UK - Logan Mwangi, 5, found dead in Wales River, Bridgend, 31 July 2021 *arrests, inc. minor* #2

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I hope the jury is recognizing that the outside world including Logan's teachers, classmates, their parents, and the neighbors all describe Logan as a lovely, polite child while the three individuals in his household don't miss an opportunity to physically and emotionally injure the same child. :eek::mad:
So Logan was put on the Child Protection Register due to JC's criminal past. Hopefully it all comes out about his criminal record but it must be pretty bad if Logan was put on that register, it's only for children identified as being at significant risk of harm.
Boy, 5, 'made to stand facing wall for 30 mins', murder trial told

March 15, 2022

Live Trial Blog:

Evidence finishes
Ms Rush has finished her evidence.

The trial adjourns for the day and will start back up at 10am tomorrow.

Williamson was 'proud of Logan'
Mr Roach, for Williamson, said: “The reason (Logan) became involved in child protection was because of Mr Cole’s concerning past…. It wasn’t anything to do with Angharad?”

The witness said: “That’s correct.”

Ms Rush said she became close with Logan and Angharad, once she realised the witness was not being “judgey”.

The court heard Ms Rush would make scheduled and unannounced visits.

Mr Roach said: “The flat was always in a presentable condition and Logan was presented well?”

Ms Rush said: “Beautifully presented.”

Mr Roach said: “Was it clear Angharad adored (Logan)?”

Ms Rush said: “Yes she was very proud of Logan, he was very articulate, smart and kind.”

Mr Roach said: “And he adored Angharad.”

Ms Rush said: “Yes.”

'Nothing to suggest'
Mr Elias, for Cole, asked if Williamson would “stick up” for his client in meetings with social workers.

Ms Rush confirmed this.

The court heard Logan referred to Cole as “Daddy”.

Mr Elias said: “There was nothing to suggest Logan was none other than loved by both Angharad and John?”

Ms Rush said: “Absolutely.”

Burn mark
Ms Rees asks Ms Rush about an incident where Logan burnt his neck.

She said: “He had burnt his neck on the bath tap… Angharad called me, she was upset. ‘What are they going to say’, she was worried she would get in trouble with social services.”

A week later she saw Logan and the mark had disappeared.

In another visit, Ms Rush said Logan appeared well. She said he had “ample” toys and clothes.

Logan was stepped down from being a “child in protection” to a “child in need”.

The court heard Ms Rush was later told Logan had died.

Social worker gives evidence

The trial resumes.

The next witness to give evidence is Gaynor Rush, who was the social worker for Logan.

He was on a child protection register because of concerns in John Cole’s past.

The witness said she would visit every 10 days or more.

When asked if she got on with Williamson, she said: “Not initially no, I think I upset Angharad. I was trying to understand their frustration at social services… She said ‘I won’t get far with someone who was judging me’.”

Ms Rush said the relationship improved and Williamson would take her advice, and the two would often talk together on the phone.

When asked about Logan, she said: “He was very chatty, very animated little boy. I said no one had drawn me a rainbow and he said ‘I’ll draw you a rainbow’ and sure enough next time I visited he had drawn one. He was a sweet little boy…He was very polite and articulate.”

When asked about Cole, Ms Rush said: “He was very lively, John talked very fast and very excitable.”

She said Cole would discuss his criminal past.
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'Williamson also said Logan had told her the youth defendant had hurt him but she said this hadn’t happened because she had “looked through a crack in the door”.
Do they seriously think that the court will believe this nonsense? Was AW looking through the door the whole time while the youth was with Logan? The defense is making a big thing about Logan referring to JC as daddy, I suspect the reason Logan called JC daddy was because he was told to.
Ok so I want to know everything about JC concerning past - anyone have anything that they are able to share? :)

why, oh why, did AW take up with him - after escaping from a DV situation?
Probably didn't realise he was violent when she first took up with him-violent men rarely show their true colours at first-that said, why didn't she take action when she realised that he was violent?
There is a lot of privilege showing in this thread

If you've never had a troubled childhood, never lived in a deprived area, never been a social worker or a Foster carer or worked with troubled children, it's very easy to say 'why was this allowed?/why wasn't something done?/surely this/surely that' ... if only!

If only all children were nurtured and raised in safe, loving homes. Sadly that's not the case and one of the main factors is poverty... and yet some of you will be the same people voting for the Tories & cheering for benefit cuts.

Logans murder is horrific and heartbreaking but so also is a child being physically assaulted so badly by his mother that he's put into Foster care.

The fact that 'the youth' behaved so badly on the day that he was being moved on, yet again, says so much if you understand the psychology of troubled children.
There is a lot of privilege showing in this thread

If you've never had a troubled childhood, never lived in a deprived area, never been a social worker or a Foster carer or worked with troubled children, it's very easy to say 'why was this allowed?/why wasn't something done?/surely this/surely that' ... if only!

