UK - Logan Mwangi, 5, found dead in Wales River, Bridgend, 31 July 2021 *arrests, inc. minor* #2

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Wow, in this she says they took his dinner away before bed as a punishment again! “Missing one meal is hardly the end of the world”….

I personally don’t think the little lad was capable of eating anything and so she used that as an excuse for his empty stomach - but even to have the mindset that it’s ok to deprive a kid of their dinner just shows what kind of people they are.

John was quite strict with him'
During her police interview on August 3 last year Angharad Williamson also denied asking John Cole to get rid of the ripped dinosaur pyjama top. She said: “That’s John trying to cover up his tracks for what he’s done.”

She added: “I have just found in the statement my partner, now ex-partner, was carrying my son’s dead boy on to a bank so excuse me if I am a little bit emotional right now.”

The police referred to Cole’s claim that Logan had a “rough day” on the Friday and was misbehaving.

Williamson said: “Yes that’s true, he’s been stuck in with Covid kicking out a bit. He was looking for attention and was saying ‘I need a wee, I need a poo, I’m hungry’. John was quite strict with him.

“We put a mask on him round the house and John was making him face the hallway. I said: ‘You’re going over the top’.”

DS Burt said: “(Cole) said it was a freak accident?” Williamson said: “No it wasn’t.”

It was put to the defendant she grabbed Logan and threw him on the bed but she said she picked him up and put him on the bed, telling him to "stop waffling" and go to sleep. She said: “His knees were up, he liked to snuggle, and I kissed him goodnight.”

DS Burt said: “What did Logan do?”

Williamson said: “He was sleepy… He laid in his bed as he went to sleep. The last words I said to him were: ‘Logan stop waffling and go to sleep’.”

The defendant also denied hitting Logan across the cheek but agreed with Cole that Logan would hurt himself.

She said: “It’s really hard with Logan because he’s very attention-seeking. If I had a bad belly he would say he had a bad belly. It’s very hard to believe him when he says he has tummy ache because he has it all the time.”

Williamson admitted grabbing Logan and shouting in his face when he was telling lies but denied hitting him.

When Logan was put in the corner Williamson said he would “pinch his legs and bite them to make them bleed”.

The officers put it to Williamson that Cole had not absolved himself of all blame but took issue with Williamson’s claim she was asleep.

She said: “He’s trying to pass the blame. He’s been done for 46 convictions in the past he's told me. He said he had an IPP sentence and next time he goes to prison he’ll have a 99-year sentence…. He’s admitted putting him on the bank. He killed him."

The defendant was asked again about the light switch. She said the switch might have become greasy from the air fryer, which was nearby and caused it to get stuck, and the blinds would fall down She said: “One light switch doesn’t mean I was awake.”

Williamson was asked about punishing Logan. She said: “When he’s in trouble John and I put him in the corner but we don’t want him to hurt himself. We took him out of the corner and gave him an activity instead. It happens three or four times a week."

When asked where the idea for the naughty corner came from she said: “I watched in on Nanny 911. I don’t have stairs so I put him in the corner."

Williamson was asked why Cole said she was involved as well and replied: “I don’t know. I thought the man loved me. He’s been done for perverting the course of justice in the past. I don’t know why he has done this… I told everyone what an amazing father he was and he was doing this. It’s thrown me for six and I don’t understand what happened, I don’t understand what that little boy did.”

Logan Mwangi murder trial hears what his mum said in police interviews
I don’t know how he’s got his injuries – he was in bed with Covid so I don’t understand how this happened'
In the August 3 police interview Angharad Williamson was asked about Logan’s injuries including the 56 bruises, scratches, and abrasions, the brain injuries, the injuries to his abdomen, and the broken collarbone.

The defendant told the officer Logan had no bruises or injuries when she put him to bed on the Friday night except for a carpet burn.

She said: “I don’t know how he’s got his injuries – he was in bed with Covid so I don’t understand how this happened."

She was asked if she caused these injuries to Logan and replied: “No I didn’t sir.”

Williamson asked why dirt was found on Logan’s body as she had washed him the night before his body was found.

When told about the brain and abdominal injuries she said: “Does that mean he suffered?” The officer was unable to give her an answer.

She described an incident on the Friday when John Cole hit Logan to the back of his head. She added: “Jay gave him a clip round the top of his head. I said: 'That's a bit hard' and he got sent to bed.

“Logan was meant to be getting ready for the shower and was mucking around. We put him in the shower and he was wound up. He would fight out biting and scratching…

“Jay whacked him across the head and told him to pack it in. I told him I would take over as he was too harsh on him.

“He just went (made a screeching sound) and I told Jay to calm down. He had been wound up by Logan all day.”

