UK - Logan Mwangi, 5, found dead in Wales River, Bridgend, 31 July 2021 *arrests, inc. minor* #2

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after today's testimonies I finally know why Logan was under S Service supervision:

- JC's criminal past (!)
- hospital alert after broken arm/elbow, collarbone and delay to call help

But, unfortunately, this double alert didn't save Logan :(

"Logan was also added to the child protection register over fears due to John Cole's 'concerning past' the court heard.
Cardiff Crown Court heard stepdad had previous criminal convictions and mum Ms Williamson was asked by social workers if she 'wanted him in her life.'

More than one previous conviction then.

Logan Mwangi, five, was referred to social services over safeguarding fears, court hears | Daily Mail Online
Sometimes people aren’t wired properly no matter what their upbringing.
I think this is true in some cases. Thinking of some children I was at school with.
A family of five, happily married parents, not much money but no worse off than most. The children were all good-natured, honest, kind, and grew up to be respectable citizens - except one. He was a wrong'un from the start, yet his background was exactly the same as his siblings.
We don't know that he is a 'psychopath'!
We haven't been privy to any psych reports and I realise it's easier to label than to understand why he is the way he 'allegedly' is as we don't really know anything about him. (Like you said)
Labeling doesn't help IMO and that's a professional opinion.

yes of course - it’s my opinion that he is.
He’s showing clear traits. He’s unlikely to be diagnosed as such as he is still a child.
But hurting animals deliberately in childhood is a classic sign.
If the youth is the one that killed Logan and he then went on to threaten to harm the baby, surely if she was terrified of what he would do, the last thing she'd think of doing would be to protect the killer when telling the truth would get him banged up immediately with zero access to the baby. I feel she was protecting herself primarily imo

logically yes.
However if she knew JC was going to protect the youth she may have felt it was 2 against 1.
Also, he may well have said if he did go für he’d only be down for a few years and when he comes out he’ll come after her and her child. You just don’t know what kind of threats he might have made and what her state of mind was.

There is absolutely nothing that he could possibly have done TO his mother, to excuse/justify/warrent her physically assaulting him resulting in him being removed from her care - NOTHING.

The youth was a child then, IS a child now and you're suggesting that as the victim of violence from an adult, HE is to blame .... wow!

It’s purely another way of looking at it.
We don’t know the details.
Of course I’m not excusing the mother. But what I’m trying to say is we don’t know that how he was treated was the cause of his behaviour now. <modsnip-no link>
Personally that’s what I believe, I know others believe differently.
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The more I read about the youth, the more Im aghast that he was placed with a convicted criminal.

The teen's behaviour at school (today's updates) is simply staggering:
attacking other pupils, throwing chairs in classroom, vile language, etc.
He was a menace!

Poor, poor Logan :(
"Logan was also added to the child protection register over fears due to John Cole's 'concerning past' the court heard.
Cardiff Crown Court heard stepdad had previous criminal convictions and mum Ms Williamson was asked by social workers if she 'wanted him in her life.'

More than one previous conviction then.

Logan Mwangi, five, was referred to social services over safeguarding fears, court hears | Daily Mail Online

Just speculation but surely for an intervention to have been made and Logan put on the at risk register, those convictions must relate to serious violence offences perpetrated against women (and children?) - ie not just some scuffles in the pub with other grown men and not burglary or drug offences or stealing cars type stuff.
I think this is true in some cases. Thinking of some children I was at school with.
A family of five, happily married parents, not much money but no worse off than most. The children were all good-natured, honest, kind, and grew up to be respectable citizens - except one. He was a wrong'un from the start, yet his background was exactly the same as his siblings.

Swapped in the hospital ? Different father ?

Not all children from the same family have the same life experience, far from it. There is much to do with birth order, sibling ranking, sibling dynamics and relationships, and what condition the parents / family were in at different years of life, ie a child could be born into the year that the mother is struggling with something serious. Also each child has a different experience in the world. No one knows what goes on behind closed doors. One sibling could be the unlucky one that gets nonced by a neighbour and never tells anyone. One sibling could be the unlucky one that gets persistently bullied at school.
Boisterous character'
Another witness, who knew the youth defendant, described him as a “boisterous character” who looked “unkempt”.

