Found Deceased UK - Sarah Everard, 33, London - Clapham Common area, 3 March 2021 *Arrests* #11

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Hi everyone, this is my first post but I’ve been here since thread 1 and I feel like I’ve barely slept since this started! I hope this is okay to post, I won’t add unverified links but please delete if not okay. So earlier this evening I searched twitter for “websleuths” because the website wouldn’t load and I wanted to see if anyone else was talking about it being slow, but instead I came across a thread posted this evening by the dog walker (from a very early thread) spotted by someone here on CCTV at 9:30ish on the road where Sarah was. It seems he followed a link from here and confirms it’s him and he’s really torn up about it. I’m by no means saying anyone here did anything wrong, but it really made me think about the wider implications of this case and obviously the person in my thoughts most of all is Sarah, but this has impacted so many people. I also wanted to say thank you to everyone here, your discussion and insight have made me feel less alone at a really scary time (as someone very similar to Sarah who feels it could easily have been me)

I read the same thread and that’s not at all what he said. He said he heard the Met was asking anyone who may have been out during that time to come forward and since he was walking his dog, he searched for more information which led him to the WS thread that let him confirm he was out at a relevant time and place. He’s upset because he was on the same street as Sarah minutes apart from when she went missing, not because WS was reviewing CCTV.
What strikes me as odd about this location is that it’s a strange place to dispose of anything.

Even if you don’t know the waterways well, the quay in Sandwich is very deep and very fast flowing. You can also get much closer to it in a vehicle. With the accused coming from Deal, I would expect he would be familiar with the drowning that occurred a couple of years ago, where a 7 y/o boy fell into the river and was dragged under with the current pretty much instantly. The boy was from Deal and there was a lot of media coverage.

I also remember the awful case of the boy. It's a tidal river. very strong.
May be removed as, although the dog walker(s) have been mentioned in MSM, this tweet isn’t strictly MSM and is therefore unverified.

That said, from their description of walking south down Kings, then west along the A205 and up Clarence, isn’t the footage of the dog walkers (one with dog, one with white bag) we’ve posted about occurring at 21:45 (and not 21:30) and walking towards Kings Ave and not away from it? Or am I referring to a separate image to the one the tweeter is, or misunderstanding the location/direction of the camera? Mine below for reference

I saw the other one. Solo with dog. On an earlier thread.
May be removed as, although the dog walker(s) have been mentioned in MSM, this tweet isn’t strictly MSM and is therefore unverified.

That said, from their description of walking south down Kings, then west along the A205 and up Clarence, isn’t the footage of the dog walkers (one with dog, one with white bag) we’ve posted about occurring at 21:45 (and not 21:30) and walking towards Kings Ave and not away from it? Or am I referring to a separate image to the one the tweeter is, or misunderstanding the location/direction of the camera? Mine below for reference

There was an earlier shot at 9.30 of a dog walker that seemed to stop and look around, it's definitely not the one in your photo above, but I'm struggling to find it to link to now.
There are people here to seem to be from Deal or even Sanwich.

I have a question: If you grew up in Deal, would Sandwich be a place you would normally go to such as for shopping or dentists or schools, or would you go to Dover?

I wonder if the alleged perp has connections from the old family garage business with some of the petrol station owners or garages in Sandwich.

(taking off on the post by @imstilla.gramma about seeking familiar and safe-feeling places and people)
I also remember the awful case of the boy. It's a tidal river. very strong.

That’s what I mean - the tidal area would remove any evidence. Just seems like the Ropewalk is a strange choice to me. If there’s something in the river at that point, they’ll find it. (Good for the investigation)

It was a really horrible time to live in Sandwich - but the community was amazing.
I t
I've wondered the same.

What did WC do when he got off?
Did he go home or did he have a sleep at lodging nearby -- only to surface Weds evening near Clapham area which is said to be only 3 miles from his work post?

Reportedly, WC had a block of time off at this point, not expected to return to his London post until 8 March. Was this representative of his normal rotation? It's not unusual for Officers with similar schedules to lodge in town and go home during their extended R&R.

Did WC keep lodging nearby?

WC is a predator that was seemingly ready to strike. In his mind, 5 days off, the timing was right.

Why SE and not somebody else?
Had he been following SE on Weds, lying in wait for her?

