UK - Nurse duped by prankster regarding royal, found dead.

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Oh, so it's the first nurse who just transferred the call who died? I thought it was the other one.

Is this a very small hospital? Like, Kate Middleton was the only patient? I've just now seen the transcript...

Receptionist: ‘Hello, good morning, King Edward VII Hospital’
Female presenter (Mel Greig, impersonating the Queen): ‘Oh, hello there. Could I please speak to Kate please, my granddaughter?’
Receptionist: ‘Oh yes, just hold on ma’am’

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... and if it was me on the phone this would elicit the response, "Kate who?" but the receptionist jumps to Kate Middleton instantly. Convinced by the imitation that it's the Queen or was the hospital off limits to other patietns to house Kate in privacy?

It seems like if there are enough patients and wards for a switchboard operator to be necessary at nighttime there could be more than one Kate.
Making someone feel foolish is not funny. A prank or joke at the expense of someone else's feelings is not funny. Abusing the trust and goodwill of someone else for a laugh is not funny. JMHO

And I don’t like sarcastic humor, when it is at anyone’s expense.
I think it's time to put this to bed. My only hope is that Kate is okay and that this won't affect her pregnancy. To keep this in the limelight is completely unfair to Kate. Please, can we all stop it?

GREAT POST :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:
Nobody yet found any evidence that she was not balanced prior to this prank call.
So I really wish people stopped claiming that.
Oh, so it's the first nurse who just transferred the call who died? I thought it was the other one.

Aha, now you're with me. I think a lot of people have got the wrong end of that stick.

Is this a very small hospital? Like, Kate Middleton was the only patient? I've just now seen the transcript...

... and if it was me on the phone this would elicit the response, "Kate who?" but the receptionist jumps to Kate Middleton instantly. Convinced by the imitation that it's the Queen or was the hospital off limits to other patietns to house Kate in privacy?

It seems like if there are enough patients and wards for a switchboard operator to be necessary at nighttime there could be more than one Kate.

I don't think anyone knows what the exact arrangements are. I didn't imagine it to be an actual switchboard serving the whole hospital, but rather a direct line to the ward. Just a matter of picking up the phone at the central nurses station, and then transferring the call to one of the private rooms. It seems clear that there was only one "Kate" among the patients on that ward, so I don't really see anything odd there.

In fact, unlikely as it may sound, this is the arrangement in my local NHS hospital. It's not a main hospital, there's no A&E and only minor ops are done there, and the patients are mostly convalescent and are all in private rooms. Recently my elderly neighbour was in there for four weeks after a fall, and I was able to phone her in just the way I have described, and I only needed to ask to speak to "Joan" as she was the only patient of that name.

By the way, could people please not refer to "Kate Middleton". It's no longer her name and it's disrespectful to continue to use her maiden name. I'm afraid some of the media encourage this incorrect usage. She is now the Duchess of Cambridge but I think it's OK to refer to her informally as "Kate" just amongst ourselves :wink:
Thank you, exactly how I think. She was not balanced.
If not this, something else would have made her suicidal at another time.
She was clearly not balanced. JMO

BBM. This is not clear to me at all. What is clear is that this woman was unwittingly made a participant in a cruel, juvenile prank to harass a sick woman. As a result of just trying to do her job, she now faced the incredulity of a nation, if not the world, in all of it's Monday morning quarterbacking glory, and likely the loss of her job. (I don't believe for one minute that the hospital wouldn't have made a quick example of her, as innocent and innocuous as her role in the matter was). To be thrust in the glare of voracious media and scrutiny and knowing what the fall out was likely to be would have been terrifying. Had these 2 unthinking individuals given any thought to the possible consequences of their really base, lazy attempt at "humor", this woman would be alive today. Likely, the day before this incident, she was not imbalanced. But the fallout from their so called prank was likely overwhelming. I'd like to think the Sterns and Limbaugh's of the world will take note. But I know better.
Aha, now you're with me. I think a lot of people have got the wrong end of that stick.

It's probably because her role seems minor in this, she did not seem to screw up as badly as the other one, didn't give any inappropriate information or break any obvious health care laws or privacy regulations in transferring the call to the other nurse.

I don't think anyone knows what the exact arrangements are. I didn't imagine it to be an actual switchboard serving the whole hospital, but rather a direct line to the ward. Just a matter of picking up the phone at the central nurses station, and then transferring the call to one of the private rooms. It seems clear that there was only one "Kate" among the patients on that ward, so I don't really see anything odd there.

In fact, unlikely as it may sound, this is the arrangement in my local NHS hospital. It's not a main hospital, there's no A&E and only minor ops are done there, and the patients are mostly convalescent and are all in private rooms. Recently my elderly neighbour was in there for four weeks after a fall, and I was able to phone her in just the way I have described, and I only needed to ask to speak to "Joan" as she was the only patient of that name.

OK it makes sense.

By the way, could people please not refer to "Kate Middleton". It's no longer her name and it's disrespectful to continue to use her maiden name. I'm afraid some of the media encourage this incorrect usage. She is now the Duchess of Cambridge but I think it's OK to refer to her informally as "Kate" just amongst ourselves :wink:

Sorry... it's because I can never remember who is Oxford and who is Cambridge and who is Wiltshire and who is Liverpool.
Sorry... it's because I can never remember who is Oxford and who is Cambridge and who is Wiltshire and who is Liverpool.


It can be confusing! I think the actual surname is Windsor, although Prince William sometimes used to be referred to as William Wales, being the son of the Prince of Wales. (I think that was the name he used at university, I might be wrong there though.) Now he has his own title though ... they are probably Willliam and Kate Cambridge informally.
Royal prank radio station to pay $525,000 to family of dead nurse

LONDON — A radio station is to pay at least $525,000 to a memorial fund in the name of a nurse found dead after two DJs duped her into putting their call through to the hospital ward where Duchess Kate was being treated for an extreme form of morning sickness.

