GUILTY UK - India Chipchase, 20, Northampton, 30 January 2016

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I'm suprised this has even made it to trial. Yes he could very well be spinning a yarn but he genuinely seems to believe the lie after lie he seems to be telling. Very unstable..

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I'm suprised this has even made it to trial. Yes he could very well be spinning a yarn but he genuinely seems to believe the lie after lie he seems to be telling. Very unstable..

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my thoughts too.
After Mr Donnellan asked Tenniswood about his first meeting with Miss Chipchase outside NB’s, the defendant said they “clicked like old friends.”
He said: “We both said how it was spooky how we just clicked together.”
Tenniswood admitted that he knew the duffel coat he was wearing was not suitable clothing to be let into NB’s but said he tried because he was the “world’s greatest optimist.”
He said he had last been into NB’s 10 years ago but was then shown footage that the prosecution alleges was him trying to get into the club at 2.51am two weeks earlier.
Tenniswood denied he was the man in the footage and offered to bet the prosecutor £100 that it was not him.

BBM Incredible..... it is well documented that India was not speaking coherently to anyone at that point, but this idiot is acting like she was his new best friend - here and at his house.
I feel so very sorry for India's family, having to listen to this pile of garbage, his fantasy love story. Can only hope the Judge adds on a few extra years for wasting the court's time.
I'm betting with the clothes around his apt , there might be a few bones somewhere as well , are there any more girls missing? ok I just googled and it seems there are several (eeks , chill up my spine, shudder!)
I've mixed feelings about what is going on here.

I've been feeling a great sense of unease about putting a man on trial and being held to society's standards of normal and reasonable behaviour, if he is psychotic or in some other way psychiatrically unwell.

However, surely he would have had a psychiatric assessment to determine fitness for trial, because that wouldn't be fair for someone with a genuine mental illness? Or, do the reports come after, once he has been found guilty of committing the crimes?

The way I see it, there are two choices here - either he believes his fantasy or it is an act. The fact that he hopes the jury will believe something not humanly impossible but very close to impossible in terms of reasonable judgement, is delusional by most people's reckoning, I would say. On balance however, I think it is more likely to be a case of him being completely devious and trying out the only defence he can use - to see if he can raise reasonable doubt. I think we are seeing a manipulative and cunning act.

I think his OCD is going to muddy things when it comes to deciding if he is unstable in all respects, so as to be out of touch with reality.
I'm betting with the clothes around his apt , there might be a few bones somewhere as well , are there any more girls missing? ok I just googled and it seems there are several (eeks , chill up my spine, shudder!)

I've missed this aspect. What clothes were found, can anyone fill me in?
This is the only detail I can find re the clothes.... it sounds as though ET put some of India's belongings around the house ( I dont think it was her clothing as the evidence says he re-dressed her in all her clothes ) and that the police found other items of female clothing in his house during their search.
I think most definately he has done this before, I just think the previous victims have been fortunate and have escaped.

from opening day of the trial this is some of the Prosecution statement

Her death was no dreadful accident because obviously had it been, the defendant would have called for an ambulance or started CPR or called for help.
“What he did was to remove her belongings and place them around the house.”

“There were lots of other items in the house including women’s clothes and shoes distributed around the house.
I've mixed feelings about what is going on here.

I've been feeling a great sense of unease about putting a man on trial and being held to society's standards of normal and reasonable behaviour, if he is psychotic or in some other way psychiatrically unwell.

However, surely he would have had a psychiatric assessment to determine fitness for trial, because that wouldn't be fair for someone with a genuine mental illness? Or, do the reports come after, once he has been found guilty of committing the crimes?

The way I see it, there are two choices here - either he believes his fantasy or it is an act. The fact that he hopes the jury will believe something not humanly impossible but very close to impossible in terms of reasonable judgement, is delusional by most people's reckoning, I would say. On balance however, I think it is more likely to be a case of him being completely devious and trying out the only defence he can use - to see if he can raise reasonable doubt. I think we are seeing a manipulative and cunning act.

I think his OCD is going to muddy things when it comes to deciding if he is unstable in all respects, so as to be out of touch with reality.

Very good points.
I started off feeling he was simply odd , or not acting like a 100% normal person, but I thought perhaps his lonely lifestyle had made him somewhat eccentric and then, over time, helped to create his unbalanced way of life. I then moved on to feeling some level of pity for him, he seemed so way off beam with his fantasies but I thought he was just living in his own little world and was half believing the story he had created.

I am now leaning towards your point that he is putting on an act. I think ( although am not sure ) that if he had a genuine mental instability, then his defence would have submitted a plea of diminished responsibility. I believe they have to do this pre trial, they can't just use it afterwards as an excuse for his actions.
The fact that they have not done this makes me think they were not able to prove any kind of mental inbalance.
Or, and I really dont know how this works, perhaps ET simply refused to undergo any kind of mental assessment ? He insisted that his story was the truth and the defence team had to accept this and allow him to state his case.
I think you're right Alyce, and I think he could have been sectioned if they needed to do an assessment and he wouldn't cooperate. Although is wanting to stand trial a reason for sectioning, I don't know.
Let's not go down the mental route. He is just pure evil. Manipulating liar. He knows what he is doing.
Let's not go down the mental route. He is just pure evil. Manipulating liar. He knows what he is doing.
I think if there was any doubt that he was suffering psychosis or insanity around the time of the crime and arrest then we'd know about it as he'd have used it to its full advantage!

