GUILTY UK - Helen Bailey, 51, Royston, 11 April 2016 #6

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The more I think about it the less I can see the sons perjuring themselves for IS. Even IF (mahooooooosive if) the Nick and JoeDave story is true, their dad sat about that Monday night eating Chinese food and acting normally. He made up a note and lied to them and the rest of the family for weeks and weeks. There's no way of getting around it. Whether he killed her or NJD did, he's pulled the wool over their eyes for months. They've GOT to be wondering if he managed to do the same when their mother died. There's a reason Jamie hasn't been to see him once.

Yes, the sons must be re-evaluating everything that happened last year - and all the years prior to that - endlessly. I don't envy them the inner torment and nagging questions they may never be able to resolve. Their father has handed them an horrendous legacy. As a former reporter on a now defunct, infamous tabloid, I know they will both have had big money offers to tell their story. I wonder if either of them will be tempted?
MG is a strange disease. If one sits down and rests the muscles will then work again for a short while. I don't think the doctor would notice anything abnormal about IS on a visit to the surgery if he was taking the appropriate medication. Problems arise, depending on how severe one suffers the disease, when it is necessary to walk anywhere or repeatedly use a group of muscles etc. I can tell you my GP was useless but most GP's never see the disease because it is so rare. It took me several years to get a diagnosis and in the end it was I who insisted I saw a neurologist who diagnosed it immediately.

What happens is that the receptor sites that "trigger" muscles into action are destroyed by antibodies and therefore cannot work. This normally happens over a period of time, meaning that fewer and fewer receptor sites are available to allow the muscle to be activated. This is where the fatigues sets in.

I don't really want to talk too much about me, only to give some insight into what a nasty disease this is. I have a feeling he had a thymectomy, as I did, which eventually meant I could reduce the drugs. I was one of the lucky ones because thymectomy does not always work. It is not a cure in that the damaged receptor sites, after a period of time, will never work properly again. If he is still taking drugs he should, if he gets the timing right, be able to behave reasonably normally for 2 hours out of 4. His GP has confirmed he does have MG and he will have a repeat prescription for the drugs he needs.

I have to be honest and say I think he does have a real problem but if medicated properly it should enable him to function fairly normally for at least part of the day. I think it is in his interest not to take his medicine as and when he should whilst he is in the witness box because he will wish to appear a bit on the weak side. I have assumed he will be sitting down to give evidence although nobody has actually confirmed this. Tiredness may show in his speech and an inability to hold his head up. I did wonder when the Pros and Def decided he was getting too tired whether his speech was deteriorating. The other problem is stress. As with everyone stress can cause fatigue. With a myasthenic this can exacerbate the symptoms of the disease.

Please don't think I am making any excuses for him. I have no doubt he is guilty. He is an unfettered liar. He was perfectly able to murder Helen and probably chose the drugging method because it would not require any physical effort on his part. Poor Helen probably was nearly comotose and it would not be too difficult to overcome someone in that state, either with an arm lock or by simply placing a pillow over her face or a polythene bag over her head. There is a point, however, I do not understand. With suffocation eyes would normally be bloodshot and the eyes would normally bulge. I don't recall anything we have heard in the PM report that describes this. Therefore I do wonder whether, like his first wife, she had a fit of some sort. Unfortunately there would be no indication in the brain three months on as I think the brain deteriorates quite quickly after death.

This link describes the process of the disease and how it affect people.

Thankyou IB, I truly am sorry you suffer what is obviously a distressing and unpleasant condition but it is invaluable to have your input on what it is really like to live with it. I wish you as many well days / hours as possible.
LOL Dolly, I know where to come if I need a phone hacked. x

Yep, I got out in the nick of time, before I was arrested. Pretty much all of my colleagues ended up in jail! Hey I could have been contributing here as an ex con, lol! Not that I ever did anything untoward with another person's mobile phone (Your Honour).
Aside from all the excellent observations and posts I do feel that IS has a huge inferiority complex. He has tried on several occasions to exude a sense of mystery. I refer to his use of "OLLI", sykic etc. I wonder if his life achievements have fallen very much further in comparison tohis aspirations. I am not a psychologist but including such as his failure to complete his PHD from thirty years ago seems puzzling.
I am fine, thank you. Perhaps not as strong as the average person but I can manage very well. This all happened to me some 30 years ago and I AM STILL HERE and enjoying life lol.
Tweets from Thursday (9th Feb) I hadn't seen before

Stewart said didn't notice a new £4000 payment being made into the joint bank account, would only have noticed if balance fell below £20k.

