GUILTY UK - Shannon Matthews, 9, Dewsbury Moor, West Yorkshire, Feb 2008

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Sarah, Holly & Jessica were all found murdered, and their killers arrested. Madeleine has not yet been found.

Looks to me like, with all the McCanns' money and their whinging on about helping families of other missing kids and that *fund* they put together by begging, looks like they would help this family, feckless or not. They should use some of that money to launch a publicity campaign to help Shannon's family find her and get her picture out there in a much wider way.

ITA with you. You would think that McCann's would of thought of this by now, surely with as much $$ that was donated to them, there should be enough to share with assisting in the search for Shannon. Also thanks for information on the other little girls.
ITA with you. You would think that McCann's would of thought of this by now!
Also thanks for information on the other little girls.

You are very welcome.

Sarah Payne was visiting her grandparents and went off to play outside with her siblings. They were in a far-flung meadow on the grandparents' property and Sarah was tired and decided to walk back to her grandparents' house, but she never made it. She was abducted and murdered by, I believe, a neighbor of her grandparents. :furious:

Holly Wells and Jessica Chapman were best friends who left one of their homes for a walk and were abducted and murdered by a teacher at their school (he offered them a ride) and his girlfriend. Just horrible. :behindbar

These two episodes demonstrate how it seems you really cannot trust anyone these days.
3/3/08 Press conference on missing Shannon Matthews
Karen Matthews with tears welling in her eyes, stated "I think it is someone who knows Shannon and knows me too. The family don't feel safe any more it has broken the family apart. It makes me think I cannot trust anyone close to me." It was also revealed that detectives are now carrying out criminal record checks on all of Shannon's close and extended family. "Whatever the police need to do to find Shannon, they can go ahead and do it." Ms. Matthews praised police for the thoroughness of their investigation even though it involved trawling through the personal records of her own family.

I was hoping police would have found Shannon. I feel terrible.

I wonder why she was so quiet?

Her best friend, Megan Aldridge, 9, has said Shannon was unusually quiet before her disappearance and appealed for her return, saying: “I’m really, really sad, and if you know where she is just call and tell us where she is.”

And speaking of not trusting the stepfather, I thought this quote from the mother interesting (or it's just me)

"It makes me think I can't trust the people who are really close to me any more."

I wonder why she was so quiet?

And speaking of not trusting the stepfather, I thought this quote from the mother interesting (or it's just me)

No it's not just you! Back on 2/26 post #21 I was having suspicions of stepfather/bf at the time, especially after reading the article that missacorah gave link too. And then a couple of other poster read something about a tickle game, not sure about that, will go back through thread & have a look. Anyway have had a bad feeling about mum's bf almost from beginning, I might be wrong, but going with gut instincts.
anneinchicago, go back to post #25 by ella's mom, it has link to article about tickle fights with Shannon & mum's bf.
No it's not just you! Back on 2/26 post #21 I was having suspicions of stepfather/bf at the time, especially after reading the article that missacorah gave link too. And then a couple of other poster read something about a tickle game, not sure about that, will go back through thread & have a look. Anyway have had a bad feeling about mum's bf almost from beginning, I might be wrong, but going with gut instincts.

I was thinking more along the lines of the uncle. Although it could apply to either. I think a lot of emphasis was placed on the fact that they searched the uncle's house. Also, I think it may have been the uncle that it was stated was nailed to the cross (or something like that).
Sorry to post one after the other, but I am still looking at the uncle.

In the article where Shannon's mom says "It makes me feel like I can't trust the people that are really close to me anymore." It also says the following:

Shannon normally walked home from school with two of her cousins, she said. On the day she vanished, Ms Matthews first thought there was a problem when she went to one of the cousin’s houses where Shannon often stopped off and her daughter was not there.
She said: “Shannon’s got a habit of not coming home. She’s got a habit of going to her cousin’s house. That day she didn’t come home.”

Could the cousins be "the uncle's" children? Wonder why she walked alone that day? Or did she?

Any thoughts?
I'm going back and read through the links again to see if I can find out who the cousins belong too?? You might be right, could be uncle.
What the heck???!! A man was crucified??

