GUILTY UK - Shannon Matthews, 9, Dewsbury Moor, West Yorkshire, Feb 2008

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
Shannon Matthews' stepfather arrested on child *advertiser censored* charges

A West Yorkshire Police spokeswoman said: "During inquiries by the Shannon Matthews investigation team, the contents of a number of computers have been examined.

"As a result of this work, police have today arrested a 22-year-old man from the Dewsbury Moor area on suspicion of possessing indecent images of children.

"He is currently being questioned at a West Yorkshire Police station."

It is said the images do not involve any of the Matthews' children. but they are someone's children . . .
Shannon Matthews' stepfather arrested on child *advertiser censored* charges

A West Yorkshire Police spokeswoman said: "During inquiries by the Shannon Matthews investigation team, the contents of a number of computers have been examined.

"As a result of this work, police have today arrested a 22-year-old man from the Dewsbury Moor area on suspicion of possessing indecent images of children.

"He is currently being questioned at a West Yorkshire Police station."

It is said the images do not involve any of the Matthews' children. but they are someone's children . . .

At first when I heard this , I was like :woohoo: - they got this sucker too, but the downside, is that hopefully he didnt hurt any of the other kids in the house-
Im very surprised that Shannon's maternal family, let alone dad's side, never saw any RED FLAGS?? I come from a large Italian family, and I dont think it matters the heritage,but most family members gossip/talk about the weird ones in the clan at family gatherings. Some may not do it so blatently, but I do/can remember sitting at most family get-togethers and at least "catch" up on what everyone is up to- The father even said that the uncle was acting like he was 'medicated'. This would be reason enough to get my 11 yr old OFF of his bouncing knee and make sure he never comes back around.
I hope that Brittish law is stiffer on SO and perverts than they are here in the US- You mentioned they dont leak many details, but someone has to stop these perverts! I hope Shannon's mum gets the rest of her broad taken away too- She doesnt deserve to have anymorechildren that could be possibly exposed to monsters~~ And 99.9% of these women KNOW that their men are into this junk- MOST women are not that DUMB!!!!!
Thank you all for letting me vent!! feels good-

BTW- Why questoin Shannon in 15 minute incriments? I know this may sound insensitive, but wouldnt they rather get the story out at once instead of dragging it out? I just dont understand that part? Sorry in advance if I sound like an idiot. :confused: I would think the sooner she gets it out, the sooner she can begin to heal from the trauma.

His face scrunched up and wearing his customary baseball cap, this is the moment Shannon Matthews's stepfather Craig Meehan was led away by police on suspicion of child *advertiser censored* offences.
The supermarket fishmonger, 22, who lives with Shannon's mother, was dramatically arrested yesterday morning at the family home and escorted away by three detectives.
Last night, after a detailed examination of his computer's hard drive, he was charged with 10 offences of possessing pornographic pictures of children and will appear in court this morning.*advertiser censored*+charges/
Hi Chico, I'm not completely sure re the 15 minute interviews. I read poor Shannon is so confused at the moment she still thinks her dad saved her. Maybe they only interview her in short bursts in a play/friendly environment so it seems to fall into the natural flow of conversation, so sub-consciously she will answer without having to think too deeply?

I hope she never has to go back. I may get flamed for this but I feel the people she would be surrounded by don't seem to have the mental capacity to grasp how difficult it would be for Shannon to go home. How can she be expected to deal with what has happened to her when she will continuously have people asking if she's okay, what happened etc? Her school friends won't have the level of decorum needed, and what about school bullies taunting her? She needs to stay in a fostered/adoptive environment, maybe under a new name to let her have the privacy to heal IMO.
Friend of Meehan's family asking people not to rush to judgment, Karen & Craig each have a computer and let other people use them. Sorry, but I'm not buying it!! I agree with you KBUK, I hope Shannon never goes back also, she should be kept as far away from this environment as possible.
Gosh, I just heard this and cant say Im particularly surprised.

This particular shot of him almost smirking made my skin crawl!

I agree made me want to puke!

he looks like he is about 15 YO and the mother looks like she is in her fifty's!

Sorry if this has been answered already but why can't Shannon be with her real dad? Is he messed up too?

Poor little girl I feel so bad for her and the many other children like her we don't even know about that are in thees bad situations!
Hi Chico, I'm not completely sure re the 15 minute interviews. I read poor Shannon is so confused at the moment she still thinks her dad saved her. Maybe they only interview her in short bursts in a play/friendly environment so it seems to fall into the natural flow of conversation, so sub-consciously she will answer without having to think too deeply?

