Found Deceased UK - Nicola Bulley Last Seen Walking Dog Near River - St Michaels on Wyre (Lancashire) #14

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Occam’s razor states that she is in the water

Personally , I would ask Peter Faulding back to the river to do another deep dive because his strategy would have been totally different had he have been briefed about these vulnerabilities from the start .

I would have the scene re enacted in different ways by using a dummy mock up of her size and weight and height and put the exact clothes on her that she had on the day she disappeared and then when the river conditions are the same or similar to the river conditions on the day of her disappearance, I would use it to see how far it is likely to travel IF for example she has launched herself into the middle of the water.
This is also the more likely answer because her dog would have followed her scent on land as he was not tied up..

Sadly , I have dealt with many suicides of women in their 40/50’s , including my own mother. There are surprisingly a lot who do use water a the main method. We cannot comprehend that because we are not at their level and depth of despair and they are not in a rationale frame of mind by this stage.
Because of the nature of our coastline in the U.K. we do often have bodies and body parts that are washed up on shore around the country and again this is something that experts can generally predict using the flow rate of the river and the water depth and the weight etc … I was often called to such on Crosby and Southport beaches.
To answer your question, I think the family will have a good idea if they look at what her mental condition in recent months but understandably, HOPE, makes them look elsewhere. There’s a chance of her being found and finding out what happened to her . Unless of course she has decided to walk away from her current life and one day May return when she is mentally able to face her life and responsibilities again .

Unfortunately, PF now states that - I paraphrase - had she leapt into the river and not accidentally stumbled, she could have been in completely different locations and have in fact washed out to sea.

I personally don't believe NB went in the water but since the edges of the water are so very shallow (yes I know ALL about the 'deep hole' etc) then even if she'd have leapt in or thrown herself off one of the steep sheer drop edges, that aren't very high in terms of killing oneself, and hit rock then it's one thing for people to say she'd have maybe been knocked out but she'd surely have broken and / or dislocated bones which would have been terribly painful and doesn't bear thinking about but I doubt she'd have washed away instantaneously which is also one of the other points PF makes.
Unfortunately, PF now states that - I paraphrase - had she leapt into the river and not accidentally stumbled, she could have been in completely different locations and have in fact washed out to sea.

I personally don't believe NB went in the water but since the edges of the water are so very shallow (yes I know ALL about the 'deep hole' etc) then even if she'd have leapt in or thrown herself off one of the steep sheer drop edges, that aren't very high in terms of killing oneself, and hit rock then it's one thing for people to say she'd have maybe been knocked out but she'd surely have broken and / or dislocated bones which would have been terribly painful and doesn't bear thinking about but I doubt she'd have washed away instantaneously which is also one of the other points PF makes.
Yep , I agree

I’m just saying that Occam’s razor is that she’s in the water

Personally I’m more of the opinion that she walked away but that causes even more questions
I can’t be any clearer with what I have said which is MOO But consider this - why then did Supt Riley say when asked about vulnerability such as depression that it wasn’t something being considered at this time? Yet they knew from day 1 . I cannot continue to discuss this part of the issue with you because I’m giving you the information and I’m NOT getting into a discussion or situation of saying that people are purposefully lying especially the Police

setting most of that aside & just considering the part I've highlighted with bold.
What date did Riley said that ' depression wasn't being considered at this time' because I do not recall that quote
She did - she was a barriste and worked alongside a friend of mine in the Crown Prosecution service at the HO for a short while

Starmer was the head of the CPS before he entered Govt as a labour MP and ultimately the leader of the Labour Party
Yes. He received his knighthood due to
His CPS role services to law and criminal

Edited for typo
I have no words. I deleted my first response.
I, as well have a water bottle with me often.
I do too. But I have to admit that when I first read about Nicola having issues with alcohol I immediately thought of the image of her holding a water bottle and felt quite uneasy. My sister is an alcoholic and her water bottle is a way of ensuring that she alway has vodka with her without anybody else knowing.

Of course, Nicola could have just had a bottle of water with her.

Alcoholism is such a cruel and complex disease. My heart goes out to anybody who is suffering or is watching someone they love suffer.
I will copy and paste a very rough draft reply that took me about 2 minutes to type out when my friend asked me over chat yesterday morning….. please understand THIS WAS PRE THE DISCLOSURE OF THE MENOPAUSE / ALCOHOL issues and VULNERABILITIES as stated in the press conference later that day and it was a rushed reply and not a a professional reply -see below
Occam’s razor says that she is in the water however I’m led to believe that it is only shallow water at the part where she would have fallen in (18”) unless she was launched in by someone forcibly pushing her and she landed in the middle of the river which is 2/3 feet deep ?

But the river is not a fast flower river according to one expert report and yet another says that it is?

Also, the Police college at Bramshill have a directory of expertise in every possible and conceivable subject matter that you could think of.

