GUILTY UK - Jodi Jones, 14, Dalkeith, Scotland, 30 June 2003

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
That documentary was very difficult to take seriously. Completely biased, didn’t share any information about the evidence against LM, and very selective about the way they discussed other persons of interest or the reasons they were ruled out. They also didn’t say much about the charges against LM’s mother either - they’re worth looking into. Channel 5 isn’t known for quality programming so it didn’t really come as a shock but the way they presented the story was terrible.

Those two PIs have a very ‘colourful’ past and some of the other talking heads they included were lame like that’ forensics institute’ guy who basically just runs a private forensic services company but gave it a big fancy name.

It’s a difficult one because some of the evidence has never been shared outside the courtroom but people who know jurors always confirm that they said they were left in no doubt of his guilt.

I think he did it. I think he was/is an arrogant narcissist who believed himself to be rather clever and there were incidents prior to Jodi’s death that suggest a violent nature. This sudden desire to speak about it is preparation for his parole hearings and subsequent release. I don’t know if that’s because he intends to try and return to live in the same area but I’d hope not - there’s no way that situation wouldn’t become a complete circus.

You are allowed your opinion but what I will say is he will not be eligible for parole as he has declined to engage in any rehabilitation courses deemed necessary for a board to even consider his release. Him attending said courses in his eyes is admitting guilt.

Narcissist or not he is unwilling to leave Shotts prison until his name has been cleared for a crime he has maintained he is innocent of.
I've always felt uneasy about this one purely because of the emphasis made at trial about his music taste. I was once a teen goth and wrote all sorts of dark song lyrics and stuff on my school folders etc. While I'd have scorned anyone for saying so at the time - it's a phase.

I don't know if he's innocent but I don't understand how he was found guilty.
I see the second part of the documentary has been pulled.

Channel 5 axes Luke Mitchell documentary as man's name seen on list of suspects

THE concluding half of a two-part documentary exploring the murder of Jodi Jones has been removed by Channel 5, after a man’s name was shown on a list of suspects.
Murder in a Small Town examined the circumstances of the case and questioned whether Luke Mitchell, who is serving a life sentence for the murder, could be innocent.
The documentary suggested that five other people could be viable suspects implicated in the murder.
Channel 5 removed the second part from its streaming platform after a man's name was shown on a document which included a list of suspects.
Additionally, a witness from the trial complained to Ofcom about remarks made by a contributor in the first part of the documentary, which he claimed suggested he could have been a suspect.
I’ve just watched this and although it’s definitely biased I’m surprised his appeals haven’t been allowed.
I’ve just watched this and although it’s definitely biased I’m surprised his appeals haven’t been allowed.
Appeals are only granted if new evidence is found or the previous trial has been mismanaged. Not if people do not agree with the verdict.
please delete if not allowed i thought this would be okay and handy to read x

Have questions about the Luke Mitchell case? Here are some of the most commonly asked questions answered-

- Brief overview of the trial:
Jodi Jones and Luke Mitchell - Who got Justice? The official group! | Facebook

- Defence vs prosecution; what they can and can’t do:
Jodi Jones and Luke Mitchell - Who got Justice? The official group! | Facebook

- CM and SM perverting the course of justice charge:
Jodi Jones and Luke Mitchell - Who got Justice? The official group! | Facebook

- The trial being held in Edinburgh:
Jodi Jones and Luke Mitchell - Who got Justice? The official group! | Facebook

- 140 day rule:
Jodi Jones and Luke Mitchell - Who got Justice? The official group! | Facebook

- The clothing the search party wore:
Jodi Jones and Luke Mitchell - Who got Justice? The official group! | Facebook

- Eye witnesses:
Jodi Jones and Luke Mitchell - Who got Justice? The official group! | Facebook

- Discrepancies in statements:
Jodi Jones and Luke Mitchell - Who got Justice? The official group! | Facebook

- Lack of logic:
Jodi Jones and Luke Mitchell - Who got Justice? The official group! | Facebook

- AB sighting:
Jodi Jones and Luke Mitchell - Who got Justice? The official group! | Facebook

- Luke’s DNA on Jodi?
Jodi Jones and Luke Mitchell - Who got Justice? The official group! | Facebook

- Expert advice:
Jodi Jones and Luke Mitchell - Who got Justice? The official group! | Facebook

