GUILTY UK - Rebecca Watts, 16, Bristol, 19 Feb 2015 #5

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There was another reason given for her brief hospital visit - not sure if I can mention it here so I wont - but the reason given was not related to the pregnancy.
Yes we discussed it at the Time - wrist related I believe

Arghh running slow - I see someone beat me - not sure if it was confirmed but she was certainly in and out of hospital

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Possibly a bit off topic and maybe just me - but I wonder why there was this restriction re the keys.
Becky was 16, not that young to have a key .........and NM/SH were part time carers for AG again, wonder why no key was given to them.

Apart from anything else, would it not be safer to give keys rather than the more risky option of leaving a key outside * in a safe place * which quite often is anything but safe
The only possible reason I can come up with for NM claiming to have strangled BW rather than suffocated her is because he believed that that would be quicker than what actually occurred & therefore fits better with the timescale of the story they gave and SH having no involvement. I think his wish to protect SH is the motivating factor and outweighs the risk of being more likely to be found guilty of murder rather than manslaughter that the more "deliberate" strangling implies. I think there was possibly quite a protracted struggle, BW "fought for her life" and then the question of having to over power BW for long enough to cut off her air, make sure she was dead, get her into the bag then put the bag in the car. All that is harder to achieve in 15-20 mins when SH is reportedly outside than, "I wore a mask, it slipped, she saw me, I strangled her" which would perhaps be more doable.
Possibly a bit off topic and maybe just me - but I wonder why there was this restriction re the keys.
Becky was 16, not that young to have a key .........and NM/SH were part time carers for AG again, wonder why no key was given to them.

Apart from anything else, would it not be safer to give keys rather than the more risky option of leaving a key outside * in a safe place * which quite often is anything but safe
My mom refused to give my brother a key after he lost it numerous times - he was 19 at the time!

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My mom refused to give my brother a key after he lost it numerous times - he was 19 at the time!

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LOL there is that of course !

But NM / SH were carers - surely they needed to be able to access in emergency.... unless there was a near neighbour who fulfilled that function and possibly this * job description* of NM/SH being part time carers for AG has been exaggerated somewhat ?
Sar2them I'm the same with my lot, if you lose one you get another, if you lose that soon after tough! (For a while at least)
The article I linked to yesterday from Western Daily Press about NM and SH knowing AG had hosp apt and calling round to return cake tin to AG's mum also stated that NM/SH phoned AG that morning to check if Becky would be in to let them in or if AG could leave a key. I think AG either couldn't guarantee BW would still be in or that she could be in the shower/asleep after being up all night at her friend's the night before.
I'm of the mind that he did try to use the stun guns but for some reason (batteries no good, he didn't use them properly etc) that plan didn't work.

They aren't the type of thing you can practice with. Certainly both went to the house intending to kidnap an unconscious RW: only imo though.
LOL there is that of course !

But NM / SH were carers - surely they needed to be able to access in emergency.... unless there was a near neighbour who fulfilled that function and possibly this * job description* of NM/SH being part time carers for AG has been exaggerated somewhat ?
I think personally it has been exaggerated somewhat..I think their role was mainly limited to running to the shops for her, taking her to appointments (which begs the question why they didn't that mornign) and generally just popping around and keeping her company - basically what normal family members do but because of her health issues they're being deemed as carers?!

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I,ve read somewhere that it was a long-standing thing that AG's parents took her to hospital appointments (must have been the day that AG,s step father gave evidence). I read yesterday that SH claimed she did some washing up while NM would often vacuum.
Gosh I hadn't even thought of the home visit..does Beckys dad still live there?

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Far as I know, yes they do - awful for them to have this on top of the trial
If both guns were taken then that sways me more to believe SH was much more into the days events than I first thought NM would not need two stun guns
Totally agree. I think SH was a full participant in everything that happened.

Also, re the going into the garden for a cigarette and taking the child out to feed the rabbit. Probably something SH had done many times, but I dont believe it happened on that day.
If they decided to take advantage of the opportunity that had arisen - Becky in the house on her own - then I believe they acted immediately. They did not know how long AG would be out of the house, the quicker they could get Becky to leave with them, the better.

Re the stabbing, post mortem, I am thinking that could have been NMs idea that this would aid disposal of the body - drainage ?

I wonder if she did go into the garden that day, but it was after Becky had been killed, maybe getting their child out of the way whilst NM moved the body?

Didn't SH say she took a cigarette from the kitchen? I wonder if that was something she had done before or not. Did she not have her own cigarettes as she was pregnant and trying not to smoke. I'm thinking also of the comment NM made to her about not smoking at home.

Did she just arrive at the house, know or spot there was cigarettes and immediately help herself to one?

Or did she go into the garden with the child a little later, keep the child out of the way. And at that point, pregnant or not, she really needed a cigarette so took one.
Link to Mirror re jury visits doesn't work. - wondering if it's been removed & whether visits took place this morning. FB crimes against children's posts this morning had a sceptical air re legal arguments delaying resumption of trial till 2pm
Yes the links I had which also mentioned the visits are no longer working

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Quote from above link

That shed has since been removed from the backyard and replaced by the people currently living there

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