UK - Logan Mwangi, 5, found dead in Wales River, Bridgend, 31 July 2021 *arrests, inc. minor* #2

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From the link above

Ms D Williams ,the senior social worker , said she had visited the youth at a number of addresses during covid….. so it would appear that he was allowed or able to stay at different residences despite the UK being in lockdown with restricted movement for everyone.
From the link above

Ms D Williams ,the senior social worker , said she had visited the youth at a number of addresses during covid….. so it would appear that he was allowed or able to stay at different residences despite the UK being in lockdown with restricted movement for everyone.

Pandy Park.
His Mothers.
Foster carer.
I imagine JC was speaking of the 'youth' when he stated "I've brought him up since he was a baby. What should I do?"

This could explain why he had been allowed to be the care taker of the youth instead of the youth being put into some form of detention (very costly).

The story of the youth's abusive mother may also point to whom they were all hoping to blame for 'abducting' poor Logan. They maybe believed the youth's violent mother is so 'known' to police and so disliked and unreliable that they were all quite literally going to get away with murder by pointing the finger at her.
Where was it said he brought him up from a baby? I think I missed that.
Where was it said he brought him up from a baby? I think I missed that.

Sheryl Lewis, a neighbour of Cole’s property in Maesglas, Sarn, told the jury she saw Cole outside at around 9.20pm on the evening of July 31, several hours after Logan was found.

She told the court: “When I was coming back out I saw John Cole on the phone. He was crying on the phone.

“He said, ‘Help me, help me! What should I do, what should I do?'”

A friend of Cole was called as a witness and told the jury he received a call from the defendant shortly before he was arrested, during which he told them about Logan’s death and said: “I’ve brought him up since he was a baby. What should I do?”
Youth accused of murdering five-year-old spoke of killing people, court hears
Snipped from above

he told her he was going to kill her, her husband, her daughter and their dog

The foster mum said she told the teenager’s social worker about what the boy had said but

"she just brushed it off as if it was nothing".

I would hope that social worker is being investigated but more than likely we will just be told that
lessons will be learnt :rolleyes:
Sadly, I think that social workers dealing with foster teens may hear things like that every day. It is not that unusual for them nor is there a lot that can be done. Sad but true these days.
It is when a foster child who has shown animal cruelty should immediately be removed from a home with pets and young children.
The is the problem---Where exactly, can we move these troubled children to? It is a very difficult problem because there are only so many beds available in youth mental health programs, and only so many finite beds available in foster homes. So what do you do with the VERY MANY troubled youth who are acting out by threatening violence or lashing out at family pets?

Imagine being the social worker on the job, who is hearing reports of various children exhibiting this behaviour, but she knows there are only a very small number of beds available to transfer them to, if any. What do you do?
It sounds to me, from comments made here, that social services are powerless to deal with such vile little turds.
Exactly. The red flags are seen by the social workers. But they need to have suitable locations to move these red flagged minors to. And it is very frustrating for them that there are not enough places to transfer these troubled minors to.
15:25Jason Evans

Social worker says 'not aware' of youth making threats

The witness is being asked about evidence from the teenager’s foster care family put before the jury this morning in which they said he had threatened to kill them, threats they said they reported to the social worker at the time. The witness denies she was told about the threats.

Youth accused of murdering boy, 5, had 'desire for violence' , jury told
That is kind of hard for me to believe. Why wouldn't the family tell the social worker about these threats?

Is the social worker implying the family is now lying in court about these alleged threats?

Because in my mind, those are the only two reasonable options----either the social worker is lying or the family is. I cannot believe that the family was threatened by the foster child , being told they were all going to be killed by him, and they would choose not to tell the social worker about it. JMO
I imagine JC was speaking of the 'youth' when he stated "I've brought him up since he was a baby. What should I do?"

This could explain why he had been allowed to be the care taker of the youth instead of the youth being put into some form of detention (very costly).

The story of the youth's abusive mother may also point to whom they were all hoping to blame for 'abducting' poor Logan. They maybe believed the youth's violent mother is so 'known' to police and so disliked and unreliable that they were all quite literally going to get away with murder by pointing the finger at her.

I read it as JC was saying he had brought Logan up since he was a baby. He and AW had been together for around 4 years and had a baby together.
I don't think we've heard from the neighbour above, who turned on their light around the time Logan's bedroom light was going on and off and his body was being taken out by JC and the youth.

I thought they would feature as an important witness to hearing the commotion going on below.

Quotes from the trial -

Ms Rees said: “[Cole] said he went to bed on July 30 at which time Logan was alive. His case is he was woken in the early hours of the morning by Angharad Williamson at 2am by which time Logan was dead.

In his prepared statement, Cole said he was woken by Williamson screaming “He’s dead. Logan’s dead” and later claimed Williamson had told him it was a “freak accident”.


He [the youth] described Williamson as sounding “kind of hysterical” before he and Cole made a second trip to woodland area.


In his fourth interview, the youth was asked about Cole’s account and he denied hearing Williamson screaming “He’s dead”.

He later admitted he had heard Williamson shouting this but said he could not hear everything due to having problems with his ears.


at 2.30am a light comes on at the flat above.

At 2.43am, John Cole and the youth can be seen walking up the side path.

Cole is carrying Logan’s body, they turn right at the end of the path.

At 2.44am, the curtain in Logan’s bedroom is partially opened, the light is still on. It closes within a minute of opening.

At 2.46am, a light in the flat above goes off.

At 2.48am, light in Logan’s bedroom goes off.

Youth accused of murdering boy, 5, had 'desire for violence' , jury told
I agree. Not that there is any treatment for a psychopath which is what, in my opinion, he is.

Sadly agree. As I get older and comprehend more about what goes awry with a child's development, I have come to see that sadly, some children are already born with faulty brain wiring or 'bits missing' due to their experience in the mothers womb during gestation. Also due to genetic inheritance. When I was younger, I firmly believed in the 'nurture' versus 'nature' argument and felt that a child's life experiences from birth shaped their personality. I no longer believe that as the evidence is compelling that sadly a growing baby's neural pathways (and therefore emotional range) simply do not develop like normal with a mother who is perhaps from an abusive background, stressed and unwell or using substances during pregnancy. Sadly, they would need a huge amount of help and they don't receive it. Worse, they are further abused and hurt in early childhood. Then they become 'monsters' and social services' problem. They are also society's problem and we need a solution.
AW and JC relationship began sometime in 2019, Logan would have been around 3yo

This is why I perceive JC was speaking of the 'youth' even tho on first glance, one would assume he means Logan. When he said "what should I do?", I suspect he was asking what to do about the youth / taking the blame for the youth etc, since he had raised him from being a baby.

I wonder, is is possible JC is the 'youth's' grandfather? Or Uncle? It could lean that way. I imagine that when taking on a violent young person, who is part of his immediate family, and aware of the abuses that young person has already suffered at the hands of his also immediate family, JC could have a huge amount of conflicted feelings and heart-tugs. He sounds fairly unsavoury himself but if he has any decent molecule in his body then I pray for everyone involved that JC will be honest in all matters so that people can deal with the truth of the situation and not be left with some messy fabrication.
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