GUILTY UK - Rebecca Watts, 16, Bristol, 19 Feb 2015 #15

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I don't know yanno they are pretty adamant that they are going to remain at Crown hill.

I'm rather suprised more sordid details about NM/SH hasn't been released by anybody yet..sure seems like they kept themselves to themselves

Just on a completely different topic - DG said this morning/yesterday's interview can't remember which - that he had lost some family members who couldn't get past him standing by AG... I *think* that JG, the uncle who was so supportive and one of the spokesmen for the family is one of them. He was very public and united with the family until just after NM was charged - his fb profiles were then deactivated, the family don't mention him in any way any my more and he hasn't been at the's so very sad that one of the initial people to support DG is no longer united with the family, for whatever reasons they may have, they all had a common goal - Justice for Becky

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Yes I was wondering about that too and I noticed the absence of Joe. I've had a look and he's back on Facebook now. Maybe he deactivated while the trial was ongoing?
Think I may be misunderstanding something. Was it wrong, and people are complaining about AG and DG making a statement? The same with Becky's mom and brother? A lot of times after a trial the family will speak or have a representative speak. Is this something that usually doesn't happen after a trial in England? And with Becky's bedroom, I can't recall a family decorating it the way the victim would have wanted it, but will keep the bedroom of a victim just like it was when the person was alive. I sure hope the family isn't being disrespected. My two cents on the listening to your child, Becky was a teen, and I remember when my two girls were teens, the youngest one. She would come up with all kinds of stuff, and we didn't believe some of it, and thought it was for attention. She was and still is the storyteller. Could that be what AG and DG thought? That Becky was dramatizing and maybe embellishing things for attention? Her family will be would of, should of, until the day they pass, human nature, I guess. AG and DG look so sickly, hope the family all gathers around and help each other.
I think people are commenting on the fact that they've appeared on TV and given interviews virtually as soon as the verdict came through. Those people are implying that they are "cashing in" on their circumstances

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Yes I was wondering about that too and I noticed the absence of Joe. I've had a look and he's back on Facebook now. Maybe he deactivated while the trial was ongoing?
Oh is he I haven't looked today but certainly he hasn't been on for some time

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I think people are commenting on the fact that they've appeared on TV and given interviews virtually as soon as the verdict came through. Those people are implying that they are "cashing in" on their circumstances

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Thank-you, I never took it that way. Following many trials over the years, I especially would appreciate when the jury of a high profile case talked to the media. Like to hear the reasoning that went on behind closed doors. I guess that I just expect for a family to talk after a trial, and never took it as cashing in. But will say, some families definitely appear to be cashing in on a tragedy, which disgusts me to no end.
When I look at this picture of the removable bath panel, (taken before the police removed the whole tub) I have always thought it looked like it had been removed and not put back properly. Maybe it's just the angle of the photo.


then I read this yesterday -

Mr Stone said dogs would "almost certainly" have found evidence of Becky in the bathroom.
He added: "With so many knife wounds, I'm surprised they didn't pick something up through the dogs. There would have been seepage blood, rather than pulsating, as she was already dead.
"If he's cutting her up and putting her in the bath, he would have had to remove the U-bend as there would have been deposits of tissue still in there even with drain unblocker."
The force did not comment.

If he did remove the U-bend to clean it and put it back, it is more evidence that the dismembering was done in the bath.
Phew! I took a break from this case once all the evidence had been presented before closings, because I was SO frustrated with the prosecution... I thought for SURE that they were both going to get away with this because it seemed they didn't have enough concrete, beyond reasonable doubt, case. My heart just couldn't take the disappointment that I saw coming. Plus admittedly I was getting frustrated with people thinking that there was any way in the world that SH knew nothing about any of this. So I stepped away. I figured a verdict would come in by end of the week or early next, so I decided to peek in this morning...imagine my surprise when I logged in this morning to see GUILTY in the thread title!! #justice4becky, finally!!

I am anxious to find out more details that we weren't privy to, but that may never happen. My ultimate wish is that this family can somehow start putting together the pieces of their shattered lives and find some comfort knowing that the people who brutally took her life will be punished. Rest in paradise Becky :heartbeat:
Oh is he I haven't looked today but certainly he hasn't been on for some time

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Yes, there is no mention of the trial though. I think SG was quite annoyed with one of the other brothers (not Joe) because he was speaking out on Facebook a lot during the trial so I think most of them were keeping as silent as possible. I have no idea who has fallen out with DG over AG though.
Life means that after a minimum term set by the judge then the guilty party can be considered for parole

Those with a whole life sentence will never be considered for parole

Here's a list of UK prisoners serving a whole life tariff. There are currently 62 people, the most infamous and longest serving being Brady who is coming up to 50 years inside.

EDIT: isn't it funny (peculiar, not haha) that despite Brady & Hindley getting convicted way before many of us were born that the Moors Murders are still one of the most well known and regularly discussed cases in the country. It must have been horrendous at the time with all those kids going missing. I hope we never live through anything like that again.
Dear fellows,

First of all and at the top I want to thank you all for the strength, mindfulness, partnership, effort, consideration and humanity you have put in wanting to find Justice for Becky with dignity and respect. The discussions, thoughts, ideas and feelings shared here along these months were so important and joined together so many diferente persons from diferente places and nations.

Becky Watts was the motive why I joined WS. It worried and distressed me from the beginning. Her age, the way she disappeared, that first interview when her father cried so much and seemed so desperate, and all what we, bit by bit were learning about this case, had me stuck to it.
Later, when we learned how she was treated before and after death, my 'thirst' for Justice for her turned stronger and stronger as strong and deep was my belief that SH was as much guilty as NM.

