GUILTY UK- Keeley Bunker, 20, Tamworth, 19th Sept 2019 *arrest*

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Im guessing we will get the verdict tomorrow. It could have been today, if it was not so late in the day.

From the evidence he is as guilty as sin IMO and there is not a lot to debate.
I agree! I think tomorrow too, the only thing that they will take some time deliberating over is the sexual assaults on the other victims IMO. Personally I think he’s guilty for them too but the evidence is lacking so I think they will take a while to discuss about those.
I thought this is likely to be a lengthy deliberation, because there are multiple charges and they have to consider each one individually
I agree! I think tomorrow too, the only thing that they will take some time deliberating over is the sexual assaults on the other victims IMO. Personally I think he’s guilty for them too but the evidence is lacking so I think they will take a while to discuss about those.

They could possibly find him guilty for one of the attacks on the other accusers. It was the attack where the mum went to the police, but they decided to not press charges and leave it on file.

@LucyRocket You are right, the deliberations could take some time, with all thats involved. I am guilty of wanting an early verdict, when in reality the best course, is for the jury to be meticulous.

Returning a verdict quite quickly can help in an appeal, as it brings into question the jurors deliberating process. I am going to be patient and hope the Jury does the right thing.
Wonder if it will be today?

I doubt it, but it's hard for us to judge how anything came across with bare bones of reporting they were able to do during the trial. For all we know, one aspect, for either prosecution or defence, might have come over as massively swaying if you were there in person
They’ve been deliberating for 5 hours so far, including yesterday... I think they will be having a lunch break Right now.

I’m kind of shocked to be honest. The average deliberation time is around 2 hours 45 mins. This is one of the most open and shut murder cases I’ve ever followed, I can’t see what would be taking so long. It’s making me a little nervous. I’m still hoping we will have a verdict by this afternoon....
Wonder if it will be today?

I doubt it, but it's hard for us to judge how anything came across with bare bones of reporting they were able to do during the trial. For all we know, one aspect, for either prosecution or defence, might have come over as massively swaying if you were there in person

I have previously vowed to be patient and await the jury's verdict. So no comment!

Seriously though I totally agree on the bare bones reporting. Compared to other UK cases i've followed, this reporting does seem quite sparse. Birmingham Live (who are doing the live reporting ) have missed out loads I believe. They did not report on when Wesley was asked by his defence, if he killed Keeley on purpose. After being posed this question, he took a deep breath and said no.

I cant believe they missed that or failed to report on it, as that was the first direct question about Keeleys death. Also it was Wesleys only real pause before answering a question.

I honestly have not got a clue if they swayed or not.
@Kikixxxx they might have been unanimous on the murder charge within half hour. It could be all of the other charges that they're not sure on. If it takes on average 2 hours 45 minutes to reach a verdict, that's usually for one charge per case. You can multiply that by 8 for what this jury have to do. There are 8 separate charges for them to have to reach a verdict on. Don't panic!
no news :( ffs

how long do a jury have to deliberate for until the judge can pass a majority verdict?
Jury sent home for the day
Good afternoon.

After a full day’s deliberation here at Stafford Crown Court the jury is yet to reach verdicts and has been sent home for the day.

They will begin again at 10.30am tomorrow.

Live updates - Keeley Bunker murder trial
@LouTennant yes i am :( i just want justice to be swift. i can't imagine the anxiety that keeley's family are feeling the longer this goes on. x
@LouTennant yes i am :( i just want justice to be swift. i can't imagine the anxiety that keeley's family are feeling the longer this goes on. x

I feel ya. To be honest I have no clue on how long 8 serious charges takes to deliberate.

They only other full trail I followed was the becky watts murder a few years back. They had a lot of evidence to get through and returned their verdict after 3.5 hours.

Lets just hope that they have decided guilty on the murder charge and are still debating the rest.
I feel ya. To be honest I have no clue on how long 8 serious charges takes to deliberate.

They only other full trail I followed was the becky watts murder a few years back. They had a lot of evidence to get through and returned their verdict after 3.5 hours.

Lets just hope that they have decided guilty on the murder charge and are still debating the rest.
me neither, its quite strange its all been done in one trial i think, especially as the charges aren't related to each other. i don't think i've ever known of that before. i followed alesha macphails trial in scotland and they came back after 3 hours too. damn i remember becky watts case :( i didnt follow it at the time but i was reading the thread on here not too long ago actually. that was a horrendous case :(
me neither, its quite strange its all been done in one trial i think, especially as the charges aren't related to each other. i don't think i've ever known of that before. i followed alesha macphails trial in scotland and they came back after 3 hours too. damn i remember becky watts case :( i didnt follow it at the time but i was reading the thread on here not too long ago actually. that was a horrendous case :(

The becky watts case is what bought me to WS back in 2015. I joined but did not comment on the case back then. It impacted me a bit and I left WS until 2020 where I started posting in the Louise Smith threads. Louise reminded me of becky a bit.

After the Louise Smith trial Im going to have another break from WS. I do sometimes get to invested in the cases, like we most do.
The becky watts case is what bought me to WS back in 2015. I joined but did not comment on the case back then. It impacted me a bit and I left WS until 2020 where I started posting in the Louise Smith threads. Louise reminded me of becky a bit.

After the Louise Smith trial Im going to have another break from WS. I do sometimes get to invested in the cases, like we most do.
Yeah I felt exactly the same about the alesha trial, It consumed my life for about 6 months. I would think about her every single day. I shouldn’t let myself get that consumed by cases but it’s easier said than done I suppose. I’ve not heard about the Louise smith case, I will give it a little look!
Yeah I felt exactly the same about the alesha trial, It consumed my life for about 6 months. I would think about her every single day. I shouldn’t let myself get that consumed by cases but it’s easier said than done I suppose. I’ve not heard about the Louise smith case, I will give it a little look!

I followed the Louise case on day one as soon as it appeared on WS. I was really invested in it back then, with me and other members deep diving the suspects via PM.

I was following the FB pages of the guardians she was living with. When Louise went missing they were posting for her safe return and all that Jazz. Then one day I wake up and they were arrested, and their FB pages gone! Im now waiting for the trail on that one.

With the Keeley case I did no deep diving at all. Just all the blatant lies (IMO) from Wesley is riveting (and annoying) all in its self.
It's very unusual in the UK for so many, serious, charges to be considered in one trial.

If I were a member of the jury I'd be inclined to start with working on the one I was MOST sure about, and felt I could most easily come to a verdict (whether that be guilty or innocent) and continue to work through them in that order. What I'm not sure of, is would I use my judgement on one charge to influence another? So for example, if I felt enough evidence had been presented to prove he was guilty beyond reasonable doubt on one of the sexual offences, would I then think it more likely he'd done the others because it shows he has a propensity? Now usually you are not allowed to do that, which is why prior convictions are not allowed to come up in subsequent cases, but here the same jury are being asked to rule on all 8 offences together, so they CAN consider propensity.

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