UK - Sara Sharif, 10, found murdered in house, Surrey, Aug 2023 *POIs ARREST* #2

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I think the stepmother was responsible for majority of the physical abuse and ultimately the death of Sara

* She was the one to spend most time (as stay at home mother/wife) with Sara. I am sure father is also violent but not responsible for death of Sara
* She called the father in panic (MSM reports) when Sara "fell down the stairs". So father was not responsible for Sara "falling down the stairs"
* Beinash is the dominant person in relationship with Urfan (MOO - based on the fact that he witnessed prolong abuse and did nothing, he didnt speak but let her to speak on the video. He was slumped and relaxed in the video as if he is used to her doing the talking. Also, she was quite confident in her speech - JMOO)
* The father rang police from Pakistan to let them know about Sara (knowing she was already dead as MSM have reported her death as 8th Aug) Was he conveying his innocence in her death? - IMOO
* The video was purely to get the Pakistani police to back off on questioning his side of the family, so they can live in hiding peacefully (IMO)

Perhaps this is also why his side of the family feel that he should give himself up (as he is not responsible for Sara's death) and why stick his neck out for Beinash?
He might be reluctant to give himself and Beinash up because the 4 kids are quite young and he thinks they need their mother?

The friend lawyer should have advised Urfan that in running he has cemented his role as accomplice in Sara's murder!!!

What did the uncle have to do with all of this? Why did he run and hide?!?

Again - all my views and opinions

I doubt very much that the wife is the dominant one. She was probably reading a script written with the husband's supervision and consent. JMO.
If the father and step mother consulted a lawyer and told him that Sara was dead and from his advice, caused them to flee to Pakistan, wouldn't that lawyer have an obligation to report her death to LE? Why didn't he call? If he had, perhaps they could have been apprehended before they had time to leave. MOO MOO MOO
If the father and step mother consulted a lawyer and told him that Sara was dead and from his advice, caused them to flee to Pakistan, wouldn't that lawyer have an obligation to report her death to LE? Why didn't he call? If he had, perhaps they could have been apprehended before they had time to leave. MOO MOO MOO
I agree. I very much doubt there is a 'friend" lawyer.
IF there was a friend lawyer, he is not under obligation (as they are not his clients) to keep quiet about the crime. He wouldn't jeopardise his career for these guys.
Another article from the Pakistani news source AAJ News.

Not much new.

Several members of the family have been detained by the police while a few of them are held in secret locations by Jhelum police in order to force the runaways to come forward, and to avoid the intervention of the courts, methods that were labelled as “unconstitutional colonial tactics”

In an attempt to increase the pressure on the fugitives, police are reported to have now made further threats to go after the women in the family.
I think they have basically just pulled all of this from the Guardian Article actually.
Starting to feel impatient about all of this detaining going nowhere fast myself.
Calm before Storm??? :)

Does this detention refer only to father's family?
What about step"mother's"?
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From Smccat article linked above

According to Muhammad Sharif, his son sent him a voice note earlier this week asking for advice .......

I got in contact with Urfan earlier this week for the first time since his hiding,” Sharif senior said........

This is just getting ridiculous. Grandfather is able to communicate but police can't locate them.
This is just getting ridiculous. Grandfather is able to communicate but police can't locate them.
They can.
But want surrender.
I think for children's sake.

As I predicted a lot is happening "behind the scenes"
As was mentioned in my link upthread (Guardian).

They can.
But want surrender.
I think for children's sake.

Yes, I see your point Dotta - although I doubt anything is going to happen to the other children. I don't think the 3 wanted people are that stupid.
I guess I am just feeling angry that they seem to be organising the narrative to suit themselves, playing the victims and not wanting to be blamed for what they see as just an * incident* .
The real victim, Sara, who was abused over a long period of time, seems to have been marginalised here.
Yes, I see your point Dotta - although I doubt anything is going to happen to the other children. I don't think the 3 wanted people are that stupid.
I guess I am just feeling angry that they seem to be organising the narrative to suit themselves, playing the victims and not wanting to be blamed for what they see as just an * incident* .
The real victim, Sara, who was abused over a long period of time, seems to have been marginalised here.
They will be caught.

Their cosy existence is the thing of the past.

They didn't appreciate the life they were leading in the UK.

They didn't appreciate the love of their daughter Sara.

Now they are living as rats, in hiding, only bringing misfortune and shame to their families.

Good riddance!!!! :mad:
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Oh, we must flee England because the UK police will treat us severely and take our children away, because we're muslim.

Oh, we must hide and not go out, and starve our children and make our extended families suffer, because the Pakistani police will torture or kill us.