I hope she never has to go back. I may get flamed for this but I feel the people she would be surrounded by don't seem to have the mental capacity to grasp how difficult it would be for Shannon to go home. How can she be expected to deal with what has happened to her when she will continuously have people asking if she's okay, what happened etc? Her school friends won't have the level of decorum needed, and what about school bullies taunting her? She needs to stay in a fostered/adoptive environment, maybe under a new name to let her have the privacy to heal IMO.

KBUK-:blowkiss: TY friend for being so fast and for replying so in-depth for me and 2nd- I completely agree with you completely about the fact that she should not return to that home- or that woman that I even hate to call her "mother". Usually, in this situation, I wouldnt be so fact to 'judge' or pass judement on someone, but from the moment I saw Shannon's mum, her choice in 'men' (and I am giving him A LOT of credit referring to that lil boy as a 'man'), and the fact she has something like 7 kids with 5 men? WTF?? And she is 32 with a 22 yr old deformed-looking troll?? I just dont get it- :confused: :confused:
I feel bad that she has a lot of siblings that Im sure she misses dearly. A lot of times when children are abused in a family type situation, they ban together and "lok-out" for each other to try and prtect them from the abuse- She is probably worried sick- That poor baby- Sounds liek she is getting the help she will need and thankfully she wont be back with mom - will she? DO you think the courts would let mom have her if step-monster is gone? I hope not!! I dont know how Brittish courts rule :waitasec:
Chico - LOL at the troll comment! My monitor now has coffee coloured streaks!!! :crazy:

Meehan really did look like a child in that picture, hideous! I think the neighbours were just grasping at straws re the computer being used by others. The police have been nothing but thorough in their investigation; they will have ruled out that possibility. 130 images.... sicko :sick: I'd like to know how they afforded 2 computers, on benefits and working behind a fish counter!

Here's this mornings news - The other three children that were still at home have now gone into care and Karen Matthews is in a safe house. Meehan hasn't asked for bail, its safer for him to be locked up!

Bilas, I couldn't tell you about Shannons Dad. To be honest, although he's not (IMO) the sharpest tool in the box, his heart is in the right place. It seems he loves her dearly and spent every day she was missing on a one man hunt for her. Which is more than can be said for Mum and her boytoy. I do think she's being kept in care because of what has happened, her confusion and again the attention she would receive. Cases like this are SO rare here in the UK, therefore the interest is so great. I think the local police and the social services are doing a great job in making sure Shannon is protected and cared for to the fullest :clap:

I don't know how the local social services, police etc will play this, its so unique. I think they will be looking at the family very closely. As I mentioned a couple of pages back they are very reluctant to let her return to such a dysfunctional environment. I think the current actions of all authorities involved in the case at the moment show this reluctance i.e. her Mother only got to meet her physically for the first time yesterday since she was found!
Chico - LOL at the troll comment! My monitor now has coffee coloured streaks!!! :crazy:

Meehan really did look like a child in that picture, hideous! I think the neighbours were just grasping at straws re the computer being used by others. The police have been nothing but thorough in their investigation; they will have ruled out that possibility. 130 images.... sicko :sick: I'd like to know how they afforded 2 computers, on benefits and working behind a fish counter!

Here's this mornings news - The other three children that were still at home have now gone into care and Karen Matthews is in a safe house. Meehan hasn't asked for bail, its safer for him to be locked up!

Bilas, I couldn't tell you about Shannons Dad. To be honest, although he's not (IMO) the sharpest tool in the box, his heart is in the right place. It seems he loves her dearly and spent every day she was missing on a one man hunt for her. Which is more than can be said for Mum and her boytoy. I do think she's being kept in care because of what has happened, her confusion and again the attention she would receive. Cases like this are SO rare here in the UK, therefore the interest is so great. I think the local police and the social services are doing a great job in making sure Shannon is protected and cared for to the fullest :clap:

I don't know how the local social services, police etc will play this, its so unique. I think they will be looking at the family very closely. As I mentioned a couple of pages back they are very reluctant to let her return to such a dysfunctional environment. I think the current actions of all authorities involved in the case at the moment show this reluctance i.e. her Mother only got to meet her physically for the first time yesterday since she was found!

