UK UK - Sarah Everard, 33, London - Clapham Common area, 3 March 2021 *Arrests* #6

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One thing this has bought to attention is that there are some excellent safety apps available.

Ones where you can discreetly activate your phone I.e shake it, and it records your video and audio as well as relaying location tracking to emergency contacts.

We don’t know what has happened here and timelines but in certain circumstances that could be a life saver and maybe even would have made a difference in this case.

We shouldn’t need them in the World but Seems a simple tool for everyone to have
I suspect the police will be looking back on a lot of past unsolved sexual offences and even missing women. This can’t be a one off - false plates, disposal of the body - it doesn’t shout indecent exposure gone wrong and a panicked cover up to me.

Especially when the suspect is in a career (specific division of the Police) where panicking under stressful/ dangerous situation is the opposite of what you'd expect them to do.
I asked last night if anyone had seen this level of police activity before (I haven't followed many cases on here).

The amount of unmarked police vehicles entering was staggering, along with police helicopter, is that usual for a missing person?
The case has a massive public presence now. Probably most cases wouldn't have these resources available but I think for the police the only thing worse than having one of your officers involved is having one involved but you're unable to prosecute. They'll be desperate.
Thanks for the correct clip. Could it be someone tapping their lit cigarette out of the window, it isn't clear that it is a head protruding out the window.
personally i dont think it is anything. At least if it was for legal purposes, it is far from beyond a reasonable doubt that anything dodgy is going on in the car. Infact it would be easier to convince me otherwise as there are 2 other cars in very close proximity who would have heard something.

It does get me thinking how he did get through traffic lights etc without someone noticing. I get the blacked out windows, but to keep silence in the car would be a bit trickier.
The fact that he was LE and also did not alert them that he was in the area of a huge crime must have raised red flags.

That is such a good point - any good police officer would immediately say I was driving down that road about that time - how can I help? This is what I saw etc and be racking their brains to recall anything suspicious they noticed and feeding that back. So as soon as they identified him (and by then he would have had enough time to have come forward), they probably could assume he might be a suspect. Or he did offer or ask about it and ended up incriminating himself, putting himself on the radar!
the self report assessments for PaDP and similar armed groups are easily passed

occupational health tends to insist on a face to face if you experience a death in the family, divorce, severe depression, or an “accidental discharge” of your weapon

lots of armed officers fail to disclose the first three

I have personal experience of one officer in what was then SO19 starting an extramarital affair with another, both marriages breaking down, resulting in one having a major depressive episode, and the other party engaging in crimes against the wronged spouse. Both officers failed to disclose any of their circumstances to seniors. Formal complaints from the spouse who was the victim of crime led to firearms permits being withdrawn, mandatory time off and occupational health involvement.

Sargeant & Inspector above them were dismayed. They try very hard to avoid such situations. But ultimately some individuals are simply not trustworthy.

arresting spouse is a clever tactic for a number of reasons I can’t explicitly describe.

apologies for poor punctuation + grammar was in a hurry writing this!

Just a reminder that you should have Verified Insider status to be posting as a qualified practitioner . Otherwise anyone could be posting information under the guide of being an expert .
Sorry that my very first post on this interesting site is disputing another poster’s statement.

Private ambulances are not just cadaver transport by another name. Private ambulance companies exist to transport patients using trained personnel just as the regular ambulance service does. Anyone can hire one and I have done so on a couple of occasions when needing to get my mother to a private hospital which the NHS ambulance service won’t undertake.

That's right, CutiePatootie, isn't it. Welcome btw.

I have done vluntary work with a private ambulance service and they provide a range of functions, so I can attest to this.
personally i dont think it is anything. At least if it was for legal purposes, it is far from beyond a reasonable doubt that anything dodgy is going on in the car. Infact it would be easier to convince me otherwise as there are 2 other cars in very close proximity who would have heard something.

It does get me thinking how he did get through traffic lights etc without someone noticing. I get the blacked out windows, but to keep silence in the car would be a bit trickier.
She was either restrained with her mouth covered or was unconscious IMO, driving with her unsecured is incredibly dangerous and risks drawing unwanted attention or even crashing the car.
Maybe he drove to the scene with extra plates taped over the ones already on the car. Pulled up, took the extra plates off and dumped them. Attacked SE somehow and drove off. Officers checking ANPR might have spotted a discrepancy in VRMs entering and exiting the area? That one set entered and never left, and another left but never entered maybe

Seems a massive risk to dump them so close to the spot where the abduction appears to have happened. Surely he would have kept them in the car and dumped them somewhere remote maybe in Kent. I wonder if the plates are actually linked.
They will be looking for the actual scene of the attack

We have no idea where that could have been but I’m guessing there will be evidence to gather. Place where body was found may not be scene of attack..... or his house or car
While it might not be anything, I think it should be reported. Zoomed in, there is clearly movement from the driver and what looks like to me (jmo) a head with hair flying in the wind (from the info we have, SE had her hair down).

It could be bad luck that other drivers didn’t notice. It’s such an unlikely situation that even if you heard someone screaming it wouldn’t be unusual to jump to the conclusion that someone has had a bit too much to drink. Plus people have the windows up and might be listening to music or on a call. Just speculation.

Could anyone confirm if they have reported it?
My son is a serving police officer and he isn't allowed to travel to or from work in his uniform. He has to leave his stab vest, coat, handcuffs, baton, captor spray etc in his locker. He travels in his black combat trousers, boots, black polo shirt and wears his own coat over it to cover the police epaulettes which have the word police and his badge number on them. It would be easy for WC to have taken off his jacket exposing his polo shirt with police written on it and showed his warrant card., thus proving he was an actual police officer. I wonder if the search of his locker was to see if he'd taken his handcuffs with him?
I wondered about this, I know this is true of beat cops but from pictures his uniform looks rather different.. like a dress shirt? I would imagine Westminster or embassy security would have a smarter look but not sure if they would have to change before they leave work?
I haven't made an assumption. I also haven't stated 50% at any stage?

Please explain what you are getting at more clearly and I will happily clarify for you.

You have indeed used 50%, as your "average" uses the differential and halves it. This does not take into account the weighting of identified murderers known Vs strangers. The latter would be more accurate based on known statistics that you cited.
Sorry that my very first post on this interesting site is disputing another poster’s statement.

Private ambulances are not just cadaver transport by another name. Private ambulance companies exist to transport patients using trained personnel just as the regular ambulance service does. Anyone can hire one and I have done so on a couple of occasions when needing to get my mother to a private hospital which the NHS ambulance service won’t undertake.

Yes but I think you are referring to a passenger type ambulance private in the generic way, my mother has also travelled in these. That has never been my understanding of the term "private ambulance" that really only means one thing in the UK and it's not good and they are exactly as the user describes and you really won't want to be travelling in them.
I haven't made an assumption. I also haven't stated 50% at any stage?

Please explain what you are getting at more clearly and I will happily clarify for you.

You have indeed used 50%, as your "average" uses the differential and halves it. This does not take into account the weighting of identified murderers known Vs strangers. The latter would be more accurate based on known statistics that you cited.
link here:
However, car does not look the same as the ones from yesterday in Kent

Are the angle of the lights similar to either of the cars flagged in the case?

What is chilling about this clip, along with something looking to protrude through the back window, is the movement of the driver as if they are turning back, rather than sat as one does with hands on the steering wheel waiting for the light to change!
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