GUILTY UK - Rolf Harris for molesting underage girls, child *advertiser censored*, 2013

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‘I ripped Rolf out of picture with his grandson’, former son-in-law Malcolm Cox says after hearing of alleged abuse

THE former partner of Rolf Harris’ daughter said his attitude toward’s the star’s access to the couple’s toddler changed “immeasurably” after he had been told about the artist’s alleged abuse of underage girls.

Malcolm Cox, who had been in a four and a half year relationship with Harris’ daughter Bindi and is the father of their child Marlon, yesterday took to the witness box in the trial of Harris on 12 counts of indecent assault.

Mr Cox told Southwark Crown Court he carried a photo of Harris and his grandson together in his wallet but he has since torn the Harris element out after what he had been told by his former partner Bindi in about 1996.

He told the court Bindi had told him at that time that her friend revealed to her she had allegedly been abused by Harris when she was 15. That alleged indecent assault of the friend occurred decades earlier when both Bindi and the girl were on holidays with Harris in Hawaii and Australia in 1978.
Lawyer accuses witness Tonya Lee of telling Rolf Harris sex-abuse tale ‘to pay off debt’

A WOMAN who alleged she was sexually assaulted as a 15-year-old by Rolf Harris made the story up because she was in debt and needed to make “blood money” by selling her story, a London court has heard.

Aspiring theatre performer and child TV actor Tonya Lee had told Southwark Crown Court she was in London on a tour with a Sydney Theatre Company in 1986 when Harris, dining with the group, allegedly assaulted her.

She claims he ran his hand up her skirt after he asked her to sit on his lap and later when she came out of a toilet put his hands down her pants and penetrated her.

But cross examining the 43-year-old, Harris’ lawyer Sonia Woodley QC put it to her she was unemployed, with three children and in debt to the Australian Tax Office as well as a laptop hiring company.

Well, I guess she should have expected that. I see this woman as an opportunist, she saw a chance to make some $$$ off her story and she went for it. It has shot her credibility to pieces, and that is probably a good thing, because the rest of her evidence makes no sense either, and appears to also be full of lies for instance:

Ms Lee’s voice cracked as she emotionally told the court that the couple broke up because he had allegedly bashed her as she tried to leave him, an assault for which she said he was subsequently charged and later jailed for three months.

^^ oh they broke up because he bashed her as she tried to leave huh? Seems to me if someone is leaving they are already 'breaking up' ..

Then this:

She said her partner had been threatening to discredit her and her Harris assault claim if she did not drop her assault allegations against him.

^^ but wait, how could he do that .. was he also going to run to Woman's Day?

Oh here we go:

She denied wanting to sell her story telling the court the contracting of celebrity publicist Max Markson was Mr McDaid’s idea and she had never been motivated by money although she later accused Mr Markson of having “stolen” from her by not paying her the agreed sum for the story, which in total was $66,000 including tax.

^^ poor thing, it appears nothing is ever her fault.

This was followed by the collapse of her eating disorder story.

Also, so how do you get in debt to the tax office if you're unemployed .. sounds like she has been involved in a little dishonesty before this opportunity presented itself.
It's really funny, isn't it? Detectives can sell stories (write books); lawyers can sell stories; even killers can sell stories.

But if a victim does it......they must be lying.
It's really funny, isn't it? Detectives can sell stories (write books); lawyers can sell stories; even killers can sell stories.

But if a victim does it......they must be lying.

I feel I need to clarify, I know what you are saying .. I believe the witness was sexually assaulted by RH, however, going to the media and lying about that to police, has damaged her credibility. I find her to be inconsistent in other aspects of her story and the defence attorney made those inconsistencies apparent. I do not think this has damaged the overall case because there is a distinct pattern of behaviour in regards to RH .. I find the fact that she lied to police about selling her story more damaging than anything else, it may effect the verdict in relation to charges related to her, but likely will not effect the overall trial and should not reflect on any other complainants.
Oh dear, she should have just stuck to facts and that is what she remembers.:facepalm:

However in cross-examination by Ms Woodley, Ms Lee was shown an itinerary of the tour, which showed the evening at the pub with Harris happened six days before the end of the tour after weeks of travel.
“I can see that … my dates were wrong,” Ms Lee said. “But I know what happened.”
She said she was “at fault” on the timeline. “I am not perfect, I am not a robot,” she said.
Or she's just full of it.

