UK LE request permission to interview 3 suspected burglars!?!

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lot of typing there but none if it proves that burglars abduct back to square one there!

As for SY saying there was time there for an abduction to take place, so what? Doesnt mean one happened or there is any evidence for back to square one there as well

If people are desperate for money they will hold people for ransom. There may be more about these thieves we do not know.
Yes I realize that. But if they are looking into them for this they may have felt that was their motive.


"British detectives believe Madeleine may have been abducted during a bungled burglary."

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That seems to me to be the motive.. If that is indeed what happened.

Would they risk announcing they're looking for 3 burglars for questioning and arrest if madeleine is being held for ransom? Or do you believe they killed her?
Would they risk announcing they're looking for 3 burglars for questioning and arrest if madeleine is being held for ransom? Or do you believe they killed her?

This is not about what I believe but what SY believes and their steps to find these guys. I believe someone took her that was not related to her and I think that it is possible she is dead at this point. I pray not, But it is certainly possible.
This is not about what I believe but what SY believes and their steps to find these guys. I believe someone took her that was not related to her and I think that it is possible she is dead at this point. I pray not, But it is certainly possible.

Respectfully we have no idea what SY believes. All we know is the prosecutors office sent the Portuguese LE a letter based on a flurry of phone calls the night Madeleine disappeared. There was never any mention of a ransom demand.

Anyway we'll just have to see where this goes.
I have nothing to contribute here, just want to thank brit1981 for his or her insightful, focused, and calm posts and summaries! Great job!

(And wow the tone on these Maddie threads always stuns me :waitasec: )

(Back to lurking ...)
Respectfully we have no idea what SY believes. All we know is the prosecutors office sent the Portuguese LE a letter based on a flurry of phone calls the night Madeleine disappeared. There was never any mention of a ransom demand.

Anyway we'll just have to see where this goes.

Um. We do because they it is reported in the article.

THey believe she may have been taken as part of a robbery. Plain black and white.
I started the thread because I was excited about the latest headline that I saw. This news report seemed different, like it might lead to something.

You don't have to read about this or discuss this anymore if you don't want to.

I am not 100% convinced that there wasn't an intruder so I'd like to continue to discuss the possibility with others who feel the same. :peace:

I am sorry you took my comment personally princess.

You started this thread 8 Jan in response to some headlines which have zero credibility to long term McCann watchers.

I posted my exasperated comment on the 19th.

That is 11 days of NOTHING except spin.

The 3 burglars came from Team McCann as did Eggman, Pimpleman , Black Tractor man, Posh Spice, Gypsies, a van full of cleaners, Robert Murat, Raymond Hewlett.

I think with a critical brain and the McCann's suppressing the e-fit is the real story here yet ALL news outlets would rather print some more McCann spin, aka lies.

My frustration lies in the ease with which the public have been duped, continue to be duped, and continue to fork out millions of pounds for a "search" which was never real in the first place.


Oh and as far as the "tone" on this thread - its far far better than Darlies or Casey's, who most believe have attempted the same sort of fraud on the public, blaming mystery intruders and phantom baby sitters. If you truly believe they orchestrated the entire crime and the disappearing of their own children, as I do, then that explains the critical "tone" of onlookers.

Apologies but this is a sleuthing site - I am simply following the evidence.
I am sorry you took my comment personally princess.

You started this thread 8 Jan in response to some headlines which have zero credibility to long term McCann watchers.

I posted my exasperated comment on the 19th.

That is 11 days of NOTHING except spin.

The 3 burglars came from Team McCann as did Eggman, Pimpleman , Black Tractor man, Posh Spice, Gypsies, a van full of cleaners, Robert Murat, Raymond Hewlett.

I think with a critical brain and the McCann's suppressing the e-fit is the real story here yet ALL news outlets would rather print some more McCann spin, aka lies.

My frustration lies in the ease with which the public have been duped, continue to be duped, and continue to fork out millions of pounds for a "search" which was never real in the first place.


