GUILTY UK - Tia Sharp, 12, New Addington, London, 3 Aug 2012 #1

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If she really left alone and said she was meeting someone and no one has come forward...that is scary. Who could she have been meeting, why aren't they coming forward? Did she meet someone online? Does she have access to a computer?
My opinion only, but I'm feeling a little worried after hearing the SH interview. IMO, he is acting suspicious by over explaining / justifying his actions.

I sure hope, my gut feelings are off and that Tia is found safe.

Due to what appears to be a big discrepancy (I've read 3 differing accounts) in the description of what Tia was last seen wearing on the Friday - I hope someone is checking what clothing remains behind to get an accurate account of what is missing. That yellow shirt and grey pants from the CCTV should still be at home, if the reported last known person to see her on Friday leaving the house was accurate in describing Tia's clothes as a white shirt and leopard pants.
Is there anyway that the police can search any cctv images of cars in the area? What about known S offenders in the area? I assume they are all being monitored. Have the neighboring houses been searched? It seems like either the police know what has happened and just need some proof OR they are completely out of the depth on this one.
I wish they would at the least advise the family on how they should appear to the public, as up till now the behavior of the step dad, step g-dad and grandma have all been way off base, granted they lack education, but still bad. The only one who attempts to use any skill is the uncle (DS) but even then he came out for a statement and just rambled for a few minutes on how he was pleased to get so much help from the public, thanking the public etc etc....instead of telling us what is going on with them. The Mom needs to talk, I feel a statement from her will bring more priority and publicity to this case.
If Chris Bicknell and CS are the same, then you should read Bicknell's fb wall.....enlightening language
He mixes tenses quite a bit, doesn't he. When speaking of Tia playing with the semi-charged phone, he speaks in present tense (paraphrased -- she's playing with the bloomin' thing you know)

Not only did he say (in the link you provided above) that he'd loved her to bits, he also uses past-tense in saying, 'We had that sort of relationship' and more. I take it as his speaking in past tense in relation to a week earlier, i.e., in the past, last week, last time I saw her, etc.

The dog's mess to which he referred may well have been mess made by the dog, i.e., remnants of dog biscuits or similar
Just watched this clip- which is either re-edited or last night's was edited differently. Anyway, my gut reaction is to believe SH watching him and listening to him BUT I just can't get past the fact that Tia was alone with him for 20 hours and disappeared without trace within minutes of leaving him. It is so unlikely I can't get past it. Perhaps the police do believe him which is why they have stuck so close to the house in their searches, but they don't seem to have searched neighbouring houses. Given the physical lay-out of the street and the press presence we would know if the police had searched other houses.

I still feel the police have a 'direction' but it just hasn't been revealed and we are guessing. Whatever it is, it is close to the house- or maybe it isn't and we are totally unaware of their investigation of it going on because the press are so focussed on the house.
Hello Everyone - I've been 'stalking' the site for a while and have now plucked up the courage to join and write my first post.

Not sure that I have anything new to add but just wanted to join in the discussion.

The first thing that springs to mind is that days down the line our initial gut 'feeling' about this may be changing based on what we have read or seen BUT the facts remain the same - as nothing new has emerged:

Tia left her home on the Thursday and as far as I have understood was expected home there at 6pm
Instead, it seems that she met her grandmother's 37 year old boyfriend and they were seen in the Co Op that afternoon

After that nothing is factual apart from the fact that she is missing and that all information about her from Thursday evening has stemmed from only one person and one person alone, none of which has been proved at all.

What she was wearing, where she was going, when she went, what she ate, how much money she had etc - all not proved and therefore, to me, a distraction.

There is no 'proof' of anything beyond being with SH from Thursday afternoon.

The witness who apparently saw her on the Friday may or may not have (she was wearing the same clothes (again, apparently), so it could be a memory of the previous day that has been jogged. Or they have a vested interest in offering up a sighting that has not been corroborated in any other way. There is nothing factual to back it up that I am aware of.

Or, they may be someone of interest, as they would then be the last person to have seen her.

Also, as with the Joanna Yeates case, the fact that this child 'apparently' left home without the things one would normally take with them seems odd. So, did she actually ever leave the vicinity of the house and if she did, it seems that she did not go far, or was taken. That is also factual based on the lack of CCTV footage from road/ shop/ transport cameras, thus far.

