Found Deceased UK - Nicola Bulley Last Seen Walking Dog Near River - St Michaels on Wyre (Lancashire) #2

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They are tiny because the woman in red is in foreground. This makes them appear much smaller but their heads are above the fence panel.
I see a bald headed guy in a black sleeveless T shirt with quite a muscular arm.
I also see a woman in a knee length Puffa Type coat and you can see both of her legs.
You’re going to have to draw some marks on the image or something because people aren’t seeing it. It’s branches. That hedge looks about chest height on a person. The road isn’t that wide for them to be that far away. They’d have to be tiny floating fairies.
Telegraph said the dog was not wet.

Likeliest to me is that she somehow slipped into the river and drowned, but if that is so, it must have been right next to that bench; how can they not have found her or evidence of someone slipping by now??

Thank you and in this weather the dog wouldn’t of dried off that quickly. It’s definitely strange as the logical conclusion is she drowned but that would be a extremely freaky accident and they would of surely of found clues to such a conclusion within hours. It wouldn’t be hard to locate the body as she left clues.
They are tiny because the woman in red is in foreground. This makes them appear much smaller but their heads are above the fence panel.
I see a bald headed guy in a black sleeveless T shirt with quite a muscular arm.
I also see a woman in a knee length Puffa Type coat and you can see both of her legs.
It’s a good thought but imo it’s part of the hedge/fence that’s directly behind the woman in red. Even people if they were in the background wouldn’t appear quite that small to the point they look the size of dolls. Sometimes our thoughts can deceive us imo. Like when people see faces in their toast etc.
If they thought NB had just walked away from her life wouldn't the Police be appealing to her to contact them or family just to let someone know she was OK? That's usually what they would do isn't it in situations where they think someone has just had enough.
Breaking news:- A police cordon by the river.

Sadly I suspect they've found her.

Yes, is entirely possible that NB has simply walked out of her life, because people do. Usually those cases don’t attract this kind of media attention so police clearly have a reason to express their concern, and you’d expect her to be recognised by now if lying low in a hotel somewhere, but it’s not impossible that (for example and pure speculation) she’s gone to stay with a friend who is keeping her out of the public eye and it is her choice. Also, the sister may simply be thinking positively rather than failing to accept things at this stage. In the absence of a body, I’d probably rather at least maintain the possibility that my sister had run off for some time to herself too.
I suspect that Police are hoping that someone recognises the two people behind the woman in Red coat with white dog.

To me they could be material to this enquiry and we don't know if woman in red coat has already come forward, she and her dog are far more recognisable.

What 2 people - I know my eyesight isn’t the greatest but I see no-one other than the red coat lady and her white dog!
The Telegraph article has published the following timeline - posting it for those who do not have a Telegraph sub:
  • 8.43am – Nicola walked along the path by the River Wyre, having dropped her children off at school
  • 8:50am (approximately) - A dog-walker – somebody who knows Nicola – saw her walking around the lower field with her dog. Their two dogs interacted briefly before the witness left the field via the river path
  • 8.53am – She sent an email to her boss
  • 9.01am – She logged into a Teams call
  • 9.10am (approximately) – A witness – somebody who knows Nicola – saw her on the upper field walking her dog, Willow. Work is ongoing today to establish exactly what time this was.
  • 9.30am – The Teams call ended but Nicola stayed logged on
  • 9.35am (approximately) – Nicola’s mobile phone and Willow were found at a bench by the river by another dog-walker.
I have been following this case closely since a friend shared the lancs police appeal on Saturday. I am from Lancashire originally but no longer live there. Just a few thoughts:

If she is in the river, then either:

1. She’s fallen in by accident
<modsnip - topic is off limits>
3. She’s been pushed in or attacked and then put in the river

Based on what I’ve read, I think 2 is unlikely. <modsnip>

It’s quite a tight time frame based on the latest police timeline. She was seen sometime after 9am (9.10 approx) in the top field by someone who knew her, exercising Willow. We know she didn’t log out of the work teams call which finished at 9.30, so we can assume she was no longer with her phone by then. So that’s a 20-30min max time frame for something to happen to her. She could have slipped and fallen into the river in that time of course, it only takes a split second to fall in. But JMOO that seems unlikely because I think the dog would have been in too, either before (so NB went in to get her) or after (if NB fell in). The dog was found on her own at 9.35, dry, so we know the dog hadn’t been in the water.

There’s also no evidence of a slip into the water, as far as we know anyway. She could have been near the edge and had a medical episode and fallen in, which would be super unlucky. Or been pushed in. The police work that we are aware of has focussed on the river so they must think they’re is a good chance she’s in the river. Whether that is because they have evidence to suggest she’s in there or just because it’s an obvious possibility given where her dog and phone were found, I don’t know.

I do find it odd that they haven’t found her if she’s in the river. They seem to have started looking there pretty quickly, it’s a shallow river, very calm from what I understand, so you’d think they would have found something by now.

-I am surprised that the police seemed to rule out 3rd party involvement so early. There are other examples of women appearing to simply vanish and often 3rd parties are involved, eg the lindsay birkbeck case in summer 2019, which happened not a million miles away from this one. She was walking in a secluded area and just vanished. If I recall correctly the police in that one initially seemed to think no 3rd party involvement too, for several days, and instead focussed on appealing for Lindsay to come home (which interestingly hasn’t happened here, AFAIK). That was despite, as came out in the trial, other women in the area being followed that same day and telling the police so. So IMO it’s almost like the police say they rule out 3rd party involvement unless they have som positive evidence of this, which obviously isn’t always the case even when it subsequently turns out there was.

I hope the police are looking into those staying at the caravan site/ camping nearby. It seems from the latest appeal and CCTV image released that they are now scouring local footage, I wonder if because the longer they don’t find her in the river, the more likely it is that she isn’t in there. I find it surprising that the witness they are now searching for hasn’t come forward before now given the press coverage this has received and the time she was there, ie within the same general time as NB went missing. If she’s local wouldn’t they be able to find out quickly who she is? It’s a small village and if she’s often there then surely other dog walkers would know, and clearly they have spoken to a number of them as witnesses? All JMOO.
But there are two people behind her and the police aren’t mentioning needing to find them.

day to day life mostly ok
I cannot see anyone else in the photo. Have you enhanced the image? Can you describe them please?
They are tiny because the woman in red is in foreground. This makes them appear much smaller but their heads are above the fence panel.
I see a bald headed guy in a black sleeveless T shirt with quite a muscular arm.
I also see a woman in a knee length Puffa Type coat and you can see both of her legs.
<modsnip - discussing moderation>

<modsnip - telling others what to do> there is none of what you described above lol. Its the fence and such in the background but its a low quality video so you have more chance of identifying the amount of megapixel the cctv sensor is than the items in the background.

Professional Reasoning : I identify things in photos for a living as a photographer.
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