Oh, the media makes up lies about Sara's death.

Oh, pity us, we're victims wherever we go.
"The groceries have ran out and there is no food for the kids as the adults are unable to leave their homes out of fear of safety."
I think this is another lie designed to try to gain sympathy. She doesn't say there is no food for the adults.

I was interested that their are no sounds in the background in the video. Children may have been sleeping and it could have been the dead of night of course, but no traffic, no voices, nothing. I think the cities are quite bustling places in terms of mopeds and such like. Maybe they've gone out into the sticks.
Children are recovered!!!!! :D

"Police raided the ancestral home of Irfan Sharif, the father of Sara Sharif, who died under mysterious circumstances in Britain last month, and took Sarah's five siblings into custody.​

Jhelum Police Spokesman Mudassar Khan has told Urdu News that during the raid on Irfan Sharif's ancestral home in Lota Chowk area of Jhelum Cantt,​

his 12-year-old son N,​

two six-year-old twin sisters, H and B,​

four-year-old . ,​

and one and a half year old A has been taken into custody."​

Click translate in the link

MOD NOTE - edited to removed the full names of the children.
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Children are recovered!!!!!

"Police raided the ancestral home of Irfan Sharif, the father of Sara Sharif, who died under mysterious circumstances in Britain last month, and took Sarah's five siblings into custody.​

Jhelum Police Spokesman Mudassar Khan has told Urdu News that during the raid on Irfan Sharif's ancestral home in Lota Chowk area of Jhelum Cantt, his 12-year-old son N, two six-year-old twin sisters, H and B, four-year-old, and one and a half year old A has been taken into custody."​

Click translate in the link

Very good news
More from Pakistani MSM

" Mohammad Sharif from Jhelum, while talking to Urdu News on the phone, alleged that​

'the police have taken cash and jewelery apart from taking the children into custody during the raid at his house.'​

He said that the police broke the locks of his shop and house.​

In response to a question, Mohammad Sharif said that he kept Irfan Sharif's children with him because he is their grandfather and his grandchildren are more secure with him.​

Haq Nawaz,​

'It is likely that these children will be handed over to the British High Commission as they are British citizens.' "​


Sara Sharif: father’s family negotiating fugitives’ surrender with Pakistan police​

Father of dead 10-year-old understood to be negotiating trio’s safe transfer to UK authorities as local police pressure relatives


Sara Sharif: father’s family negotiating fugitives’ surrender with Pakistan police​

Father of dead 10-year-old understood to be negotiating trio’s safe transfer to UK authorities as local police pressure relatives

That's rich. Flees to Pakistan to escape UK authorities. But now prefers the UK justice system to the one Pakistan might administer.

He's lucky if he has that option.

Sara didn't have options.

I am soooooo relieved the 5 children have been recovered and that Sara's mom will get her son back.

Now being reported by BBC.

Muhammad Sharif, Sara's grandfather, said he had been hiding the children in his home in the north-eastern city of Jhelum, but would not say how long they had been there.
Just before 16:30 local time (11:30 GMT) on Monday, the BBC was told by neighbours that police had arrived to raid the property.
Eyewitnesses told the BBC that dozens of officers gathered outside the property, stopped traffic and prevented anyone from filming on their phones.
Mr Sharif said that all five children were then taken away by police.
He accused the officers of breaking the CCTV cameras and the gates of his home. He had previously repeatedly denied being in touch with his son or knowing where the family was.
The police have confirmed that they have the children. Sara's father, stepmother and uncle Faisal Malik were not with them.
A neighbour told the BBC "Police officers including female officers raided the house. They broke the CCTV at the entrance and entered it. While inside, more officers arrived outside and stopped the traffic. They stopped everyone from filming on their mobile phones."
On Friday, Muhammad Sharif told the BBC he had sent a message to his son Urfan Sharif to surrender himself to police "two to three days ago".
More from Pakistani MSM

" Mohammad Sharif from Jhelum, while talking to Urdu News on the phone, alleged that​

'the police have taken cash and jewelery apart from taking the children into custody during the raid at his house.'​

He said that the police broke the locks of his shop and house.​

In response to a question, Mohammad Sharif said that he kept Irfan Sharif's children with him because he is their grandfather and his grandchildren are more secure with him.​

Haq Nawaz​

'It is likely that these children will be handed over to the British High Commission as they are British citizens.' "​

Thank goodness for their British citizenship!

Gotta admit, though, my stomach is in butterflies thinking how scary this all must be for the children. They have been through a lot, and it's not over :(


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