If only all children were nurtured and raised in safe, loving homes. Sadly that's not the case and one of the main factors is poverty... and yet some of you will be the same people voting for the Tories & cheering for benefit cuts.

Logans murder is horrific and heartbreaking but so also is a child being physically assaulted so badly by his mother that he's put into Foster care.

The fact that 'the youth' behaved so badly on the day that he was being moved on, yet again, says so much if you understand the psychology of troubled children.
But the problem seems placing the youth in the care of JC instead of a specialised institution.

Him terrorising the previous foster family was a huge indication of a very serious problem.

Did JC provide him with a necessary therapy?
But the problem seems placing the youth in the care of JC instead of a specialised institution.

Him terrorising the previous foster family was a huge indication of a very serious problem.

Did JC provide him with a necessary therapy?

What 'specialised institution' do you think we have here in the UK, to just lock children up in?

There are children who commit serious crimes who may be sent to facilities for a period of time - there are also mental health care facilities but those are few and far between, available beds are like gold dust for even the very ill children and If a bed is available it can be 200 miles away from their home.

There are special schools for children with behavioural issues but again, these are few and far between and they're expensive! The cost thousands per child and councils & government don't want to invest in them, they want to give tax breaks to their wealthy friends instead.
What 'specialised institution' do you think we have here in the UK, to just lock children up in?

There are children who commit serious crimes who may be sent to facilities for a period of time - there are also mental health care facilities but those are few and far between, available beds are like gold dust for even the very ill children and If a bed is available it can be 200 miles away from their home.

There are special schools for children with behavioural issues but again, these are few and far between and they're expensive! The cost thousands per child and councils & government don't want to invest in them, they want to give tax breaks to their wealthy friends instead.
Thanks for answering.
Im not acquainted with UK reality.

In my country we have "schools and therapeutic centres" for violent and troubled teens.
With therapies and psychologists.
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Mr Williams said: “He was at first but before the food arrived he misbehaved so Jay said he wasn’t allowed any takeaway, he didn’t go without food but had a bowl of cereal instead.”

He had a Facetime call with Cole on July 27, 2021. He said he spoke to Cole but only saw Logan for a few minutes

Mr Williams said: “(Logan) seemed the best I’d seen him. He was sat on the stairs colouring a numbers book… He was very happy and joyful as well… It was a photo of a field with some flowers or animals.”

So this is the week leading up to LM's death, the week in which LM had covid and was self isolating. LM was colouring on the stairs, so they were obviously not at the flat on July 27. (Flat didn't have stairs) and the witness described LM as being 'the best I'd seen him'
IIRC Cole had said that LM was in his room for most of the time as he had covid and was in his room on 30th July. (At Pandy Park)
He was in his room for other reasons IMO and JC is using covid as an excuse. JMO

Boy, 5, 'made to stand facing wall for 30 mins', murder trial told
I wonder if the youth tried to harm the baby?
I guess not, as the baby is JC's son.
He wouldn't dare, in my opinion.
I hope the baby is in good hands now.
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There is a lot of privilege showing in this thread

If you've never had a troubled childhood, never lived in a deprived area, never been a social worker or a Foster carer or worked with troubled children, it's very easy to say 'why was this allowed?/why wasn't something done?/surely this/surely that' ... if only!

If only all children were nurtured and raised in safe, loving homes. Sadly that's not the case and one of the main factors is poverty... and yet some of you will be the same people voting for the Tories & cheering for benefit cuts.

Logans murder is horrific and heartbreaking but so also is a child being physically assaulted so badly by his mother that he's put into Foster care.

The fact that 'the youth' behaved so badly on the day that he was being moved on, yet again, says so much if you understand the psychology of troubled children.

we don’t know the details of his past.
Sometimes people aren’t wired properly no matter what their upbringing. I’ve read some horror stories. You don’t know what he might’ve done to his biological mother.
I don’t think you can blame poverty on him being a blatant psychopath (IMO).
we don’t know the details of his past.
Sometimes people aren’t wired properly no matter what their upbringing. I’ve read some horror stories. You don’t know what he might’ve done to his biological mother.
I don’t think you can blame poverty on him being a blatant psychopath (IMO).

We don't know that he is a 'psychopath'!
We haven't been privy to any psych reports and I realise it's easier to label than to understand why he is the way he 'allegedly' is as we don't really know anything about him. (Like you said)
Labeling doesn't help IMO and that's a professional opinion.
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We don't know that he is a 'psychopath'!
We haven't been privy to any psych reports and I realise it's easier to label than to understand why he is the way he 'allegedly' is as we don't really know anything about him. (Like you said)
Labeling doesn't help IMO and that's a 'professional' opinion.
No, we aren't privy to psychiatric reports, but whatever the diagnosis-if there is one, it is clear that he was a very disturbed child who should never be allowed to be with children or animals. Social services knew that he was in a house with Logan and a baby. IMO, they should never have allowed that, social workers visiting and phoning clearly wasn't going to protect the children from what was obviously a very dangerous individual
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