Found Deceased UK - Nicola Bulley Last Seen Walking Dog Near River - St Michaels on Wyre (Lancashire) #12

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IMO LE are either going it alone and don’t need the publics help or, have hit a brick wall! They haven’t given a press conference since last week. No images of “red van” or “2 men”. They had this info and didn’t make it public, it was the witnesses that did, why? Either this info is relevant or it is not! Shouldn’t the public have been told so by now? Or is the case drawing too much public attention that they are being very hesitant to say anything and just getting on with it themselves? Maybe that IS what they are doing.
LE should not be putting themselves in a corner and setting themselves up to fail by being too reliant upon the river and a drowning, particularly after a very extensive search.
There's a huge difference in wading in, (slowly walking in until paws leave the ground) at the beach area and jumping off a bank, for a dog anyway.
IDK whether Willow would leap off a bank into the river, I haven't seen that reported?
My dog hates water but at the local lake, she will go in up to her knees at the shoreline and drink the water.
Springers are particularly good waterdogs and she didn't go in, this tells that neither did NB.
yes and the case i was commenting on above- the girl taken along a canal path- the perpetrator was found many days later (I can’t remember exactly but I know it wasn’t at first search) he was hanging in woods nearby. Woods that had been searched when looking for the missing child. So these things happen. Things are missed even by trained officers.
We had a lad that went missing locally. Police searched the rivers, coastline, woodlands and fields. His body was located many weeks later in an area close to where he was last seen. An area that had been searched at least twice by police and search teams.
I remember that horrific case so well. It was a young girl walking down a canal towpath. Here in the U.K. it’s one that haunts me.

This is why we know that no matter how unlikely that something sinister has happened, there is always that possibility that NB could have been unfortunate enough to meet an evil person. They do exist.

I’m still of the opinion that she has had an accident and fallen into the water. Of course it’s the most likely scenario and bodies can take a long time to surface. However there is always the chance that someone else was involved and that’s got to be considered too. I think the police etc are looking at every possibility. I think it’s just that the most obvious work is to search the river.

If I lived in the area of NB I would be trying to search along the river and fields etc. I know it’s been done but I feel that she has to be there.
Unfortunately much of the area surrounding NB's walk that day appears to have been heavily compromised with the amount of people who have been permitted to trample around what could be a potential crime scene. One would hope the police did do some initial searches, any results of which have not been revealed. Whilst the proximity of the river cannot and should not be ruled out, if that were 'hypothetically' taken out of the equation what possible scenarios remain? A medical event or accident during her walk (clearly not), left the area of her own accord, or abduction. So one of those things has to be true and without evidence (assuming there is none but we don't know that) nothing can be totally eliminated until something is found to enable a positive lead to her whereabouts
It has been reported it was a cold winter morning, does anybody know if she was seen wearing a winter hat down by the river? On the CCTV of her loading her car she is not, but she could have put one on later. Reason being, if she went into the river, there is no way a hat would stay on her head, it would become detached and be washed away separately. And yet, no clothing or hat etc has been found anywhere in the river.
We had a lad that went missing locally. Police searched the rivers, coastline, woodlands and fields. His body was located many weeks later in an area close to where he was last seen. An area that had been searched at least twice by police and search teams.
It seems counterintuitive that a human body wouldn’t stick out like a sore thumb. Maybe because we are prone to underestimating the vastness of nature, and its power.
I'm not sure why two fishermen seen near a river would look suspicious. I guess since they were seen the day before, the assumption is that they must have returned to that location the next day to kidnap Nicola?

Because they looked like they were trying to hide their faces? In what way, I wonder? Were they wearing scarves?
It has been reported it was a cold winter morning, does anybody know if she was seen wearing a winter hat down by the river? On the CCTV of her loading her car she is not, but she could have put one on later. Reason being, if she went into the river, there is no way a hat would stay on her head, it would become detached and be washed away separately. And yet, no clothing or hat etc has been found anywhere in the river.
No hat
I saw a video where someone had retraced NB’s route in the fields and it finally revealed the position of the pedestrian gate into Rowanwater. It’s not clearly visible in the photo spheres that are on Google Maps but the video clearly showed it to be here:

Pedestrian Gate
Also of note. It’s got a coded padlock on it it’s not just a free for all.
It has been reported it was a cold winter morning, does anybody know if she was seen wearing a winter hat down by the river? On the CCTV of her loading her car she is not, but she could have put one on later. Reason being, if she went into the river, there is no way a hat would stay on her head, it would become detached and be washed away separately. And yet, no clothing or hat etc has been found anywhere in the river.
Her customary bobble hat that she is seen wearing in many other photos has not been mentioned by LE as an item to look out for, so presumably she wasn't wearing it that day? But then LE didn't mention or describe the bunch of keys either, that info has been confirmed by PA. Her hat may still be in the car or at home, to my knowledge it hasn't been confirmed either way that she had it with her
I'm not sure why two fishermen seen near a river would look suspicious. I guess since they were seen the day before, the assumption is that they must have returned to that location the next day to kidnap Nicola?

Because they looked like they were trying to hide their faces? In what way, I wonder? Were they wearing scarves?
I am sure LE are looking into red van and "fishermen". Police were quick to release CCTV of red coat woman and yellow coat woman asking them to come forward. Even if police don't have CCTV of the 2 "fishermen" they could put out an appeal for the two men to come forward. Maybe they have already been eliminated. Maybe red van has too. Its frustrating but we don't get to hear everything that happens.
Is anyone else quite surprised that nothing has been found yet? I thought this would be something that was solved easily/quickly regardless of the outcome.

But then you’ve got cases like leah croucher (GRHS) who was hidden in plain sight near enough right next to where she was last seen for what, 3 years?
But in the croucher case w don't know if she had been moved there more recently. There are cases where a body is moved back nearer to original place of disappearance. LC was not hidden in plain sight, she was in the attic of a house that the owners had eft unoccupied whilst they lived in Kuwait.
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My dog hates water but at the local lake, she will go in up to her knees at the shoreline and drink the water.
Springers are particularly good waterdogs and she didn't go in, this tells that neither did NB.
It tells us nothing for certain. We don't know that every single Springer would go into this stretch of water in every circumstance. And if NB did go into the water, we don't know that Willow saw it happen anyway - she may have been wandering around confused as to where NB was. And the widely-accepted view that Willow was dry so couldn't have gone into the water is based on the evidence of one witness, so we can't even be sure that it's accurate. That's a lot of uncertainty.

At the same time, there is - as yet - no evidence whatsoever that NB was attacked or abducted. So we have three potential scenarios: 1) NB either fell or was pushed into the water and drowned, and her body moved very quickly downstream, which at least one expert has said is highly implausible given depth/flow of the river; 2) NB was abducted in an extremely well-planned and efficient operation that has so far yielded no evidence; or 3) NB was attacked at the scene and hidden elsewhere in a way that has so far yielded no evidence.

I understand why the police are still leaning towards 1) because in the absence of any evidence to the contrary, it remains the most plausible scenario. This could of course change if they discover evidence for one of the other two scenarios, but they don't seem to have found any yet.
Her customary bobble hat that she is seen wearing in many other photos has not been mentioned by LE as an item to look out for, so presumably she wasn't wearing it that day? But then LE didn't mention or describe the bunch of keys either, that info has been confirmed by PA. Her hat may still be in the car or at home, to my knowledge it hasn't been confirmed either way that she had it with her
She didn't have her hat on in the photo when loading the car but may have put it on when walking the dog
But in the croucher case w don't know if she had been moved there more recently. There are cases where a body is moved back nearer to original place of disappearance
The man responsible for killing Leah Croucher killed himself not long after he killed her so her body never moved. She was in that unoccupied house all those 3 years but yes I agree a body can be moved. Maybe stored locally and dumped in the river in the middle of the night at a later date especially if more extensive land searches are about to start.
yes and the case i was commenting on above- the girl taken along a canal path- the perpetrator was found many days later (I can’t remember exactly but I know it wasn’t at first search) he was hanging in woods nearby. Woods that had been searched when looking for the missing child. So these things happen. Things are missed even by trained officers.
An awful case. All that speculation on her anorexia & whether she'd killed herself when she'd been murdered by an ex con ( who'd previously murdered his wife in Latvia)
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