I think her whole story is bunk. She came across, to me, as a liar in that TV interview and she just keep on bolstering that opinion with every word she speaks.

I think Bindi's friend is full of it too. Her story doesn't add up, she slept with Rolf til she was -29- and she asked Rolf for money. Come. Onnn.

They're also pulling witnesses up who were over 18 when Rolf purportedly groped them. Well, if those incidents did indeed happen, it proves he's a gropey man, NOT a child molester, which is what this case all about. Right? Isn't it? Then why are people who were adults at the time on the stand, if it proves nothing about child sex activities.

I think Rolf IS a gropey old man, gross. Is he a child molester? There is not ONE witness who's full testimony I've read so far who makes me think, "Omg, yes, he is." All of them have stories with more holes than a tetley teabag.

Mind you, I haven't read them all yet, so there could be a few actual child victims in there, somewhere, I'll just wait and see.

And what about the one where they can't be sure what year it happened, let alone if Rolf was actually at the venue at the time? I'm not saying it could not possibly have happened -- I'm saying testimony like that doesn't belong on the stand in a case where a man is accused of -raping children-.

Which is a lot different to groping young, adult women. Which is yuck, but very different.
It's really funny, isn't it? Detectives can sell stories (write books); lawyers can sell stories; even killers can sell stories.

But if a victim does it......they must be lying.

That is assuming they actually are a victim. There are other reasons for people to make allegations about "abuse" that happened decades ago, not the least of which is money. If you think about it, it is a good deal for them, because no one can prove that they are making it up or exaggerating an otherwise innocent incident, and if they do trip up on the details, it is because it was "traumatic". And no matter what happens, once they make an allegation, there will always be people who believe them simply because they made an allegation. The attention they receive, and potentially money from book deals or damage claims can be very seductive to many people. The person they are accusing essentially is powerless to defend themselves, no matter what the truth might be. It is a win-win situation for the accuser, and a lose-lose situation for the accused.

The reason we are seeing so many of these accusations now is because authorities are actively seeking people to make accusations, and there is always going to be that section of the population that is only too happy to step forward and satisfy the demand. That is the real danger in all of this, how much is real and how much is made up? Can we ever really be sure after decades have passed? You have to rely on someone's word, and the fact is that people do lie all the time for all sorts of reasons, so why would these situations be immune from that behaviour? How can we tell the difference based simply on someone's word?
^ This. How many British men who should now be retiring in dignity have been hauled through Yew-Too's clutches and come out 'not guilty'. EIGHT so far. But then, they're not seen as 'not guilty', because it's stated 'there was not enough evidence'. Well, what IF there was actually NO evidence. Too bad, so sad?

Heartbreaking, for the truly innocent man whose life and reputation is forever tainted.

I don't think Rolf is 'innocent' at all of being a disgusting old perv. That saddens me as a childhood fan of his, but oh well- the proof's right there.

But then I see yet another witness claiming one incident with Rolf 'ruined her life' and all her future relationships, while neglecting to say there was also incestual rape happening in her family, which -might- have contributed to these ongoing troubles.

It's horrible to see witness after witness 'not quite add up', and at the same time see a pattern of behaviour that really does lead to the real possibility he could have molested young girls.

I'm mad at Yewtree and the prosecutors, for taking the 'throw enough mud and it'll stick' approach, putting witnesses whose stories don't wash on the stand, one after another. It's just -begging- for attention seekers to come forward (as they have in this and other cases). It shows that the real interest there is getting their convictions, no matter what. It's a slap in the face for real victims. It's a nightmare for the innocent, who are not cared about at all, it seems.
Mother, daughter tell of ‘sinister’ Rolf Harris allegedly fondling teen girl at paint promotion

A NEWCASTLE mother and daughter have described how Rolf Harris allegedly indecently assaulted them then sinisterly sneered during a public promotion for British Paints.


The girl, now 38-years-old, said she was 15 or 16 and a Harris fan and keen artist when she attended the store and approached Harris to shake his hand as he posed with tins of paints at the back of the store.

“He said ‘no give us a hug’ and that’s when his right hand went on my left breast and his other hand on my right butt cheek,” the woman known as Miss H said.

Miss H described how his hand had gone into her shirt onto her breast but over her bra.

