UK UK - Sarah Everard, 33, London - Clapham Common area, 3 March 2021 *Arrests* #6

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my apologies, I didn’t realise that my posts qualified as information only available to a qualified practitioner. As I am unwilling to provide my personal information due to my professional role & research I am going to opt not to verify myself. I will also cease posting as I understand that’s what is falling foul of the rule.

If it helps, being verified requires contact with one maybe 2 admin and nobody else and everything is strictly confidential.
my apologies, I didn’t realise that my posts qualified as information only available to a qualified practitioner. As I am unwilling to provide my personal information due to my professional role & research I am going to opt not to verify myself. I will also cease posting as I understand that’s what is falling foul of the rule.
Nooooo! You can still post, but I would do that as a personal opinion rather than a professional one.
Here's a zoomed in version of the video. IMO I can't confirm it being a head, but also couldn't say it wasn't. There is also something going on optically with the wing mirror on the left hand of the video. Looks like movement but it must be something happening optically, reflection or limitations of the recording device.

So difficult with poor camera images as we found in the Libby Squire case. Lots of us saw the CCTV of her murderer and lots of us all saw many different things on the footage.
I'm a new poster. Thanks for what has been an informative forum during this bitterly sad course of events.

Some quick and basic notes:

- we are all trying to make sense of why he (suspected of) did this. I feel it is worth bearing in mind that his brain may not think like ours. There may well be no logic behind his thinking in the ways we try to work out

- there are various ways of getting someone into a car, with or without struggles. I have been mugged a number of times years ago. They all started with innocent chat. ... but then evolved. If faced with the threat of a knife for example, it is very difficult to run, fight or shout, as concern of the knife overwhelms. Similarly, even without threats, coersion can acheive the same - particularly when we are normally used to trusting people. I see little point trying to figure out how she ended up in the car. We cannot know until told

- In London, it is not uncommon to have part time flat shares. WC may have had somewhere he stayed a few nights a week to avoid longer commutes. We dont know.

- Despite assertions that SE did not know WC, it would be hard for others to say, or it may take more info. I doubt they did know each other at all, but being open minded is important. That in no way blames SE.
All sorts of possibilities exist. I suspect she was just picked at random, but could have crossed paths at the park cafe unless the phone call suggests not.

- WC may have been set on stalking women after work....may have bumped into SE somewhere like the cafe, picking up a coffee for his journey.... hard for us to say if he normally came home or often had gaps.
If she went to the cafe, her cash card would likely have been used and cameras might tell in some way.

All in all, such a sad story. I really hoped he wasnt a killer and maybe she would be found alive in a building at the paintball place, but sadly not. Thoughts going out to her family, friends etc. It must be impossible to digest and cope with.
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That sounds like victim blaming. Most people would not feel comfortable challenging what appears to be police.

That clip says it is from Lordship Lane (which is in East Dulwich in SE London).

Which is due east of where Sarah was taken - the route a driver would take to get from Clapham to Kent. It's impossible to identify the make and model of the car, but it looks consistent with the black Seat estate car that the police have taken from Couzens. And the timeframe works too.
my apologies, I didn’t realise that my posts qualified as information only available to a qualified practitioner. As I am unwilling to provide my personal information due to my professional role & research I am going to opt not to verify myself. I will also cease posting as I understand that’s what is falling foul of the rule.

I think just preface it with imo (in my opinion) and then you are covered
So I don't want people to jump on me here. It's not my intention to offend. But looking at another forum I am a member of, Tulse Hill is a well known area to pick up street sex workers. It is possible WC could have been in the area for that purpose.

Edit- I am NOT implying anything about the victim here. Only the suspect.
I was wondering the same.
God the front left car has really creeped me out. Zoom in - quite a lot of movement from the driver and the towards the end of the clip, a lot of movement in the back right like someone is reaching or head is out of the window. Very eery

I was expecting to, as usual, not be able to see a thing but yes you are right there is a huge amount of movment in the front and rear of that car. I didn't see a head coming out the window though. Please can someone share this with the police so they can check it out.
yes, he would be on the way out of London by then, not still in Clapham. The South Circular does seem to join Lordship Lane (I had the same query myself so had a look at google maps - but do not know if it would have been his likely route as am not local)

As the route out is likely to be the A205 south circular (main inner ring road) then you would meet Lordship Lane at junction A2216, and then the A205 is called Lordship Lane until junction with Sydenham Hill (A2216 again) where it changes name to London Road

So if the cam is on the stretch of old A2216 between those two junctions, then yes, plausible
British Prime Minister Boris Johnson said he was “shocked and deeply saddened” by the developments.