Therefore, it would be easily calculated as to the different locations that she may be if in the water , as to where about. This will be done using physics and mathematical equations and taking different data for example:

1. Calculating how far her body would be carried by the water (if at all) if she just fell or slipped in, based upon her weight and clothing worn and the flow of the river and the depth of the river and the time since she ingressed .

2. Another calculation would be based upon the same data but adding in the temp of the water and rate of decomposition and then at what stage, the body is likely to rise to the top of the water as the gasses in the body go through the putrefaction stages.

3. All these calculations will be applied but changing the data variables so adding in the fact that she was pushed into the water as opposed to slipped so they would use all the same data but this time using the submersion of her body in 2/3ft water as opposed to 18”.

They will just keep alternating all the different variables of the data to give you an idea as to how far her body may have travelled and wether it has reached the estuary or sea .

Having said that , if I were in charge of the investigation , I would recreate a fall into the water at the depth of a slip into
It at a depth of 18” and then conversely at a depth of 2/3 feet using a weighted dummy to the weight of her and dressed in the identical clothing that she wore on the crucial day and doing so in the same weather conditions and same water flow rate as the day she disappeared .

I have concerns about tunnel vision by the SIO but as an insider, what leaps out to me is that after the first 48 hrs of this being a missing person from home ( MFH ) this SHOULD HAVE ABSOLUTELY BEEN DEEMED A POTENTIAL CRIME AND THEN HANDED OVER TO THE CID SIO ( me ).

That’s because the cid have the expertise and if they haven’t then they know where to get it.

It stinks to me that there is a huge communication breakdown between the Gold command of the CID and the gold command of the UNIFORM dept

There are some very important lines of enquiry which MUST be done within the initial ‘golden hours’ of the investigation and within no more than 48 hrs of the investigation being commenced.

Now for all we know, this may have had but I’m skeptical:

1. Ping phone for locations up to 30 min prior to the last known location to see if it was in fact in that same location for 30 mins or had it only arrived 5 min before? ( in other words staged….)

2. Fit bit data checked which will let you know if there was a spike in heart rate at any point before her disappearance? To ascertain if something of significant took place. Also to ascertain if she was 100% wearing it from location history because it’s been said that she was but in until she is found , we wouldn’t know for certain .

3. Ascertain who was in the area , not just that day but go back a week beforehand.

This will give you an idea if any unusual characters hanging around or any dummy run if her disappearance has been staged by herself or others .

This can be done by data dump of mobile phones in the area each day for a one week period during the specific period of 0900-0930 .

It can also be done by witnesses being asked to come forward.

4. There should have been a joint press conference with the police and her husband.

5. There should be a potential re enactment after the first week or two on the same day of the week that she allegedly went missing at the same specific time period.

6. E fit compiled of the suspicious person seen in the area recently.

7. All the occupants of the caravan park nearby to be spoken to and search warrants enacted in each caravan .

8. Marital life investigated

9. Employment position investigated

10. Medical details Investigated for potential suicide indicators

11. Mobile devices and home computers to be looked at with regards to search history, text messages, Snapchat, WhatsApp, Instagram, Facebook,emails , photographs and location history informed etc

12. CCTV- we know one pertaining camera not working- since when? Fault ? Reported ?
Do a funnelled stop of all vehicles going through the main route near to the river exactly one week later on the same day and time parameters of her disappearance , ascertaining if they have dash cam and if this is a regular route and did they witness anything ?

13. Engage search parameters and send in POLSA ( expertise search)

14. Engage house to house parameters and allocate resources to complete H-H and ensure PDF’s are completed ( personal description forms of each person living at address )

15. All ports bulletin issued, passport office enquiries, Travel agents enquiries, airline manifestos checked

16. Banking of her and her husband to be viewed for anomalies

17. Foot wear cast impressions of any footprints in the soil around the bench where last seen

18. Dogs for tracking

19. DNA swabs of the harness , lead, phone etc

20. Landline call history viewed for parameters set time period ( ie 1 month preceding disappearance)

These are just off the top of my head

The actual reasons for disappearance that I would be looking at :

1. Fall into water

2.Crime - pushed into water or

3. Abduction?

4.kidnapping ?


6.Familial involvement- is there a potential history of Domestic Violence ( husband always top of the list )

7. Voluntary disappearance- ( I have a gut feeling about this ). Was she in financial trouble or under investigation at work as a mortgage advisor and broker ? Did she go for her usual dog walk the preceding day with a-backpack containing a change of clothes/coat/footwear/wig/hat/glasses and left in dense undergrowth by rear of the bench overnight.

Following daily dog walk, she replaced her outfit with disguised outfit and utilised the backpack to carry her discarded clothes?
Does she have relatives in a different part of this or another country?

Is she vulnerable in any way ?

