GUILTY UK - Rebecca Watts, 16, Bristol, 19 Feb 2015 #15

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It never crossed my mind that she was talking about NM and SH. I thought it was directed at DG.

I'm the opposite, it never crossed my mind that it was directed at anyone other than NM and SH. Unless I'm mixing up statements?
It never crossed my mind that she was talking about NM and SH. I thought it was directed at DG.

She would have heard or read the whole of Darren's statement, though (which we haven't) and I'm sure the mildly critical bits were only a tiny part of the whole picture. The real character assassination didn't come from him.
Anoter nice pic of dear Becky. Here with her dog Cass, the one that now lives with one of her uncles :)

2E573B9C00000578-3313852-image-a-122_1447259923123.jpg killer.html

I hope tomorrow the judge is hard on them and remember NM to profit from his life in jail learning how to become MORE APPRECIATIVE of life..
I shall be very disappointed in NM isn't given a whole life tariff; the only complicating factor I can see relates to his mental health issues, which don't in this case, IMO, affect his culpability, but might be an issue with sentencing. I am less confident that SH will get a long tariff, although I hope she does at least get life.

PS - I'm so pleased Becky's dog is being loved.
I'm the opposite, it never crossed my mind that it was directed at anyone other than NM and SH. Unless I'm mixing up statements?
Yes I'm wondering if I've got it wrong..I thought the OP was referring to the comments made re the Watts statement after the verdict. Specifically the comments about *paraphrasing* - not seeking to benefit from Beckys death by selling their story, keeping quiet on social media. This seemed like a sly dig to me as, one of the things the Galsworthys have become known for is their use of airing there feelings via social media. I'm not sure how this related to NM/SH so I'm wondering if we're getting confused and talking bout different things

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I shall be very disappointed in NM isn't given a whole life tariff; the only complicating factor I can see relates to his mental health issues, which don't in this case, IMO, affect his culpability, but might be an issue with sentencing. I am less confident that SH will get a long tariff, although I hope she does at least get life.

PS - I'm so pleased Becky's dog is being loved.

I would like to think that NM will get WHOLE LIFE WITH NO PAROLE and SH life with min of THIRTY YEARS before apply for parole.

Am I dreaming? What do you, UK citizens think?
I would like to think that NM will get WHOLE LIFE WITH NO PAROLE and SH life with min of THIRTY YEARS before apply for parole.

Am I dreaming? What do you, UK citizens think?

I agree beesknees, that is what I am hoping for too.

I think she may get 25, but I'm hoping for 30.
Yes I'm wondering if I've got it wrong..I thought the OP was referring to the comments made re the Watts statement after the verdict. Specifically the comments about *paraphrasing* - not seeking to benefit from Beckys death by selling their story, keeping quiet on social media. This seemed like a sly dig to me as, one of the things the Galsworthys have become known for is their use of airing there feelings via social media. I'm not sure how this related to NM/SH so I'm wondering if we're getting confused and talking bout different things

Oh - that part. I thought you meant "She was a typical teenager, sometimes testing the boundaries as 16-year-old children do. She was not this greedy and manipulative kid that some people made out in court."

This is what they said:

“We recognise that the media have their job to do and were of course of great help when Becky was missing, but we do not want to be part of anything that goes on about the details of Becky’s death and what happened afterwards. We want to forget and move on from the awful things about her dismemberment and give the dignity back to Becky, which was taken from her during her death. We do not want to be part of any distasteful process where people profit from her brutal murder."

I take that as distancing themselves from the media, perhaps especially the tabloids eager to find people who have something to say about Matthews, Hoare, and anybody else involved. You know the types that always surface - the ex-colleagues, the schoolmates, the shop assistant who sold SH a packet of cigs, the neighbour who always thought he looked shifty. Those who want to be in the papers or want paying for a soundbite. There's also the likelihood that books may be written about the case.

I can't see any reference to social media in the statement.
The lad I'm working with today went to school and was good friends with NM for quite a while but they fell out.

Wonder what they fell out over? Did the lad tell you anything he thought was strange. Or eyebrow raising?
At least one of my cousins still does stuff like that now lol Some boys never grow up.

Referring to NM scaring Becky... I expect that NM's attempts to scare Becky were far more alarming than typical silly boy stuff. Becky was frightened to the point that she wanted to move out of the house. It's possible that NM's behaviour towards Becky was largely hidden from the parents, so that they dismissed his behaviour as not too serious.

The guilt that they are feeling about not listening to Becky suggests to me that they simply didn't know or believe that he was doing anything terribly wrong.
Hoping for life for both of them.

In reality however the UKs justice system is lenient and a manslaughter charge is, as we all know, at the judges discretion. Murder is however a mandatory life imprisonment. (Oh, of course here in the uk life is 30 years not actual life) so he could be out when he is 58. So hoping for life without parole, the undernoted link is promising.

At a guess...between 12-15 years for SH.

KD & JP - between 12 months - 24 months at the most, at the very least a suspended sentance.

The tragic case of Mikaeel Kular brought me to Websleuths as he lived in my hometown, his 'mother' was charged with murder but later admitted guilt to culpable homicide and is currently serving 11 years....NO justice in my eyes. Still makes me sad. I sometimes wish we had Americas laws, especially the FL sunshine law. (They make everything public) maybe I'm just nosy.
Oh - that part. I thought you meant "She was a typical teenager, sometimes testing the boundaries as 16-year-old children do. She was not this greedy and manipulative kid that some people made out in court."