- Marilyn Manson and Elizabeth Short:
Jodi Jones and Luke Mitchell - Who got Justice? The official group! | Facebook

- Funding for the trial:
Jodi Jones and Luke Mitchell - Who got Justice? The official group! | Facebook

- Replica of the wall:
Jodi Jones and Luke Mitchell - Who got Justice? The official group! | Facebook

- What the jury seen:
Jodi Jones and Luke Mitchell - Who got Justice? The official group! | Facebook

- Credible and reliable?
Jodi Jones and Luke Mitchell - Who got Justice? The official group! | Facebook

- Time to build the case:
Jodi Jones and Luke Mitchell - Who got Justice? The official group! | Facebook

- Emotional response:
Jodi Jones and Luke Mitchell - Who got Justice? The official group! | Facebook

- Luke’s character:
Jodi Jones and Luke Mitchell - Who got Justice? The official group! | Facebook

- Witnesses at the trial:
Jodi Jones and Luke Mitchell - Who got Justice? The official group! | Facebook

- Luke in the papers:
Jodi Jones and Luke Mitchell - Who got Justice? The official group! | Facebook

- Why the appeals failed:
Jodi Jones and Luke Mitchell - Who got Justice? The official group! | Facebook

- Impartial judge?
Jodi Jones and Luke Mitchell - Who got Justice? The official group! | Facebook

- SIO statement:
Jodi Jones and Luke Mitchell - Who got Justice? The official group! | Facebook

- What is an appeal?
Jodi Jones and Luke Mitchell - Who got Justice? The official group! | Facebook

- Crime scene management:
Jodi Jones and Luke Mitchell - Who got Justice? The official group! | Facebook

- Luke’s sentence:
Jodi Jones and Luke Mitchell - Who got Justice? The official group! | Facebook

- DNA at the scene:
Jodi Jones and Luke Mitchell - Who got Justice? The official group! | Facebook

- The only full DNA profile at the scene:
Jodi Jones and Luke Mitchell - Who got Justice? The official group! | Facebook

- Injuries on Jodi and blood at the scene:
Jodi Jones and Luke Mitchell - Who got Justice? The official group! | Facebook

- Crime scene management:
Jodi Jones and Luke Mitchell - Who got Justice? The official group! | Facebook

- Knives:
Jodi Jones and Luke Mitchell - Who got Justice? The official group! | Facebook

- The parka and log burner:
Jodi Jones and Luke Mitchell - Who got Justice? The official group! | Facebook

- Condoms near and at the scene:
Jodi Jones and Luke Mitchell - Who got Justice? The official group! | Facebook

- Others known to the investigation:
Jodi Jones and Luke Mitchell - Who got Justice? The official group! | Facebook

- Summary of forensic evidence:
Jodi Jones and Luke Mitchell - Who got Justice? The official group! | Facebook
One link is enough as it's a closed group so you cannot read anything until you are accepted as a member.
Sandra Lean seems to be behind the FB group.

Sandra Lean is an admin in the group she doesnt run it
i cant seem to edit maybe someone can help sorry x
This is a new interview with Luke's former lawyer,member of his legal team Scott Forbes. Speaking about the case and some VERY interesting info about Jodi's brother!!!


  • ccsUhZcRoiPEbsns.mp4
    1.5 MB
Just stumbled onto this case, more reading required but wondering if everyone thinks LE got the right guy?
''Jodi had been taking a shortcut along a woodland path to get to Mitchell’s house when she was brutally attacked.

Her body was discovered on the path known as Roan’s Dyke, near her home, by Mitchell and members of her family at around 10.30pm that evening.

In a brutal knife attack, Jodi's hands had been tied behind her back, her throat had been cut and her body repeatedly slashed.

As police began to investigate the crime scene, they soon discovered that the letters LM and JJ were cut into bark near to where Jodi's body was found.''

"In January 2005, Mitchell, who was then 16, was found guilty of murder following a trial at the High Court in Edinburgh.

He was found guilty of attacking Jodi by hitting her on the head and body and compressing her neck, restricting her breathing.

He was also found guilty of stabbing the teenager with a knife before and after she died, inflicting wounds to her face, ear, mouth, breast and abdomen.''
Last edited:
Just stumbled onto this case, more reading required but wondering if everyone thinks LE got the right guy?
You have a LOT of reading to do.

