnet, as mumsnetters know...

- When she told her mum about the dizzy spells & memory loss she may also have been panicking about N&Joe. Stress does strange things - I should know. As you can see , your Honour, I've had to get release by self-harming again. ( Stewart in dock, wearing short sleeved shirt. ) Maybe that's why she took my meds? We'll never know, she has taken that to her grave and left me here in Peterborough jail with my Myasthenia gravis, my life's over. ( Defendent produce large hankie from breast pocket and dabs at his one left eye. ) ":blah:

i could go on. the macabre sarcasm is intentional, focussed on Ian.
In the family pic he looks terrifying. And a bit like he's just crawling along on his tummy, it's bizarre posing!

I think reposting pictures with family members on is against forum rules though?

Ooops. good point. I only posted El Jose, does he count?
Bet he was detached, all that money 'wasted' on a ring! I've not caught up (7 hours behind [emoji30]) I can imagine the more I read, the more this ring never materialises....

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Missed you here today Lily! You sure have a lot to catch up on - I'll be the same after my enchanting lunch date tomorrow. Unless I escape to the loo partway through whilst the menfolk are comparing notes and arm wrestling (mental kind only) - with my iPad:crying:
Honestly wouldn't have had a clue that it went that badly from over here, remotely and just reading the updates. Because it's so controversial will paste up what she said and you can have a look at it Lit Up.

Unless he throws a sickie, looks like he will be on tomorrow, as Defence will do an opening.
I would have thought he'll be up in the afternoon then.

Wow, so I gobble lunch down and say I have to run for home - yay!
finally no. 4, not in Ian speak.

-I did not have a financial motive by her death, she was generous in life, as borne out by will provision. Fact that I googled POA means nothing - needed financial advice for our future. I deleted some searches, I do do that. Speculative to view it as sinister,

- everyone has testified that our reln, was good, and that I am kind and non-violent, even in HB's own words and those of my in-laws of 20 years standing, one of whom will testify on my behalf later in this trial. I was out of my mind with worry, all over the place, so yes not all decisions were totally rational on my part, walk a mile in my shoes...I am a victim too, my wife has been murdered, me pilloried by police etc etc

- her phone connected to BS mast because...they must have planted it there. They followed me to Bstairs?JS knew some shady types. So I think her phone was possibly taken by joe and nick to BS , cadaver dogs picked up the scent here as she must have been killed here, sthng obviously went wrong, she could not give them what they wanted and so they killed her and must have left her here, maybe to incriminate me or so that she would never be found. I don't know. They could easily have been snooping around my garage and found the hatch, if they were rifling through boxes for these papers.

- wouldn't give up my mobile april to June because I thought joe and nick may call. I'd told no-one about joe and nick as they left me no choice and threatened my sons and Helen may still have been alive. I didn't lie when I said I had lost it mid-June. They had also given me a separate phone but in a panic I binned that one.

- the fraud charge, the cash was for j and n. I was under duress. Thought I might even need "kidnap money" if worst came to worst. Indeed I thought I might even have to use the gateshead flat £ further on down the line.

-had to lie to cops about no new visitors to house – fear for life from nick and joe. helen would've wanted total privacy,

- her note "Little Bean"? She was forced under duress to write it by Joe & Nick.

So , whatever Ian Stewart says tomorrow and Wednesday, it's goodbye from me and...:jail: goodbye from JoeNick.
My Defence 3 by Ian "Cyclops" Stewart. :abduction:

"- I had the zoplicone for insomnia. That was down to Joe & Nick, those tattoos were enough to give anyone sleepless nights. Now, as it happens, in the end I never used them myself. I went herbal, and got one of those whale& dolphin cassettes from Royston library, you can check if you like.

- I think Helen took my meds when she was at her lowest. To be honest looking back now, I think she was losing her mind but put on a brave face, maybe it was sending her mad with worry. I absolutely did not dose her, in any way. Maybe she got some strange side effects from the zimmers but I didn't know she was sneaking them, I just thought she's at that time in her life..... I tried to get her to go to the doctors, but again she would not, she said she'd google it on mumsnet, as mumsnetters know...

- When she told her mum about the dizzy spells & memory loss she may also have been panicking about N&Joe. Stress does strange things - I should know. As you can see , your Honour, I've had to get release from self-harming again. ( Stewart in dock, wearing short sleeved shirt. ) Maybe that's why she took my meds? We'll never know, she has taken that to her grave and left me here in Peterborough jail with my Myasthenia gravis, my life's over. ( Defendent produce large hankie from breast pocket and dabs at his one left eye. ) ":blah:

i could go on. the macabre sarcasm is intentional, focussed on Ian.

Ba! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! I love you cottonweaver!

Oh and don't forget his trump card: (Squeezes a concealed Jif lemon into his eyes and turns to the Judge):

"You'd have amnesia too Your Honour, if you had my throbbing Nobby Stiles!"
Ba! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! I love you cottonweaver!

Oh and don't forget his trump card: (Squeezes a concealed Jif lemon into his eyes and turns to the Judge):

"You'd have amnesia too Your Honour, if you had my throbbing Nobby Stiles!"


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Can you imagine the police questioning him in their socks?

I don't think so.
ETA: just checked Chrome's data settings. It sounds like IS used the option to delete all browser history for "the last week". You can choose from the past hour, day, week, 4 weeks or from the beginning of time (!!)

Yay Bingo! Well sussed Neteditor! Gosh I use Chrome and frequently delete my browsing history. I know those settings so well but the penny didn't drop! This proves he intentionally deleted his history.
Ba! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! I love you cottonweaver!

Oh and don't forget his trump card: (Squeezes a concealed Jif lemon into his eyes and turns to the Judge):

"You'd have amnesia too Your Honour, if you had my throbbing Nobby Stiles!"

Dolly, here's your material for part 5

- Why say to tony. Is she with u?
- Why 2 trips to tip?

Laughter is a great de-stresser , so I think you can work some magic on those.
Lit Up, was anything said in court about why Gill Curry gave a statement as last as last week? I was wondering if there is any significance to the police taking a further statement so late on?
The statement was taken so late because it had originally been so full of opinion and recollection of a discussion she had with another junior nurse in a car after visiting IS the first time. Basically Flint disagreed with having the jury hear "opinion" (which of course would have just been banging on about how dumb and guilty IS comes across) and so she had to make a later statement which did not make reference to details the defence did not find appropriate to be brought up in court.
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