GUILTY UK - Rolf Harris for molesting underage girls, child *advertiser censored*, 2013

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The Daily Mail has published a useful list of all the failed/ongoing/successful prosecutions under the 'Operation Yewtree' umbrella (of which Rolf's prosecution is part). Which all started with an investigation into Brit celeb and charity worker Jimmy Savile. It's at the bottom of the article.

Publicist Max Clifford's recent conviction on 8 historical counts of sexual assault is also part of Yewtree. It was discussed in the Jimmy Savile thread here;

ETA: Not to be confused with Operation Globe, the investigation into Lost Prophets' singer Ian Watkins, which is still ongoing following his life sentence, and had spread to the US, last I heard. His former girlfriend Jo is currently facing child *advertiser censored* charges.
A court has heard today, how Harris allegedly assaulted a 15 year old girl while his daughter Bindi slept in the same room. He then went into the lounge with other guests and behaved 'as if nothing had happened'.
Trying hard to maintain a stiff upper lip here. I idolised this man in my youth, for his painting 'magic'. I was glued to the TV and if we'd had a video, I would have watched all day and all night.

He also seemed to be the only Court artist who ever captured the Queen genuinely smiling. And he did a lot to break that awful stereotype of Australians being brash and lacking any appreciation of art and culture. Just heartbreaking it has come to this.
Just clarifying - that's other people's stereotypes, not mine. I don't want to get bashed by all my (very cultured) rellies there!
Friend of Rolf Harris’ daughter details years of alleged sexual abuse

A YOUNG girl was repeatedly indecently assaulted by Rolf Harris just metres from family members, a London court has heard.

The 84-year-old Australian yesterday sat in Southwark Crown Court impassively as the first of his alleged victims gave a graphic account of her years of her abuse at his hands that she said she submitted to out of fear, shock and shame.

But while it was his big celebrity status that once filled her with awe and prevented her from speaking out it was that same status that forced her to finally go to police in disgust.
Finally! We get to see some of the English women's statements! (I'm late to this news, having been away a lot lately)

While I am still highly dubious about both the Aussie 'witness' and the Aussie accuser, there was definitely something going on between the English woman and Rolf. I wonder if they'll find the boy witness, 9yo at the time, to corroborate abuse happening at age 13. That would certainly drive the coffin nails in, for Rolf.

The letter from Rolf to the accuser's father was written in 1997, 15 years before she went to the police in 2012.

In it, he says she 'keeps saying' she was 13 when the abuse started, which he says was her interpreting his innocent comments/compliments as abuse. He quotes the woman saying she 'felt it was the same' as physical abuse.

Clearly, he's admitted to having sexual acts with the accuser. From the letter:

"She says admiring her and telling her she looked lovely in her bathing suit was just the same as physically molesting her. I didn’t know. Nothing took place in a physical way until we had moved to the highlands. I think about 1983 or 84 was the first time. I can pinpoint a date, was 1986 because I remember I was in a pantomime at Richmond."

- 1997 letter from Rolf to the dad

This puts her at 18, minimum, according to Harris, when the affair started at earliest 1983. So in 1986, she would have been 21.

I do find it very telling that he stated in the letter 'nothing took place in a physical way' which to me sounds like and admission that -something- was going on between them before the sex acts he admits to, when she was 18.

I found this interesting, from the article linked above:

"The prosecutor had earlier said she believed the woman was conditioned to abuse and even as an adult would just submit to his advances."

Where I'm at with this now, is in two minds:

A/ the accuser is telling the whole truth, and really was 'conditioned like a puppy' to keep allowing sexual activity from age 13 and then into her adult years, OR

B/ the affair actually started in her late teens, early 20's and the accuser, for whatever reason, is pushing the date back several years into her childhood.

In any case, the whole thing is beyond unhealthy.

I'm eyeballing the 'conditioned like a puppy' thing for several reasons. I'd like to know how often, exactly, this woman stayed with the family over those years and up into her 20's.... and even if she was terrified into silence as a child, why she'd want to keep staying with them year after year after year.... why she did not do her best to avoid him once she was an adult... and why her father didn't call the police, after hearing accusations that Rolf had molested his daughter, age 13.

