UK police say terror plot thwarted.Planes from United Kingdom to America

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They are saying on the news that this could have been bigger than 9/11.

LONDON (CNN) -- British police have disrupted what they believe was a major terrorist plot to blow up aircraft in flight, likely between the United Kingdom and the United States, a statement from Scotland Yard said Thursday.

Thanks for this report dark_shadows. Scary isn't it? This will never be over.

There is Live coverage on FOX News. It's live feed from their British sister station SKY News.
Fox news
London Police Disrupt Terrorist Plot to Blow Up Aircraft in Mid-FlightThursday, August 10, 2006
LONDON — Authorities in London thwarted a terrorist plot to blow up an aircraft in mid-flight between the United States and the United Kingdom using explosives smuggled in hand luggage, police said Thursday.
magpie said:
Thanks for this report dark_shadows. Scary isn't it? This will never be over.

There is Live coverage on FOX News. It's live feed from their British sister station SKY News.
Hello Magpie,:)
You are very welcome and yes it is very scary.
The UK is on critical alert.It is the highest alert.
PlasmaFiend024 said:
Its weird this and the missing eygiptian students here.
Hey PlasmaFiend,:)
I was thinking the same!
yeah it just strikes me as kinda the fbi says these missing students dont pose a threat but approach with caution?plus youd kinda think these guys faces would be plastered allover.btw hey shadow how goes it?have a great day.
PlasmaFiend024 said:
yeah it just strikes me as kinda the fbi says these missing students dont pose a threat but approach with caution?plus youd kinda think these guys faces would be plastered allover.btw hey shadow how goes it?have a great day.
Hey Plasma,
Here is the latest on the students;
Fox news
MINNEAPOLIS — Three Egyptian students sought along with eight others who failed to show up for an exchange program in Montana were taken into custody on Wednesday, authorities said.
Eslam Ibrahim Mohamed El-Dessouki, 21, was taken into custody in Minnesota on what was termed an administrative immigration violation as an out-of-status student, according to the FBI and the Department of Homeland Security.
OH! I hadn't even thought about the 11 Egyptians until you mentioned them PlasmaFiend! I was just reading up on those missing "students" today and I feel they are a great threat to the country. To my way of thinking, any time someone comes into the country and deliberately disappears they are a threat, but a group of 11 is a huge threat IMO.

And as superstitious as I am, the number 11 jumped out at me first thing. :eek:

Hello dark shadows. When I came here to check for this report, I somehow knew you were on the job and already had it posted. Thank you for being ever vigilant on these matters. :clap:

This is very distressing. FOX said that the FBI is preparing a statement for the USA and will let us know what the have to say. I feel sure that Homeland Security will put us on a heightened Alert Level also, at least I hope so.
Hi Plasma,
Thanks for the post.

Hello Magpie,
Thank-you for the very nice post.I am waiting to hear the press release from the FBI.You were right in saying that the US would raise the threat level.Apparently they just raised it.

There is going to be an FBI news conference anytime now, and Fox will carry that live. It's 7:40 in the morning now in England and it was in the middle of the night when the 20 individuals were arrested. Scotland Yard will be giving more details as well to reassure the public this was a real and pressing danger here.

Wow, it is hard to understand those Brits. LOL Other suspects are or may be at large that the police are hunting.

Well, it's breaking news. Eleven Egyptians disappear in the USA the minute they hit the soil of the USA almost one month before the anniversary of Sept 11th. Now this imminent threat. That means right now or quite soon, doesn't it. Not 3 1/2 weeks away I wouldn't think. I don't see a connection with these missing Egyptians, but who knows? We are being told nothing about their backgrounds or even what they look like. Why is that?

Sorry for rambling guys. But the thought of airplanes full of people blowing up over the ocean, I assume, is totally bizzare and outlandish!

The United States has raised the terrorist threat level to the highest because British Intelligence has raised theirs to the highest.

Scandi Oh, Thanks Dark Shadows for starting this thread. Big hugs to you, or Krams
scandi said:
There is going to be an FBI news conference anytime now, and Fox will carry that live. It's 7:40 in the morning now in England and it was in the middle of the night when the 20 individuals were arrested. Scotland Yard will be giving more details as well to reassure the public this was a real and pressing danger here.

Wow, it is hard to understand those Brits. LOL Other suspects are or may be at large that the police are hunting.

