GUILTY UK - Rebecca Watts, 16, Bristol, 19 Feb 2015 #15

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Colour Purple:
Re: I can't believe he kept the receipt!!!

Probably hoping to return it as 'unused' and get his money back.

You beat me to it. Was gonna say the exact same thing! 😯
Do you know if the sentencing will be allowed to be reported in real time as it happened during the trial?
Looking forward to tomorrow now... Not sure NM will get whole life, but who knows. SH, 15-20 I think, although she is very young so maybe slightly less. And she didn't admit a thing which will count against her.
Roll on sentencing!

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SH being involved with the planning of the abduction but not physically present in the room would be one way of making sense of the manslaughter verdict. The presence of her and the child could have been a way of making Becky Watts more comfortable about remaining in the house with him, with the other family members out, than she would otherwise have been given the history.

NM could very easily be facing a whole life sentence

Where the offender is 21 or over at the time of the offence and the court takes the view that the murder is so grave that the offender should spend the rest of their life in prison, a 'whole life order' is the appropriate starting point. The early release provisions in section 28 of the Crime (Sentences) Act 1997 will then not apply. Such an order should only be specified where the court considers that the seriousness of the offence is exceptionally high. Such cases include:

a) the murder of two or more persons where each murder involves a substantial degree of premeditation, the abduction of the victim, or sexual or sadistic conduct;

b) the murder of a child if involving the abduction of the child or sexual or sadistic motivation;
c) a murder done for the purpose of advancing a political, religious or ideological cause; or
d) a murder by an offender previously convicted of murder.


I presume Shauna Hoare falls under unlawful act rather than involuntary manslaughter (if it was about complicity in the kidnapping conspiracy). The relevant sentencing manuals are here:

I imagine all other sentences will be concurrent.
Oh - that part. I thought you meant "She was a typical teenager, sometimes testing the boundaries as 16-year-old children do. She was not this greedy and manipulative kid that some people made out in court.

RSBM - Ahh, I thought it was about this part too.
Do you know if the sentencing will be allowed to be reported in real time as it happened during the trial?
Can't see why not. There may be parts of it that aren't but on the whole I would expect the most it to be reported as it happens.
Can't see why not. There may be parts of it that aren't but on the whole I would expect the most it to be reported as it happens.

Yeah the verdict was so I hope the sentencing is no different. Roll on tomorrow.
Gosh, I wish AG and DG every chance of keeping together a strong and loving marriage. I hope they receive counselling to help them through what will inevitably be a bumpy road ahead. I can imagine if AG wants to maintain contact with NM this will be difficult for DG. Not that it is any of my business mind.

Agreed Tortoise. I sure don't envy them in such a position. I think it's going to be a tough road ahead. AG will feel pushed and pulled. For one. To be a Mom to NM. To try and understand his reasons for doing what he did. And for two. DG is gonna need AG'S support to help him come to terms with why his 'Becky?'
I do hope their relationship is strong enough. Becuz I found it hard to read that DG hated AG for giving birth to NM and being his mom. I don't quite see the reasoning behind that sentence. No one gives birth to a 'monster' a series of misfortunate events lead to the depravity we learnt about in this case.

If you were in AG'S shoes. What would you do?
Would you visit your son. Or write to him? Knowing that every letter that's sent him or he posts out, are read by Prison Staff before hand.
So NM would probably feel more at ease talking directly to AG. he'd be able to disclose more without it being censored.

Or would you stand shoulder 2 shoulder with your husband. How would you feel. Knowing that the baby you gave birth to. Was capable of killing another human being in cold blood?
And that human being your son killed. Was the baby daughter of your new husband? (Only being married just a year or so).

It's a nightmare situation. And not one that will resolve itself.
Agree wholeheartedly with everything above.

I actually don't understand all the drama surrounding the fact that the family gave an interview. They haven't said a peep for months. Not a peep! They clearly are heartbroken, their families (many of them) torn apart by not only what has happened but by guilt and regrets. These poor people. Somewhere in all of this there has to be compassion for the family as human beings that needed to speak. In fact I would suggest that they did speak out so that people wouldn't be talking about them and they could let people know how they are affected.

Give me a break! It's almost as if all the drama surrounding Becky's trial is over and the Press need to come up with something to keep on selling newspapers. Shame on all of them.

Becky's father laid bare his pain, frustration, anger, torment and angst for all of us to see. Who are we to criticize? So incredibly sad what has happened here.

I'll say it again, I hope SH and NM rot away in jail. They deserve what comes their way.

BTW, I don't think the pic of Nathan in women's underwear will serve him well in prison. (Oops did I say that out loud?)


I agree with everything you wrote!
I wonder if SH's pregnancy forced the police to 'go easy' on her?