More at link:

OK here is my major issue .. it seems that RH was well known for these behaviours, yet naturally (ugh) that did not effect his stellar career, and nobody seems to have taken him in hand .. he's still doing promotions, working with children, groping crew etc, yet no action was taken? Awesome.
You know, my best friend's husband committed an act of indecent assault against a 13 year old, well, he probably committed a lot more, but he was caught and arrested .. she hid it, and told everyone a cover story to explain the curfuffel at the time. It took her 9 years to finally leave him and tell the truth of what had happened, so I guess I can see how women can be stunned for awhile and want to protect the dream they thought they were living with a partner. I have great sympathy for the wives, daughters etc, but goddammit in the end you have to live for yourself. My friend wasted 9 years of her life in a sort of half life where she couldn't reach out for support because she was living a huge secret. The change in her since she has emerged has been enormous, any woman should know it's just not worth it, there is no shame on these women who have stuck by their men, but they are living as shells of their potential selves, and you only live once.
OK here is my major issue .. it seems that RH was well known for these behaviours, yet naturally (ugh) that did not effect his stellar career, and nobody seems to have taken him in hand .. he's still doing promotions, working with children, groping crew etc, yet no action was taken? Awesome.

I know we don't see eye to eye on every issue, Mrs. G, but thumbs up for this. It's how Savile and Glitter and the other pedos got away with their disgusting (and not very well hidden) behaviour for so long. I don't doubt Rolf sexually harassed young women and got away with it all these years. I just doubt the claims of some his alleged victims, because they give me good reason to doubt them.

The answer to why these men are given free reign for decades is, I think : $$$$$

These people raked the dollars in for a lot of other people. Having them arrested/exposed would mean a lot of lost money.

They also rake in a lot of public support for whatever causes/political issues/etc they stand for, when they aren't caught.

I think there's a lot of abusive and corrupt men in the entertainment industry, child molesters and otherwise, whose revolting behaviours we never get to hear about at all. Or not until it no longer matters much, as in Savile's case.

I know a few things that'd turn this country's media inside out. I'll never say boo, as none involve crimes in any way and it'd serve nothing. But I will put it this way - men with secrets like that? Those are men with strings to pull. There's a lot to be gained for some, via influential men with shocking secrets - money, influence...

My inner conspiracy theorist (which isn't really all that nutty, all things considered) has long suspected there's an agenda behind Yewtree which hasn't really got a lot to do with justice for the victims (where there's -actually- victims..) so much as making changes within certain power structures in the media.

I'm sorry for your friend, and the victims of her husband. The crimes of molesters ripple out to hurt so many other lives aside from their immediate victims. I hope she's managed to find some peace.
Thanks Ausgirl, yes she has found peace and then some. I think you are right that operation Yewtree is about changing (or attempting to change) the systematic protection that sex abusers who work in the entertainment field have taken advantage of, but they will need to go further if they wish to do that. Once somebody becomes a 'brand' there is a lot at stake for more than just that individual and they are enabled to an incredible degree .. call me a pessimist, but I don't see this changing anytime soon, if ever.
I'm not trying to be funny, but if anyone wanted to prove Pink Floyd appeared in Portsmouth in 69 or thereabouts, they might have problems finding anything in the media.

If they checked that old theatre website I linked earlier though, they'd find an archive poster listing 'The Pink Floyd' as due to appear.

I guess what I'm saying is, just because there's no newspaper report of Rolf Harris being in Portsmouth on that date, it doesn't mean he wasn't. Doesn't mean he was, either. Someone has probably kept all the old community centre records. Shame they were not found.
Rolf Harris trial gears up for the entertainer’s solo performance in the witness stand

ROLF Harris is expected to make his highly anticipated appearance on the witness stand on Tuesday in a public spectacle that has become a ticketed event.

It could be the 84-year-old’s most important performance of his long public career which has taken a battering in the last fortnight by a catalogue of accusations from mostly women from around the world.

Looks like the defence will be that all witnesses are 'lying' and 'jumping on the bandwagon' and there'll be a lot of discussion about mixed up dates going forward, it'll be interesting to see him on the stand however.
I'm not trying to be funny, but if anyone wanted to prove Pink Floyd appeared in Portsmouth in 69 or thereabouts, they might have problems finding anything in the media.

If they checked that old theatre website I linked earlier though, they'd find an archive poster listing 'The Pink Floyd' as due to appear.

I guess what I'm saying is, just because there's no newspaper report of Rolf Harris being in Portsmouth on that date, it doesn't mean he wasn't. Doesn't mean he was, either. Someone has probably kept all the old community centre records. Shame they were not found.