I wonder how and when, exactly, the situation came to the attention of her father, as well. Must have been some time in 1996, at least, to go by the Christmas reference. But yeah, he definitely had something happening with her as a young woman/girl. Reprehensible!

The statements by the make-up artist do lend weight to Rolf being gropey, she said was he called 'The Octopus'. The letter proves beyond doubt that he had interest in much younger women (at the least!) and also that he is unable to recognise appropriate boundaries (her young age - even assuming she -was- 18 when it began, plus her being Bindi's friend!)

For any ordinary mortal, I'd be much less likely to scrutinise the words and actions of the accusers. But because of Rolf's fame, because of Yew Tree's many other accused (EIGHT men so far!!!) who have been falsely thrown under a bus, because some things don't quite add up to me, as far as at least three of the accuser's statement go so far -- I'm still not 100% on actual guilt as a pedo, where Rolf is concerned.

But I am 100% of the opinion that he is a creep, in general. Seeing him admit to taking advantage of an 18yo friend of the family - that's shattered a lot of happy childhood memories, and made me sad for the members of my family who were enormous fans.
Some snips from articles re statements by the defense:

"....when she eventually claimed that Harris had abused her as a girl, she was trying to deflect the blame when confronted by her parents about her alcoholism, Harris’ defence lawyer said, to the witness’ denials."

"....during this holiday, on the day Harris allegedly groped her on a beach within yards of his sunbathing wife and daughter, she wrote "today was great" in a diary she had been keeping"

Read more:

“I suggest that from the age of 18 there was a consenting sexual relationship between you and Rolf Harris,” Ms Woodley said. “You said this happened when you were much younger and you were not consenting. It actually happened when you were older and you were consenting.”

“No,” replied the complainant.

The complainant also denied threatening Harris after the end of the affair unless he gave her boyfriend £25,000 for a bird sanctuary.

Read more:

Here's a comprehensive list of details/charges/accusations from the link below, which all looks pretty damning when you line up like that:

-- a woman who claims Harris groped her when she was seven or eight years old as she went to get his autograph at a community centre in Portsmouth in 1969, twice putting his hands between her legs in an ‘intrusive way’.
(Can't -anyone- work out the exact date of offense or the exact age of alleged victim? the date of the event would surely be on record?)

- A woman was aged 11 or 12 in 1969 claims Harris told her: ‘Come here, I want to be the first one to give you a tongue kiss.’ He then ran his hand up and down her back and ‘stuck his tongue in her mouth’.

- A woman claims she was groped after Harris asked her to dance at an event in New Zealand in 1970.

-- A woman was on holiday in Malta with her boyfriend when she was 18 when she claimed Harris pushed her against a door and started to kiss her, ‘slobbering around her face and neck’ and groping her.

-- Another alleged victim, to whom one charge of indecent assault relates, claimed that she was working as a waitress at an event in Cambridge when she was 14 in the 1970s, when Harris groped her.

-- The alleged victim in the final three counts on the indictment was part of an Australian theatre company which visited the UK in 1986. She claims that the group met Harris at a dinner, when he assaulted her. (It's revealed here she was paid 60 grand for that interview)

-- a woman and her 15-year-old daughter met Harris at a paint shop in New Zealand, and allege he groped both of them in turn. He allegedly told the mother: ‘She liked it’, suggesting he was talking about her daughter.

Read more:
She also denied suggestions she was seeking to blackmail Harris by asking him for £25,000 to help a boyfriend keep his bird sanctuary.

She said she only approached Harris for the money, none of which was to go to her personally, because he was hosting Animal Hospital on television at the time and he had indicated in the letter to her father he wanted to help her.

The woman said Harris returned photos of the birds she had sent him, along with a note — which she has burned — declining to provide the money. The woman denied a suggestion from Harris’ legal counsel that she had threatened to go to the press.

The woman told the court she thought such cash was "the least he could do" after "all the things he had done".


Now that's interesting.

I CANNOT FATHOM asking any of my rapists for money!!!!!

I can't fathom -anyone- doing so who has really suffered childhood sexual abuse, let alone right after telling their family about it?!

The defense has picked several holes in her story:

The jetty incident showing untruth about the time/details of an alleged attack made me go hmm.
The woman says it happened on stage at a community centre, when Harris appeared in Portsmouth to sing 'Two Little Boys'.

