GUILTY UK - Helen Bailey, 51, Royston, 11 April 2016 #8

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Lol Duchy - why aren`t you fast asleep?? It`s a poll to see how many of us think IS is guilty/not guilty. Results so far:
Think he`s guilty - 0
Think he`s not guilty - 507

P.S. Bet your sorry you started this Tortoise.

507 thanks for not guilty? Am I hallucinating?
We have 56 for guilty and 0 for not guilty.
Just caught up on the thread after a day at the specialist with my feet, (some girls' grannies leave them jewellery - my grannie bequeathed me her bunions), then two restorative glasses of prosecco that knocked me out and proved what a cheap date I am.

Once again my gob is smacked at the warmth, wit and wisdom of my wonderful fellow Websleuthers (Wow that's an awful lot of Ws). Apologies, I haven't added many thanks as it was taking an age to scroll through everyone's posts (do others find this site slow?)

A strange day in court with the unreliable witness Mr Magoo, who obviously makes a habit of forgetting his glasses since he was more likely to have seen Helen Mirren than Helen Bailey at the wheel of that Range Rover. No wonder he was reluctant to appear - came all the way from Broadstairs to look a proper tool and didn't help poor old Mr Bean one iota (Hurrah!)

Intrigued about this book business tomorrow. I wouldn't put it past IS to attempt to use something in Helen's 'Bikinis' book against her but it would seem more logical the Pros are going to use Helen's writing to contradict one or more of his statements. Let's hope it's the latter, I feel sure he must have said something unguarded that could later be proven to be a lie. As Neteditor said, I really hope we get full reports of every last bit of summing up. This is Mr Trimmer's chance for a final flourish and I'm sure we're all itching to hear it!
The Snow Drop Mug that I ordered, has arrived on Tuesday afternoon.
I still haven't unpacked the box, out of fear that I will either DROP the mug, or blow it OFF the table with one big sneeze. :fainted:


I will first create a Safe Space for this special Mug. (My dogs know how to open cupboards)

Am I allowed to put a teabag in the mug and pour boiling water? Or is this the ultimate horror because the British still insist on making tea in a genuine teapot with free floating leaves?


The snowdrop mug sounds gorgeous and a lovely way to remember Helen and Boris. I wouldn't worry about using a tea bag as opposed to leaves - Helen used tea granules from a jar she was no snob, I'm sure she'd think a bag was quite posh! Your dogs can open cupboards? I sympathise. Dolly-Dog once got into my fridge and helped herself to a string of sausages (thank God she couldn't reach the frying pan).
It's 6am and I've been stifling laughter for the last two or three pages of this thread.
So thanks for the giggles to all of you. :silly:

( I missed all replies, last night, on the "forgiveness" theme but I really do take my hat off to all those on here who have been the victim of terrible, violent crimes, as members have described this last few weeks . I don't think I'd be "big enough" to forgive such horrors .
"Take my hat off" is the wrong phrase too but you know what I mean....:rose: )
I've missed so much but eventually caught up and had some chuckles along the way [emoji3]

I know it's a while back now, sorry for going over old ground but, I've been thinking about the Tesco incident, it still intrigues me as to what it was about.

Stewart said that on Saturday, April 9, two days before Helen disappeared, there were no arguments between them.

"Tesco CCTV images were not us"

“On Saturday, April 9, Helen and I went to Tesco. We were there that day, but those CCTV images (in jury bundle) were not us.

“We called the police because a fight was going on.”


Alleged CCTV footage of Stewart and Ms Bailey together

The first CCTV footage jurors are being shown is on April 9, 2016, of Ms Bailey and Stewart at a Tesco store.

Mr Wynn said whilst the couple were there an incident of shoplifting occurred and a security guard asked to use Stewart’s phone.

This CCTV footage was obtained during the investigation of that theft, he said. The CCTV is now being played and this is the first alleged sighting of Ms Bailey on CCTV.