Now I want to apologize if, because I was so deeply believing of their guilt, sometimes I would appear as flippant or too confident in it. There were times when I got frustrated with the simple fact that some of you would say for exemple 'oh, I think she must have known' because for me it was 'she knew? No, she not only knew, she was a part of it from start to end!'

So, on those occasions I preferred to stick to my beliefs and didn't want even to discuss something I thought I was sure of. Of course this is not the right way, as the discussions are so thought provoking and I was like 'deaf' to it all if it was not about SH being completly guilty.

I had nothing against SH specially. The 'only' thing that I had against her and turned me more vocal about her was the fact that she denied everything when it was for me impossible, as I repeated ad nauseum (my apologies) - if she wasn't blind, deaf or completely handicaped - not to have a clue about the crimes that were happening under her nose. So, my rage about SH was this feeling that only a complet cold blood and dangerous person could pretend she knew nothing being aside...

Having said this I want to apologize mrazda71 because sometimes I took it too strongly and thought you were defending someone that for me was so guilty. I only had to respect your point of view and nothing else.

Yesterday was a diferente day here in Portugal. A day when the families reunite to celebrate the S. Martin's day. The families joing together and make big bonfires (if they live in rural zones) or simply in our grill as it was my case, and grill chestnuts, eat nuts, almonds, grapes, sweet potatoes, cakes and try the first wine from the harvest.

It is a family gather that has to do with the Autumn harvest, etc.

So, I was busy preparing it all as I would have 9 more persons at home to have dinner and was not worry about any delievery from Becky's jury as I thought it would be perhaps only next week that we would know about the verdits!

This way I was out of the computer much more than in the previous days...

I had a cake in the oven and after finishing preparing the pomegranates which my two boys love and are a mess to prepare... I came here quickly, not that I thought any verdicts were delivered, but only to have a peek on here and see what people were saying and to see if there was something new when I saw the verdicts were delivered and what a verdicts!!

Ialmost couldn't type so much were the tears rolling down my face... ... ... ... ...

I only left brief post for BECKY and had to log out and go on crying and preparing the family dinner... ... ...

It was around 1.30 am when all left and I was so tired and so needing to update as I knew nothing, I wanted so much to read here the reactions, I wanted to talk to you all... I didn't expect! I thought the jury could be wrongly deceived by their 'songs' and give SH a not guilty...

In my rant I too was critical of the prosecution, but it was also in the same line of what I explained above: nothing for me seemed enough to serve justice for Becky...

So, here we are now. A big feeling of relief and also looking for tomorrow (ohhh, this time I will not lose it) to see what the judge makes of this all at this time and for the first time in this trial I am confident that they will be given long sentences and will be most of their lives if not all their lives where they belong - out of society because these two are a real danger and I wonder what they would do weren't they caught this time. Or even what they did before because we don't know if Becky was their first victim!

For all that worked in this case I take my hat off. It was such a distressing and awful case.

For Becky's family I wish they can go on with their lives the best possible and make this tragedy to be a way for them to join together, to spread love and to cherish each day of life as it can be cut so short and I believe we only have this very one to live.

For you all here, this buzz bollock :laughing: :floorlaugh: wish the best. You were all great

fellows and we'll go on seeing ones anothers around here :loveyou:

THANK YOU! :daisy:

You have a huge heart Beesknees. I hope you and your family had a lovely day together. Sounds like a lovely time!
When I look at this picture of the removable bath panel, (taken before the police removed the whole tub) I have always thought it looked like it had been removed and not put back properly. Maybe it's just the angle of the photo.


then I read this yesterday -[/FONT][/COLOR]

If he did remove the U-bend to clean it and put it back, it is more evidence that the dismembering was done in the bath.
See I didn't see as it was removed it just looks like a moulded bath panel - mines the same at home

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Here's a list of UK prisoners serving a whole life tariff. There are currently 62 people, the most infamous and longest serving being Brady who is coming up to 50 years inside.

EDIT: isn't it funny (peculiar, not haha) that despite Brady & Hindley getting convicted way before many of us were born that the Moors Murders are still one of the most well known and regularly discussed cases in the country. It must have been horrendous at the time with all those kids going missing. I hope we never live through anything like that again.
I've got a book which is basically a transcript of the police interviews and trial...gripping reading

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Thanks for this link -- very interesting, and I suspect pretty close to the truth.

It doesn't say much about SH, however, and she (to me anyway) is the bigger puzzle. I doubt she "masterminded" this or was even very interested -- which may be the strangest thing about her behaviour throughout the aftermath and trial. Partner crazed with envy of his step-sister -- okay. Stun guns and circular saws -- fine. Body in the bathtub -- how inconvenient. It's almost as though she switched off those parts of herself that could be touched by human things a long long time ago.


“Becky was begging to move back in here".

Tania must be feeling very guilty now if Becky was begging to move back in why did she not help her poor Becky :(
I think it was a poor decision to appear in front of the press, especially the TV stuff.

Far more dignified to keep things private.

I haven't seen it, but tend to agree.
DG's father, when he gave a statement yesterday, made a point of saying there would be no further comments, but he must only have been speaking for himself.
I've got a book which is basically a transcript of the police interviews and trial...gripping reading

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I am a bit of a true crime/murder 'fan' but I can't read too much about the Moors murders, it is just too horrific and 'real', if that makes sense. Brady is just a horrific psychopath. I remember reading about one of the policemen vomiting every time he heard the carol 'The Little Drummer Boy' because it was playing in the background of one of the recordings of the murders. Just awful.

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