GUILTY UK - India Chipchase, 20, Northampton, 30 January 2016

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A former bookkeeper accused of raping and murdering a India Chipchase, once pinned a teenage girl up against a wall by her throat and kissed her.

Edward Tenniswood got "annoyed" with the girl during an argument which she alleged happened some years ago.

Giving evidence about an alleged incident from his past ,the woman claimed the 52-year-old got "angry" and came at her.

"Then he just ran at me and pushed me against the wall. Then he put his hands around my throat. Both hands.... He was holding really tightly and then he tried to kiss me on the mouth."

The woman said the whole incident lasted "about 20 seconds," while she and he were alone, with Tenniswood then releasing his grip and apologising.

She said: "I tried to push him away but he wouldn't let go.... Eventually he did let go, and he said he was sorry.... I got upset and I went upstairs."

In answer to questions from the defence barrister Samuel Stein QC, she told the court she never told the police or her GP about the incident taking place and confirmed she only recently made a statement about the allegation.

In a direction to the jury before the woman made her claims, Judge John Saunders QC told the six men and six women it was for them to determine the truth of the woman's accusation, and whether to consider it as part of the separate rape and murder allegation against Tenniswood.

Throughout her testimony, Tenniswood shook his head as he listened to the woman's account from the dock of the court.
The jury also heard evidence from a night porter and a receptionist at the Ibis hotel, where Tenniswood was arrested by police on Sunday, January 31

Francisco Lino, a night porter, said Tenniswood arrived at the hotel at about 10.45pm the day before and spent several hours in the lobby.

Mr Lino said Tenniswood drank coffee and used a computer.

The jury was told Tenniswood asked if he could book a room but was told the hotel was full.

He also asked if he could eat breakfast in the hotel, even if he wasn’t a guest.

The court heard Tenniswood was also seen in the hotel lobby by receptionist Vicente Mendez who believed Tenniswood had “hung round” the hotel lobby all of the morning of Sunday, January 31.

Viktoria Salicheva, who started her shift at 3pm that day, said she had served Tenniswood two pints of lager and had seen him using a hotel computer.

She said she believed that, on some occasions, Tenniswood had been “talking to himself” as nobody was seated near him.

The court heard Tenniswood also asked her to place some notes in a bin, but had wanted to put the paper in the bin himself, rather than give it to her.

bbm - I wonder whether those notes were retrieved by LE.

Thank you Alyce for keeping us updated! He seems to have been troubled for a long time.
I do think he's got some kind of mental problem..... I wonder if the military story is true and if so, does he have some form of PTSD ...not excusing him at all but he does sound not quite normal
I do think he's got some kind of mental problem..... I wonder if the military story is true and if so, does he have some form of PTSD ...not excusing him at all but he does sound not quite normal

Yea I agree. My gut feeling is, low self esteem, anger issues. Nothing that even borders on insane though. Nothing that excuses his terrible deed.
bbm - I wonder whether those notes were retrieved by LE.

Thank you Alyce for keeping us updated! He seems to have been troubled for a long time.
If someone had made such an issue about putting some notes in the bin but me not seeing them or touching them ... I probably would've got me some gloves and looked the first chance I got [emoji5]
A former book-keeper accused of raping and murdering a doctor's daughter kept newspaper clippings of women who looked like his ex-girlfriends in his 'squalid' home, a court heard today.

Giving evidence for the first time at Birmingham Crown Court, Tenniswood was asked about a series of clippings with pictures of women found in his home in the St James area of the town.

I'm always hoarding magazines and newspapers, clippings,' he said.

'These individuals are extremely similar to ex-girlfriends of mine.

'Rather than just have the whole place covered in dusty dust sheets, they're ornaments, memories of ex-girlfriends.

Nothing more interesting than that.'

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The court also heard that Tenniswood drank up to three boxes of red wine per day, and usually kept six 1.5 litre bottles of cheap Sainsbury's wine in his home.

Tenniswood also explained how he kept most of his belongings covered in dust sheets because he claimed to have 'OCD'.

This included keeping his computer keyboard and monitor wrapped in cling film, explaining: 'It seems illogical to keep cleaning it to use it, instead you just replace the cling film, rather than the rigmarole of keep cleaning.'

Tenniswood told the six men and six women of the jury he was 'a terrible hoarder' and that photographs of his home showing newspaper covering every inch of the floor, and boxes of his belongings stacked against the walls, were to keep things 'tidy'.

He claimed he was also on one month's notice to move, from his landlord, and kept everything in plastic storage containers so he could be ready to move home if needed.

However, he also told the court he had been in the rented terraced home for five years.

Asked what sort of house he lived in, he replied: 'Almost squalid - very run down.'

Tenniswood said he 'contained' himself to living upstairs, and used his downstairs as a storage space with the exception of his kitchen where he prepared his food in individual boxes so he could 'graze' on the contents through the day.

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Wow. I don't want to feel sorry for him but I kind of do.
Wow. I don't want to feel sorry for him but I kind of do.
You certainly can feel pity for him in that it would seem that he was gripped by long standing OCD whilst still hating what he's alleged to have done.
I cant find anything online about this guy, apart from he's on registered at Stanley Road, but there's nothng else for him at all (apart from all the media stuff relating to the case). That's strange because if you google my real name all sorts comes up!!
What a messed up man. Makes you wonder how many other oddball loners are out there, and how many of those could be capable of something as horrible as this.
You certainly can feel pity for him in that it would seem that he was gripped by long standing OCD whilst still hating what he's alleged to have done.

It just looks like a very bleak life he was leading, while trying to control the monster inside ...
What a messed up man. Makes you wonder how many other oddball loners are out there, and how many of those could be capable of something as horrible as this.
Don't confuse "oddball loners" with murders ... (or even alleged seeing as this one hasn't been found guilty, yet) ...
Why did a witness know him by a different name.

What terrible thing from his past does this case remind his mother of.

Why did his mother remove photos of him from family album.

I thought I read that he said they were going to McDonald's at riverside not sixfields.

Why did he go behind the BP garage for 3 to 4 minutes.

He has had far to long to make up a story.

What brought him and his mother to Northampton. His dad is in a care home miles away.

There is something underlying here.
Where is the information about his Dad in a care home?
Way way back in the thread if I recall correctly. I could be wrong but I think it was his step mother who made a comment to the press about a problem in the family.
The comment by the stepmother about his past struck me too as a suggestion that he could have done something awful before.

The fact that in the first press articles (and as far as I know in any others) the only photo of him was 28 years old also made me think had he been in Jail for some of that time?

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