Hi KBUK, When you say "cases like this are so rare here in UK," can you be more specific? Here in the US, I'm embarrassed to admit this, you can open the paper on a daily bases and find that a child is missing, abused, murdered.. Usually the rare part here would be to find the child alive after missing for so long, like Elizabeth Smart, Shawn Hornbeckor Steven Stayner. Is that what you mean??
Hi KBUK, When you say "cases like this are so rare here in UK," can you be more specific? Here in the US, I'm embarrassed to admit this, you can open the paper on a daily bases and find that a child is missing, abused, murdered.. Usually the rare part here would be to find the child alive after missing for so long, like Elizabeth Smart, Shawn Hornbeckor Steven Stayner. Is that what you mean??

Hi my friend,

I can't remember the last time we had a child go missing and it receive so much attention, strike that I can - Maddie, but before that it was Ben Needham which was years back when I was little! I'm sure children go missing but we don't hear so much, most of the time its custody issues. The last major child murder here was Hollie Wells and Jessica Chapman back in 2002. Please bear in mind, your geographical spread even per state is so much larger than our tiny little island!

New information just coming out this afternoon is two women have been arrested:,,30100-1311846,00.html

May I wish you all a lovely weekend :blowkiss:
Wow all of a sudden this case is gaining a lot of momentum. I have been reading from afar for a while and was shocked to see all of this going on. So at this point we have four arrests, correct: The stepfathers uncle, mother and sister and the stepfather. I wonder if the mother is next based on the information from the previous article (see quote below).

"After Shannon was found alive both Meehan and Miss Matthews were asked to supply DNA samples to police after Donovan implicated them in the disappearance. In police interviews he even suggested that Miss Matthews's mother had known where she was all along."

Based on the above information, I applaud LE for taking the child away from that awful environment.
Wow all of a sudden this case is gaining a lot of momentum. I have been reading from afar for a while and was shocked to see all of this going on. So at this point we have four arrests, correct: The stepfathers uncle, mother and sister and the stepfather. I wonder if the mother is next based on the information from the previous article (see quote below).

"After Shannon was found alive both Meehan and Miss Matthews were asked to supply DNA samples to police after Donovan implicated them in the disappearance. In police interviews he even suggested that Miss Matthews's mother had known where she was all along."

Based on the above information, I applaud LE for taking the child away from that awful environment.

This case is getting stranger & stranger, I wouldn't be surprised if Karen (mother) was the next to be arrested! God, only knows what Shannon has been put through, I won't even let my mind go there :eek:
OK my dear friend KBUK, I have a few weird questions/observations that dont make sense to me- Maybe you can be so kind to clear them up if you have heard anything about them? :blowkiss:
First of all, any ideas on why 'step-uncle' Michael Donovan changed his name from "Paul Drake"? I was reading a link you provided earlier and caught that- I thouught that usually there is a pretty good reason for a grown man to change his name, let alone the media know about it. I wonder why in fact, since the media is obviously aware of it.

name-change link:,,30100-1311846,00.html

OK- It gets even WEIRDER!!I was reading more on this pervert, and he has all his nasty pics hidden under a screen saver on his computer with a pic of "Baby Lisa". "Baby Lisa" is the nickname of Dog the Bounty Hunter's daughter Lisa on his reality show. Wonder how Karen (Shannon's mum) feels about that?? I bet "Dog" was real happy to hear that a potential pedophile has his kid's pic up on his computer- yuck . The link below shows her pic and gives more details- EEWW- That lil baby-Huey/Shrek-looking man-boy makes my skin crawl...
From article:
Meehan, 22, allegedly hid his secret stash behind an innocent-looking screensaver of reality show personality Baby Lyssa.
She is the youngest daughter of Duane “Dog” Chapman on imported US TV hit Dog The Bounty Hunter.

Baby Lisa's info :

Ok, now last thought, and I may just be over-analizing this whole thing . Do you think Shannon's hair was dyed a different color? In some pics (before she was found may I add), her hair looks light brown, and then in some, it looks almost black, like it was dyed. It may not mean anything, or it could be the resolution from the dieffrerent pics, but I was just curious if anyone noticed that? Maybe they were thinkng about abducting her earlier? Maybe Im too tired, lol. Just thinking aloud, but something about that hair bothers me- In some of the more recent pics her hair even looks dry/damaged from hair dye. Then again, mum could have decided she was old enough to dye it (at 9 years old :eek: , but then again, Karen doesnt surprise me one bit- I think she knew something was up! IMHO)
And the band played on . . .

Shannon's mother 'was having an affair with alleged abductor' claims aunt who was arrested over schoolgirl's disappearance

Shannon Matthews's aunt has accused Shannon's mother of having an affair with Mike Donovan, the man suspected abducting Shannon.