THAT is bizarre!!!
March 4, Police use dogs and DNA in hunt for Shannon
Detective Superintendent Andy Brennan, of West Yorkshire Police, said his officers had pieced together a full set of Shannon's fingerprints and her DNA profile to help them establish exactly where the youngster had or had not been. Police using "sniffer dogs" have searched 500 houses and will search an additional 2,500 in the locale, newly created fingerprint set and DNA profile were being used to search for evidence of Shannon's presence in various locations. Police are also looking for a swimming kit that Shannon had with her the day she went missing. Kit contains, two piece bathing suit with pink and blue fish on it and a blue striped towel.
Bumping for Shannon! I hope we get some news about this little girl soon - She so reminds me our my own precious 9 YO granddaugther!
Bumping for Shannon! I hope we get some news about this little girl soon - She so reminds me our my own precious 9 YO granddaugther!

I have been searching every day and the only thing new is they released a more recent photo of Shannon. Other than that, not a sign of this sweet girl. :( prayers to her.
This isn't looking good. I hope and pray that this little girl is still alive.
I fear the worst has happened to Shannon, it will be 3 weeks Tuesday since this child went missing and no sign of her. People are stating Shannon & her family weren't given the media coverage that Madelyn McCann & her family were given, due to the fact their not affluent enough. Every time I put link in, it seems to be wrong. Other than that article, nothing else new. My prayers to Shannon & her family.
Shannons family isn't getting the media support that Shannon deserves unfortunately. This case has proven what a shallow, class obsessed country we have become. I even admit that I am judgemental of her mother, 7 children, 5 different sperm donors, does not work, claims benefits etc. IMO the way Shannon's mother has chosen to live her life has had a detremental effect on the way our country's media has covered this case, and quite honestly I'm ashamed.

I live in close proximity to the area, Shannon gets a little regional news coverage if she's lucky. The police here are trying very hard, they've seached over 2,000 homes in the area but they haven't turned up a single clue.

Where is she and why does my gut instinct lay with the mothers boyfriend? I've been reading too much here probably!
Shannons family isn't getting the media support that Shannon deserves unfortunately. This case has proven what a shallow, class obsessed country we have become. I even admit that I am judgemental of her mother, 7 children, 5 different sperm donors, does not work, claims benefits etc. IMO the way Shannon's mother has chosen to live her life has had a detremental effect on the way our country's media has covered this case, and quite honestly I'm ashamed.

I live in close proximity to the area, Shannon gets a little regional news coverage if she's lucky. The police here are trying very hard, they've seached over 2,000 homes in the area but they haven't turned up a single clue.

Where is she and why does my gut instinct lay with the mothers boyfriend? I've been reading too much here probably!

Hi KBUK, nice to meet you. I have had same gut instinct about mother's boyfriend. What with the "He couldn't stop crying first few days after Shannon went missing." Then it came out of mother's mouth about "Tickle games". We are not the only ones to think maybe he had something to do with her disappearance. In one of the articles I read there has been some finger pointing in his direction from other family members & friends.
And as far as people being judgmental, IMO, it will always be that way. I too had thoughts that I'm not proud of!
Nice to know you're are local, hard to find daily coverage on Shannon here, what a pity. If you hear something please PM me. I pray everyday for news on Shannon.
Has the mother's boyfriend been questioned? If he'd been crying for several days following her disappearance, he shouldn't be too hard to crack.
Has the mother's boyfriend been questioned? If he'd been crying for several days following her disappearance, he shouldn't be too hard to crack.

I would certainly hope so. I know in one article that I read, Shannon's mother was defending him and not happy with people insinuating that he might be involved.
when i read the girl had to walk about a mile home after swimming, i thought oh my! i pick my daughter up from school every day and i only live 6 blocks from school! i was different with my son but so paranoid of my girl. am i paranoid? sometimes i think i'm way too overprotective because i read so much about these little girls.

reading about her little pink and blue fishie bathing suit is when i really got kind of sad. i just think of these little girls so excited to pick out their little bikini sets... awww! i don't know why people do this to kids. i really don't and i'm just getting so bummed out about hearing it. yet i can't stay away. i have to keep reading.

i hope by some miracle she's still alive and being hidden away from maybe an abusive family or something. even if she's kidnapped by a stranger, you know she is going through some ugly stuff if she is still alive. either way my heart is broken for this poor girl. :(

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