GUILTY UK - Helen Bailey, 51, Royston, 11 April 2016 #7

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I am wondering about Diane's family, I wonder if they still believe in him and will appear for the defence? This case has been so odd that nothing would surprise me.

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I am wondering about Diane's family, I wonder if they still believe in him and will appear for the defence? This case has been so odd that nothing would surprise me.

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Bet it will be his dad.

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Probably a neurologist who will say poor biggest Bean can't lift a bean.
Or parent I suppose. We just know that Nick and Joe didn't know each other but were both known to IS's family.[/QUOTE

Presumably Jamie would have known both Nick and Joe one was a next door neighbour and one was a bowler
Or parent I suppose. We just know that Nick and Joe didn't know each other but were both known to IS's family.[/QUOTE

Presumably Jamie would have known both Nick and Joe one was a next door neighbour and one was a bowler

Very likely.
But I think the Prosecution's point was, as Moll said, that they were trying to emphasise that J and N were two people who were well known to IS and family - so they were easy * models* for IS to use, he could describe them well, with his family knowing them, IS could not pretend that he did not.
Blimey - the most eventful day of the trial and I'm pulled away by pesky work!

The real Ian Stewart has finally revealed himself, and it's not a pretty sight. His defence makes grim reading - I'm itching to hear from an eye witness if he was equally unimpressive in the flesh.

All I can conclude is - thank God he isn't intelligent, he might have got away with it (one or two do).
Could a witness for the defence eg character witness change their mind after hearing all this BS from him? How would that work?

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Could a witness for the defence eg character witness change their mind after hearing all this BS from him? How would that work?

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I think they'd still have to show but they can only say what they think is true (or lie under oath...IS I'm looking at you!). So I suppose it could just get ugly! Witnesses aren't allowed in court until they've testified iirc though although I imagine they could still follow things through the media?
I am wondering about Diane's family, I wonder if they still believe in him and will appear for the defence? This case has been so odd that nothing would surprise me.

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I agree about nothing being a surprise anymore. It's interesting also thinking of anyone who had given prior agreement to acting as a character witness. They must be more reticent now having heard the endless claptrap that forms his defense. The sheer horror of what he has clearly done is not something one would want associating with, however well intended.

Even the blindly loyal would be hard pressed not to see the overwhelming evidence before them and the gossamer thin defense put forward. None of it is even remotely credible or plausible and given the evidence is not even physically possible. In short, the prosecution evidence is beyond any reasonable doubt and Stewart's defense is beyond belief.
Hi fellow WSs,
Firstly I would like to thank you so much for your support, both on and off the forum regarding the recent situation. It meant a lot to me - truly.
I`m happy to see that both posts have been removed and it`s all in the past :peace: (apparently that`s the emoticon for peace just in case of any doubt lol)
Update to follow...
Michelle xx
OMG, I'm just catching up on the last few hours. It's like that comedy panel show (tellingly called Would I Lie To You?, I think) where a member of the public shuffles on and David Mitchell tries to convince you it's his window-cleaner 😂
I want say thank you to all for today's updates and all I can say is that my gob is well and truly smacked [emoji33]

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I want say thank you to all for today's updates and all I can say is that my gob is well and truly smacked [emoji33]

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That was all of us just after 12pm! We were universally stunned and possibly a bit hysterical lol.
It's interesting also thinking of anyone who had given prior agreement to acting as a character witness. They must be more reticent now having heard the endless claptrap that forms his defense. The sheer horror of what he has clearly done is not something one would want associating with, however well intended.

Even the blindly loyal would be hard pressed not to see the overwhelming evidence before them and the gossamer thin defense put forward. None of it is even remotely credible or plausible and given the evidence is not even physically possible. In short, the prosecution evidence is beyond any reasonable doubt and Stewart's defense is beyond belief.