This is what they said:

“We recognise that the media have their job to do and were of course of great help when Becky was missing, but we do not want to be part of anything that goes on about the details of Becky’s death and what happened afterwards. We want to forget and move on from the awful things about her dismemberment and give the dignity back to Becky, which was taken from her during her death. We do not want to be part of any distasteful process where people profit from her brutal murder."

I take that as distancing themselves from the media, perhaps especially the tabloids eager to find people who have something to say about Matthews, Hoare, and anybody else involved. You know the types that always surface - the ex-colleagues, the schoolmates, the shop assistant who sold SH a packet of cigs, the neighbour who always thought he looked shifty. Those who want to be in the papers or want paying for a soundbite. There's also the likelihood that books may be written about the case.

I can't see any reference to social media in the statement.

Yes, that is exactly how I read it. Big respect to Becky's mum from me, she's been very dignified and her words about Becky were lovely - I think she did what she wanted to achieve, she made the public know Becky the teenager, not Becky the murder victim.
Hoping for life for both of them.

In reality however the UKs justice system is lenient and a manslaughter charge is, as we all know, at the judges discretion. Murder is however a mandatory life imprisonment. (Oh, of course here in the uk life is 30 years not actual life) so he could be out when he is 58. So hoping for life without parole, the undernoted link is promising.

At a guess...between 12-15 years for SH.

KD & JP - between 12 months - 24 months at the most, at the very least a suspended sentance.

The tragic case of Mikaeel Kular brought me to Websleuths as he lived in my hometown, his 'mother' was charged with murder but later admitted guilt to culpable homicide and is currently serving 11 years....NO justice in my eyes. Still makes me sad. I sometimes wish we had Americas laws, especially the FL sunshine law. (They make everything public) maybe I'm just nosy.
Mikaeels murder made absolutely NO sense whatsoever to me

As awful as Becky's murder is, I can at least, in some small part understand how and why but Mikaeel? I can't even begin to imagine...

To my fellow Brits (and others) who have contributed to this thread, I just wanted to say that although I haven't posted until now, I have been logging in and reading on a daily basis and Websleuths/this thread has been my first port of call before any other media.

I personally had no doubt SH would be convicted - their story in relation to her level of involvement was pure unadulterated BS from start to finish and I knew the jury would see through it, but I can understand the doubts and concerns. I've had them myself in other cases, but this one, for some reason, I was stone cold certain she would get convicted. I also had a feeling it would be very quick and indeed it was. I don't have the gift of clairvoyance by the way, but it's just sometimes in certain cases you get that gut feeling of how it's going to go, and this was one of those cases.

Anyway, thanks again to everyone who participated on this thread. It's rare to see a British case at the top of 'new posts' on Websleuths ... but you've kept this one front and centre - so thanks to you all!

Hi Martha Morris. Am 'one' of the fellow Brits lol. I posted a bit. (My first case on here. Altho I've been on WS reading up on other cases in UK.)
This case was rather Emotive. From the get go. Things didn't add up. Not yr usual teen runaway scenario. Too many loose ends.
But following daily. It unravelled bit by bit. Until we learnt in horror what had really transpired. #findbeckywatts went viral. And to date so far. Its the only case that has generated so much coverage thru various media outlets.
Even out ranking Maddy.
The Jury did us proud and returned a Verdict fitting for the case. I trust that the Judge hands down sentences fitting for what horrors they did. Anyways. Nice to make contact with you Martha. I'm sure our paths will cross again. 😊
Mikaeels murder made absolutely NO sense whatsoever to me

As awful as Becky's murder is, I can at least, in some small part understand how and why but Mikaeel? I can't even begin to imagine...


I know, it was just so so heartbreaking. I think what made it worse was the fact that she appeared to care for her other 3 children & also mikaeels twin. Don't know if you have seen in the papers lately but it has been reported that she is some kind of 'top dog' in corton vale (woman's prison near Glasgow) could be to do with her having money (from family). Makes my blood boil. Oh and the fact that she got to go to Mikaeels funeral and that her other kids are allowed to visit her in prison. But then, to them she is their mother. :( so tragic what that little boy must have went through in his short life. I believe she struggled to bond with him because he looked like his estranged father...sick sick sick and twisted she was.

Sorry everyone for the off topic. Just that Mikaeels case still angers me.
She's said herself she loves the son she gave birth to but hates the monster he's become.

I think she could be the key to finding out what really happened though. I'm reminded of the Jamie Bulger case where one of the boys who killed him couldn't admit it till police let him see his mother and she told him she would always love him whatever had happened.

Ugh. I have 'Norman Bates' on my mind from Psycho now......... 😨
"One of the issues in this case is nobody actually knows precisely what happened inside Crown Hill,"
"Mr Courtiour said the lack of evidence in the bathroom of Cotton Mill Lane did lead police to ask whether Becky's dismemberment took place elsewhere."
"Mr Courtiour added that he was not able to say whether Hoare was in the room when Becky was killed."

Alas. I don't think we'll ever have a conclusion to where things happened. Unless NM decides to write his memoirs. Or he tells his mom on a Prison visit. And mom sells it to the MSM.
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