GUILTY UK - Mikaeel Kular, 3, Edinburgh, Scotland, 15 Jan 2014 - #3

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Horrible woman! She beat her son because he was sick, when he needed her the most. where is the compassion? where is the love? :cry:
Just seen this. 11 years, out in 5 or 6? Absolute joke. She must have been injuring him prior to this (internet searches shpwed phrases such as "love my son least" and "how to get rid of bruises"), she beat him not once but numerous times over a period of days, failed to get medical help for him, buried/hid his body lile a piece of rubbish, lied to police thus wasting man power and police resources and this is all it warrants. Disgusting!
I completely understand someone who, possibly suffering with depression or not, getting themselves into a state of mind where they 'lose the plot' - lash out- see red- etc etc and then think 'oh @#$% what have I done' - I don't condone it but I do understand it! BUT!!! This case ???? Repeated beatings over a period of days??? That is NOT an out of character one off incident! And I'm assuming her other kids were around at the time she was beating him and while he lay dying she just carried on as normal in front of them? That's not someone who's Lost the plot ... I hope her time in jail is horrific as I'm sure it will be when there's plenty of women in there with her who're parted from their kids for petty reasons.
Sounds like she was scapegoating him, one child singled out to be abused, neglected, unloved. The parent or guardian takes out all their frustration and unhappiness out on that one poor child. It is disgusting and in many of these cases, they can hand the child over to a relative to care for them, but they purposely want the child to beat up.

It makes me so, so sick to my stomach. Imagine also the ones who survive this treatment, we only hear mostly of the ones who die. I wish these monsters would be put away forever. They choose to do this, it's not a loss of control or a mental illness, it's a continuous assault on a helpless child over a long period of time. jmo
I'm in shock. Just saw the news. 11 years, so with parole for good behaviour Rosdeep may serve about 6 or 7 years?

I can't help feeling that if Rosdeep had killed an adult in her family, she'd have got a longer sentence. It's almost as if being Mikaeel's parent has been used as a 'mitigating' circumstance for killing him. Dreadful. I really don't feel there's been justice for that little boy, in life or in death.
I'm in shock. Just saw the news. 11 years, so with parole for good behaviour Rosdeep may serve about 6 or 7 years?

I can't help feeling that if Rosdeep had killed an adult in her family, she'd have got a longer sentence. It's almost as if being Mikaeel's parent has been used as a 'mitigating' circumstance for killing him. Dreadful. I really don't feel there's been justice for that little boy, in life or in death.

Sentences in the UK, Canada and Europe almost always astound me. Eleven years to me = something like a few home burglaries with no one harmed.
'Passing sentence, judge Lord Glennie said a custodial sentence was inevitable in such a case and referred to the crown acceptance that Adekoya had no intention to kill Mikaeel.'

'He continued: "Nevertheless, what you did was cruel and inexcusable. Striking a child even once is bad enough. Striking him heavily and repeatedly with hand and fist when he was being sick again and again simply beggars belief.'

'The judge said he accepted that Adekoya's remorse was "genuine and heartfelt".'

'Appealing for leniency, defence QC Brian McConnachie told the judge: "There is no sentence your lordship can impose in this case which will be deemed sufficient by what appears to be an ill-informed mob who are no doubt at this moment waiting to express their outrage and indignation." '

In my opinion, the only reason 'the mob' is ill-informed is because his client Rosdeep told so many lies.
What a horrible defence - blame the public, blame events in Rosdeep's past, minimise the suffering of the little victim.

I can't believe it worked.
Sigh. Hopefully there will be a sentencing review...though it did little recently for a disabled victim murdered by a 'one punch' killer who got all of 4 or 5 years. The review upheld what many believe to be too lenient a sentence.

I can't help but shake my head. Shortly after moving here I read about a 3 year old who had been sexually assaulted. Her abuser was sentenced to 10 months. I was utterly guffawed and hoped it was a mistake.