For a start: there was NO evidence against Luke whatsoever; Luke was interviewed without an adult present and treated appallingly; they never considered anyone else as a suspect; the crime scene was left unguarded and unprotected from the elements; DNA from another person closely involved was found on the victim but handwaved away ......
I’ve been deep diving this case a lot recently. Including that documentary in the post above (must watch). Scott Forbes doesn’t hold back.

It’s usually hard to say explicitly because none of us were there that day, but surely this is up there as one of the biggest miscarriages of justice in recent history. Infuriating really.
I’ve been deep diving this case a lot recently. Including that documentary in the post above (must watch). Scott Forbes doesn’t hold back.

It’s usually hard to say explicitly because none of us were there that day, but surely this is up there as one of the biggest miscarriages of justice in recent history. Infuriating really.
couldn't agree more.
Kris GourlayReporter 9 JAN 2023
Luke's mother Corinne used to live at the former caravan site before it was abandoned.

Eerie footage of an abandoned caravan site belonging to Corinne Mitchell, mother of convicted Midlothian killer Luke Mitchell, has surfaced which shows the old outbuilding full of personal belongings.

In 2021, a Channel 5 documentary explored the murder of Jodi Jones, who Mitchell was convicted of killing in 2003. Mitchell was ordered to serve at least 20 years in prison despite insisting he is innocent throughout court proceedings and his entire spell behind bars.

The documentary also focussed on the effect on Luke's mum Corinne and how she was living in an old outbuilding within a derelict caravan site with no running water, electricity or even a toilet.

Formerly Scott's Caravans, the site is situated at Mayfield Industrial Estate - next to a Shell garage - and has become abandoned and frozen in time.

Two 'explorers' recently uploaded a video on TikTok where they gained access to the shed and came across old newspaper clippings of Luke that Corinne had kept, along with personal belongings including old CD's and clothes.''

''During the Channel 5 documentary, Murder in a Small Town, Corinne told camera crews how she was forced out of her family home and had lived at the old caravan site for six years.''
She added that following Luke's conviction, 40 caravans within the park were destroyed. She described the scenes as "utter carnage" after the police asked her to go out to the site at 3am.''
One of many problems with the prosecution case is that nobody saw Luke Mitchell when he allegedly walked briskly from his home to meet with Jodie Jones. This would be a walk of around 15 - 20 minutes at around 5pm in summer, along a country path that is used by locals. Given that the prosecution never attributed any malice aforethought to Mitchell, he had no reason to hide from other walkers who might have been using the path. There was a disputed sighting of him near the end of his journey which was not confirmed in court.
Nor did anyone witness Mitchell with Jodi Jones as they made their way to what became the presumed murder scene although there are I believe other routes available off the main path.
Finally, although Mitchell was definitely sighted near his end of the path about half an hour after the presumed time of the attack, no one actually saw him leave the area of the murder to do so.
A very interesting case. I have no idea whether Luke committed the murder or, if not, who did, but it certainly looks as if there is no actual evidence demonstrating his guilt. He was only 14 years old at the time and was treated appallingly by the police; he must have been terrified. In that original interview he asked for his mother and was refused. He asked for a solicitor and was refused. He and his family were then trashed in the British newspapers, day after day for months, until those papers had created a web of exaggerations and lies that made Luke look guilty beyond a doubt. Even now, urban myths circulate all the time about what happened that night and what Luke did, which have their source in those original articles. Other potential evidence and suspects were ignored by the police. They seemed to be determined it was Luke and listened to every rumour, gossip and innuendo going. In fact, there was no DNA at the scene or on Jodi's body linking Luke to the murder and though the murderer must have been covered in blood, no sign of any clean up at Luke's home. Basically the list of holes in the case go and on. In the meantime, if Luke is innocent, then Jodi's killer has never been brought to justice. It deserves a review at least - not least into the police force involved who should be investigated as to the way in which they approached this case. And in case a boy, who has now become a man while held in prison for nineteen years, has been locked up for life for no better reason than good old fashioned prejudice against his teenage taste in music, daft quotes on his school book, and his inability to express himself in the way adults expected him to, when the tragic and extreme situation he found himself in caused him to become so shocked and upset he had to be heavily sedated.

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