However, defence question her and another witness's version that Harris was ever there in the 1960s, that he didn't appear there until 1978. A man testified that he recalls Harris appearing there in the 60s though, as did Sid James and Diana Dors.

When Harris was first arrested, she sent her husband a text saying, 'I told you so!'. (She had confided about the childhood assault previously to her husband, who was 'taken aback'.
You would think police/prosecution would have been able to verify this appearance, if it happened.

For sure, in the 60s, the appearance of Harris, Dors or James would have made the local news.

Copies may have only been on microfilm though, so it might have meant someone being prepared to go through a few years worth of microfilmed newspapers.....they should have asked me, Lol!

A guy in Portsmouth collects and has appealed for any info about Diana Dors in Portsmouth - he might well, just incidentally, have got some info about Harris appearing there too, maybe?
Unless my memory has gone completely haywire.....

I recollect UK Marilyn Monroe-type actress, Diana Dors, left behind dozens of cash books when she died, logging all her personal appearance fees and the accounts they were in.

They'd indicate the date she appeared at the Portsmouth Center, (if the witness who says he helped there when she and Harris appeared there is correct). That would make it easier to find any newspaper announcement of Harris's appearance. The witness appeared to suggest they appeared withing the same, relatively short timeframe, I think?
Dors released a book in 1978, so she might very well have appeared in Portsmouth that year. I haven't found anything about Harris appearing there....I wonder what the community Center was called?

I did find this though. It shows the popularity of Rolf Harris in the 70s. Introduced by Jimmy Savile. :(
This website lists Rolf Harris appearing at the Guildhall in Portsmouth, March 12, 1963.

The website is very detailed and has images of actual gig tickets, so I'm guessing it is quite accurate about who appeared. But music gigs seem to vastly diminish in the 70s and 80s. Not sure if that's just the hall not taking many bookings, or the site not having the info.

ETA: Seeing those names - it's like the history of rock! Those were the days when stars did gigs other than mega gigs....
You would think police/prosecution would have been able to verify this appearance, if it happened.

This is the sort of thing which has me looking askance at the entire Yewtree operation. For goodness sake, verifying the DATE of that event, and thereby verifying the AGE of the victim, as well as establishing whether the alleged crime --actually happened- at all --- is this NOT IMPORTANT to these people?

It's not like they haven't got the resources to hunt this information up!!!

So apparently we don't even know for sure if Rolf was --there-- that day. Or that year!

It's just pathetic, and combined with the rest of the dubious stories they've chosen to allow to make it to the stand it makes me think they've taken the approach "throw enough mud and -something- will stick".

So far, they've managed to convince me that Rolf is a reprehensible old groper, who *legally* slept with his teenaged daughter's best friend.

Of the English accusers, one admits sleeping with Rolf as an adult, and was not too scared or traumatised to resist asking for a whack of money after the affair was over, and got mad she didn't get it... Lied about the timing of one alleged incident...

One cites a crime occuring at an event that no-one's bothered to verify ever happened, let alone that Rolf was there.

Two down, two to go...
It must be just me who thinks starting a relationship with a 13 year old is not just illegal, but reprehensible. No wonder victims never speak out.

Slightly off topic, but relevant .. Robert Hughes was sentenced today, great interview with Sarah about how celebrity perpetrators are treated differently and how victims are re-victimised by a public who doesn't want to believe:
It must be just me who thinks starting a relationship with a 13 year old is not just illegal, but reprehensible. No wonder victims never speak out.


No, it's not "just you", Mrs. G., believe it or not...

Rolf's relationship with this girl was --disgusting-- even she was 16 or 18 when it began!!! Absolutely revolting, in my opinion.

And as for victims being 'victimised' -- if they talk crap and are called on it, it's NOT "re-victimisng" . In my opinion. It's catching them talking crap.

Now, this woman admits continuing to sleep with with Rolf until she was --29!!-- and also admits asking Rolf for money after her parents confronted her about her drinking. She also flubbed the truth regarding one of the alleged molestation events, and this was presented to the court.

I'm sure it's not "just me" who doesn't feel like a meanie-pants for thinking that all adds up to something dubious, where the child rape charges are concerned.

Just like I am sure it's not "just me" who thinks the affair was indeed reprehensible.

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