UK - Logan Mwangi, 5, found dead in Wales River, Bridgend, 31 July 2021 *arrests, inc. minor* #4

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Another reminder of earlier evidence - AW's interview by the police.

'Conniving, *advertiser censored*****, vicious, manipulative'
S Burt asked Williamson about the lights switching on and off throughout the early hours of July 31.

The officer said: “Two people have left, you say it’s Jay and (the youth). They have gone there out in the street and turned right and a light has gone off and one in the kitchen. Is there an explanation?”

Williamson said: “I don’t know, I didn’t get up to get a drink… I did not switch the light on, I was asleep.”

The defendant said there were no dimmers on the light switch and there were no problems with it.

DS Burt said: “Two people are seen returning to the house, if you look at the image you can clearly see a figure in the gate.”

Williamson said: “I have no idea who that is, I can’t recognise that from a blurry photo.”

DS Burt said: “You see a person opens the gate after that person.”

Williamson said: “That’s got to be (the youth).”

She’s asked again about a light going on in the kitchen, on a third occasion the light was brighter.

Williamson said: “I have got blinds in my kitchen and sometimes they can drop.”

DS Burt said: “Do you have any recollection of lights or movement?”

Williamson said: “I was asleep, if I was awake I could have saved him, I could have helped him. I was asleep. If I was awake Logan would be alive.”

DS Burt said: “I understand this is difficult.”

Williamson said: “No you don’t, have you lost your child.”

When asked again about the lights, she said: “Can I give my opinion, it looks like someone is looking out of the blinds up and down. That is Jay.”

She was asked why she thought that.

Williamson said: “He’s a conniving, *advertiser censored*****, vicious, manipulative….I have read his records and he said he was a different person.”

Prosecution closes cases in Logan Mwangi murder trial

The court hears the teenager was originally taken into care after allegedly suffering a "serious assault" at the hands of his mother.

That word ‘allegedly’, used here, is very interesting.
It suggests it has been claimed but not proven.


It's really interesting, from a court reporting point of view. Anything said in open sitting court is covered by privilege, so journalists can't be sued for libel for reporting it. We don't know how the social worker expressed this. I don't think she would have said "allegedly" in her evidence. There has to be a reason the reporter chose this phrasing, rather than report her testimony directly. I suspect it has to do with protecting the youth's identity.
One thing that has always struck me as odd is that AW's Mum said that although they hadn't seen each other for months they spoke regularly, they also describe each other as 'best friends' yet AW woke up that morning to find LM allegedly missing, she did not call her or speak to her Mother for 5 hours.

It was the Police who informed her Mother of LM's death, later that morning around 10am.

AW called her shortly after.
I found this particular piece of evidence (highlighted by me below) inexplicable -

Logan's grandmother called to give evidence
The next witness is Clare Williamson, who is Logan’s grandmother and Angharad Williamson’s mother.

Prosectuor Caroline Rees QC said: “What woke you that morning (July 31)?"

Ms Williamson said: “The police banging on my door around 10am.”

Ms Rees said: “Did they ask you if you were Angharad’s mother?”

Ms Williamson said: “Yes.”

Ms Rees said: “What did they say?”

Ms Williamson said: “They asked me to confirm I was Angharad’s mother and bluntly blurted out Logan was dead. I screamed – I was very shocked.”

Ms Rees said: “What was the next thing you remember?”

Ms Williamson said: “My mobile phone was ringing – it was Angharad… She was distraught… I indicated to her I knew what had happened and I was coming to support her.”


Phone call
The trial resumes.

Junior barrister Claire Pickthall takes the jury through a transcript of a telephone call Angharad Williamson made to her mother Claire Williamson on November 14, 2021, at 8.21pm.

Here’s the transcript:

Angharad Williamson: “I need to talk to you. Seriously my head is going round and round. I’ve tried everything to distract myself today but I can’t get it out of my head.”

Clare Williamson: “What do you need to talk to me about?”

Angharad Williamson: “How is it (Cole) can plead guilty to perverting the course of justice and the details of what he did, how can he plead not guilty to murder?”

Clare Williamson: “I don’t know.”

Angharad Williamson: “What the *advertiser censored** happened? I need to know.”

Clare Williamson: “Darling….”