“Like the whole country my thoughts are with her family and friends. We must work fast to find all the answers to this horrifying crime,” he tweeted

Marsha De Cordova, Shadow Secretary of State for Women and Equalities for the opposition Labour Party, tweeted: “Every woman should be able to walk home at night free from any fear or anxiety.”

Mandu Reid, leader of the Women’s Equality Party, a feminist movement, said the arrest of a police officer made the case “all the more frightening” and called for the investigation to be taken over by a separate force.

“Police cannot be trusted to investigate their own when it comes to allegations of violence against women and girls,” Reid tweeted.

Journalist Rosamund Irwin said Everard’s case showed more needed to be done to “end male violence”.

“That could have been any of us,” she tweeted. “There’s so much emphasis on teaching girls how ‘to be safe’ as though that will protect us, when really we need a different conversation: how to end male violence.”

“We know how rare street abduction and stranger homicide are. That is the ultimate fear, but there’s everything below that level too. Being followed, being catcalled, being touched by a stranger. These things are not uncommon and we never know when one might lead to the other,” one Twitter user posted.

The case coincidentally coincided with the publication of a report by UN Women UK that showed virtually all young women in the UK have been subjected to sexual harassment.

The group’s report was based on a survey of more than 1,000 women nationwide which saw 97 percent of women aged 18-24 nationwide report having been sexually harassed.

Among women aged 25 and older, 80 percent of respondents said they had been harassed in public.
Sarah Everard: Missing woman’s case sends UK into shock
My son is a serving police officer and he isn't allowed to travel to or from work in his uniform. He has to leave his stab vest, coat, handcuffs, baton, captor spray etc in his locker. He travels in his black combat trousers, boots, black polo shirt and wears his own coat over it to cover the police epaulettes which have the word police and his badge number on them. It would be easy for WC to have taken off his jacket exposing his polo shirt with police written on it and showed his warrant card., thus proving he was an actual police officer. I wonder if the search of his locker was to see if he'd taken his handcuffs with him?

How easy would it be to take the captor spray home instead of leaving it at work?
yes, he would be on the way out of London by then, not still in Clapham. The South Circular does seem to join Lordship Lane (I had the same query myself so had a look at google maps - but do not know if it would have been his likely route as am not local)

Yes I suppose he could go that way. I do know this area very well. I don't know that he would have time to get from Clapham to Lordship Lane (having had to drag SE into the car) within half an hour though. But I guess it isn't impossible.
She was either restrained with her mouth covered or was unconscious IMO, driving with her unsecured is incredibly dangerous and risks drawing unwanted attention or even crashing the car.

I think it also depends on the type of car he rented. There’s all sort of different features rental cars have. He could have asked for one with childlock & tinted windows for example. It could have been a more delivery type vehicle with no windows at the back and caged off from the driver. The type of car should show proof of premeditation or not. If she was hand cuffed in the back all she could do would kick. If she was kicking he could have stopped the car at the side of the road and tied her legs up and continued.
The Mail and/or Telegraph has talked to WC's mother in law who lives in Kirovograd (although that's a Russian spelling) North West of Kyiv. Says he was the salt of the earth, visited annually and was trying to learn Ukrainian.

This might post twice.
As the route out is likely to be the A205 south circular (main inner ring road) then you would meet Lordship Lane at junction A2216, and then the A205 is called Lordship Lane until junction with Sydenham Hill (A2216 again) where it changes name to London Road

So if the cam is on the stretch of old A2216 between those two junctions, then yes, plausible
I'm pretty sure that's exactly where the camera is: the junction between the South Circular (A205) and Lordship Lane (A2216) so located on a likely route to Kent...
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