She said Logan was fine afterwards and watched Pokemon on her bed, which wound Cole up because he thought Williamson was rewarding Cole.

Williamson again denied causing the injuries to Logan or being aware of them.

Logan Mwangi murder trial hears what his mum said in police interviews
Logan had been sent to bed without food
In her police interview on August 3 Angharad Williamson said she gave Logan food, including a brown bun with chicken and lettuce, on the evening of July 30 but he wouldn’t eat it. As a result he was sent to bed without any food.

Williamson said: “I’ve done it once before. I had it done to me and it wasn’t the end of the world to miss one meal… [Logan] was being a bit of a brat at the time.

“When he hurt his shoulder and I popped it back in I held my hands up and said: 'I’ve *advertiser censored**** up'.

“When I went to see my son’s dead body I thought I had left the back door open and I was begging them to arrest me. To find out all this, I tell the truth and hold my hands up when I do something wrong.”

She was asked if Logan could have taken any of her medication but she denied this.

Officers attempted to show Williamson CCTV footage of the two figures leaving 5 Lower Llansantffraid in the early hours of July31 and they appeared to be holding Logan’s body.

Upon being shown the footage Williamson said: “I am terrified to see this (starts crying). Please close it, I don’t want to see it.”

DS Burt said: “Can you sit down for two seconds?”

WIlliamson said: “That’s my son.”

Logan Mwangi murder trial hears what his mum said in police interviews
Every time I’ve taken my medication I’ve been knocked out cold'
Angharad Williamson's next police interview took place on August 4 and concerned an account given by the youth defendant about Williamson’s involvement.

She was told the youth described her as “acting hysterical” and shouting: “He’s dead, Logan’s dead” and he had gone into the bedroom but wasn’t allowed in.

He said he saw Cole picking something up in the hallway which he thought were black bags and put them over his shoulder.

He said he followed Cole to the riverbank and saw him dispose of the thing he had been carrying and it was only when Cole returned that he had seen the youth.

The officers told Williamson the youth claimed she was awake at the time this happened and he followed Cole again to the riverbank, making reference to a pyjama top.

Upon being told this account Williamson claimed the youth had changed his statement upon seeing Cole’s statement.

She added: “You’re saying he magically kept calm and said nothing? That’s idiotic and stupid. You think he’s going to pick up a bag and think it’s fly-tipping. That’s utter s***. He’s trying to cover for [Cole].”

The police asked Williamson again what happened during the night and she said: “Is anybody listening to me in this interview? I was asleep. Please check with the doctor whether I can wake up. I am asleep, I don’t wake up. Every time I’ve taken my medication I’ve been knocked out cold.”

Logan Mwangi murder trial hears what his mum said in police interviews
I appreciate there's far worse things to worry about here but it's hard to even know that people fly tip bin bags full of rubbish into rivers :(

At least when rubbish is fly tipped on street corners or in other peoples' driveways, it's sort of in the belief that sooner or later the council or someone is going to be forced to take it. But, in a river ??? Jeez.
'I put my child’s safety first'
During her August 4 police interview Angharad Williamson denied claims the youth saw her taking a bag of ice to Logan after hearing a loud bang on the Friday and called him “a liar”. She admitted Logan had fallen from a chest of drawers but said he was okay.

She added: “I have got double-insulated carpets because I have epilepsy so if I fall I don’t hurt myself."

It was also alleged by the youth that Williamson had picked Logan up by his shirt and shook him, shouted in his face, and told him to tell the truth.

Williamson admitted Logan had been using her laptop and she had told him to tell the truth about using it. She said she put him in the naughty corner but denied shaking him and said any physical punishment by her would be limited to a "smack on the back of the wrist".

The defendant again claimed the youth had made up the account to protect Cole and put the blame on her.

She said Logan was put in his room and smashed two dinosaur toys together, which the youth said made Williamson and Cole annoyed and Cole shouted at Logan.

The youth also claimed Logan was given pizza and chips but wouldn’t eat it because he had a tummy ache.

Willamson said: “If you check [Logan’s] stomach there isn’t any food there. Can you write that down?”

She added: “You’re telling me if your child had died and someone had picked up rubbish you would just accept that?.... Do you know how stupid and idiotic that sounds? That’s a lie, he’s trying to cover for (Cole).”

The defendant again claimed she hadn’t hurt her son and said: “You’ll see how protective I am over my son. I have reported everything bruise, scratch, and fall to my social worker because I don’t want to get blamed for anything. I put my child’s safety first.”

