GUILTY UK - Nurse Lucy Letby, murder of babies, 7 Guilty of murder verdicts; 7 Guilty of attempted murder; 2 Not Guilty of attempted; 6 hung re attempted #32

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I don’t understand it at all; it’s like she’s mirroring the parents, with their babies items/soft toys .. like a childlike “vulnerable” plea (claimed to be startled by everything at the start/jumpy etc but then there was no more mentioned of her “distractions” or jumpy nature), it’s as though she’s reverted into some strange reflection of the parents with cuddly blankets as though “she” is one of those parents who has lost a child. So weird.
Funny you should say this as I've been wondering if she mirrors everyone because she doesn't truly know how to be like others. To blend in with others just mirror their behaviour if you are not sure how to be. Same with emotions, if you don't feel empathy and can only feel your own emotions you could learn to say the right things to people but deep inside not truly feel empathy. JMO MOO
She was mirroring emotions all the time.
I even wrote about it some months ago.

IMO again
She is an empty shell.
Her eyes are empty in the mugshot.

Oh I just typed about mirroring emotions before i read your post. Interesting we are thinking the same thing. MOO
I would like to clarify that everything I have said is my attempt to adhere strictly to sub judice, as we are meant to be trying to do until Monday. Ask me again after sentencing, and I'll go into greater detail about what I think one way or another about LL herself, and what I think her using sensory item means, if anything.

But for now, I've just laid it out in relation to what I, as a person with trauma disorders and neurodivergent conditions uses sensory items for. I have fidget toys. I have a weighted blanket. I have comfort items of clothing that I wear until they wear out. I have a soft toy that I sleep with every night. I'm almost forty two years old. I'm sure there are plenty on here who would think that last one in particular is very, very weird, but if I sleep with a toy, I don't get screaming night terrors, so, judge away. A toy is snuggly, and it means I don't need to medicate myself to sleep.

I completely respect your views and of course those who use these items; I have worked with numerous others who use these items regardless of age- to me and my background, it doesn’t strike me as weird at all. I hope my discussion with you has not been offensive, if it has, I apologise in advance as it certainly is not intended that way.

It is an interesting topic, yet equally lots to think about now more is being released. It does make one wonder about her real “truth” though. Is it indeed one thing (we aren’t privy to *yet*) or is she playing a “card”. It’s very difficult to trust her conflicting, uncomfortable lies. I’m sure we will find out in due course.
I completely respect your views and of course those who use these items; I have worked with numerous others who use these items regardless of age- to me and my background, it doesn’t strike me as weird at all. I hope my discussion with you has not been offensive, if it has, I apologise in advance as it certainly is not intended that way.

It is an interesting topic, yet equally lots to think about now more is being released. It does make one wonder about her real “truth” though. Is it indeed one thing (we aren’t privy to *yet*) or is she playing a “card”. It’s very difficult to trust her conflicting, uncomfortable lies. I’m sure we will find out in due course.
No offense at all, I offered to try and be helpful and give my own perspective as an adult, someone almost ten years older than LL, who uses a lot of items in my everyday life that people would consider childish, because they make me happier, reduce my stress, and mean I'm not using things like tranquilisers or sleeping pills that I would otherwise need to get through the day.

I think there's one thing that has become more and more clear the longer this has gone on - LL is a cipher. She's not easy in any way to read, and she has a blankness, a stillness, that can be read as anything from calm placidity through to sinister, depending on how it's framed. You can read anything into it you want. I don't think she shows many people, if any, what's underneath, if there is anything underneath. She may just be an unemotional person.

I have a feeling they are already busying themselves with an appeal for her release. I don’t think, after her mothers expression yesterday, they will be willing to take this verdict lightly imo. It wouldn’t surprise me if they are already planning it as we speak.
There was no smoking gun. What evidence was there that 100% pointed to Letby?

No smoking gun does not equate to no evidence.
There was no smoking gun. What evidence was there that 100% pointed to Letby?
All the evidence pointed to Letby before she she was finally removed. The most compelling of which was lack of natural disease process and failure to respond to resus.
There have been strings of experts bought to this case who have presented their expertise.
Furthermore letby bought no defence and was present every time.
Case closed imo!
Oh and the smoking gun was the insulin cases. Imo
Just been reading mainly, to catch up, and particularly the links to articles. Just wanted to say how nice it was to see names I remember :) I haven't been on here since the Wayne Couzens case after various life events.

It is unimaginable to think someone could torture and kill such tiny babies and she clearly has no empathy and didn't see them as human.


Police are now looking into Letby's entire career - including her placement at Liverpool Women's Hospital - and think they may have uncovered more victims.

Hughes says they want to be able to say with confidence that "we've investigated every baby".

More families have been told their children could be victims of one of Britain's most prolific, modern-day serial killers.

And so the case of Lucy Letby continues.

This is an interesting article - sorry if it's been linked before. One Mum reported LL for inappropriate comments, and shortly after, her baby had an insulin spike.


And 100% is not the required standard of proof for a criminal conviction. If that were the case then then prisons would be virtually empty.


I am always suspicious of people who dismiss trials by saying "there is no smoking gun", as though that means anything. I mean, what would a "smoking gun" look like here? CCTV of LL committing murder? There was no CCTV.
It looks like - IMO - that attacks were her coping mechanism in time of stress.

Then she seemed freed of negative emotions.
Until next time, that is.

Some free themselves of mental anguish by means of self harm.

Concentrating on self inflicted physical wounds, they forget about mental pain for the time being.

She could concentrate on drama, chaos, resus.
And forget her inner demons.
For some time.

Just My Opinion
Very interesting reading the police investigators' accounts of how LL came across post-arrest and while being questioned. No (at least external) evidence of upset, panic, hysteria, all the emotions one would expect from someone innocent being told they were under suspicion of mass murder. On the contrary, the impression they (the investigators) give is that she was strangely calm, co-operative, helpful even, explaining medical terms and procedures for them. Information gathering, was how one of them put it...

That level of 'composure' is very disconcerting for someone who also presents as quite immature in other aspects of her character.

Detective who interviewed Lucy Letby says she was 'devoid of emotion'
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