Angharad Williamson: “What’s he been doing? He’s attempting to hide stuff, hiding stuff in the washing machine. I want to know what he put in the washing machine. What’s he done to my son? I need to know, it’s driving me crazy mum.”

Clare Williamson: “Remember I said to you the washing machine was moving at the beginning.”

Angharad Williamson: “No, yeah, (Logan) needs a sheet on because he wets the bed. We wouldn’t have left it without bedding and without the sheet on. When I went there in the morning there’s no bedding or sheet there.”

link - Prosecution closes cases in Logan Mwangi murder trial
Angharad Williamson: “No, yeah, (Logan) needs a sheet on because he wets the bed. We wouldn’t have left it without bedding and without the sheet on. When I went there in the morning there’s no bedding or sheet there.”

On one hand, we have AW stating that she woke Logan up sometime after 10 pm before she went to sleep to take him to the toilet so you'd think if there were no sheets on the bed at that time she would notice -- but then again, she doesn't recall what PJ's he was wearing that night.

Then, we have JC stating that Logan went to sleep that night with only the mattress pad on the bed but no sheets because AW was decontaminating his room.

They're both very skilled at telling lies so it's difficult to measure if any particles of truth in their stories. MOO

On one hand, we have AW stating that she woke Logan up sometime after 10 pm before she went to sleep to take him to the toilet so you'd think if there were no sheets on the bed at that time she would notice -- but then again, she doesn't recall what PJ's he was wearing that night.

Then, we have JC stating that Logan went to sleep that night with only the mattress pad on the bed but no sheets because AW was decontaminating his room.

They're both very skilled at telling lies so it's difficult to measure if any particles of truth in their stories. MOO
I think they're both lying. The bottom sheet stained with blood was probably taken off after JC and Y left the house with his body and AW put it in the washer. I think putting a clean sheet back on was a detail she overlooked and she couldn't do it after police were watching her every move. The duvet cover had specks of blood amongst the busy pattern that were probably not that apparent when she stripped the bottom sheet off.
My opinion has changed so many times, it's difficult to keep up with my own thoughts, let alone AW rollercoaster of emotion, anger, frustration and annoyance during testimony.

My opinion differs to many here, in that I do not believe JC and the Y were the ones to cause the fatal injury, but certainly did cause many bruises and such.

The day of the "beautiful stereo" incident AW was upset by finding it in a less than perfect condition. She calls JC, I believe for reassurance and attention. JC then pushes the blame onto LM, (A week of isolation and he has been needy for attention, good or bad) and AW sees this as possible. AW was unable to get any sort of truth from either LM or JC and this caused her emotions to heighten to the point that she lashes out. I believe she attacked LM in a rage. I believe JC possibly shouted or managed to interrupt her rage and then she was so shocked by seeing what she had done she walks out the house. She waz happy to leave 2 children behind with JC and Y, because it was her that inflicted serious injuries.
I believe Y followed her out and encouraged her to come back in, by saying that LM was actually ok.
As the day progressed, and they realise not all is well as they thought, and LM began to deteriorate and they began concocting their plan to get away with murder.

All MOO.
IF ... just if, we were to believe that Angharad did put Logan to bed then went to bed herself ... is there a possibility that there could have been a further attack that was THE fatal attack - perhaps by the youth, which is why John was so keen to 'go down for murder' for the youth ... ?

Also, the medical reports indicated there were possibly a few assaults over a span of time. They believe the serious injuries may have happened up to 40 hours previous to his death. I don't believe it all happened just a few hours before he was disposed of. JMO
I agree with katydid. It doesn't matter if there was a further attack. It's pretty clear that he was already severely injured.
My opinion has changed so many times, it's difficult to keep up with my own thoughts, let alone AW rollercoaster of emotion, anger, frustration and annoyance during testimony.

My opinion differs to many here, in that I do not believe JC and the Y were the ones to cause the fatal injury, but certainly did cause many bruises and such.