Pretty sure, when his mental health was screened, he'll have had his fingers crossed, hoping for the 'diminished responsibility' flag to go up ... not this time Mr Tenniswood!!
I have just read this.....

"He removed her belongings, placing them around the house - they were inconspicuous."

Jurors were told Tenniswood had "other women's clothes and shoes" dotted throughout his rented home.

The victim's handbag and shoes were found in an untidy upstairs bedroom, while her mobile phone was in a box underneath some papers under the stairs.

Let's not go down the mental route. He is just pure evil. Manipulating liar. He knows what he is doing.

Not quite I think. He clearly seems disturbed to me, living in a fantasy world. But as I said before, I don't believe that he is what is called criminally insane, that is, that he he didn't understand what he was doing and that is was morally and legally wrong when he killed her. He knows that, hence he's responsible for his crime. But he's very troubled, that's for sure. See quote below, I mean who does things like that? Not a healthy soul.

I have just read this.....

"He removed her belongings, placing them around the house - they were inconspicuous."

Jurors were told Tenniswood had "other women's clothes and shoes" dotted throughout his rented home.

The victim's handbag and shoes were found in an untidy upstairs bedroom, while her mobile phone was in a box underneath some papers under the stairs.

PC Steven Knight told the court he went straight upstairs to the front bedroom.
"As I got to the doorway I could see a mattress to the front of me with a blanket on top... I could see the shape of a figure," he said.
"The first thing I noticed was the hair at the top of the mattress. Initially I thought it was fur.
"The hair was displayed instead of being down, it was pulled up and around, sort of a halo."

The jury has been shown footage from the scene as officers entered the house and attempted to wake Miss Chipchase.
He claimed he failed to notice the part-time barmaid's body was lifeless despite refastening her bra and putting her clothes back on her while wearing surgical-style latex gloves.
A female officer is heard saying: “She’s gone. Oh no. She’s gone.”
Samuel Stein QC, defending, asked PC Knight: “You were saying words to the effect of ‘Wake up, wake up it’s the police’.
“When you saw India Chipchase, she appeared to be in such a natural position that she might have been asleep?”
PC Knight said: “Yes.”
Prosecutor Chris Donnellan QC has told jurors at Birmingham Crown Court: “Don’t believe a word this defendant says”.

Closing the case, Mr Donnellan said: “You saw the police officers go into the house and you saw Tenniswood being arrested.
“He said ‘I’m surprised you were here so quick. It didn’t take you long.’
“He showed no sorrow or regret for what he had done to India Chipchase. Not one word of ‘It was an accident’ or ‘Kinky sex gone wrong’.
“He knew she was dead, he knew he had killed her.
“He had tidied up and pulled a sheet over her body and her phone was in a box under the stairs. This was something he must have done.

Mr Donnellan described the account Tenniswood gave as a “fantasy” and said: “It is impossible to know what happened in that house. He can’t be believed and she was silenced.
“He used the phrase ‘typical India’. What a peculiar phrase, what a delusional phrase.
“He met the girl at 1am blind drunk. How does he know her, how does he know what is typical of India?
“But the phrase is a disturbing one, and tells a disturbing story.
“He has in that remarkably short time decided in his mind he has some sort of relationship with her. But he did not say a word of this in interview.

Edward Tenniswood’s defence lawyer Samuel Stein has described his client as “an oddball.”
He said: “Why did he re-dress India Chipchase?
“Why did he tidy up after her?
“Why didn’t Edward Tenniswood try to run away when the news services told him that a search for India Chipchase was underway?
“Which one of these actions show that he is a guilty man, who knowing that he has intentionally killed India Chipchase has then decided to get away from his awful crime.
“How come her clothes were not torn? How come she had a cigarette or cigarettes at the house? How come she had a drink?
“It will not be easy for us to make you understand Edward Tenniswood’s world.
“He is an oddball. He is a man who is infuriating because he cannot and does not stop talking.
“It does not help to warm to Edward Tenniswood that he was older than India Chipchase. He was not as drunk as India Chipchase who was obviously very drunk.
“Whichever way you look at this he did take the life of a young woman.
“But why did he re-dress her? Why did he tidy up after her? These are the actions of an oddball who is probably unable to understand that she died while they had sex.”

More to read at link

Details:Trial (Part Heard) - Resume - 09:48
Trial (Part Heard) - Case adjourned until 10:05 - 09:57
Trial (Part Heard) - Resume - 10:02
Trial (Part Heard) - Prosecution Closing Speech - 10:09
Trial (Part Heard) - Case adjourned until 11:30 - 11:10
Trial (Part Heard) - EDWARD WILLIAM TENNISWOOD; Defence Closing Speech - 11:35
Trial (Part Heard) - Case adjourned until 14:05 - 13:00

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