Witnesses are not supposed to hear any of the proceedings before they give evidence. Until relatively recently they would have to go out of their way to find out, but these days it's so easy. Would many people make the effort to avoid reading about it in the media and online?
Hi All,
Another day where a lot of people turned up! I think it will be like this until the end of the trial. The clerk on the door is great and tries his best to be fair to everyone. Firstly he let in people who said they would not be around in the afternoon. After they went in there were seven spaces left and fourteen of us waiting. He let in seven (not me as I was loitering near the back!), but he took down our names and said that we would swop round at break time which we did. So I was inside from about 11.30-1 pm, and then we all got in for the afternoon session so it really wasn`t bad.
I haven`t read any posts since I`ve got home but I presume the basics have already been posted.
IS was as previously described, although Mr Trimmer`s quiet questioning caused a lot of involuntary blinking at difficult moments (which by “difficult” I mean being presented with simple, logical and glaringly obvious questions e.g. “So when you were asked about the possibility of a third party being involved, was that not the opportunity to tell them about Joe and Nick?”) Blink..blink..blink..
He (IS) might as well have stood for four hours saying “ditto” “ditto” “ditto” and court could have finished at lunch time!! His main stock answers to the majority of questions were “I couldn`t think straight”, “I was all over the place” and “My solicitor strongly advised me to say nothing”. Last week Tortoise asked if he was cocky or arrogant which I wouldn`t describe him as being. However this week, he was clearly under more pressure and at times he was cocky – giving an impression of being irritated and annoyed at the “ridiculous” questions being asked to him (to me anyway), as in “Well for heaven`s sake – why are you asking me about XYZ? It`s obvious why I said this/did that/didn`t do this…it`s because I wasn`t thinking straight/scared that Helen would be killed/afraid for my boys…and so on. Over and over again he “couldn`t think straight”, “he “doesn`t remember”, “Nick and Joe told me to” etc
I have to tell you that the highlight for me came this morning (that is apart from when he is found guilty and sentenced!) and guys…YOU ARE ALL WRONG!!!
Nick and Joe DO exist! IS was NOT LYING!!
I know their appearance in court has been posted on here but honestly you just had to be there! These two poor guys were all but wheeled in as exhibits to be oohed and aahed over – as if they were rare specimens that people had travelled far and wide just to catch a glimpse of lol! They were ushered in, almost with a drum roll – “…and may I present to you the famous and unique Joe and Nick…”, and these poor guys just stood at the side of the court room almost with a dazed expression on their faces like they were thinking WTF are we doing here??? I half expected them to be photocopied and passed around the jury to be turned over and over, whilst being examined and scrutinised in minute detail. It was a truly hilarious moment.
However, on a serious note, I think it was an absolutely excellent move on the part of the prosecution. A very clever move indeed.
Will write more later if time.
Oh and whoever asked about IS looking at, or making notes – no, he just has the normal trial bundle or whatever it`s called – the same as the Judge, jury and barristers.
BBC said "Mr Stewart repeatedly broke down in tears while giving evidence"

Can you tell us what was pulling his chain, Michelle?
BBC said "Mr Stewart repeatedly broke down in tears while giving evidence"

Can you tell us what was pulling his chain, Michelle?

Oh Cherwell there`s so much more I want to write but I`m whacked and going out for dinner shortly!
As my post above I wasn`t in the courtroom from 10.15-11.30 but was there for the rest of the day.
He wiped away a tear once! And do you know when that was??? It was when he was describing how two ornaments were broken during the police search!!!!
Witnesses are not supposed to hear any of the proceedings before they give evidence. Until relatively recently they would have to go out of their way to find out, but these days it's so easy. Would many people make the effort to avoid reading about it in the media and online?

Well noted as always. TBH I was rather presupposing that the character witness(es) would be immediate family and they will no doubt be aware of every scintilla of evidence.
Oh Cherwell there`s so much more I want to write but I`m whacked and going out for dinner shortly!
As my post above I wasn`t in the courtroom from 10.15-11.30 but was there for the rest of the day.
He wiped away a tear once! And do you know when that was??? It was when he was describing how two ornaments were broken during the police search!!!!

FFS! OMG!! He really is a piece of work, isn't he.

I need to do this again

Thanks for the update and bon appétit!
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