The day of the "beautiful stereo" incident AW was upset by finding it in a less than perfect condition. She calls JC, I believe for reassurance and attention. JC then pushes the blame onto LM, (A week of isolation and he has been needy for attention, good or bad) and AW sees this as possible. AW was unable to get any sort of truth from either LM or JC and this caused her emotions to heighten to the point that she lashes out. I believe she attacked LM in a rage. I believe JC possibly shouted or managed to interrupt her rage and then she was so shocked by seeing what she had done she walks out the house. She waz happy to leave 2 children behind with JC and Y, because it was her that inflicted serious injuries.
I believe Y followed her out and encouraged her to come back in, by saying that LM was actually ok.
As the day progressed, and they realise not all is well as they thought, and LM began to deteriorate and they began concocting their plan to get away with murder.

All MOO.

Interesting opinion! And that would make sense that she was the one keeping vigil over him overnight?

But why wouldn't JC say this. He's looking at a murder conviction so why not tell the truth especially now she's admitted she was leaving him anyway?
I'm surprised no one else has mentioned this but it keeps popping in my head as something that's quite cruel!
They all keep saying that Logan hated water and it scares him...where was he water! A cruel end because he hates it so much...
All moo
Interesting opinion! And that would make sense that she was the one keeping vigil over him overnight?

But why wouldn't JC say this. He's looking at a murder conviction so why not tell the truth especially now she's admitted she was leaving him anyway?
He is as much to blame for the abuse suffered by LM at his hand. They all knew they had done so wrong by him that they agreed to trust each other and stick to the story. Had it of not been for the CCTV I don't believe the trial would have been given 8 weeks, and the version of events from all accused would not have changed
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My opinion has changed so many times, it's difficult to keep up with my own thoughts, let alone AW rollercoaster of emotion, anger, frustration and annoyance during testimony.

My opinion differs to many here, in that I do not believe JC and the Y were the ones to cause the fatal injury, but certainly did cause many bruises and such.

The day of the "beautiful stereo" incident AW was upset by finding it in a less than perfect condition. She calls JC, I believe for reassurance and attention. JC then pushes the blame onto LM, (A week of isolation and he has been needy for attention, good or bad) and AW sees this as possible. AW was unable to get any sort of truth from either LM or JC and this caused her emotions to heighten to the point that she lashes out. I believe she attacked LM in a rage. I believe JC possibly shouted or managed to interrupt her rage and then she was so shocked by seeing what she had done she walks out the house. She waz happy to leave 2 children behind with JC and Y, because it was her that inflicted serious injuries.
I believe Y followed her out and encouraged her to come back in, by saying that LM was actually ok.
As the day progressed, and they realise not all is well as they thought, and LM began to deteriorate and they began concocting their plan to get away with murder.

All MOO.

I think if that were the case, JC would have dropped her in it like a hot brick to save his and the youth's skins.
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I'm surprised no one else has mentioned this but it keeps popping in my head as something that's quite cruel!
They all keep saying that Logan hated water and it scares him...where was he water! A cruel end because he hates it so much...
All moo

It has been mentioned quite a few times, though not in recent days perhaps.
I'm surprised no one else has mentioned this but it keeps popping in my head as something that's quite cruel!
They all keep saying that Logan hated water and it scares him...where was he water! A cruel end because he hates it so much...
All moo

I think the stories about Logan hating water could be more lies .
Youth's barrister begins his cross-examination of Logan's mother
The trial resumes.

John Hipkin QC, for the youth defendant, begins his cross-examination of Angharad Williamson.

He refers to Williamson’s police interview when she was asked if the youth had ever been violent.

The defendant agreed there were “no real problems” in this regard.

Williamson was also asked about the youth’s actions on Friday, July 30, in her police interview, and she said he was “fine”. She confirmed this was the case.

However she conceded the youth had made a couple of “snappy comments” towards Logan.

In her interview Williamson was also asked if she knew of any incidents involving the youth which could have resulted in Logan’s injuries and in her interview said she hadn’t seen any incidents. Williamson said: “That is not true.”
Logan Mwangi murder trial latest as mum gives evidence
I'm surprised no one else has mentioned this but it keeps popping in my head as something that's quite cruel!
They all keep saying that Logan hated water and it scares him...where was he water! A cruel end because he hates it so much...
He was dead when put into the water though. If they'd drowned him that would have been particularly cruel.
But then as Skigh says, we only have their word that he hated water. Most children love playing in and with water.
I think it's more likely that he hated being bathed or showered because they handled him roughly.
Youth's barrister begins his cross-examination of Logan's mother
The trial resumes.

John Hipkin QC, for the youth defendant, begins his cross-examination of Angharad Williamson.