Are there any reasons to support a voluntary disappearance?

It seems to me that all eggs are in one basket of the water and it’s not even being mentioned about the potential for suicide or voluntary disappearance……..

I'm so glad you have written this because it's covered literally every single point I've been wrestling with.

Can I please ask, why do you think that all these actions were not initially conducted? Is it way too late for them to be actioned now? And if so, in the worst case scenario that NB was murdered, does this mean it's unlikely that crime can ever be solved?
I can’t help but thinking how I would be in this situation (40s, peri menopausal, likes wine ) I couldn’t just take myself off and do this to my partner , parents , dog , kids. IMO this poor lass must’ve felt rock bottom if she felt she needed to get away . I have my partners support 100% and I’m very lucky as I’ve had very dark days , but I’m a positive person and I know that tomorrow is another day . If …. If nicola has gone of her own free will then my heart does go out to her , to be so sad to leave her children . I hope that she finds some strength if she is indeed hiding somewhere . Like I said I’m a positive person and I just want a happy outcome .
On the theory that NB has run away and planted a bag nearby the day before. She could have done that when going to or returning from meeting her boss the day before.
Anything’ possible
I don’t say it as that’s what happened, it’s called thinking outside the box and considering all options
I agree.

I know some people throw themselves off bridges as they know the impact alone will l8kely kill them, but I can’s envIsage anyone walking or throwing themselves into a river, especially when their dog is nearby - it just seems odd. Added to that, wouldn’t the body’s natural response when going into the water be to swim? Even if you wanted to drown, human instinct would kick in, surely?

This is such a sad, heartbreaking case with so many variables and mystery.

Exactly - no one who's going out of their mind with despair is gonna risk throwing themselves in a fairly shallow river (yes, we all know about the 'deep hole') because the main and very obvious problem with that is in 5 minutes time I'm gona be just down there, soaking wet and cold, my dog is prob gonna jump in with me, I'll be covered in mud, my hair will be all slimy, I might break my arm, there's probably weird water creatures in there and all kinds of germs, there might be broken glass or bits of sharp metal, my wellie boots will probably fall of, and I'll have to yell for someone to help, how embarrassing. This is how us women think, end of.

Especially those of us who walk along riversides or canal banks regularly - we know people fall in and get out again not actually die or anything (yes I know one guy died 45 years ago).
7. Voluntary disappearance- ( I have a gut feeling about this ). Was she in financial trouble or under investigation at work as a mortgage advisor and broker ? Did she go for her usual dog walk the preceding day with a-backpack containing a change of clothes/coat/footwear/wig/hat/glasses and left in dense undergrowth by rear of the bench overnight.

Following daily dog walk, she replaced her outfit with disguised outfit and utilised the backpack to carry her discarded clothes?
Does she have relatives in a different part of this or another country?
I did wonder if she used the last minute Zoom meeting the afternoon/evening before as a cover so she could spend some time hiding a rucksack of clothes/supplies ready for the next morning if she planned to walk away. MOO
setting most of that aside & just considering the part I've highlighted with bold.
What date did Riley said that ' depression wasn't being considered at this time' because I do not recall that quote
I have just tried to find the article in the newspaper earlier that I read whereby the assistant chief constable was asked about this and the answer given was as I have said. I’m trying to respond to over 20 questions at the moment and I don’t have time to keep looking right now but go through todays daily newspapers and you will find it
So IF NB has wandered off, how is she able to stay 'off grid'?
Ones I can think of:
  • Had planned it ahead of time and had supplies stored somewhere
  • Has someone who she is staying with/some assistance from someone
  • Is living amongst the homeless population somewhere
  • She didn't wonder off with the intent of living (Is what my prediction of the sad eventual outcome will be)
setting most of that aside & just considering the part I've highlighted with bold.
What date did Riley said that ' depression wasn't being considered at this time' because I do not recall that quote

In response to journalist questions after the press conference on the 3rd - she was asked if there were any vulnerabilities and she replied along the lines of they were looking at the whole picture, but no there was nothing relevant at this time.

Fast forward to 15.55

I did wonder if she used the last minute Zoom meeting the afternoon/evening before as a cover so she could spend some time hiding a rucksack of clothes/supplies ready for the next morning if she planned to walk away. MOO

In her partner's interview on Channel 5 (can't post, copyright)
He mentioned that she was very organised that morning.

Males tend to sort things out before they commit suicide, which does make you wonder.

So IF NB has wandered off, how is she able to stay 'off grid'?
Without support from another I would think that would be hard. I thought about it back in 2020. Dismissed that thought which floated into head when very down. I do have kids. With help of friends I moved all the stuff that really mattered to me - tiny things - out of matrimonial home over 2 weeks and then wrote to now ex to say I had left. I was fortunate to have a stable job and support and and could do that.
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