UK UK - Sarah Everard, 33, London - Clapham Common area, 3 March 2021 *Arrests* #6

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The other thing I find fascinating is his psyche. The Sun reported that he only joined the Met in 2018, transferring straight into DPG (his current unit). And had only ever worked in Deal, and then Dungeness in Kent until 2018. It also says he didn't like London and wanted to quit the police and take up hospitality back home in Kent. So can't have been perpetrating acts in London before 2018? And can't have left any DNA/traces previously, or it would have been picked up on his security checks in 2018.

His job at DPG involves him spending all his shift guarding diplomatic buildings or security at events. It's not one where he is out and about on the streets of London or gets any real downtime tbh. He then has a 4 HOUR commute to and from home. So can't be drinking after work or socialising much. And then a family to look after as his wife works full time in Dover - so between them they must have to juggle school runs and child care?

If he had a history of such acts in Deal or Dungeness, these are small enough towns that in 30+ years, someone would have noticed or reported it? So it makes me wonder if all this started only once in London?

Met cop 'may have used warrant card to entice Sarah Everard into car'
So just to clarify, although WC wasn’t on duty at the time of the kidnap, he WAS on duty that day? So he’s may well have spent the entire day thinking about murdering an innocent girl when he was supposed to be serving the public. MOO
One thing about the possibility being speculated of him flashing his police ID as a pretext to get her into the car: if he did this, his intent was always to kill her, IMO. If he let her go, her description of him + police ID would easily lead back to him.

The false number plates found are an interesting new detail, but hard to imagine why he’d take the time to stop and stash them locally when he could just dispose of them along with the body later. Could be entirely unrelated.

If it was a hire car, and if the fake plates were his, it is an exceptionally cunning way of avoiding discovery. Different vehicles for different offences, non which can be traced back to him. I’m disinclined to give him that much credit, though - he obviously isn’t as clever as he thinks to have been caught and arrested so very quickly.
Like many here I’m completely perplexed as to how this has played out. I followed the trial of Pawel Relowicz closely and it taught me a great deal about how offending can quickly escalate from indecent exposure to something much more chilling. I do believe that’s what happened here too .. but his choice of location - a busy road at a time of night when plenty of people / traffic were still around - seems bizarre.

In terms of rental vehicles, my first thought was that the Seat was perhaps on long term lease, but checking the MOT history both cars have approx 100,000 miles on the clock - that would not typically be a lease or hire vehicle. Also, he’s a police officer. He’s going to know that number plate is traceable and the car can be traced back to him surely. So what’s the point in using a rental car? The Seat did look remarkably spotless for a car with circa 100k on the clock.

I can see the possibility that SE might have gone willingly - lockdown worries / police badge etc, but somehow this doesn’t sit quite right for me.

There is still a possibility he rents an apartment in the Poynders block I guess. Has all police activity there ceased now?

And what were they searching for on that kerb edge so late at night with torches? They put markers along the pavement implying there might be something. Although, as in the Relowicz trial, it might not be something we find out about (bench search late at night which was never referenced in that trial).

My post doesn’t really offer many answers, I’m still trying to process how this might have unfolded. I do wonder if he intended a sexual assault and nothing further, but that things went significantly wrong and that in a panic he rushed to dispose of evidence and roped his wife in to help cover his actions - under the threat of her not wanting the family broken up etc she might have complied without thinking clearly. Or maybe they arrested her to instil fear so that she’d begin sharing everything she knows about that evening with police.

So sad that this looks to have ended in the most tragic of ways. With thanks to VIs, locals and others for their invaluable insights.

Edited: to add that the above is my opinion only.
I never walk alone at night as a lone female, largely because I follow too much true crime and know what can happen. That said, I know plenty of women who do and I think I’m overly cautious. With this in mind, I have to put myself in Sarah’s shoes and consider what I may have done in her situation:

If I was randomly offered a lift home by a stranger (no uniform), I would have said no.

If I was told I was breaking Covid rules (whether I was or wasn’t) and to get in the car by an officer in uniform, I’d have been uncomfortable with this too.

If however I was approached by an officer in uniform who appeared to show concern, telling me that a potential sex attacker (oh the irony) was on the loose, that I shouldn’t be out alone, would I have got in to his car for a lift home? If I could be sure he was a police officer then yes. This comes from me as the overly cautious female.

I don’t think there was a struggle, that would have been too much of a risk. I think he abused his position of power.