The defence deny the two people seen in the footage were Ms Bailey and Stewart, jurors are told.


Anyone else think the two in this cctv were having an argument themselves, or the female was shown to be a bit woozy, or was the man in the cctv the 'lifter'?

I hope we get to find out the relevance of this footage, it beats me.
The snowdrop mug sounds gorgeous and a lovely way to remember Helen and Boris. I wouldn't worry about using a tea bag as opposed to leaves - Helen used tea granules from a jar she was no snob, I'm sure she'd think a bag was quite posh! Your dogs can open cupboards? I sympathise. Dolly-Dog once got into my fridge and helped herself to a string of sausages (thank God she couldn't reach the frying pan).


don't knock it you & zazara could train them to get your breakfast ready in the mornings

eta - oops didn't expect such a huge photo!
RB - this reminded me of something I read in a book - it was about a top Nazi who was imprisoned for 20 years at the end of the war (Hess?). He knew he was hated and vilified by millions but he couldn`t understand why.
He spent his 20 years in prison studying psychology trying to work out what he had done that was so abhorrent to others and he learnt about "empathy". The interesting thing is - he finally understood what empathy was. He got it. He understood the concept. But he could still not * feel * it.

There is a YouTube video by Simon Baron Cohen, who is the cousin of Sasha Baron Cohen, the actor, believe it or not! He is a British academic who has studied empathy and autism. He describes two faces of empathy.

Cognitive empathy is the ability to recognise why (house burnt down, lost their job etc) someone might feel upset. Autistic people find this hard to do but psychopaths can master it.

The other type is to feel appropriately to someone's emotions. For example how do you feel if a friend is upset even before you know the reason why. Can you feel another persons pain? Autistic people do this but it is impossible for psychopaths to have any feeling for other people's emotional state.

The rest of us have both types that work together.
aaaaand I've been away checking the Joanna Yeates trial, which was the first case I followed on here.
All of it was reported live by journos on Twitter - closing speeches and Judge's summing up.
So we may be lucky.
I cant wait until the Judges sentencing remarks are published!

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Morning all. Here's a handsome shot of Boris (thanks Alyce for the link) to tide us on while we wait on tenterhooks to hear what today's evidence is. Captions welcome!


Oh what a tangled web we weave
Mornin All

Someone asked Tara- 2 hours ago - if she was doing updates today - she has not commented but has retweeted the tweet, so that's a good sign...
Morning all. Looking forward to today's revelations and hoping there will be more pointing out how embarrassingly bad the defence is. [emoji16]

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Morning all,

Echo snoopy's post #455

I wasn't aware of this case until relatively recently, and I hadn't heard of HB either but now my heart is aching for her, Boris and the family. The more I think about it the more sure I am that Boris went into the cesspit alive which is just too horrendous - whatever happened IS is a despicable person and needs putting away for a VERY long time,
Been thinking..if the pros are going to use Helens books to discredit what IS has said then they could be there for a looooooooongggg time

Sent from my SM-G930F using Tapatalk
Morning all,

Echo snoopy's post #455

I wasn't aware of this case until relatively recently, and I hadn't heard of HB either but now my heart is aching for her, Boris and the family. The more I think about it the more sure I am that Boris went into the cesspit alive which is just too horrendous - whatever happened IS is a despicable person and needs putting away for a VERY long time,

Lou, if it's any consolation, I don't think that. Not because I believe IS has any redeeming qualities , but because he would not want a dog barking when he was taking Helen to the garage. So I believe Boris was dead before going into that horrendous place.
I wondered if he might have thrown the dog toy in first and Boris jumped in to get it, but I agree dog barking noises would not be wanted.
I wondered if he might have thrown the dog toy in first and Boris jumped in to get it, but I agree dog barking noises would not be wanted.

Others have wondered the same because of the toy, but it could be that this was something Helen always took when they went for walks so it was better for IS's original story to bury that too.
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