Found Deceased UK - Libby Squire, 21, last seen getting into taxi outside Welly club, Hull, 31 Jan 2019 #5 *ARREST*

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I have very little WiFi apparently on Hull live Facebook, live stream

PR picked Libby up and attacked her in the park, hence the screams, he killed her (accidentally or otherwise) and has disposed of her body

I've been leaning toward this, but we are lacking so much information that I can't be sure that my gut isn't wrongly informed in this instance? Something has happened, I would say about 75% that it's foul play, but if I add on things like "if it was foul play, then was it PR?" that's only going to (mathematically) reduce the 75%. In the normal way of things I wouldn't normally speak openly negatively about a potential suspect with a % that low. Maybe that's the reason my subconscious is making me 'speak' in more cautious terminology about PR? I need more information to feel comfortable with connecting the gut feeling of foul play to PR. And we might not get that kind of information made public....if LE do have something to make them believe it's foul play and that PR is their prime suspect, then they're going to want to keep that evidence quiet ready for a time when they have a body and an autopsy and have enough for CPS to bring the full charges.
Do any locals fancying doing a quick trip to the park to see whether there are any CCTV cameras, or any along Beresford Road, or indeed any around Libby's house? It'd be really helpful. Wear a wig and dark glasses.

If you're male, may I suggest you don't wear sweat pants when doing this, or a balaclava?

If it's connected to the same incident it's not allowed.

Otherwise you could keep inventing new reasons for arrest and defeat the purpose of the 96 hour rule.
Sorry if I’m sounding thick, but then how can he ever be charged??
That has made me smile, only an American would think that Hull is in close proximity to Manchester, welcome :D

Not true. An Australian would think they were practically in walking distance!

We are a bit wussy when it comes to travel. I mean, I'm only an hour or so away from Hull and could technically drive over, have a good look round, take loads of pictures, have some lunch, compile a dossier, upload it here, and still get back in time for the school run. But it's just a bit far innit.
Yes, two different. I believe the park screaming came from someone on or near Claremont Avenue.
Would you be able to post the MSM link for this, Ms MiniSleuth? I'd not been able to find a report that quoted a street location for 'screams-in-park-running-man' witness, although I'd assumed it must be around there, as they had to be able to see the park entrance from their window (unless they were running about streets in PJs/nightie). Thanks!
That has made me smile, only an American would think that Hull is in close proximity to Manchester, welcome :D

Yes I’m married to a Texan and we live in Manchester and Texans will drive all day to visit relatives at the other side of Texas and home again in the same day. They think everywhere in the UK is close to each other!
Long time lurker. Wanted to chip in with my initial thoughts regarding her being reported missing.
I have adult kids age 19, 21 and 24.

When her flat mates returned home they raised the alarm that she was missing. Presuming that they don't all share bedrooms someone must've gone looking for her in the house and entered her room to see she wasn't there. I am imagining they had all had a good drink and yet instead of flopping straight into bed to sleep it off they check her bedroom and then report her missing. That makes me believe that she is a vulnerable girl and they have reason to be immediately concerned.
One of my boys went awol years ago, he was 14, no mobile with him and I was obviously worried sick. When I reported him missing a policewoman did come see me and they took a list of his friends etc most I had checked with myself reassured me and that was that. He turned up the next day and I let the police know all was well.
Point I am trying to make is that alarm bells rang straight away. Why? Is it LS past history of self harm or maybe she had been persued or stalked because in my mind right from outset they know something is off when lots of young women go out at 21 and don't make it home.

A friend said Libby would contact them to say she was safely home, and it was out of character for her not to. Hence the concern when nothing had been heard.

That must have been terrible, with your son going missing, glad he was ok. I 'lost' my younger sister at a sports event at an indoor arena; she went to the loo and didn't reappear, and no phone. She eventually turned up with a steward, having taken a wrong turn out of the loos and walked round most of the concourse to find her way back, and couldn't find her ticket with seat details. Turned out she was only gone for 15 minutes but OMG it felt endless at the time. Imagining that stretched out into hours and days when someone is missing is unthinkable.
Yes I’m married to a Texan and we live in Manchester and Texans will drive all day to visit relatives at the other side of Texas and home again in the same day. They think everywhere in the UK is close to each other!

And my Oz friend drove 6 hours to pick up a piece of furniture from ebay. And then back again. No sweat.

I don't even like leaving Yorkshire unless it's from the airport!
I think it would be hugely helpful if we knew more about PRs timeline that evening/day, but unless the papers start digging and reporting about it a big hole in the timeline will remain.
Im surprised they’re back searching the pond. A few days ago I seen photos of police wading through it on their feet, it’s surprisingly shallow. It seems the searching they’re doing is perhaps based on looking for a particular item belonging to LS. A shoe, her purse, something along those lines, to prove she was there.
Sorry if I’m sounding thick, but then how can he ever be charged??
They are only allowed to detain and question him for 96 hours. After that it up to the Police and the CPS to build a case against him. If they have enough evidence or are confident that potential evidence that is being analysed will prove their case they will charge him.

An abduction arrest is often used as a precursor to murder or manslaughter when a body has not been found. They do of course need to have good reason to believe the suspect has abducted the person, they can't just guess or suppose and arrest anyone.
Something a bit off about what Ps sister says to the MSM - she says he gave her (LS) a lift home and put her address into a satnav. So why would she accept a lift home when she clearly didn't want to go home (or couldn't get in the house) and only a few minutes before refused another offer? IF Libby did take a lift anywhere with P as has been theorised, then surely it would NOT have been home? You'd have thought maybe she would have asked to go back to the Welly or to another friends house?

Another thing - given the evidence of her self harm, it's possible she could have been on some medications (like antidepressants) which can interact with alcohol. Sometimes a drowsiness can kick in later on even if you feel fine when you've started drinking. Just a thought.
Not true. An Australian would think they were practically in walking distance!

We are a bit wussy when it comes to travel. I mean, I'm only an hour or so away from Hull and could technically drive over, have a good look round, take loads of pictures, have some lunch, compile a dossier, upload it here, and still get back in time for the school run. But it's just a bit far innit.
You know you want to.

As Nike say, just do it!
A friend said Libby would contact them to say she was safely home, and it was out of character for her not to. Hence the concern when nothing had been heard.

That must have been terrible, with your son going missing, glad he was ok. I 'lost' my younger sister at a sports event at an indoor arena; she went to the loo and didn't reappear, and no phone. She eventually turned up with a steward, having taken a wrong turn out of the loos and walked round most of the concourse to find her way back, and couldn't find her ticket with seat details. Turned out she was only gone for 15 minutes but OMG it felt endless at the time. Imagining that stretched out into hours and days when someone is missing is unthinkable.
I always find this strange although I know this is what they claim happened. If you were expecting your friend to send a text when she got home at approx 11.30 and she didn’t send a text in the next 3 hours- I would worry before then and certainly would have been ringing and ringing to get in touch (knowing her phone was left at home). After an hour or so of not being able to get in touch, I think I would have headed home early to see where she was. Not suggesting anything- I just find the reports of what the friends did very strange.
I think it would be hugely helpful if we knew more about PRs timeline that evening/day, but unless the papers start digging and reporting about it a big hole in the timeline will remain.

I’m actually quite surprised the MSM have not done a bit more digging. Paid a work colleague or ex work colleague for an interview. More in-depth interviews with family. In fact I’m amazed the press haven’t paid the airfare for his mother to fly over (in exchange for her story of course). Usually a neighbour has something to say or previous partner. All very quiet on that front so far.
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