I could go on and on... :eek:
I think most likely is he went home to sleep, and told his wife he had work when he went to Clapham. Would give him all night.
I read the same thread and that’s not at all what he said. He said he heard the Met was asking anyone who may have been out during that time to come forward and since he was walking his dog, he searched for more information which led him to the WS thread that let him confirm he was out at a relevant time and place. He’s upset because he was on the same street as Sarah minutes apart from when she went missing, not because WS was reviewing CCTV.

Sorry, I meant he was torn up about being in the area not about being on here!! Badly worded on my part (I clearly need practice!!) so have deleted
There are people here to seem to be from Deal or even Sanwich.

I have a question: If you grew up in Deal, would Sandwich be a place you would normally go to such as for shopping or dentists or schools, or would you go to Dover?

Lots of travel back and forth between Deal and Sandwich, but Deal is the bigger town.

I wonder if the alleged perp has connections from the garage with some of the petrol station owners or garages in Sandwich.

Either. There’s two secondary schools in Sandwich. But there’s also secondary in Deal and Dover.

I don’t think the petrol station/garage are being searched as part of the operation.
its not easy to dismember someone. would he be able to mentally? or maybe he did and its caught up with him

hence his break downs
One of the crimes of dismemberment that comes to mind is Becky Watts. Her stepbrother dismembered her in the bath, it took days. This would require a lot of clean up also. I'm not sure if WC had that time but it is possible
I believe that was from when they were looking for her being on foot. As we now know she was in a car and never made it home.
Thanks, @MsMiniSleuth. I'll edit my post to be more clear. I don't believe SE made it home but I'm interested in any CCTV that provides the big picture -- especially when so few facts available.
I have considered whether WC knew more about SE than we have been told. Did he know she lived alone? Did he know how much further her walk home would be?
Obviously he was taking the biggest risk in kidnapping SE, but how could he be sure she wasn’t 1 min from her house and had just put the phone down to her bf saying I’ll be back in one minute, then the alarm would have been raised within the hour- it’s as if WC knew he was going to have a bit of time before the alarm was raised. Could just be a coincidence but she is of age to have husband and kids back at home who would have raised alarm immediately. JMO- keen to hear others thoughts
it has crossed my mind more than once that he may have stalked her, like Dennis Rader, but IMO. The execution of this all seems really sloppy but that could also be the influence of an age of surveillance which people may not necessarily grasp. If you think about some of the most prolific serial killers, they may have been caught much sooner in this day and age, particularly in cities where cctv is so prevalent (thank goodness)
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I can't help but think of a recent personal experience, and also Sammantha Josephson: Sammantha entered a vehicle she believed was the Uber she requested. She was trapped inside the vehicle by the child-proof locks-- and driven more than 70 miles away from where she was abducted. She was stabbed more than 30 times and left in woods also located near the suspect's childhood home.

Have we been able to determine exactly how far SE was from her home when she disappeared?
If SE was around Poynder Rd/ Clarence Ave, google map cites this about 6 mins by car or 15-minute walk.

What was the weather like when SE walking home? Any sudden change after she left her friend's apartment?

Relative to SE accepting a ride by the wrong person, recently, walking home from Postal Office, there was a sudden cloud burst. Picking up my pace, I stumbled crossing the road, and trying to break my fall, I managed to shatter my wrist!

A stranger pulled over to help me to my feet and also offered a ride home (about .8 mile) but fortunately --not before a neighbor rounded the corner.

I keep thinking about this and how I probably would have accepted the ride had my neighbor not appeared. Could SE have been injured -- caught off guard by a Police Officer with evil intentions? (I also believe I probably would have been safe accepting a ride and that most offers are safe, genuine, and sincere). MOO

Google Maps

Slain SC student Samantha Josephson stabbed to death, per coroner's report
Yes but I think the question is whether there are child locks in the front seats of cars as I assume Samantha would get in the back seat of an Uber (I always do) and we know you can child lock the back but not sure if the front?
if you accept a lift from someone who appears friendly wouldn’t you choose the front seat and not the back? MOO.

And I hope you are recovering well and your wrist is on the mend :) but yes shows how easy it could be to get in a strangers car if you are in need..
There was an earlier shot at 9.30 of a dog walker that seemed to stop and look around, it's definitely not the one in your photo above, but I'm struggling to find it to link to now.
Not sure we should be linking screenshots of anyone really. We already had a whole thread pulled and really unfair to post images of someone that is clearly not involved.
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