Stewart says Nick and Joe, the two men he says took his partner Bailey, knew he would be staying in that hotel. Says he got a phone call.

Nick apparently knew he had power of attorney, but Stewart said he would not be able to use it. Nick said he should go on trip

Stewart says he went away. "Wasn't a holiday, it was a nightmare." Tried to sort out power of attorney while he was away. Then he came back

Stewart says though power of attorney was not granted to him, he was trying to gather together as much as he could. Potentially £190,000.

Day police arrived, Stewart says he could see one of the garage doors was open. That was before he had seen the police arrive, he says.

Stewart assumed that the garage door was open because they had been burgled, after Jamie mentioned ( :D ) the police had arrived at the house

Stewart did not ask for a solicitor, he says, because he was ready to tell them everything if they had found Helen's body.

Stewart says had a chance to consult with his solicitor, whose one piece of advice was to say nothing. He stayed silent or said "no comment"

Stewart and the solicitor issued prepared statements during that questioning, saying he had already provided a full account to police.

He gave the few prepared statements. Police never said they had found Helen, or where she was. Thought perhaps he should tell the truth.

He thought that "if helen had not been found" then she might "still be in danger" and so he did not want to mention Joe and Nick.

I thought it was a lie to be honest, it can't be true," was in his mind for a while. Then realized that the police couldn't lie about this.

Same solicitor gave him same advice to remain silent, not for fear for Helen since she was by then dead, but for fear for safety of his sons


Stewart says he can see what prosecution is saying that rich widows are especially vulnerable.

Stewart reiterates that if she had Zopiclone in her system, it must be because she had taken the pills. But did not initially remember this

Stewart says he can't remember sequence off documents, but prosecution insists that he knew perfectly well ....

....that the prosecution's case was that he had poisoned Helen Bailey with that drug. Asked why it did not appear in his early defence case

"I don't think I had put it all together to be honest," ( :facepalm: ) Stewart says, quiet voice cracking, talking fast and agitatedly

Prosecution rests for lunch. Stewart in witness box looking up at ceiling, sipping water and watching jury as they leave the room.

Stewart says he told the doctor that he had previously taken sleeping pills, back in 2010.

Stewart says remembers Helen Bailey going to her iPad to google Zopiclone, then showing him Google results indicating he should not take it

Stewart can't remember which site the advice was on, nor can he remember what search terms she used. Admits that should be found on her ipad

Stewart acknowledges that he had never previously mentioned this Google search about Zopiclone until recently, when he mentioned it in court

"I think that's true," says Stewart. "We should expect to find a search for Zopiclone on Helen Bailey's iPad?" asks prosecutor.

"No," says Stewart. "Because Helen regularly deleted her history." Claiming that she (read HE) deleted her Google searches frequently.

Prosecution focusing on Helen Bailey's behaviour in the days before she disappeared. She was often sleepy according to her Google searches

"Did it stick in your mind?" asks prosecution. "Not at all." "Did it concern you at all," asks prosecution, that she was searching for cause

"What resources did she use?" for her internet searches, asks prosecution. "She would start from Google and go from there."

"Any particular sites she was interested in?" asks prosecutor. "Lots" says Stewart, but can't name a single one. "Let me help you" says pros

Stewart says he couldn't remember kinds of things that Helen Bailey used to search for. Stewart told police he was not a Facebooker.

Stewart mentioned Mumsnet to police. And lo and behold, prosecutor seems to imply, they found access to Mumsnet on her search history

Stewart says he'd not invited his parents around, but they had come. Helen was upset that she had been asleep, and they would think her rude

Stewart says she was more and more looking at his computer, because his desk was less cluttered, and she was looking at a new blog

"I don't remember, I don't know," Stewart says for the umpteenth time today. Prosecution trying to trip him up with details of the day

Stewart says he does not understand computer event logs well enough to manipulate them - "I don't know why Windows uses them now"

"unfortunate" says prosecution, that a couple of event logs were left on Stewart's computer. They are located on a separate part of system

Prosecutor says it's unlikely that someone who barely knew Stewart had told him to say that she had gone to Broadstairs

"You could use all of her vulnerabilities, and what people knew about her" to make up this story. Stewart is getting confused with story.