Amanda Hyett, who is the sister of Shannon's stepfather Craig Meehan, told the Sunday Mirror: "Karen and Mike have been having an affair for months. Karen had her bags packed the day Shannon went missing."

And the band played on . . .

Shannon's mother 'was having an affair with alleged abductor' claims aunt who was arrested over schoolgirl's disappearance

Shannon Matthews's aunt has accused Shannon's mother of having an affair with Mike Donovan, the man suspected abducting Shannon.

Amanda Hyett, who is the sister of Shannon's stepfather Craig Meehan, told the Sunday Mirror: "Karen and Mike have been having an affair for months. Karen had her bags packed the day Shannon went missing."


OMG Floh- great find- oooh- what tangeled webs we weave.......
This mother (for lack of a better term and out of respect for cute lil Shannon) is a piece of work! With 7 kids, and the myriad of different men that we know about- and the ones that I have seen, her taste isnt too good. But, then again, she is no beauty herself. Good thing that Shannon is still not home. I dont remember, but are the other kids out of the house also?
I have thought that mom was involved in Shannon's abduction along with that troll of a lil boy she was married to. I do have to say that I did not ever dream that she would be found alive and hidden out like she was. It would be hard to not know where she was if she was involved with that idiot of an uncle. I hope Karen pays the price for all the drama and danger that she has subjected her children to. Well now she can shack up in a cell with her mum in law and sis in law and her man can be with his uncle- All warm and cozy in a jail cell!! :eek:

ETA- What a nice mom and sis in law. They knew that Karen was cheating on their son/brother, yet didnt tell him or warn him, and her bags were packed and ready to go? Something is not right here, yet this WHOLE saga has the makings of a bad movie- Thank God the kids are still alive if not damaged by all this. I will keep all those babies in my prayers.
How much more will come out? i expect it's not over by a long chalk.

'Shannon's mother arrested over her disappearance'

The mother of Shannon Matthews was reported today to have been arrested in connection with the alleged kidnap of her daughter.

West Yorkshire Police would only say a 32-year-old woman was arrested in Dewsbury last night on suspicion of perverting the course of justice and was being questioned at a West Yorkshire police station.
Reports say the woman arrested is Shannon's mother, Karen Matthews, 32.
How much more will come out? i expect it's not over by a long chalk.

'Shannon's mother arrested over her disappearance'

The mother of Shannon Matthews was reported today to have been arrested in connection with the alleged kidnap of her daughter.

West Yorkshire Police would only say a 32-year-old woman was arrested in Dewsbury last night on suspicion of perverting the course of justice and was being questioned at a West Yorkshire police station.
Reports say the woman arrested is Shannon's mother, Karen Matthews, 32.

Thanks for the FAST update Floh- I guess I answered one of my own earlier questions that the other kids were also taken away by social services. What a relief! No child needs to live in a home where they dont feel safe.

I remember the brother saying that his step-boy/troll used to punch him in the stomach. That broke my heart to hear that- didnt Karen notice or did she chalk that up to him "bonding" with her other kids? I also felt that Shannon spoke VOLUMES when she made this quote to her mom. I found it in your link above, when asked if she wanted to come home with mum:

Although she had seen her daughter through one-way glass following her rescue 24 days later, the three and a half hour meeting at a secret location was the first time they were reunited. SNIP - But when Miss Matthews asked if the youngster wanted to live "with Mummy", Shannon is said to have replied: "No. I don't want to come home." June added: "That must have been devastating for Karen. But it is good news that Shannon is so happy. You don't want to go back where you are unhappy and Shannon hasn't been happy for a while." SNIP

Wow- that says a lot comming from a 9 year old girl. I read earlier that she wanted to live with her daddy, and wasn't happy with mum and the troll for a while now- I think of my kids who are 10 and 13- They wouldn't be able to stay away from me that long, let alone NOT want to live with me EVER!! They even call me a few times a day while visiting grandparents and other family members just because they miss me so much while they're away from me. Most kids do miss their moms especailly the most because of the closer bond most moms have with their kids-
I am happy to know that Shannon has a real father that hasn't had any RED FLAGS come up in the media yet. He sounded like a very loving father during the searches, and he seemed to be more involved than mum-hmmmm- I wonder why?? I hope that she can live with him. She needs some stable family to be around IMO. Whether she stays in foster care or her real father's care, sounds like anything is better than Karen- now that she has been arrested, hopefully they will take the other kids permanently, so that no more of them can be harmed/put in danger. :bang: she needs to stay locked up for a while with her troll/boy-toy and his disfunctional, weirdo uncle!!! :behindbar

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