Well, it's breaking news. Eleven Egyptians disappear in the USA the minute they hit the soil of the USA almost one month before the anniversary of Sept 11th. Now this imminent threat. That means right now or quite soon, doesn't it. Not 3 1/2 weeks away I wouldn't think. I don't see a connection with these missing Egyptians, but who knows? We are being told nothing about their backgrounds or even what they look like. Why is that?

Sorry for rambling guys. But the thought of airplanes full of people blowing up over the ocean, I assume, is totally bizzare and outlandish!

The United States has raised the terrorist threat level to the highest because British Intelligence has raised theirs to the highest.

Scandi Oh, Thanks Dark Shadows for starting this thread. Big hugs to you, or Krams
Hey there Scandi,:)
It is always nice to hear from you.I appreciate the hugs,thanks.
All my Respect to you,
scandi said:
There is going to be an FBI news conference anytime now, and Fox will carry that live. It's 7:40 in the morning now in England and it was in the middle of the night when the 20 individuals were arrested. Scotland Yard will be giving more details as well to reassure the public this was a real and pressing danger here.

Wow, it is hard to understand those Brits. LOL Other suspects are or may be at large that the police are hunting.

Well, it's breaking news. Eleven Egyptians disappear in the USA the minute they hit the soil of the USA almost one month before the anniversary of Sept 11th. Now this imminent threat. That means right now or quite soon, doesn't it. Not 3 1/2 weeks away I wouldn't think. I don't see a connection with these missing Egyptians, but who knows? We are being told nothing about their backgrounds or even what they look like. Why is that?

Sorry for rambling guys. But the thought of airplanes full of people blowing up over the ocean, I assume, is totally bizzare and outlandish!

The United States has raised the terrorist threat level to the highest because British Intelligence has raised theirs to the highest.

Scandi Oh, Thanks Dark Shadows for starting this thread. Big hugs to you, or Krams


It is extrememly frightening - all of it - the airplanes the missing Egyptians, the fact that we have been kept in the dark about these people when we could have had millions of eyes looking for them had we been given pictures when it happened. The government probably didn't want to frighten us with terrorist pictures in the news, didn't want to create a panic I suppose. :rolleyes: Well, they have panic on their hands today.

I didn't want to post a link because of language on this particular Blog I was just reading, but it was stated on there that the planes were meant to blow up over major cities, not the ocean! I found this blog by following links from an article just written by Dan Rhiel. I'm not even sure if we are supposed to post a link to RhielWorldView as it can get a little racy, but Dan is awake and on top of it as is Michelle Malkin.

dark shadows -- you are right! Just heard on FOX that the US threat level has been raised to HIGH, the 2nd highest threat level.
Fox reported that the men arrested were Pakistani. Not sure which is correct. Just trying to figure out which terrorist group this is.
No liquids on board as the threat involved liquid chemicals. Amazing.

Do you think this will trickle down to flights leaving America for Paris within the week? We are at the highest alert level. My sister and her 3 kids fly back to Paris after vacationing here, and one of her girls is in a wheelchair. I bet she will be put through the wringer!

chicoliving said:
According to the Sky News report "those arrested were mainly young, British born Asian men".

Has the US terror alert gone up??
Hi Chicoliving,:)
It was said on Fox news that the men arrested are of British and Pakistan decent.:confused:
Hi Magpie, I heard the reporter on Fox say the highest level of alert to match that of Britain.

It is darn scary. Britain does have problems with British born people of foreign ancestry, like last summer when they blew up the subways in London. Those guys were locals I am quite sure, but Pakastani I think.

Hi Chico! Good to see you guys. I wish my sister didn't have to fly back to Paris. That worries me.

A news conferance any minute now from Britain on aviation security.

We can post anything here from RWV I am sure Magpie. Chico will know.

SKY News (Great Britain) reports that the bombs aboard those 20 planes were intended to detonate over major UK and US cities!,,30000-1230417,00.html

'hand luggage banned' Plane Terror Plot Thwarted

Updated: 08:23, Thursday August 10, 2006

Police say they have disrupted a major plot to blow up as many as 20 planes over UK and US cities with explosive devices smuggled aboard as hand luggage.

Police are have arrested 20 people in London - the culmination of a covert counter-terrorist operation lasting several months.

Passengers trying to board international flights from the UK are not being allowed to carry on normal hand luggage.

Queues at Heathrow Sky News' Crime Correspondent Martin Brunt said there were concerns that certain explosives, possibly liquid, could be missed during x-ray screening of hand luggage.

Brunt said the threat was thought to be imminent and those arrested were mainly young, British-born Asian men.

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