Logan Mwangi murder trial hears what his mum said in police interviews
It would be enlightening to know if either Angharad or John were actually prescribed medication to aid sleep ... or not, wouldn't it.
And if they are it needs marketing as a wonder drug for insomniacs everywhere. Out like a light for hours apparently. But totally ok if you have babies or children under your care too :rolleyes:
There’s a witness in the Daily Mail who can back me up'
During a police interview on August 4 Angharad Williamson was asked about the account neighbour Paula Heath gave to police about hearing the defendant arguing at 5am on July 31.

The witness said she heard Williamson shouting: “What have you done to my son? I want my son.” A man replied: “I’ve done nothing to your son. He’s maybe with someone else.”

Williamson was said to reply: “Why is he with her? If he’s with her why?”

When asked about this the defendant claimed she was shouting out in general and was referring to a woman she had earlier accused of kidnapping Logan.

She was questioned about the time Ms Heath heard her shouting as Williamson called the police at 5.46am having claimed she woke up at around 5.30am.

She said: “If you check the Daily Mail they will tell you how they heard me screaming. If you tell her I was screaming at 5.30am, if you interviewed my other neighbour in the Daily Mail that woman said it as well.”

When again asked about the time discrepancy Williamson said: “There’s a witness in the Daily Mail who can back me up.”

She added: “I didn’t know I would have to have an interview because I didn’t murder my son. I’m telling you it was 5.30am.”

Logan Mwangi murder trial hears what his mum said in police interviews
And if they are it needs marketing as a wonder drug for insomniacs everywhere. Out like a light for hours apparently. But totally ok if you have babies or children under your care too :rolleyes:

There are a few mental health medications which would have the side effect of very sound sleep. I've been on a few myself!
The only way this boy understands is pain’
The next police interview took place later on August 4 and Angharad Williamson was shown a photo of Logan’s pyjama top, which she confirmed was his but she denied any knowledge of it being ripped. She was asked if the rip was the reason why Logan was wearing mismatched pyjamas but she denied this.

The defendant said: “What are you trying to imply sir? I did not cause any injury to my son, I am not aware of any injury, I don’t know where they came from, I don’t know why his top is ripped. You have asked me about this a million times. If I did I would have taken him to the hospital.”

Williamson was told a qualified electrician had been to 5 Lower Llansantffraid and confirmed there was nothing wrong with the kitchen light switch.

She said: “I have a security light which is next to the kitchen which could be mistaken for the kitchen light. I wasn’t awake so I don’t know what happened with the light. Please stop attacking me.” The defendant also claimed she had been cleaning the light switch due to Covid.

Williamson made a confession to police and claimed Cole and the youth defendant attacked Logan on July 29, two days before his body was found.

She was asked about the evidence of Fred Witchell who described seeing Williamson walking out of the house and being prevented from leaving by the youth defendant.

The defendant said: “It happened. Jay and I were having a row as I said he was too harsh on Logan. I said: ‘He’s five, stop being so harsh on him'. That’s one of the reasons I fell out with my mother….

“We had a row. I said: 'I’ve had enough' and tried to walk out but they wouldn’t let me out through the front door and [the youth] wouldn’t let me. I hopped over the fence but they wouldn’t let me out – they were making a scene so I had to go back in.They wouldn’t let me out of the house. We carried on rowing throughout the day – he was just picking on Logan.”

When asked to elaborate on this, she said: “A clop around the back of the head and shoved him on the shoulders.”

DS Burt said: “Did he hurt him?”

Williamson said: “He punched him in the stomach. Logan was lying about something as he regularly does and he’s got a stutter and can’t get words out. Jay will kill me for saying this that’s why….

“I thought Logan was okay. He hit him a couple of times in the stomach because he wouldn’t talk. I said: ‘Stop it, you’re being too harsh’ and he said: ‘The only way this boy understands is pain’. I said: ‘No, stop’ and we had a massive row.

“I should have reported it but I thought he was okay. I didn’t know he hit him that hard. Logan was okay.”

UK - Logan Mwangi, 5, found dead in Wales River, Bridgend, 31 July 2021 *arrests, inc. minor* #2
'He’s going to kill my family… He’s going to have me killed'
During her second police interview on August 4 Angharad Williamson was questioned by the officers who asked her why she was only telling this at such a late stage.

She said: “Jay’s (John Cole) in the SAS – he would have me killed, he said he would have me killed. He told me he was part of the SAS and his family had connections everywhere. He said his parents were founding members of the SAS.

“He said I could not leave him and if I left because of Logan he would kill him. I am terrified of him – I saw him punch him in the stomach in the hallway and he went flying. That’s how he got the carpet burn.”

Williamson added: “I am scared of him – he’s going to have me killed for talking. He’s going to kill my family… He’s going to have me killed.”

When police asked her about her previous accounts Williamson claimed what she told them about the Friday and Thursday morning were correct.