She described an incident where the youth grabbed another child’s ankles and pulled them to the floor, causing them to hit their face.

When the witness challenged the youth on his behaviour, they said he apologised but didn’t understand what he had done wrong

On July 31, 2021, the witness saw the youth defendant and John Cole walking around the street shouting “Logan, Logan”, and Cole asked them if they had seen a little boy.

Boy, 5, had 'dark circles around his eyes', teacher tells murder trial
Police officer recalls Logan's broken arm
The next witness to be called is detective constable Ian Pring.

The court heard the officer attended the Princess of Wales Hospital on August 16, 2020, after concerns were raised about a child named Logan who had sustained a broken arm.

DC Pring took an account from the boy’s mother Angharad Williamson, who claimed he had fallen downstairs and dislocated his shoulder.

He took down a statement from Williamson which can be read below:

It said: “I am the mother of Logan Williamson. I am currently in a relationship with John Cole. He resides at 20 Maesglas near Sarn. We live five minutes from each other and regularly stay at each other’s houses.

“On August 15 I was staying at John Cole’s house with Logan, four… At around 5pm I was in the kitchen, except Logan who was upstairs in one of the bedrooms. There was a camera in his bedroom so I can watch him from the kitchen….

“Dinner was ready so I called Logan through the monitor to come down as food was ready. He acknowledged my request and I heard a slight thud when he jumped off the mattress and ran across the landing.

“This took two to three seconds and next thing I heard was a series of very loud thuds. I thought he had fallen and ran to help. I immediately saw Logan in a heap at the bottom of the first flight of stairs. He was screaming and appeared to be in a lot of pain.

“His left arm was all floppy and he had an arm injury, it looked like a dislocated shoulder which was hanging low on his left side. I had suffered previous shoulder dislocations and my partner had put them back in place.

“I decided I could pop Logan’s arm back in place. I took a firm hold of Logan’s arm, pulled it straight and twisted it back. I put it back in place and heard a click. Logan was in pain when it clicked back in place but it felt better and he stopped crying.”

Boy, 5, had 'dark circles around his eyes', teacher tells murder trial
Williamson's statement about Logan falling down the stairs
Williamson’s statement continued: “Logan was resting his arm near his shoulder and he ate his dinner. I strapped him up with a makeshift strap, gave him Calpol and he watched a film in bed and fell asleep at 9pm. I checked on him every two hours and he appeared well.

“On August 16, I woke up at 6am when he went to the bathroom and gave him Calpol. His arm was still in a sling and movement was restricted. I put him back to bed.

“At 8am-8.30am, the makeshift strap was coming off and I noticed his arm had dropped down to his shoulder area like before. I thought ‘Oh my God this is not right’... I brought him to A&E at Bridgend hospital in a taxi.

“At the time I thought I was doing the right thing by putting his arm back in place but I now realise it was a mistake. I feel guilty about it and I’m sorry I didn’t take him to hospital yesterday. I just made a bad call.”

Boy, 5, had 'dark circles around his eyes', teacher tells murder trial
Willamson's call to the police
A call made by Angharad Williamson to police on January 20, 2021, is played to the court.

During the call, Williamson tells the officer the youth defendant confessed to pushing Logan down the stairs.

She said: “My son broke his arm and been to the hospital. We thought he had fallen down the stairs but (the youth) pushed him, we only just found out.”

She added: “My four-year-old son Logan, he fell down the stairs. I took him to hospital and got him checked out and everything. I have been in a domestic violence situation before and I got looked into. I thought he fell downstairs and (the youth) confessed.... he pushed him down stairs. I can't keep my mouth shut, this is unacceptable.”

Boy, 5, had 'dark circles around his eyes', teacher tells murder trial
Karate chop
The next statement is another witness involved in the care of the youth defendant.

They said the youth refused to engage with her and sat under the table. He was easily distracted, fidgety, and could not keep eye contact.

The witness said when the youth made full eye contact he “thrived” but when attention was paid to someone else he became aggressive and sought attention.

They observed the youth making karate chop and flying kicks, without consideration of other people in the room. They also witnessed him punching holes in walls and door with “ease”.

Boy, 5, had 'dark circles around his eyes', teacher tells murder trial
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