I was wrong. Too often, it's the norm. :( (And Zwiebel, a 1938 infanticide act is still on the books promising mothers who may be suffering ill-effects of pregnancy, labor, or breast-feeding certain possible protections for harming their children - up to 12 months after giving birth.) I personally believe murder of a child (unless a parent is psychotic at the time of the killing) should only be an aggravating factor in sentencing.

So what she did 'simply beggars belief' according to the judge and then he gives her what amounts to a sharp rap over the wrists for her act.....
Where is the punishment for denying this child medical treatment when he was clearly suffering and his health was rapidly deteriorating before her eyes. When he became listless and unresponsive, just what did this evil cow think was going to happen next ? Surely anyone with half a brain could have worked out that poor little Mikaeel wasn't going to get better unless she took action to help him.
I am absolutely disgusted with the level of justice that has been handed out in this case and to know that this thing ( sorry but woman or human being are titles that are too good for her ) will be back out partying in a few years time....even, heaven forbid, attempting to reclaim her other children in order to increase her income.
I wish her a truly awful time while she is incarcerated and I hope someone finds a way to repay her for her crime, because sadly the justice system hasn't seen fit to do so.
I never even knew breast feeding could have psychological ill-effects. Let alone be used as mitigation. I'm even more confounded.
11 years!? You have got to be *advertiser censored****g kidding me, fuming ! :banghead:

^^^^ what Skibs said, fuming!

11 years is crazy, eligible for release in 2019 if she behaves.

I know it's not very PC to say this but I hope she gets several massive kickings from her new housemates.
Rosdeep will be young enough to have more babies when she gets out, if she can't get her old children back. Let's hope she 'bonds' sufficiently, if she does.
Had it not been for your early plea of guilty to the reduced charge, and the indication at an even earlier stage that such a plea would be forthcoming, I would have sentenced you to 13 years imprisonment for the culpable homicide and a further two years for the attempt to defeat the ends of justice. That would have been 15 years in all.

But you are entitled to a substantial discount to reflect the saving in time and expense of a trial and, perhaps more relevant here, to reflect the fact that witnesses have not had to come to court to give evidence of a horrific and harrowing nature.


Somehow, I doubt the lovely people who turned up in the cold day after day to search for a little boy lost would agree. And truly shocking, this:

The Crown accept that you had no intention to kill Mikaeel. Although you knew you had harmed him, you did not realise – and you could not reasonably have been expected to realise – that beating him had put his life in danger.
What?!? Since when do we absolve 'intelligent and articulate' (per judge's comments) adults of knowing that beating - hitting another, very small, human being over and over again could be life-threatening? Most reception students know better. It just defies logic.

Judge's sentencing remarks in their entirety at link below. Should anyone want to become more irate. ;)

Somehow, I doubt the lovely people who turned up in the cold day after day to search for a little boy lost would agree. And truly shocking, this:

What?!? Since when do we absolve 'intelligent and articulate' (per judge's comments) adults of knowing that beating - hitting another, very small, human being over and over again could be life-threatening? Most reception students know better. It just defies logic.

Judge's sentencing remarks in their entirety at link below. Should anyone want to become more irate. ;)

Oh wow, so she's intelligent and articulate, therefore gets a lighter sentence, when the murderer has a low I.Q, a lighter sentence. Who really gives a beep about these kids? :cry:
'As Mr McConnachie accepts, none of that excuses your action. I accept that you have no record of any significance; that there is no history of lasting or recurrent neglect; that this assault on Mikaeel appears to have been wholly out of character.'

If there was no significant history of anything untoward, it makes me wonder why her children ended up in foster care?

'... it is clear that the normal bond between mother and child simply failed to develop between you and Mikaeel, though it clearly developed with the other children. The reasons are complex, and relate in part to the time when the children were being well cared for by foster carers and the help you needed from your sister when taking them back into your care..

And if there was no bond with Mikaeel, why fight to get him back?
I don't think there is any hope of a sentencing review, because the prosecution accepted that Rosdeep didn't intend to kill Mikaeel. With her intelligence, she'll be a model prisoner I bet, and be out in no time.

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