There is still a chance that this was a flasher situation gone wrong and a last minute panic and cover up ensued, but I doubt it. I think this was the night that he switched things up, from flasher to sex attacker.

All JMO.
As a 34 year old feme living in Southeast London past 12 years I wholeheartedly agree with you. I would have exactly the same reaction/line of thinking if approached by police. He could have played a cop in undercover vehicle and asked her for help or offered a lift home. Either way i am quite confident there was no loud noticable struggle until perhaps when she got pushed into car etc. Its just a madness this case...after following Libby Squire day in day out I thought nothing could shock me anymore...and hey here we go again, sadly.
IMO - IF ... if the wife HAS purposefully assistanted in some way, knowingly given him an alibi or lied in any way for him or done anything to cover up, I think it's because he'll have told her he 'accidentally' killed someone. 'I wasn't paying attention & hit her with the car, I'll lose my job' etc

I really hope she hasn't, for the sake of those 2 small children ... there's not a man on earth who I'd risk losing my kids for.

If they suspected she had knowingly covered up his actions, then I would expect her to have been arrested on the different charge of accessory after the fact. Assisting an offender suggests that what she did was wrong in a way that a reasonable person would know was wrong, but did so believing that the motive for those acts was completely different.

For example, Maxine Carr lied about Huntley's whereabouts because he had convinced her he would be framed (because of past offending). She should have known not to lie, but there was never any reason to believe she had been duped
I’m increasingly curious as to EC’s role. What’s the latest in her charge?

Initially I thought she would turn out to be fairly innocent but have agreed to say he wasn’t in, or had the car washed, without understanding the implications. But the longer she’s held, and the more I contemplate the exposure-gone-wrong theory, the more I think he might have come home and confessed a version of the truth to her. “I picked up a woman to drive her safely home and she attacked me and said she’d accuse me of rape, and I panicked” perhaps. “I’m going to kill myself because I’ve lost my career and they’ll never believe me when they find her body” ties in with an ambulance being seen at their house a few days before the arrests. Or even a car crash because he wasn’t paying attention.

From her career, she seems a smart and capable woman. Perhaps she is accustomed to fixing things when WC does something wrong. Others have suggested he’s controlling of her but maybe it’s the other way round, and he’s emasculated, and gets feelings of power by scaring other, similar looking women.

It could be that EC, with her lab background, has been the driving force behind trying to destroy the DNA. As others have said, she’s Ukrainian and can’t easily return, so would be very invested in her marriage, and may believe her husband’s version of events if she has no reason not to. If there is evidence or incriminating searches on her phone, they could both be facing long sentences.

I hope not for their children’s sake.
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So just to clarify, although WC wasn’t on duty at the time of the kidnap, he WAS on duty that day?

That's correct. From MSM, his shift ended about one hour (8.30pm) before Sarah was last known to be alive (9.30pm).

This is paywalled, but you can see the info - or at least that he'd been on duty that day - from the preview text in this Telegraph article.
He might not be tall, but on photos he is powerfully built and very muscular (with tattoos). <modsnip>

... and his posting to the Parliamentary and Diplomatic Protection branch within the Metropolitan Police possibly means he has had specific training on how to restrain, incapacitate and manoeuvre people at close quarters.
Good morning all. Yesterday was crazy, wasn’t it? So much information swiftly flying to the newspapers and tabloids. Trying to absorb and sort out credible explosive breaking details coming instantaneously was a tough task. I’m trying to begin anew and reread posts from the threads to comprehend what this tragedy has done to the sense of peace and safety for all women in the area. I’m so sorry for all of you. I can’t imagine the shattering grief felt by Sarah’s family and friends. I hope they are surrounded by warm love from close loved ones. There is little one can say to truly comfort. Just their silent presence with a hand held may be all one can do right now.

I’ve never seen so many new members at one time. The outpouring of your opening words meant so much. I’m so sorry this traumatic event is the prompt for your membership. This forum is most welcoming to new members. Yesterday, there was such an intense flowing of posts, we weren’t able to quickly acknowledge you. We learn so much from you. You have already increased our knowledge of areas new to us. You are each invaluable. Thank you so much.
Police car present all night, 2 police vans of police present now, some policemen that look quite high up if you know what I mean, have entered property, we have very high wind gusts today, so they may have trouble keeping that in place, police also at back of property, press still present.
Police car present all night, 2 police vans of police present now, some policemen that look quite high up if you know what I mean, have entered property, we have very high wind gusts today, so they may have trouble keeping fence in place, police also at back of property, press still present.
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