Jacintha Saldanha was found dead in London on Friday after the prank in which Australian radio hosts Mel Greig and Michael Christian pretended to be Queen Elizabeth and Prince Charles in the call to London’s King Edward VII’s Hospital.

BBM. This is not clear to me at all. What is clear is that this woman was unwittingly made a participant in a cruel, juvenile prank to harass a sick woman. As a result of just trying to do her job, she now faced the incredulity of a nation, if not the world, in all of it's Monday morning quarterbacking glory, and likely the loss of her job. (I don't believe for one minute that the hospital wouldn't have made a quick example of her, as innocent and innocuous as her role in the matter was). To be thrust in the glare of voracious media and scrutiny and knowing what the fall out was likely to be would have been terrifying. Had these 2 unthinking individuals given any thought to the possible consequences of their really base, lazy attempt at "humor", this woman would be alive today. Likely, the day before this incident, she was not imbalanced. But the fallout from their so called prank was likely overwhelming. I'd like to think the Sterns and Limbaugh's of the world will take note. But I know better.

I hear you but I do not agree.

I understand that it is un-nerving to be named as someone who may have made a mistake in-front of all to see.
I understand that she feared losing her job, and was very embarrassed.

I do not understand killing yourself over this ESPECIALLY when you know you have 2 children and a husband who will suffer much.

I am sorry to me it looks like if it was not this it would be something else that would have thrown her over the edge.
UNLESS YOU HAVE TENDENCY FOR SUICIDE - you do not resort to killing yourself.
A tendency for suicide is imbalanced.
Believe me I know more about mental health then I care to know, had to take many classes.

I am not in any way suggesting that the two radio announcers did not deserve to lose their job.
I hate it when people do anything at another person’s expense.
I hear you but I do not agree.

I understand that it is un-nerving to be named as someone who may have made a mistake in-front of all to see.
I understand that she feared losing her job, and was very embarrassed.

I do not understand killing yourself over this ESPECIALLY when you know you have 2 children and a husband who will suffer much.

I am sorry to me it looks like if it was not this it would be something else that would have thrown her over the edge.
UNLESS YOU HAVE TENDENCY FOR SUICIDE - you do not resort to killing yourself.
A tendency for suicide is imbalanced.
Believe me I know more about mental health then I care to know, had to take many classes.

I am not in any way suggesting that the two radio announcers did not deserve to lose their job.
I hate it when people do anything at another person’s expense.

There's no excuse for what those radio announcers did, but I just don't see a mother of 2 killing herself a mere 2 days after a prank UNLESS she was already medically depressed or experiencing other major stresses in her life. Most healthy adults would be angry or embarrassed, but would in the long run be able to shrug it off and carry on.
so many celebs have very embarrassing scandals (being caught drunk and naked? anti-semetic rants? leaving a horribly abusive phone message for your own daughter?) and none of them killed themselves... even when private ordinary citizens become news (john william orders who's negligence caused a woman to fall to her death while hang gliding? captain coward who steered the concordia towards shore and killed dozens when the ship sank?) they don't commit suicide...

all she did was put a call through mistakenly...

i don't get it.
Honour or dishonour, shame has a different value in different cultures -and the peoples within that culure. For some (celebs) any publicity is good. For others it means death and dishonour, or honor killings. JMO
Honour or dishonour, shame has a different value in different cultures -and the peoples within that culure. For some (celebs) any publicity is good. For others it means death and dishonour, or honor killings. JMO

My thoughts exactly.

Thank you for saying this.

There may have also been familial pressure.
this was not an honor killing... the two aren't even comparable:

Honor killings are acts of vengeance, usually death, committed by male family members against female family members, who are held to have brought dishonor upon the family. A woman can be targeted by (individuals within) her family for a variety of reasons, including: refusing to enter into an arrranged marriage or being the victim of asexual assault, seeking a divorce—even from an abussive husband—or (allegedly) committing adultry. The mere perception that a woman has behaved in a way that "dishonors" her family is sufficient to trigger an attack on her life.

*a recent true example of an honor killing from my home province:
Well it clearly was not an honor killing.
But possibly an honor suicide.
Where a person kills themselves to escape shame.
Reportedly she left a note so maybe she explained her reasons.
Although we probably will never know the contents.
Well...she left a note

And the radio station is contributing to the family's 'fund'

"A minimum contribution of $500,000 will be made to an appropriate memorial fund which will directly benefit the family.

Southern Cross Austereo CEO Rhys Holleran said: "We are very sorry for what has happened. It is a terrible tragedy and our thoughts continue to be with the family.

"We hope that by contributing to a memorial fund we can help to provide the Saldanha family with the support they need at this very difficult time."

The whole 'family fund' part of this story really really bothers me! KA-CHING!!!
Sorry but I said it before and I will say it again she had to have been unbalanced before the call IMO.All she did was put a call thru she did not give out any info.Blaming anyone for someone who kills themselves is crazy IMO.It is a very selfish act when you are leaving 2 children and a partner.If she was that sensitive how on earth could she preform as a nurse? Some thing was very wrong before she ever put that call thru IMO.
Honestly, until a cause of death is revealed then I don't think the media should be reporting it as a suicide. For all we know it could be from natural causes. Not saying it is, but if it is determined that it is not a suicide but rather from natural causes , then we can say that the DJ's are the ones that are the victims now. I don't think it should have been released if there is no official cause of death. I hope this comes out right because I am on cold medicine.

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