GUILTY UK - India Chipchase, 20, Northampton, 30 January 2016

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Northampton Chron ‏@ChronandEcho 15m15 minutes ago

Case of Edward William Tenniswood sent to Northampton Crown Court. More to follow.
The man accused of murdering India Chipchase will appear before a judge later this week after the case was adjourned by magistrates today.

Edward William Tenniswood, of Stanley Road, St James, was in Northampton Magistrates Court’ this morning to answer a charge of murdering the 20-year-old from Wootton.

Tenniswood, aged 51, spoke only to confirm his name address and to confirm that he had understood proceedings.

Tenniswood was remanded in custody and the case will now go before Judge Rupert Mayo on Thursday.

Read more:
Her family home is in East Hunsbury (sp?) which is south of the city centre and therefore in the opposite direction to where she ended up.

Yeah, East Hunsbury is the completely opposite side of town (I spent the first part of my childhood there!) Wondering if maybe he was in the town centre too and she was heading to St James for some reason and they ended up sharing a taxi? He could've played the whole nice/harmless guy role in order to fool her. His company could've appeared somewhat comforting compared to walking through the town centre/St James by herself as a young woman at night. How awful.

Also heard on the local radio as I was driving into town earlier today that she died of neck injuries...found this article confirming it:
Words from his neighbour (name redacted)

Eddie's next door neighbour xxxxxxxxxxx, 75, revealed he had an interest in computers.

She added: "He's very small, I'm only 5ft 3in and I think he's shorter than me.

"He never had any visitors, the only people who went to his door were Sainsburys' delivery drivers.

"He didn't drive, own a car or a bike or anything, although we did see him use taxis."

Even stranger that he's such a small man, she'd have been a match for him if he'd grabbed her. So strange, how on earth did she end up in his house?!
Words from his neighbour (name redacted)

Even stranger that he's such a small man, she'd have been a match for him if he'd grabbed her. So strange, how on earth did she end up in his house?!

Agree re the size / height element. Most odd.

Plus, when police went to the house and had to break in, ET was not there but clearly India's body was found instantly, as police called immediately for paramedics.
Seems very strange for him to go out, leaving a body, not even hidden,in his house ?
Neck injuries - strangulation? stabbing?

Let us know if hear anything else locally, KatieLH.
Neck injuries - strangulation? stabbing?

Let us know if hear anything else locally, KatieLH.

That's what immediately caught my attention - maybe it's common for that wording to be used in post-mortems but it seems strange to me that the word 'injuries' was used rather than strangulation or the like.
A loner, shops online, into computers. This guy must have an online presence. I can't find diddly squat!
A loner, shops online, into computers. This guy must have an online presence. I can't find diddly squat!

Me neither, Skibs. There is surprisingly little on him full stop.

Apologies for bringing you a Sun article (don't shout at me!) but there is more info about him here:

Tenniswood’s next-door neighbour xxxxxxxxxxx yesterday told how officers smashed their way into his house when they got no answer. She said: “They were knocking on Edward’s door. I told them he didn’t ever answer the door anyway. So they broke it down. They found her body. It is shocking and terrifying to think she might have died next door. We don’t have anything to do with Edward — I didn’t even know his surname. He lives alone and hardly speaks to anyone.”

XXXXXXX , who also lives nearby, said there were no carpets or curtains in Tenniswood’s home. He added: “He writes books. I don’t know what they are about. He likes his wine and I have seen him wander all over the street when he has had a drink.
He lives on his own in that house. There are no curtains or carpets on the floor, just newspapers. It is a messy house. There is grease everywhere.”

Tenniswood’s stepmum Ann, 78, said news of his arrest had come as a shock. She said the family has had no contact with him for years — and she tore his pictures out of her photo albums following a row 20 years ago. Ann said: “I last heard from him many, many years ago. We just wrote him off out of our lives. All I can think of is that poor 20-year-old girl and what her family must be going through. I am appalled for them. It has dredged up too many awful things that are in the past and have been dealt with"

Tenniswood’s mum Ursula declined to comment.

Officers began knocking door-to-door in nearby streets on Sunday afternoon, showing a picture of India and a grainy CCTV still of two men. At around 3.45pm police broke into Tenniswood’s home in Stanley Road and found India’s body. Tenniswood was tracked down to Northampton town centre and arrested at around 7pm.
You just beat me to it Skibs - TWO men ???

and, they eventually found ET in Northants town centre - so seems he does go out, despite the neighbours comments to the contrary.

( slightly off topic but I always wonder how neighbours know that someone * never* goes out. I have not seen one of my near neighbours, face to face, for over 6 months now. I know she is fine, we text and phone, but I have never actually seen her go out in all that time, although I know she does, she has a very active social life ).
A grainy CCTV still of TWO men?

I know! Now presumably, with ET being only 5 foot plus, neighbours were able to point the police in his direction even from grainy CCTV. There was a comment on FB at the start that they were knocking on all the doors on the street so I'm guessing it was her phone location that led them to be doing door to door. Thank god for that otherwise they might still be looking for her.

Also, guessing from the other neighbours description of the house that the link I posted last night was the right property.

What a weird little man.
It's all very confusing and doesn't really make a lot of sense..

If he didn't drive then how did he get her to his home?

He is 5ft 3 so it wasn't a case of pure physical strength

He was supposedly quite active online but I can find no online presence

He writes books - not under his real name at least

India lived the other side of town so what was she doing in that area

2 men on cctv? Who is the second man

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Me neither, Skibs. There is surprisingly little on him full stop.

Tenniswood’s stepmum Ann, 78, said news of his arrest had come as a shock. She said the family has had no contact with him for years — and she tore his pictures out of her photo albums following a row 20 years ago. Ann said: “I last heard from him many, many years ago. We just wrote him off out of our lives. All I can think of is that poor 20-year-old girl and what her family must be going through. I am appalled for them. It has dredged up too many awful things that are in the past and have been dealt with"

Uh.... what now?
Ugh seems like there is a darker history to this guy. Family distanced themselves 20 years ago? Not a good sign.

Looks like he and another bloke abducted her, maybe at knife point? My guess is rape and suffocation. Poor India :(

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