She said: “What part of ‘This man is in the SAS’ do you not understand? On Thursday John punched him too hard and we had a massive row. I tried to leave the house but [the youth] and John wouldn’t let me leave. They put their arms in front of my face, cornered, me and wouldn’t let me leave.”

DS Burt said: “How was Logan?”

Williamson said: “He was worried for me. I didn’t know, I thought his stomach was okay. I didn’t think he hit him that hard.”

DS Burt said: “How was Logan that night?”

Williamson said: “He was fine. I thought Jay had lost his temper, whacked Logan, it was a mistake and we could work through it”

The defendant said the punch connected with Logan’s torso and Cole hit him three or four times in total, leaving a red mark.

She said: “[Cole] pulled [Logan’s] top up and said: ‘Oh that’s a good one isn’t it’. He was laughing. [Logan] weren’t crying – he stood there and took it….

“I felt mortified for not taking him straight to hospital. I thought it was okay – if I knew any of this I would have…. When he went missing I thought he had run away because of the arguments.”

Logan Mwangi murder trial hears what his mum said in police interviews
John was quite strict with him'
During her police interview on August 3 last year Angharad Williamson also denied asking John Cole to get rid of the ripped dinosaur pyjama top. She said: “That’s John trying to cover up his tracks for what he’s done.”

She added: “I have just found in the statement my partner, now ex-partner, was carrying my son’s dead boy on to a bank so excuse me if I am a little bit emotional right now.”

The police referred to Cole’s claim that Logan had a “rough day” on the Friday and was misbehaving.

Williamson said: “Yes that’s true, he’s been stuck in with Covid kicking out a bit. He was looking for attention and was saying ‘I need a wee, I need a poo, I’m hungry’. John was quite strict with him.

“We put a mask on him round the house and John was making him face the hallway. I said: ‘You’re going over the top’.”

DS Burt said: “(Cole) said it was a freak accident?” Williamson said: “No it wasn’t.”

It was put to the defendant she grabbed Logan and threw him on the bed but she said she picked him up and put him on the bed, telling him to "stop waffling" and go to sleep. She said: “His knees were up, he liked to snuggle, and I kissed him goodnight.”

DS Burt said: “What did Logan do?”

Williamson said: “He was sleepy… He laid in his bed as he went to sleep. The last words I said to him were: ‘Logan stop waffling and go to sleep’.”

The defendant also denied hitting Logan across the cheek but agreed with Cole that Logan would hurt himself.

She said: “It’s really hard with Logan because he’s very attention-seeking. If I had a bad belly he would say he had a bad belly. It’s very hard to believe him when he says he has tummy ache because he has it all the time.”

Williamson admitted grabbing Logan and shouting in his face when he was telling lies but denied hitting him.

When Logan was put in the corner Williamson said he would “pinch his legs and bite them to make them bleed”.

The officers put it to Williamson that Cole had not absolved himself of all blame but took issue with Williamson’s claim she was asleep.

She said: “He’s trying to pass the blame. He’s been done for 46 convictions in the past he's told me. He said he had an IPP sentence and next time he goes to prison he’ll have a 99-year sentence…. He’s admitted putting him on the bank. He killed him."

The defendant was asked again about the light switch. She said the switch might have become greasy from the air fryer, which was nearby and caused it to get stuck, and the blinds would fall down She said: “One light switch doesn’t mean I was awake.”

Williamson was asked about punishing Logan. She said: “When he’s in trouble John and I put him in the corner but we don’t want him to hurt himself. We took him out of the corner and gave him an activity instead. It happens three or four times a week."

When asked where the idea for the naughty corner came from she said: “I watched in on Nanny 911. I don’t have stairs so I put him in the corner."

Williamson was asked why Cole said she was involved as well and replied: “I don’t know. I thought the man loved me. He’s been done for perverting the course of justice in the past. I don’t know why he has done this… I told everyone what an amazing father he was and he was doing this. It’s thrown me for six and I don’t understand what happened, I don’t understand what that little boy did.”

Logan Mwangi murder trial hears what his mum said in police interviews
That woman wouldn't know the truth if it slapped her in the face! Greasy light switch? Ha, I thought she was a clean freak always spraying and cleaning? Grrrrrr. Moo.
With IPP previous sentence, it means JC will spend his life in prison, whatever sentence he will get now, right?

If what she says is true. We would need someone who knows about the law and sentencing to clarify.

The IPP would certainly explain why AW getting in a relationship with JC flared social services involvement and had Logan put on a risk register.

However, would such a conviction not prohibit JC from 'care-taking' the Youth, which was effectively 'parenting' the Youth, surely, if he was in full time residence with him? Being the Youth's care worker would imply doing a 48 hour maximum working week for money.
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