UK - the late Jimmy Savile and the underage sex charges now confronting the BBC

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As these events gather momentum in the media, I find myself praying very hard that the vast majority of people coming forward to report sex crimes are genuine about it.

I would not for a moment be surprised if there was (and still is) a pedophile ring catering to pervs in show biz, and Jimmy Savile was its president.

But I'm also worried that there'll be attention-seekers and the like watering down the number of genuine reports with fake ones, and making it easy for there to be a perception of a 'witch-hunt', which may damage the credibility of those women who really were molested.

Also, there's a greater chance that innocent people will come under scrutiny - the kind that's embarrassing and maybe hard to shake off when others accused are shown to be guilty.

Just my thoughts, as I read the links coming in.
Prince Charles has remained curiously quiet about all this. He was great friends with perv Savile, and also Louis Mountbatten I have heard :angel:
Like I said, I can imagine David Icke having a massive conniption of righteous smuggery, as he's been saying there's a massive pedo ring operating among the wealthy and connected in Britain for years now..

Okay, so he also thinks they are secretly giant lizards from another dimension. :waitasec:

But he was right about the pedo ring and its conspiratorial cover-up!

Just the mention of Icke gets my inner conspiracy-nut riled up, though. Mainly, I'm asking myself WHY this is all allowed to come out now? Okay, Jimmy is dead... but the ongoing expose has the potential to ripple out into some very (politically) dangerous waters. I somehow doubt this media frenzy would be permitted to occur, if there wasn't some other, more lofty and insidious agenda behind it.

It'll be interesting, anyway, to keep an eye on what happens in the UK, once this has blown over. I can't help feeling it's fuel for something else...

And so soon after Sandusky in America.

There's already been talk of electronically 'tagging' children... As much as I like to wish we could trust our various governments, I am just --waiting-- for this to impact all our civil liberties (what's left of them).
Like I said, I can imagine David Icke having a massive conniption of righteous smuggery, as he's been saying there's a massive pedo ring operating among the wealthy and connected in Britain for years now..

Okay, so he also thinks they are secretly giant lizards from another dimension. :waitasec:

But he was right about the pedo ring and its conspiratorial cover-up!

Just the mention of Icke gets my inner conspiracy-nut riled up, though. Mainly, I'm asking myself WHY this is all allowed to come out now? Okay, Jimmy is dead... but the ongoing expose has the potential to ripple out into some very (politically) dangerous waters. I somehow doubt this media frenzy would be permitted to occur, if there wasn't some other, more lofty and insidious agenda behind it.

It'll be interesting, anyway, to keep an eye on what happens in the UK, once this has blown over. I can't help feeling it's fuel for something else...

And so soon after Sandusky in America.

There's already been talk of electronically 'tagging' children... As much as I like to wish we could trust our various governments, I am just --waiting-- for this to impact all our civil liberties (what's left of them).
If I wanted to be conspiratorial about why only now, I would call it "Murdoch" revenge.
Savile was blatant with his pedophilia. It was known about for many, many years, commented on and complained about, even reported... And now dozens upon dozens of the children he molested in his unfortunately long life are coming forward to speak out against not only the sick old perv himself, but the institutions that allowed him free rein all that time. The man is dead now. There's no 'proof' to be had other than... Um... Oh yeah. Witnesses. Countless victim testimonies. Savile on film groping kids.

The problem with high horses is that it hurts so much more when you fall off 'em...
Is this what websleuths has decended to?
Guilty until proven otherwise?
Savile IS guilty and so are many others. I for one cannot wait for their pedestals to be kicked from underneath them.
This is really sickening. I wonder if Savile actually killed people.

I wonder that too.

His interest in death makes me think he would be interested in taking part or watching a killing.
I don't think the Provos took their marching orders from Jimmy bleeping Savile.

But nothing would surprise me about this case at this time.

I guess it would be no more surprising than "Jimmy Savile: in charge of Broadmoor."
Savile IS guilty and so are many others. I for one cannot wait for their pedestals to be kicked from underneath them.

I wasn't refering to Savile in my post, which has been removed, I was refering to everyone else who is now being accused because they happen to have met him.
BREAKING NEWS :: JIMMY SAVILE :: Mr Entwistle said the BBC is investigating up to 10 "serious allegations" involving past and present employees involving child abuse and is working with scotland yard while ITV are investigating a possible 14 past or present tv stars and lawyer firm in manchester who are dealing with clients from the jersey care home are suggesting that they was a sex ring inside the bbc in 60's,70's and 80's linking 30+ people in radio or tv
I wonder that too.

His interest in death makes me think he would be interested in taking part or watching a killing.

Interestingly, Peter Sutcliffe worked as a gravedigger. I saw a documentary about him (before the whole Savile ***** hit the fan) and remember thinking then that he was obviously a necrophile. What are the chances of being a prolific serial killer and "just happening" to be a grave digger? Since Savile's name keeps cropping up in the Sutcliffe case, and since the pair were friends and Savile went to great efforts to get himself involved in Broadmoor, it seems near certain to me that the pair were involved in necro and other depraved crimes together.
Interestingly, Peter Sutcliffe worked as a gravedigger. I saw a documentary about him (before the whole Savile ***** hit the fan) and remember thinking then that he was obviously a necrophile. What are the chances of being a prolific serial killer and "just happening" to be a grave digger? Since Savile's name keeps cropping up in the Sutcliffe case, and since the pair were friends and Savile went to great efforts to get himself involved in Broadmoor, it seems near certain to me that the pair were involved in necro and other depraved crimes together.

It would be very interesting to know if sutcliffe and savile were aquainted before sutcliffe was in Broadmoor.

Why was sutcliffe in broadmoor rather than an ordinary prison?

When was sutcliffe a grave digger? He was a lorry driver at the time he was The Ripper.
Savile sex scandal hits horrific new low as former colleague
Paul Gambaccini claims on Radio Five Live that DJ was a 'necrophiliac'

Mr Gambaccini, 63, said he was aware of the necrophilia claims in the eighties.

He questioned why newspapers had not acted when he said a reporter had boasted that his colleagues were aware of a story linking Savile to 'necrophilia'.

His comments astounded presenter Nicky Campbell who tried to stop the conversation by warning the allegations were not in the public domain.

Campbell said: 'That particularly lurid accusation that you have just brought to people's attention is one that has not been in the public domain.'

Gambaccini agreed and asked 'why not?'. And he asked: 'Who vetted the knighthood? Coco the clown?'
more at the link
Savile sex scandal hits horrific new low as former colleague Paul Gambaccini claims on Radio Five Live that DJ was a 'necrophiliac'
Former BBC DJ said he was aware of claims in the eighties
'The expression I came to associate with Savile's sexual partners was "under-age subnormals", says colleague of the Jim'll Fix It presenter
In 1990 interview Savile dismissed claims he was a necrophiliac after saying he took pleasure in taking dead people to a hospital mortuary

It would be very interesting to know if sutcliffe and savile were aquainted before sutcliffe was in Broadmoor.

Why was sutcliffe in broadmoor rather than an ordinary prison?

When was sutcliffe a grave digger? He was a lorry driver at the time he was The Ripper.

He was diagnosed as schizophrenic
He was diagnosed as schizophrenic

I wonder if savile had any influence in getting that diagnosis so sutcliffe could be put in broadmoor .I do not think savile would have so easily been able to get the keys to a top security prison and go and visit his friend.

Well the Necrophilia stories have now hit the main newspapers ,so perhaps we will next here more on his links to gangsters and his relation ship with sutcliffe

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