Thru questioning. The Officer/s will no doubt be bouncing questions randomly. A lil misinformation can reward a lot of genuine information. Especially if in no uncertain words. For example your partner in crime seems to have sold you off to save their own neck from a stiff sentence, so you drop some snippets of info. No matter if you both made a pact prior to arrest to go by 'the plan' the Interrogating Officer's will try to trip you up.
Something that is of interest to me regarding NM - whether he had a head injury in his past. Fred West and John Christie both suffered head injuries and damage to the frontal lobes.


Also if NM suffered from ADHD/ADD/OCD/ANXIETY.
Anything like that will cause the brain to be wired differently.
So the thought processes and the areas of the brain that use stimuli you and I would use. Aren't as effective in someone who has any disorder of the brain. As it's wired differently.
Dear fellows,

First of all and at the top I want to thank you all for the strength, mindfulness, partnership, effort, consideration and humanity you have put in wanting to find Justice for Becky with dignity and respect. The discussions, thoughts, ideas and feelings shared here along these months were so important and joined together so many diferente persons from diferente places and nations.

Becky Watts was the motive why I joined WS. It worried and distressed me from the beginning. Her age, the way she disappeared, that first interview when her father cried so much and seemed so desperate, and all what we, bit by bit were learning about this case, had me stuck to it.
Later, when we learned how she was treated before and after death, my 'thirst' for Justice for her turned stronger and stronger as strong and deep was my belief that SH was as much guilty as NM.

Now I want to apologize if, because I was so deeply believing of their guilt, sometimes I would appear as flippant or too confident in it. There were times when I got frustrated with the simple fact that some of you would say for exemple 'oh, I think she must have known' because for me it was 'she knew? No, she not only knew, she was a part of it from start to end!'

So, on those occasions I preferred to stick to my beliefs and didn't want even to discuss something I thought I was sure of. Of course this is not the right way, as the discussions are so thought provoking and I was like 'deaf' to it all if it was not about SH being completly guilty.

I had nothing against SH specially. The 'only' thing that I had against her and turned me more vocal about her was the fact that she denied everything when it was for me impossible, as I repeated ad nauseum (my apologies) - if she wasn't blind, deaf or completely handicaped - not to have a clue about the crimes that were happening under her nose. So, my rage about SH was this feeling that only a complet cold blood and dangerous person could pretend she knew nothing being aside...

Having said this I want to apologize mrazda71 because sometimes I took it too strongly and thought you were defending someone that for me was so guilty. I only had to respect your point of view and nothing else.

Yesterday was a diferente day here in Portugal. A day when the families reunite to celebrate the S. Martin's day. The families joing together and make big bonfires (if they live in rural zones) or simply in our grill as it was my case, and grill chestnuts, eat nuts, almonds, grapes, sweet potatoes, cakes and try the first wine from the harvest.

It is a family gather that has to do with the Autumn harvest, etc.

So, I was busy preparing it all as I would have 9 more persons at home to have dinner and was not worry about any delievery from Becky's jury as I thought it would be perhaps only next week that we would know about the verdits!

This way I was out of the computer much more than in the previous days...

I had a cake in the oven and after finishing preparing the pomegranates which my two boys love and are a mess to prepare... I came here quickly, not that I thought any verdicts were delivered, but only to have a peek on here and see what people were saying and to see if there was something new when I saw the verdicts were delivered and what a verdicts!!

Ialmost couldn't type so much were the tears rolling down my face... ... ... ... ...

I only left brief post for BECKY and had to log out and go on crying and preparing the family dinner... ... ...

It was around 1.30 am when all left and I was so tired and so needing to update as I knew nothing, I wanted so much to read here the reactions, I wanted to talk to you all... I didn't expect! I thought the jury could be wrongly deceived by their 'songs' and give SH a not guilty...

In my rant I too was critical of the prosecution, but it was also in the same line of what I explained above: nothing for me seemed enough to serve justice for Becky...

So, here we are now. A big feeling of relief and also looking for tomorrow (ohhh, this time I will not lose it) to see what the judge makes of this all at this time and for the first time in this trial I am confident that they will be given long sentences and will be most of their lives if not all their lives where they belong - out of society because these two are a real danger and I wonder what they would do weren't they caught this time. Or even what they did before because we don't know if Becky was their first victim!

For all that worked in this case I take my hat off. It was such a distressing and awful case.

For Becky's family I wish they can go on with their lives the best possible and make this tragedy to be a way for them to join together, to spread love and to cherish each day of life as it can be cut so short and I believe we only have this very one to live.