Zweibel, you think -maybe- a team of police detectives and prosecutors might be able to verify the appearance, though?

I just find it crummy that they're putting an alleged indecent forward as evidence and can't put a specific date on it.. or even a year!... despite that the event and its lineup surely cannot be *impossible* to dig up.

It seems efforts --were-- made to find corroborating evidence of these appearances:

Det Sgt Pankhurst said that the alleged victim had not been entirely sure of the date, but "1975 was clearly she felt the most certain".

Another woman claimed Mr Harris touched her intimately when she was seven or eight after she queued to get his autograph at a community centre near Portsmouth in 1969.

No confirmation could be found that Mr Harris had been there, despite searches of local newspaper archives, council records and letter drops appealing for witnesses.

This included looking at copies of the Portsmouth News between January 1967 and May 1974.

See, what bothers me there is this -- I met a very few famous people in my childhood. In a pinch, I couldn't tell you the dates off the top of my head, and I doubt they were well-documented. But I ---wasn't there on my own-- and I am sure that had one of these celebrities molested me, the presence of said celebrity (even at an obscure event 35 years ago in the middle of *nowhere* Australia) could be easily enough verified by naming a few locals who were also present.

Was no-one else there? It just seems very strange to me.

The prosecution in the London trial of Rolf Harris on indecent assault charges has wrapped up its case after two weeks of evidence.

I have to say, at the end of the prosecution's case - the only really convincing testimony came from women claiming Rolf groped them as adults. There were some pretty sturdy witnesses to that, with sturdy backup witnesses. I think it's a mistake on the defense's behalf to aggressively pursue a 'that never happened' line with witnesses claiming adult assaults who come across as genuine. Because it looks to me as if it did indeed happen and pretty often. Then there's the disgusting affair with Bindi's friend...

Of the four women claiming child molestation regarding the -actual- charges, however:

1. Bindi's friend. Slept with Rolf until she was nearly 30. Asked Rolf for large sum of money after the affair ended in 1994 (and was refused). Began claiming Rolf molested her as a child after her family 'noticed' and confronted her about bad behaviour and severe alcohol abuse.

2. Tonya Lee. Nuff said, really. Has been called on her BS at about every turn. Changed story on the stand when presented with conflicting details. IMO, full of shyte.

3. Woman at community centre event, age 7 (or 8? who knows). No-one, not even police who looked really hard, can verify that event took place, let alone that Rolf was there. Or what year the assault allegedly occurred in. Or how old the victims was.

4. Woman who alleges being groped while waitressing, age 15. As with the case above, details are muddled and no-one seems to be able to prove Rolf was ever at said event.

Then there's the non-charges witnesses - the Dulux store mother-and-daughter incident. No charges were laid for that, though, and while the pair were photographed with Rolf during part of the alleged incident, there's been no other witnesses from the day to say they saw the woman stamp on his foot or anything else. You'd think an angry mother stomping on a celebrity's foot and calling him filth would have been noticed by somebody. Like the photographer staring right at them...

I think the defense has a lot of holes to pick at.

What I'm curious about now are those images! If anything's going to hold up Yew tree's case against Rolf, it'll be those.
ROLF Harris will launch his defence tonight in an attempt to rebuild his reputation after more than two weeks of court hearings into 12 allegations of indecent assaults against four women over a 20-year period.

The case has been going at a quicker pace than expected mostly due to short cross examinations, with Harris’s counsel Sonia Woodley QC keeping her cross examinations of witnesses brief.

I was hoping they wouldn't take the route of trotting a long line of celebrity pals out for testimonials, but apparently they are.

Also, some pretty convincing testimony for a couple of women in the radio industry who allege to have been groped at work.

I have no doubt he was a creep toward women, who felt entitled to put his hands his where he liked. I'm guessing a stink has never been made about it due to the 'old boy's club' structure of the entertainment industry here and in the UK for so many decades that has so clearly come to light via Savile & co.

If Rolf's behaviour extended to underage girls at all, then it's a damn pity the prosecution didn't do a better job, and find better witnesses for the child sex charges. As I've said, the ones they have dug up are vague at best and at worst, downright dubious. If Rolf is a pedo then in the span of his whole career, dating back to the 60's, --surely-- there'd be truckloads of women with 'Rolf groped me as a kid' stories to match the scads of 'Rolf groped me as an adult' ones. So why only these four, who are so easily picked apart?

If there are any actual child victims, it seems they've been done a vast disservice by the prosecution so far.

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