Oh and as far as the "tone" on this thread - its far far better than Darlies or Casey's, who most believe have attempted the same sort of fraud on the public, blaming mystery intruders and phantom baby sitters. If you truly believe they orchestrated the entire crime and the disappearing of their own children, as I do, then that explains the critical "tone" of onlookers.

Apologies but this is a sleuthing site - I am simply following the evidence.

It is days of opinion and thoughts. It is not spin. We all have ideas and thoughts and post them.
The point of this thread was to discuss the 3 suspects named by SY.

Any ideas, thoughts should be welcome.
It is days of opinion and thoughts. It is not spin. We all have ideas and thoughts and post them.
The point of this thread was to discuss the 3 suspects named by SY.

Any ideas, thoughts should be welcome.

I find it ironic that people get nasty towards the McCann's because of media stories that are speculation, whilst simultaneously taking part in internet discussions which are at best speculation and in some cases out and out lies or fantasy (such as the Gerry was involved in princess di's death theory).
It reminds me so much of the John Mark Karr fiasco.
I couldn't, no matter how hard I tried, muffle my disbelief, sarcastic laughter & barbs and utter disgust of the entire charade.
I find myself in the same exact predicament here, with this case.

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I don't know why a belief that the McCann's are guilty makes anyone a vile and abusive individual.

Why are the McCann's so exalted?

Why can't a word be uttered against them without the speaker being labelled a nasty fantasist?

The power of the spin.

It is days of opinion and thoughts. It is not spin. We all have ideas and thoughts and post them.
The point of this thread was to discuss the 3 suspects named by SY.

Any ideas, thoughts should be welcome.

Can you post a link to where SY named 3 suspects. TIA.
I don't believe they're being looked at as suspects at all. I think the pings may have placed them in the vicinity. They could be witnesses! IMO it's more about eliminating every other possibility...I still believe it all leads back to the McCanns

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I don't know why a belief that the McCann's are guilty makes anyone a vile and abusive individual.

Why are the McCann's so exalted?

Why can't a word be uttered against them without the speaker being labelled a nasty fantasist?

The power of the spin.


This the problem. The thought that because some of us have looked at this and don't see the McCanns responsible we are somehow stupid or inept.
Not the case. No one is exalting anyone.
I have no bias against the McCann' nor do I support them. Their child is missing and it has not been proven they had anything to do with that. There is a lot that leads in a total different direction.. As this story about SY points out.

I support the willingness to not throw people under the bus until there is enough to show they are guilty.
Can you post a link to where SY named 3 suspects. TIA.

"A PJ official in Lisbon added this week that the execution of any rogatory letter or request to investigate by the Attorney-General’s Office on behalf of British police will have to comply with Portuguese criminal procedure, which will govern the detention of suspects for the purposes of subsequent interrogation."
It reminds me so much of the John Mark Karr fiasco.
I couldn't, no matter how hard I tried, muffle my disbelief, sarcastic laughter & barbs and utter disgust of the entire charade.
I find myself in the same exact predicament here, with this case.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

That's the rub.

Its all very well to believe someone innocent, but what if you 100% believe they are guilty and getting away with murder while simultaneously ruining the reputation of others you throw under the bus?

I sincerely wish the Mccann supporters would have more empathy for us poor slow MDIs...what we believe is happening is very stressful to watch and we are aghast and totally over all the libel suits, Carter Rucks, Gypsies and whiteboards which seem to engulf this case like a bad smell.

We honestly believe we are watching a bunch of vile child killers getting away with it. It doesnt make us vile or nasty people kwim?

IDIs believe passionately in their innocence. I believe just as passionately the opposite and its not an easy or comfortable belief, around people who seem to think it makes you a nasty minded pervert.

Put them on the witness stand, someone, please! Its not so easy to keep your story straight when you don't have expensive lawyers and PR to protect you and speak for you.

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