For you all here, this buzz bollock :laughing: :floorlaugh: wish the best. You were all great

fellows and we'll go on seeing ones anothers around here :loveyou:

THANK YOU! :daisy:

Dearest Beesknees. I have really liked reading your comments. As I have with everyone else here at WS.
There are times when maybe there are conflicting views. But then. That's what discussion is about. It's putting your voice 'out there' to explore and question and to hopefully find answers to something that perplexes us.
I love this lil group of ours. How it's grown into a polite, well meaning, caring Forum. We all seek one thing... JUSTICE.... For it to be served. And the families concerned to be able to move on in their lives. Albeit in such tragic circumstances.
I do hope our paths cross again. Each and every one of you.

♡Namastè♡ Peace, Love, and Light. ☆
Agreed Tortoise. I sure don't envy them in such a position. I think it's going to be a tough road ahead. AG will feel pushed and pulled. For one. To be a Mom to NM. To try and understand his reasons for doing what he did. And for two. DG is gonna need AG'S support to help him come to terms with why his 'Becky?'
I do hope their relationship is strong enough. Becuz I found it hard to read that DG hated AG for giving birth to NM and being his mom. I don't quite see the reasoning behind that sentence. No one gives birth to a 'monster' a series of misfortunate events lead to the depravity we learnt about in this case.

If you were in AG'S shoes. What would you do?
Would you visit your son. Or write to him? Knowing that every letter that's sent him or he posts out, are read by Prison Staff before hand.
So NM would probably feel more at ease talking directly to AG. he'd be able to disclose more without it being censored.

Or would you stand shoulder 2 shoulder with your husband. How would you feel. Knowing that the baby you gave birth to. Was capable of killing another human being in cold blood?
And that human being your son killed. Was the baby daughter of your new husband? (Only being married just a year or so).

It's a nightmare situation. And not one that will resolve itself.

I feel their pain and I understand the emotions and complexity of those emotions. They are much better people than I because I'm not entirely sure where I would end up in all of this.

If I'm AG I am horrified that my child is capable of doing what was done to Becky. I would be filled with guilt, feel responsible, and be in great need of counselling and care. There is no way around it. I would have a very time looking my husband in the eye for my guilt at producing such a monster would be overwhelming to me. As misplaced as these feelings may be, it would be how I felt. I have to say in all honesty that I'm not sure that I could stay in the relationship because I would feel my presence would be an never ending reminder of the horror of what happened and I would feel a sense of shame and responsibility. It's just how I am. I might visit Nathan in prison once. That visit would be for me - not him. I want to really know why. I would want the truth. The reality is I probably wouldn't get the truth so that would be that. I would walk away and never see or speak to him again. But that's me.

For DG, I understand everything he has said and feel empathy and sadness for the life he has had to lead for the past many months. I find it remarkable that he has been so honest in relaying his feelings. I am incredibly impressed by his ability to spill his guts and then put it all in perspective.

They have a long road to walk. I hope they can manage to find a middle path and go on caring for each other as best they can. They have so much "stuff" that needs to be tackled. Sometimes strength comes from adversity. Horrible events can drive people apart and in others a new reality is born and couples become closer.

Unless I walk in their shoes I can't even begin to imagine how they move forward.

I wish them well. I hope they can find some peace in their lives and carry on.

I'm not sure I would ever get over it.
Marking my spot ready for the morning. .. oh wait... It IS morning.. Albeit very early. 02:38 early! 😨 Stupid pain not letting me sleep. 😡

Marking my spot for sentencing! Good Night All.
I feel their pain and I understand the emotions and complexity of those emotions. They are much better people than I because I'm not entirely sure where I would end up in all of this.

If I'm AG I am horrified that my child is capable of doing what was done to Becky. I would be filled with guilt, feel responsible, and be in great need of counselling and care. There is no way around it. I would have a very time looking my husband in the eye for my guilt at producing such a monster would be overwhelming to me. As misplaced as these feelings may be, it would be how I felt. I have to say in all honesty that I'm not sure that I could stay in the relationship because I would feel my presence would be an never ending reminder of the horror of what happened and I would feel a sense of shame and responsibility. It's just how I am. I might visit Nathan in prison once. That visit would be for me - not him. I want to really know why. I would want the truth. The reality is I probably wouldn't get the truth so that would be that. I would walk away and never see or speak to him again. But that's me.

For DG, I understand everything he has said and feel empathy and sadness for the life he has had to lead for the past many months. I find it remarkable that he has been so honest in relaying his feelings. I am incredibly impressed by his ability to spill his guts and then put it all in perspective.

They have a long road to walk. I hope they can manage to find a middle path and go on caring for each other as best they can. They have so much "stuff" that needs to be tackled. Sometimes strength comes from adversity. Horrible events can drive people apart and in others a new reality is born and couples become closer.

Unless I walk in their shoes I can't even begin to imagine how they move forward.

I wish them well. I hope they can find some peace in their lives and carry on.

I'm not sure I would ever get over it.

:goodpost: :yes:
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