He refers to Williamson’s police interview when she was asked if the youth had ever been violent.

The defendant agreed there were “no real problems” in this regard.

Williamson was also asked about the youth’s actions on Friday, July 30, in her police interview, and she said he was “fine”. She confirmed this was the case.

However she conceded the youth had made a couple of “snappy comments” towards Logan.

In her interview Williamson was also asked if she knew of any incidents involving the youth which could have resulted in Logan’s injuries and in her interview said she hadn’t seen any incidents. Williamson said: “That is not true.”
Logan Mwangi murder trial latest as mum gives evidence
Interesting! She’s going back on her statement then
Morning..I did some reading from the beginning of trial last night because I’m so invested in this case..AW went to the shop the day before Logan died she brought 2 drinks & tobacco but it didn’t go through..she phoned someone who must of transferred her money because she was then able to pay could this mean that JC knew her account details(I appreciate you can transfer money to people but he still would of knew AWs account details but he might not have had actual access to her account..passwords etc)& why didn’t she buy Logan any sweets or treats..he wasn’t eating so surely to get him eating you would try him with sweets or cake anything..she must of known Logan was in his bed & really injured..also why did she leave Logan then if she was so scared of JC like she said to go the shop was it because he was immobile & not getting out of bed?that afternoon the social worker turned up & wasn’t let in..also AW had many searches for the pimple popper videos in her history over a 2 year period & on 1 occasion she watched a pimple popper video as she was messaging a friend to show off her engagement ring & then she watched another pimple popper video straight after..also JCS phone was checked as was the youths & there was nothing to suggest they had ever watched them sort of videos in the past
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I’m telling the truth now... I put my hands up and take the blame when I’ve done something wrong'
Defendant Angharad Williamson was asked about the injury to Logan’s shoulder about which she later claimed the youth had confessed to her he had pushed Logan down the stairs.

John Hipkin QC, for the youth, refers to Williamson’s statement to the police in which she claimed to have popped Logan’s arm back into place and failed to take him to hospital until the next day. Mr Hipkin said: “Was that true?”

Williamson said: “It’s true what I said but I was not the person who put Logan’s arm back in the socket. I admit I said that but I was not the person.”

Mr Hipkins said: “It was a lie.” Williamson said: “Yes it was. I was trying to protect Jay, I was trying to protect my family.”

Mr Hipkin said: “Didn’t Logan feature in this?”

Williamson said: “That’s why I brought him to hospital.”

Mr Hipkin said: “You were prepared to lie to a police officer about a serious injury to Logan.”

Williamson said: “Yes, I won’t deny that.”

Mr Hipkin said: “Overprotective mother?”

Williamson said: “Yes I was an overprotective mother but I wasn’t perfect. You have heard lots of witnesses and school reports saying I was an overprotective mother. I didn’t want my child to die of Covid……. What you’re implying is false.”

Mr Hipkin said: “What was the benefit of the lie?”

Williamson said: “I wanted to protect John Cole because he had previous convictions.”

Mr Hipkin said: “What caused the injury was the click and twist.”

Williamson said: “No it is not, I never laid a hand on my son…. What you are insinuating is disgusting, you cannot snap a child’s arm like that…. What you are insinuating is wrong." At this point she puts her head in her hands.

Mr Hipkin asks Williamson to read out a passage from her police interview. Williamson read: “I popped it back in.”

Mr Hipkin said: “By then Logan was dead. You are still lying.”

Williamson said: “No I did not…. I was trying to protect Jay.”

Mr Hipkin said: “These are police officers investigating the death of Logan and you, his mother, are not prepared to tell the truth.”

Williamson said: “I’m telling the truth now... I put my hands up and take the blame when I’ve done something wrong….. What do I gain from this? Nothing. I have nothing to gain by telling you I lied.”

Mr Hipkin said: “Why would you lie to police officers investigating the death of Logan?”

Willliamson said: “I didn’t think it was relevant.” She added: “How my son died from being battered has got nothing to do with a dislocated shoulder months before.”

Mr Hipkin added: “You might have been mitigating what someone had deliberately done to Logan. You said he was difficult. Did you put those words in just in case?”

Williamson said: “No…. I don’t remember.”
Logan Mwangi murder trial latest as mum gives evidence
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