GUILTY UK - Helen Bailey, 51, Royston, 11 April 2016 #8

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'It could have been May, April or March'

T: “You were asked by the reporter when you last saw her. You didn’t have a diary, nor any definitive means of saying when it was. It could have been May, April or March, am I right?”
F: “Yes.”
T: “All of those dates are possible, yes?”
F: “Yes.”
T: “The Sun reporter contacted the police to say they had spoken to you, and police came to speak to you. You told them you thought it was a black 4x4 vehicle she was driving. Did she seem confident when she was driving?”
F: “Yes.”
T: “Was it a black BMW, or a white jeep?”
F: “No.”
T: “Had you seen Helen in a car at all before?”
F: “No.”


Why the f-stop are we bothering with the defence at all?!

Could it have been in March?


This is getting to be comedic.
Oh dear. The defence would have been better off putting Mrs John on last. At least she was confident in her sighting, even if that confidence was misplaced!
I once saw a witness say they recognised the defendant as the person who had committed the crime. And when the defence crossed and asked him where he recognised the witness from he said "I saw his picture in the Sun." LMAO. He was told to get down and the jury instructed to ignore his evidence :D
Chloe Keedy ‏@ChloeKeedyITV 20s20 seconds ago

Mr Farmer tells jury Helen was driving dark coloured Range Rover or Discovery with window down + appeared to be in the car on her own

just editing my comment as he did say * appeared* to be on her own

[h=3]'Helen appeared to be on her own'[/h]T: “This is what you said to police ‘Helen appeared to be in the car on her own’.”
F: “Yes.”
T: “When you were telling this to police, you were trying to be as helpful as possible?!
F: “Yes.”
T: “You said she was driving at 20mph, ‘we didn’t have eye contact at any time’, ‘I cannot state what road she drove along’.”
F: “That’s right.”
T: “You said ‘I only had her in my view for a few seconds’.”
F: “Yes that’s right.”
T: “So if we summarise it, we don’t know when this was, it could be March, April or May?”
F: “Yes.”
T: “We think there’s no one else in the car with her, but it’s definitely a back 4x4 car?”
F: “Yes.”
T: “Are you saying it is a Range Rover, or a black 4x4?”
F: “I thought it was a Range Rover.”
T: “Or a Discovery?”
F: “Yes.”
T: “Or a BMW X5?”
F: “No, it definitely wasn’t that.”
What's the point of presenting a witness who claims he saw HB once, possibly months before she disappeared? After he had not seen her for a year, when she drank coffee?


Why the f-stop are we bothering with the defence at all?!

Agree LozDa!

I thought it neat how Trimmer quoted the months backwards rather than from March forwards. And got a'yes' from the witness making him seems less than reliable. So far less use than a chocolate fireguard in fact!
I once saw a witness say they recognised the defendant as the person who had committed the crime. And when the defence crossed and asked him where he recognised the witness from he said "I saw his picture in the Sun." LMAO. He was told to get down and the jury instructed to ignore his evidence :D

What's the point of presenting a witness who claims he saw HB once, possibly months before she disappeared? After he had not seen her for a year, when she drank coffee?


It does show how the Defence is grasping at straws and producing pathetic evidence of no value but pretty useless for the Defence. What on earth were they thinking.
Chloe Keedy ‏@ChloeKeedyITV 2m2 minutes ago

Under cross examination Mr Farmer admits sighting could have been in March, April or May
Agree LozDa!

I thought it neat how Trimmer quoted the months backwards rather than from March forwards. And got a'yes' from the witness making him seems less than reliable. So far less use than a chocolate fireguard in fact!

That's a bit unfair to chocolate fireguards, they are useful if you eat them :D
Oops, the flimsy shred that was Mr Edwards's evidence has been completely shredded by Mt Strimmer under cross.
T: “You said she was driving at 20mph, ‘we didn’t have eye contact at any time’, ‘I cannot state what road she drove along’.”
F: “That’s right.”
T: “You said ‘I only had her in my view for a few seconds’.”
F: “Yes that’s right.”

T: “When you saw Helen you had no reason at all to think about this [the sighting] until The Sun came?
So you see her, and then The Sun turn up in June?”

vs earlier
“I just can’t remember when I saw her. It was at some point in mid April to the beginning of May that I saw her in the car when I was walking on Charlotte Street.”

[h=3]'It was a Range Rover'[/h]Mr Farmer is being re-examined by the defence.
Defence barrister Simon Russell Flint: “You told police it was a black range rover, it was an older shape, a few years old, it had nothing distinctive on it. It was not a sports model Range Rover?”
Farmer: “That’s right.”
Flint: “So a Range Rover or some other 4x4?”
Farmer: “It was a Range Rover.”
Flint: “It was suggested it might be March, April, May. What did you tell police?”
Farmer: “When they came to visit I said it could be four weeks ago, six weeks ago.”
That’s the end of Mr Farmer’s evidence.

Why the f-stop are we bothering with the defence at all?!

Morning All! BIB: Whilst it's comforting that as a civilized and developed nation, we adhere to due process and the rule of law which gives every individual the right to be judged by a jury of his or her peers this is verging on contempt of court.

If this is the best they can come up with they may as just dispense with the formalities and sentence him to life imprisonment.

Talk about getting money for old rope. Both Counsel must be counting their lucky stars!
Tara Cox ‏@TaraCoxCN [video=twitter;831825912396185600][/video]

Mr Farmer says "no doubt" he saw Helen Bailey driving a dark Range Rover/4x4 vehicle on Broadstairs sometime from mid April to start of May
Ah lovely. Thanks Mr Farmer you can go now.
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