GUILTY UK - Katie Rough, 7, killed by teen, Woodthorpe, York, 10 Jan 2017

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I know the school the 15 year old went to. But it's not published, Would I be allowed to put finishing times here alongside with how far it is to walk?
I was trying to think of a way of highlighting this without alluding to persons unnamed. It's makes how 3pm comes into play even more interesting

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Perhaps she was being bullied and thats why she was carrying the stanley knife?
I was trying to think of a way of highlighting this without alluding to persons unnamed. It's makes how 3pm comes into play even more interesting

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My post #238 I believe has the updated timeline. It apeears she was picked up by the her mom and went home. I'm thinking it was around 15:49 the 15 yo approached Katie she and took her somewhere.
I'm a bit confused about how everyone is related. Is the 15yo this mom's biological daughter or is the woman married to the 15yo's father (now or previously?) I am wondering if she didn't report the 15yo missing because she it's not her daughter and maybe a bad relationship hindered any further concern? At the same time, calling after an hour or so also looks like she had reason to believe something bad could happen between these two girls.

It just feels like JonBenet to me - 15yo hated the attention Katie got - when I saw her being referred to as a princess, all the pieces fell into place for me, personally.
Read the story again and give it your full attention. It is about a child who died in 2005 of natural causes.
It has nothing whatsoever to do with current events.

Posts on here sometimes leave me speechless too,

Sorry, I should have clarified that I didn't think it was relevant to this due to it not being immediate family. I imagine this has dragged up some awful memories for the couple involved.
At this time I don't think we're permitted to discuss the 15 yo connection to the family. There is a hearing tomorrow which may change that but I doubt it. But it appears the 15 yo did have some relationship with the family and Katie. They were at the wedding unless something happened after the wedding that caused upset. But the wedding seems to be a factor here. ��
There's not much that can be discussed in the circumstances. It can all only be speculation and guesswork anyway, which may turn out to be groundless.
I'm a bit confused about how everyone is related. Is the 15yo this mom's biological daughter or is the woman married to the 15yo's father (now or previously?) I am wondering if she didn't report the 15yo missing because she it's not her daughter and maybe a bad relationship hindered any further concern? At the same time, calling after an hour or so also looks like she had reason to believe something bad could happen between these two girls.

It just feels like JonBenet to me - 15yo hated the attention Katie got - when I saw her being referred to as a princess, all the pieces fell into place for me, personally.

These cases where there'may or may not' be a family connection are always tricky to comment on here as it's confusing as to what we can and can't sometimes say ... *Mod please snip if needed*

The 15 year old 'may' be the daughter of Katie's Dad.

As we don't know REALLY what happened to JonBenet, I don't think I could comment about that.

I've seen nothing to suggest that Katie's mum had a bad relationship with anyone.

My gut says this is a mental health issue not a plain old jealous or pre planned murder.

We don't know as yet (I believe) from where or exactly when Katie went missing. She could have been with the 15 with the knowledge of the mum,
I was trying to think of a way of highlighting this without alluding to persons unnamed. It's makes how 3pm comes into play even more interesting

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how do we know where she went to school? I was wondering if she was even in school, I read that she was under 'mental health care' at the time of the arrest, or something to that affect
We will see tomorrow. The judge may decide to restrict reporting, s/he may not.

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Perhaps she was being bullied and thats why she was carrying the stanley knife?
I wondered that but it could also be that she didn't 'carry' a knife, which implies she'd gone out with it on multiple occasions but, took it from the toolbox at home on that specific occasion.

Supposing the 15 year old had schizophrenia or psychosis - she might have behaved in such a way.

I'm not personally reading too much into the Princess Katie thing - it happens when a child dies 'princess' 'angel' 'little hero' even if they were never treated as such while alive.
how do we know where she went to school? I was wondering if she was even in school, I read that she was under 'mental health care' at the time of the arrest, or something to that affect

The way I understood it, the mental health care was provided after she was taken into custody.
how do we know where she went to school? I was wondering if she was even in school, I read that she was under 'mental health care' at the time of the arrest, or something to that affect

I have only seen it stated that she was under the care of a MHT after her arrest but you may be correct. She was incredibly distressed and confused when she called the police. We cannot provide our evidence to support the theories about school yet as it is against guidelines.
I can't see any harm in naming a school. It won't identify the accused.
I wondered that but it could also be that she didn't 'carry' a knife, which implies she'd gone out with it on multiple occasions but, took it from the toolbox at home on that specific occasion.

Supposing the 15 year old had schizophrenia or psychosis - she might have behaved in such a way.

I'm not personally reading too much into the Princess Katie thing - it happens when a child dies 'princess' 'angel' 'little hero' even if they were never treated as such while alive.

It has been reported that the police were investigating the tool shed. Which could make sense as it is a normal place to possibly have a little workshop or to keep tools. She may have taken into without the parents knowledge. It's just wondering if she didn't carry it with her at all times, what made her go to the toolshed and take it on that day?
It has been reported that the police were investigating the tool shed. Which could make sense as it is a normal place to possibly have a little workshop or to keep tools. She may have taken into without the parents knowledge. IT'S JUST WONDERING IF SHE DIDN'T CARRY IT WITH HER AT ALL TIMES, WHAT MADE HER GO TO THE TOOLSHED AND TAKE IT ON THAT DAY?

Re bold above - I guess that's the million dollar question! I hope we won't have long to find out.
My daughters school recently implemented that years 3 and above could walk home without having an adult collect them. I was livid! But there are parents who do let their 7 years old walk home alone so it's not impossible

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Why were you livid? They are not forcing you to allow your child to walk home alone, just allowing those parents who know their kids are perfectly capable of walking home from school alone to do so without being hassled.
My post #238 I believe has the updated timeline. It apeears she was picked up by the her mom and went home. I'm thinking it was around 15:49 the 15 yo approached Katie she and took her somewhere.

I can't find that post now --- something was probably deleted which changed the post#. Do we know for sure that she was picked up by mom and was at home prior to the incident? If so, is it known if she left the home on her own or with someone? Did mom know she was going outside? any links available to this info?

I can't find that post now --- something was probably deleted which changed the post#. Do we know for sure that she was picked up by mom and was at home prior to the incident? If so, is it known if she left the home on her own or with someone? Did mom know she was going outside? any links available to this info?


.Updated timeline;

"The parents of the seven-year-old schoolgirl had reportedly called police on Monday stating she had not been seen by her mum for almost an hour.It is claimed that the report came in 13 minutes after police had received another call stating a child had been found in a serious condition."

- 15:05 - 15:15 Katie is released from school
- 15yo places call to police at 16:36 stating Katie had died
- mother calls police at 16:49 stating katie has been missing for almost an hour

So between 15:05 to 15:49 it appears the mother knows where Katie was, which could could mean she picked her up from school, fed her and she went out to play. 15 yo approached her and took her somewhere else leading to alarm. When she first left , maybe they didn't think it was cause for concern I.e 15 yo says she's taking her to the shop, when she didn't return when expected she panicked. However she doesn't appear to have known the 15 yo was with the her. If she did, why call the police to say she was missing? It doesn't make sense. Unless Katie was supposed to go a friends house, mom calls her for dinner to find she never went, leading to frantic call to the police.

Thank you, SaberTooth.

I wonder if Katie just went outside to play, mom checked on her after a bit but did not see her, started calling/looking, possibly asked friends if they had see her, and then got very worried.

Am I remembering correctly that some kids found Katie? Did someone call Katie's mom to say she was injured and that is why she rushed (in her car) to the scene?

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