"On the spur of the moment, that's what I said," says Stewart, to explain why he had said Helen Bailey had gone because she needed "space"

Prosecutor contends her family should have had right to determine whether Helen was at risk. Stewart's voice cracks, refers to hindsight.

These were all good people, weren't they" prosecutor puts it to Stewart. "They...had it in mind to go and find Helen."

"It took on its own momentum," says Stewart of the search for Helen. Prosecutor says he could have brought it to a halt.

"have you ever had anything to do with kidnap investigations?" No says Stewart. "You're not a police officer are you?" No says Stewart.

Prosecutor says that police are devoting huge volume of resources to finding Helen.

Prosecutor says to Stewart that Joe and Nick, the men Stewart says took Helen Bailey, were a "figment of your imagination"

Prosecutor draws attention to message from Stewart, addressing Helen Bailey, in which he said he and her family were "shattered"

"It was what I was feeling," says Stewart. Prosecutor continues to read from message. Stewart says he hoped she would read it.

"It was a message from the heart at the time," says Stewart. His voice cracks. Prosecutor re-reads the message. What was Stewart suggesting?

"I wasn't thinking in terms of the world, I was thinking in terms of Helen," says Stewart. "She'd been kidnapped. She just needed rescuing."
Stewart did not ask for a solicitor, he says, because he was ready to tell them everything if they had found Helen's body.

Just pulling this one out.

This was when he was first arrested on 11th July.

He's talking about them finding Helen's body while he still thinks Helen is with NiJo.

tx Toroise. Good on Jamie

oliver's ...., took me ages to re-find it so pasting it here

Ah I've just had a rethink on this.

What if ;

Jamie finds the note and - thinking that it is the note that Helen had left ( and which his father says he has thrown out ) he takes a pic to show to the police, in an effort to exonerate his father. Look, here's the proof, here's the note my dad told you about.
Then of course it all backfires, as IS admits that he wrote this note.

Plus, on the same lines, wouldnt Jamie be wondering why his father never did leave this note out, on the hall table or elsewhere, on Saturday April 16, when he set off for Broadstairs.
Just snipping a few lines from Tortoise post above

Day police arrived, Stewart says he could see one of the garage doors was open. That was before he had seen the police arrive, he says.

Despite the fact that he was asleep in bed when police knocked on the door
Stewart told police he was not a Facebooker.

Despite the fact that - in Brighton with Helen - he said he just had to *check in* on Facebook. Not the action of a non Facebooker
Ah I've just had a rethink on this.

What if ;

Jamie finds the note and - thinking that it is the note that Helen had left ( and which his father says he has thrown out ) he takes a pic to show to the police, in an effort to exonerate his father. Look, here's the proof, here's the note my dad told you about.
Then of course it all backfires, as IS admits that he wrote this note.

Plus, on the same lines, wouldnt Jamie be wondering why his father never did leave this note out, on the hall table or elsewhere, on Saturday April 16, when he set off for Broadstairs.

And why IS didn't just chuck it in the bin when he came back from Broadstairs and discovered Helen hadn't returned while he was there.
When he says it apparently causes a bitter taste he is digging himself into a huge hole.

You are so right it makes one wonder if he has ever actually taken it.
Just pulling this one out.

This was when he was first arrested on 11th July.

He's talking about them finding Helen's body while he still thinks Helen is with NiJo.

But you see, although he had thought that, he was beginning to entertain the possibility that while he'd been away in Majorca. Nijo had come back from wherever they were with Helen, killed her in his house and buried her in his cess pit. And Boris.
But you see, although he had thought that, he was beginning to entertain the possibility that while he'd been away in Majorca. Nijo had come back from wherever they were with Helen, killed her in his house and buried her in his cess pit. And Boris.

And he suspected they might have put her in the garage too.

ETA der, I see you've already included that very likely scenario too.
I'm sure it won't have escaped Strimmer's attention.

It will be fun to hear his explanation for that.
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