GUILTY UK - Kempsey, found in a septic tank, Jul'19, missing in 1982 - Brenda Venables *husband arrested*

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Thank you. That clarification is really helpful. IMO it was obvious that DV was the most likely person to have put BV into the tank, and also that this wasn't a suicide or an act by a stranger. So the next steps to build the conviction of DV as a murderer in the sense of the Common Law are tiny steps, and there are a lot of them.

I guess the Coroner delayed his case so that it would not interfere with the conclusions of the jury.
You're most welcome @ZaZara

You are correct regarding the Coroners inquest. It will have been opened and adjourned prior to the criminal trial commencing. This is to ensure that it doesn't undermine the defendants right to a fair trial. Essentially, the criminal prosecution and defence get first dibs at delivering the evidence in Crown Court and DV is tried on that evidence. The full Coroners inquest will take place after criminal proceedings are complete.
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Kempsey pensioner jailed for life for wife's 1982 murder

A pensioner from Worcestershire, who got away with murder for nearly 40 years, has been given a life sentence after murdering his wife, in 1982.

Retired pig farmer, David Venables, who's now 89, reported his wife missing at the time, and has always denied any wrongdoing.

Brenda’s remains were found in a septic tank in 2019, six years after Mr Venables sold the farmhouse where the couple lived, in Kempsey.

Throughout the trial he tried to blame serial killer Fred West for Brenda Venables's murder, but was convicted by a 10-2 majority verdict on Friday, at Worcester Crown Court.

In court it was heard that Brenda was ill and confined to her home in the days before her murder; and that Mr Venables had been having an long term affair, and killed Brenda in her sleep.

During closing statements, it was claimed by the prosecution, that he repeatedly tried to use dementia as an excuse, despite being fit for trial.

Given his current age, it's extremely likely that "he will die in prison", said his defence counsel.


Passing sentence, High Court Judge Mrs Justice Tipples said he had taken advantage of his wife's depression to create a 'carefully thought-out story' that she had left home in the middle of the night, apparently to take her own life.

David Venables, 89, (pictured in a mug shot released on Friday) murdered his wife Brenda and put her body into the septic tank of their marital home in May 1982

David Venables, 89, (pictured in a mug shot released on Friday) murdered his wife Brenda and put her body into the septic tank of their marital home in May 1982
The judge told the retired pig farmer that the evidence showed he had used a manhole cover to weigh down his wife's body.

The judge also rejected defence claims that the killing had been carried out in the heat of the moment, telling Venables the whole process of disposing of the body in the septic tank, and then leaving no trace, must have required considerable planning.

She told the pensioner: 'You killed Brenda Venables in her own home, where she was recuperating with an injured leg and suffering from depression. You were Brenda's husband and she should have been able to trust you.

'Your complete lack of respect for Brenda is obvious from your decision to dispose of her body in the septic tank.

'The fact that is what you did with her body is disgusting and repulsive.'
Farmer who murdered wife in 1982 ordered to serve at least 18 years

Passing sentence at Worcester Crown Court on Wednesday, High Court Judge Mrs Justice Tipples said Venables had perpetrated the gravest of crimes.

The judge told the killer, who showed no emotion in the dock, that he was responsible for many aspects of his wife’s mental illness.

Addressing the motive for the murder, she told Venables: “I am sure you killed Brenda Venables to remove her from your life and the complications she may have presented to you in any divorce proceedings.

“There is no doubt an element of greed and selfishness.”

The judge added: “I do not accept that your life expectancy must be short.”

The judge also rejected defence claims that the killing had been carried out in the heat of the moment, telling Venables the whole process of disposing of the body in the septic tank, and then leaving no trace, must have required considerable planning.

She told the pensioner: “You killed Brenda Venables in her own home, where she was recuperating with an injured leg and suffering from depression. You were Brenda’s husband and she should have been able to trust you.

“Your complete lack of respect for Brenda is obvious from your decision to dispose of her body in the septic tank.

“The fact that is what you did with her body is disgusting and repulsive.”

Venables showed no emotion throughout the judge’s lengthy sentencing remarks, but could be heard shouting “no” repeatedly after he was taken out of the courtroom towards the cells.

This explains why it took so long today

The sentencing at Worcester Crown Court on Wednesday, (July 20) had been delayed in the morning as Venables appeared on videolink but was unable to hear proceedings due to technical issues.

The judge ordered for him to be brought to court from HMP Hewell, with the hearing getting underway around three hours later.


Whatever scathing words the Judge told him, I don't think they made any impression on him, as, in my opinion, he seems to be a psychopath.

Also, at his age of nearly 90, staying in prison will be like staying in a nursing home for seniors.

I mean - 24/7 care, warm cell + meals 3 times a day.
Not to mention, doctors and nurses on demand.

The punishment is symbolic.
But, at least, his poor wife got Justice.

RIP to poor abused wife.


Whatever scathing words the Judge told him, I don't think they made any impression on him, as, in my opinion, he seems to be a psychopath.

Also, at his age of nearly 90, staying in prison will be like staying in a nursing home for seniors.

I mean - 24/7 care, warm cell + meals 3 times a day.
Not to mention, doctors and nurses on demand.

The punishment is symbolic.
But, at least, his poor wife got Justice.

RIP to poor abused wife.
DV seems to be wealthy enough to have not had the money worries of many elderly offenders/inmates, for whom the prison system provides for basic needs often denied to non-offenders in their twilight years.

He seems to have had the financial and mobility freedom, to go where he wanted, when he wanted.

This has now been denied and I suspect it will be an extremely bitter pill to swallow.

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