GUILTY UK - Tia Sharp, 12, New Addington, London, 3 Aug 2012 #3

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Could you tell me what a game up date means, please?

On facebook they have these silly little games, and the games post news to your wall like "Inge Jones just scored a whole basket of ripe pineapples! Click here to share the harvest" then your facebook friends click and they get some pineapples too, that they can use in their game. Lol!
The reason that nobody could smell anything is likely to be because their house stank of dog poo, cigarettes and alcohol.....nevermind some wee on the toilet mats etc etc.....who knows really, but I would imagine they were living in a ***** house.

Nah! Wouldn't have smelt too bad normally given how much housework SH does! ;-)

and here's an irrelevant question, who is currently looking after these dogs?
The reason that nobody could smell anything is likely to be because their house stank of dog poo, cigarettes and alcohol.....nevermind some wee on the toilet mats etc etc.....who knows really, but I would imagine they were living in a ***** house.

Perhaps, the body really didn't smell that much for most of the week. It might have been sealed well in the bag and in the loft.
The reason that nobody could smell anything is likely to be because their house stank of dog poo, cigarettes and alcohol.....nevermind some wee on the toilet mats etc etc.....who knows really, but I would imagine they were living in a ***** house.

I agree that the house would have smelt of smoke and other things ,but a dead body smell would have overridden any thing else. There also should have been an infestation of flies in the house.

I do wonder if Tia was covered in bleach or other house hold chemicals before she was wrapped and put in the loft.
only people who feel guilt tend to top themselves, she didn't seem to show any at all.

Huntley has never appeared to show any guilt and he has tried to kill himself on several occasions.
Nah! Wouldn't have smelt too bad normally given how much housework SH does! ;-)

and here's an irrelevant question, who is currently looking after these dogs?

I imagine the dogs will be in police kennels. I did not notice what breed they were, but I imagine they would not be friendly household pets.
I imagine the dogs will be in police kennels. I did not notice what breed they were, but I imagine they would not be friendly household pets.
I thought they looked like
I really (unusually for me) don't have a theory for the motive. The guy's been a drug dealer and machete wielder, but for some reason he doesn't give the impression to me of a pedophile. I mean if he was, it would be an unusually high number of things wrong with one man!
I thought they looked like

If they were the sort of dog to convey a cosy family set up would they have not been paraded by the family in front of the press photographers?

There was no mention of anyone taking them for a walk in SH's interview about events on Thursday of Friday.
I thought I read in one account that the dogs were in cages under the stairs. Maybe they were breeding them, rather than keeping them as pets.
I really (unusually for me) don't have a theory for the motive. The guy's been a drug dealer and machete wielder, but for some reason he doesn't give the impression to me of a pedophile. I mean if he was, it would be an unusually high number of things wrong with one man!

I still have a feeling Granny is involved in this.It is very hard to pick out the truth when S.H must be a very practised liar.

In his interview he did say Tia always got what she wanted ,which made me wonder if she was requesting money from them for some reason.
Huntley has never appeared to show any guilt and he has tried to kill himself on several occasions.

i think he did that due to him realising how long he was going to be in the tiny cell he's in with hardly any so called freedom even in prison.

i very much doubt he would kill himself because of what he's done.

Same with Fred West, he killed himself as he didn't want to spend the rest of his days in prison, nothing to do with the guilt of what he did.

what i meant was when i posted my original thought was that you would have to feel guilt in the first place to kill yourself because of what you did, not of because of where you ended up.
More details about COD have to be released before I get off of the fence with regard to who is responsible for her death.

It just feels like which ever one is responsible, granny or SH, the other was aware of what happened. JMO
More details about COD have to be released before I get off of the fence with regard to who is responsible for her death.

It just feels like which ever one is responsible, granny or SH, the other was aware of what happened. JMO

I do not think the cause of death will change much.

The word they have used in possibly cause of death is smothering rather than suffocation.To me smothering gives the impression of something like a cushion or pillow being used.
I got the impression that there are two dogs. One can be heard barking in the infamous SH interview and from the sound of the bark it is a relatively small dog.

At one point the media showed video taken from a helicopter going over the house and a larger golden labrador type dog is seen outside someone's house although I'm not sure it was CS's house.

Re whose got them - presumably a family member or possibly the RSPCA. Wherever they are I hope they get walked more than they appeared to during the period that Tia was thought to be missing. Saying that it was a hot period and in the case of genuine missing children you first priority is not to walk the dogs.
I am not sure how free she actually will be.It could be she is in a safe house with police supervision 24 hours a day. The police would not want her to kill herself or interefere with potential witnesses so I would have thought her phone calls would be monitored.

So while not actually in police custody her freedom will be severely curtailed.

I am wondering whether she is in a bail hostel and quite protected. The police do have a duty of care
I wonder if Tia's purse was found and taken away as evidence. If Hazell had given her £10 like he said, it would still be in there. Maybe he invented the £10 to 'strengthen' his story that Tia had gone shopping with enough money to buy the flipflops he said she was getting.
I do not think the cause of death will change much.

The word they have used in possibly cause of death is smothering rather than suffocation.To me smothering gives the impression of something like a cushion or pillow being used.

I will rephrase that

I want to know about the post mortem
Those details can reveal a great deal about the killer
Has anyone mentioned that she was suspected to have bruising on her lower body, but that it was hard to tell due to decomposition? If that is the case, that could indicate abuse, for example if the bruises were on her thighs or lower tummy. It also means that the delay has really jeopardised the accuracy of the post-mortem. Although I really don't get paedophile vibes from SH.

I'm a girl and was not an early developer but had full adult feelings from age 9. So children, especially girls who develop quicker, can and do have full adult "crushes", for want of a better word! They just don't have the maturity to deal with the subtle and complex emotions that come with adult activities and thoughts, which is one of the reasons why children need protecting so much. However, I imagine that Tia would have been outraged and humiliated at the suggestion she may have fancied her ugly old drunken "step-granddad", who was three times her age.
More details about COD have to be released before I get off of the fence with regard to who is responsible for her death.

It just feels like which ever one is responsible, granny or SH, the other was aware of what happened. JMO

It's interesting that CS was arrested and bailed on the charge of murder whereas the neighbour was arrested and bailed on a count of assisting an offender.

AFAIK assisting an offender is used where the accused person knew or believed the main offender had committed the crime.

It may yet be that even if they cannot get enough evidence to charge CS with murder, she could at some point be charged with a lesser crime.
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