So, factually (based on the information that the public is aware of), a 12 year old girl ended up alone with a 37 year old man and has not been seen since. A man who we already know has on more than one occasion overstepped the bounds of the law to fulfil he own needs.

I'm not saying it is SH but if it looks like a duck, walks like a duck and sounds like a duck......then it is most likely a duck.

Praying and hoping that she is found safe and well but have a sinking feeling.
I've just watched the interview with SH. I want to believe him, he seems genuine enough, but like the above poster says, Tia was with him for 20 hours, and he was the last person to see her and that doesn't sit right with me at all. I don't know what to think! If she got on that bus CCTV would have picked her up somewhere surely! She is very close by I think, unless she got into someone's car.

I'm still far from impressed on the coverage this is getting in the UK, four and a half minutes was dedicated to it on the 9am Sky News headlines. Outrageous!
I'm still far from impressed on the coverage this is getting in the UK, four and a half minutes was dedicated to it on the 9am Sky News headlines. Outrageous!

Why should they have a longer drawn-out section about it if there's nothing else really to say? Four and a half minutes isn't as short as it sounds when it comes to a news report imo.
What's concerning me now is the distinct lack of involvement (publicly) by the mother and the grandmother. Very fishy if you ask me. How come neither of them have spoken to the media? Or did I blink and miss it...

Now if she were my little girl, I wouldn't be leaving it to my brother to do all the talking.
What's concerning me now is the distinct lack of involvement (publicly) by the mother and the grandmother. Very fishy if you ask me. How come neither of them have spoken to the media? Or did I blink and miss it...

Now if she were my little girl, I wouldn't be leaving it to my brother to do all the talking.

Not seen anything from the mother but maybe she's just too distraught. Grandmother has spoken to media.
Hallo every one,

I am another long time lurker who has joined.

It seems strange that the police have not asked for any witnesses who saw Tia on her journey from home to Croydon on the Thursday-she possibly could have met someone she agreed to meet the next day in the shopping centre.
Did she plan to stay overnight or to return home?I might be wrong,but I thought her step father thought she was returning at 6pm. If she did plan to stay overnight,then I would have thought she would have taken some clothes with her so would not be wearing the same outfit the next day.
It appears rather too co-incidental that when she left home her mobile was dead so she borrowed her mothers and then that was on charge when she left for the shopping centre.
:greetings: skigh

Nothing of this sits right at all. I hate to say it but I think this is another Shannon Matthews type case. All the drama with the candles and t shirts, very McCann..I think the family - especially the mother and gran know where she is and that's why they are not on TV. I do not think Tia is dead. There is something seriously not right with this family.
:greetings: skigh

Nothing of this sits right at all. I hate to say it but I think this is another Shannon Matthews type case. All the drama with the candles and t shirts, very McCann..I think the family - especially the mother and gran know where she is and that's why they are not on TV. I do not think Tia is dead. There is something seriously not right with this family.

You may be onto something.
I agree with you Lottie, but I can't fathom why they're doing it... obviously not for money.... surely they know they'll be in huge trouble when she's found, bit of a fruitless exercise! I know they're not the most educated of people, but surely educated enough to realise that pretending your kid has been abducted means you get told off by the police?!

I have watched the interview with step-grandad/nan's boyfriend and to me he seems really geniune and seemed to have a good relationship with Tia!

Also feel that police no something big and aren't able to tell us yet... this story will unravel itself very quickly once it starts unravelling!
I really do not see what the problem is with the friends and family acting swiftly to get her image out there. people are complaining there is no media attention, whilst on the other hand complaining the family have printed t-shirts and posters, and set up a facebook page (which was sadly being trolled) to get attention.

I really wish the media will learn from the christopher jefferies case, they got convicted of contempt of court for their behaviour there, it will serve them right if the same thing happens now.
Apparently the police removed bedding from one of the bedrooms last night (Sky News).

Why wait a week? Seems odd to me - in a week bedding could be changed, boil washed etc. Why bedding from THIS house? If she stays there regularly, they would expect to find HER DNA on it. If there is a suggestion someone else in the house's DNA might be on it, surely they would have changed/washed the bed linen.

Or is it a way of putting pressure on someone- it was pretty publicly done and didn't need to be? Or is it part of a joint police/family screen to look like police think this is the base for their investigation when actually they are investigating elsewhere very low profile?

I need to put my ipad down and go and do some other things I think!

I hope they find Tia safe today.
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