UK UK - Sarah Everard, 33, London - Clapham Common area, 3 March 2021 #3

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Is it possible someone has had Sarah's body concealed within the flats and a resident has seen someone taking something suspicious out and loading it into a car and has alerted police?

They could have maybe made an investigation based on one of the residents déclaration yes.

Do we know if all the teams have gone from the scene now? both CSI and police ?
I'm wondering if they found something, like an ear bud piece, or broken phone case, or keys or something, for such intense interest in that one location.

Going off the previous poster, who claims to be ex Forensics, it seems that presence of CSI in the first place would indicate stronger evidence than the ones you've mentioned. Like the poster said they don't get called in unless there are strong reasons.
I'm a bit stumped for a theory tbh

I know that hit and conceal of body is quite a common theory on threads I've followed but does anyone know of a case where this has happened

It seems so unlikely that on a busy London street at a relatively early hour that this would be something that anyone could do without being seen. It's not the work of a moment

Hit someone, get out of car, see they are dead, decide you need to hide the body, think of somewhere to do it, get the body into the car, drive to place, get the body out of the car, drive away

All without being seen in the few seconds before someone passes by?, nope, total non starter IMO
I notice there is a small patch of grass with shrubbery and a low fence belonging to Oaklands Estate the building next to Poynders Court and which is located next to Poynders Court refuse and garaging area. A perp could hide in there to grab a passerby. Sounds unlikely perhaps but that’s exactly what Levi Bellfield did when he grabbed Milly Dowler off the street outside his block of flats in Walton on Thames. And this was in broad daylight.
It would make sense that LE has been scouring CCTV and talking to witnesses (they've apparently talked to 750+ people going door to door & taking calls) and basically gathering evidence for a warrant. With all of the CCTV in this area, they MUST know if she went into those flats or if she kept walking, or where she went. It seems so unlikely that they wouldn't know that, to me.

My guess (THIS IS JUST A GUESS!) is they have footage of her going inside those flats, and maybe even footage of her going inside with someone.
I am with you on this
Tonight’s search is reminding me of the midnight forensics on the bench in the Libby Squire case, that ended up yielding nothing useful in trial. Keeping everything crossed that this proves more helpful to finding Sarah, safe and sound.

Such a big, visible police presence has to be significant - either because they had good reason to expect to find something important, or they wanted somebody local to *think* that they’d found something important.
Going off the previous poster, who claims to be ex Forensics, it seems that presence of CSI in the first place would indicate stronger evidence than the ones you've mentioned. Like the poster said they don't get called in unless there are strong reasons.

Said poster was a new poster and said they'd only turn up like this if there was a body there, which now seems incorrect and I think casts shadow on other things they said. Not saying they are lying but - red flag.
A dear friend of mine was killed in a hit and run recently in a rural location with no witnesses, the damage to the car was substantial enough to have been the reason the police narrowed down a suspect so quickly. It was very significant damage. Granted, the speeds involved on a rural lane vs an urban main road are likely very different, but it’s worth factoring into any theory
Article with image
Forensics arrive at cordoned off flats in hunt for Sarah Everard

I am seeing purple which made me think of the trainers. Probably nothing, but worth pointing out why forensics are so so important, and now wondering why they didn't sweep this area (being it was near to where she was last seen/pinged) DAYS ago?
Agreed especially as per an earlier poster this building is at the exact spot a pedestrian would be expected to be having left Leathwaite at 9pm
Updates on missing Sarah Everard as block of flats is cordoned off

A sniffer dog was called to the scene
Here are some photos as a sniffer dog was called to the cordoned off scene to find any clues.




It is interesting to me that the section of fence in this image appears to be damaged.
This of course, could be completely coincidental.

Could any locals comment on whether this is new damage please?
Good thought, I wondered that myself.

But you have perhaps 30 flats from across the street that can see that curb and road area & the sound of a brief scream or a crash would have likely been noticed, at least that's what I concluded

It is an interesting thought, but flawed. The police would not have bee searching inside the block if that were the case, the police activity when tallied with that theory doesn't really marry up, however trying to keep an open mind
They could have maybe made an investigation based on one of the residents déclaration yes.

Do we know if all the teams have gone from the scene now? both CSI and police ?
Because if a resident has reported someone moving something suspicious-looking from the flats to a vehicle they might not know which flat the person came from hence the forensics entering the flats and potentially checking the common areas and then focusing on the spot on the pavement where the resident has seen something?
You'd have to get lucky with traffic and people and very quickly determine she is beyond hope and decide you're going to take her very quickly. You'd need to do a lot of things VERY quickly in my opinion.
If it was a car accident, wouldnt it have been better just to be a hit and run, rather than complicate things by stopping to pick up body and then dispose of the same?
I also agree she seems to have possibly willingly got into a car, or has been persuaded into a car. Can’t imagine if there was any commotion that somebody didn’t see or hear as it’s such a busy area and being right outside all those flats, everyone is home right now, someone would have heard something?
I wonder if the police maybe have suspicions about someone she knew, she was due to start a new job or had started a new job? Perhaps a new friend or person she thought was trustworthy that turned out not to be.
Article with image
Forensics arrive at cordoned off flats in hunt for Sarah Everard

I am seeing purple which made me think of the trainers. Probably nothing, but worth pointing out why forensics are so so important, and now wondering why they didn't sweep this area (being it was near to where she was last seen/pinged) DAYS ago?
Trainers were blue and green with orange laces.

link to missing poster UK - UK - Sarah Everard, 33, London - Clapham Common area, 3 March 2021 #2
Car Accident Theory - I think highly unlikely in my opinion. This is a busy lit road. We have seen CCTV footage of others walking nearby around the time. There would be noise, panic, loading of a person into a car. Not enough time IMO.

I agree. Also, you suddenly go from hitting somebody, to also having a body to dispose of. Most hit and runs occur because people panic, never mind taking the time to then try and get a body in their car without being seen, even if a driver does stop.

Along with the drug theories, I see this as the least likely reason for Sarah's disappearance.
So true, photographing the kerbstone like that- Maybe a car drove up on the kerb? Very strange.

An area of interest has been identified, possibly as the result of telecoms data. It looks like this is a tyre mark. It could potentially be evidential at a later point in the investigation. Therefore, it is being preserved by using high resolution photography.

This technology would also be used at the scene of serious road traffic collisions as major roads can't be closed for extended periods of time just so that potentially evidential marks can be covered and preserved.

This is on part of a main arterial route around London.....The A205 South Circular Road.
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