Found Deceased UK - Libby Squire, 21, last seen getting into taxi outside Welly club, Hull, 31 Jan 2019 #2 *ARREST*

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According to The Sun article, the police have had the CCTV footage since last Sunday. The media were also aware of the footage and asked to hold it back so as not to impact the case.

So I think the police have known as in “yes you can publish it but please hold it back for a few days”.

I don't think that necessarily changes anything .... ITV news could still have originally obtained the footage (a week ago), handed it to the police and been asked to hold off on publishing it.

Either way, my point is that the police didn't release it, the media did. The police would have put it on their own website along with a press release, and I don't see anything like that on their site.
The original post where his sister says he’s been released is here - her comments are in Polish
The Stars Post

Not sure it's within the rules to post that link. Please check the rules posted by Harmony at the start of this thread.

That said ... it's an interesting language to translate! My cat was missing for 5 weeks and as there's a fairly substantial Eastern European community where I live, a polish girl translated my poster for me and it was wild in comparison! I don't think he's been released... yet.
Wow all days its taken me to catch up with the posts from overnight and this morning. Do you guys not sleep?

So if police are stating man in the cctv isn't PR then what is the significance??....

Hi Sar - totally messed up my reply before but imo I would treat that report with suspicion about it not being PR. In my opinion this is ITV MSM covering their backs.

I also doubt The Sun later vid as I can imagine that reporters went door to door trying to get a scoop - "Oh here is my CCTV, how much is it worth" kinda thing. :rolleyes: and I doubt its relevance atm. Could be wrong of course, but this is big news with so many uncorroborated reports at present. x
Wrong. We don't know which side of the Heathcote she lives on but her back garden could easily back onto Libby's back garden. And if she lives on the opposite side (as I suspect, as she thought the noise was in front of her house) she still could have heard it. Look at Libbys house on this map, I believe it's the one next door to the Transporter8 pin, with a conservatory and outbuilding. The back garden gate leads to a small alley, which also backs onto Heathcote Street. Hope I've explained that well enough.

Google Maps
Sorry to do your head in, but I thought Libby's back garden backed onto the drain, in which case it doesn't back onto Heathcote's back gardens. Or am I being dumb?
I would have thought they would have appealed for the cyclist before now without releasing video as if that was you cycling at midnight you would have probably remembered if it was only a day or so ago

has anything else been said about the cyclist?
Has anybody noticed marks on Libby's arms? Photos in black dress and glass of drink in the Sun
Not even to say he came forward. Also another thing I've noticed with the CCTV releases in the last couple of days is the BBC haven't mentioned or run an article at all about them.

could itv have copyrights on the video?

i would imagine the cyclist had a good view of libby and the guy in the video.
Re Libby’s arms , yes I believe it’s been mentioned she has been a self harmer I also believe it’s on her legs too
Sorry to do your head in, but I thought Libby's back garden backed onto the drain, in which case it doesn't back onto Heathcote's back gardens. Or am I being dumb?

No you're not being dumb!

Originally we thought Libby might live at no 15 because there were photos of a door being luminol'd, that house backs onto the drain.

But then we learned she probably lives at no 32, which backs right onto the back of Heathcote St.

We have had no definitive confirmation of the actual house number from the police, family, friends or media and can only go by matching up with pictures in the press. House no 32 was pictured in The Sun with the caption "Libbys parents visited her house this weekend" or similar. That's how we found out.
Case in blackheath london this morning where 5 guys were arrested and 1 shot by police...
Charged with holding a woman captive against her will.

I know that it is hugely unlikely..,.,but it shows that it does happen.
The model, name escapes me, Ayla I think. Human Traffic victim by Black Death polish gang on dark web. Freed because captive “took pity.” If memory serves me, I think members of group were from Hull. Doubt this is related in any way though.

Edit. Ayling. Chloe Ayling.
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could itv have copyrights on the video?

i would imagine the cyclist had a good view of libby and the guy in the video.

I don't believe the cyclist saw him at all - when he cycles past the guy is sitting on the back seat of the car on the pavement side of the road while the cyclist just appears to be looking straight ahead. Also we don't know where the cyclist went past this point, at the bollards he could have turned right and not seen Libby at all.
Has anybody noticed marks on Libby's arms? Photos in black dress and glass of drink in the Sun
It was discussed early on, but I hadn't seen the photos until the last 24 go 48 hours where a huge blown up version revealed all to me. A lot of old cuts on there.
Significant portion of face shown here. Wonder what police have been able to do with it. Looks like he has something bulky around his neck too. Snood type scarf maybe. Odd combo with shorts.


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Not sure it's within the rules to post that link. Please check the rules posted by Harmony at the start of this thread.

That said ... it's an interesting language to translate! My cat was missing for 5 weeks and as there's a fairly substantial Eastern European community where I live, a polish girl translated my poster for me and it was wild in comparison! I don't think he's been released... yet.
My apologies for breaking the rules
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