My own opinion of the girl in the wedding photos is that she sticks out a bit with her outfit, but other than that tbh I feel she looks like any other teenager. That's all I'll say on the subject as I don't think it's really relevant how she looks in photos, many people commit crimes or have mental health problems and as soon as we know this, many people attribute how they look in certain pictures as an indication all was not well when in fact they looked completely "normal" (apologies, I hate that word) , I think there's a name for it but I can't think of it just now.
As someone else pointed out, and from experience in my work with teenagers many of whom have mental health problems, mental health services for children and teenagers such as CAMHS are woefully inadequate right across the country. This is evidenced in yearly stats on waiting times, the volume of school time missed, and subsequent referrals to charities and private sector services to provide the support that CAMHS should be providing. Not to mention the long lasting effects of not having treatment which carries on throughout adulthood. So much for early intervention.
Imo, the knife doesn't necessarily indicate premeditated to me. Like others have suggested, she may have carried a craft knife for self harming. I have personally worked with several kids around that age who carried these kinds of knives alongside razor blades, blades from sharpeners and others.
I really, genuinely feel for the whole family, not one child lost here but potentially 2 and the effects on the whole family will be felt for years to come.
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