Undercover drug transaction video

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I have a serious question guys. I was just sitting here thinking, is this really going to help find Haleigh? I mean I enjoy watching these people look like idiots, but are these tapes going to help us find Haleigh? I'm just wondering if there is something else we all could be doing to find her. Or do we think that if we listen and look close enough there might be something in these tapes that will lead to Haleigh... Just wondering your thoughts about it.
I have a serious question guys. I was just sitting here thinking, is this really going to help find Haleigh? I mean I enjoy watching these people look like idiots, but are these tapes going to help us find Haleigh? I'm just wondering if there is something else we all could be doing to find her. Or do we think that if we listen and look close enough there might be something in these tapes that will lead to Haleigh... Just wondering your thoughts about it.


Let's face it, we are not going to solve this case for LE. It pains me greatly to write that because of all of the time I have spent to "help find Haleigh."

I'm sorry, but that's my honest opinion.
I have a serious question guys. I was just sitting here thinking, is this really going to help find Haleigh? I mean I enjoy watching these people look like idiots, but are these tapes going to help us find Haleigh? I'm just wondering if there is something else we all could be doing to find her. Or do we think that if we listen and look close enough there might be something in these tapes that will lead to Haleigh... Just wondering your thoughts about it.

I think it may, actually, if not us, LE. We hear that Misty resented Haleigh after all her talk about how much she loved her. We hear that Ron knows her loss was not drug deal related. That MC rules her family who might possibly have helped her out of a bad situation. And many more bits of information. It re-frames the whole picture for me and fills in some gaps.

edit: and since LE saw these long before we did, when added to all of their other information, I think they know quite a bit about what happened to Haleigh.
I have a serious question guys. I was just sitting here thinking, is this really going to help find Haleigh? I mean I enjoy watching these people look like idiots, but are these tapes going to help us find Haleigh? I'm just wondering if there is something else we all could be doing to find her. Or do we think that if we listen and look close enough there might be something in these tapes that will lead to Haleigh... Just wondering your thoughts about it.

JMO - LE will find Haleigh if she is to be found. Nothing we do here will find Haleigh - LE is infinitely more well aware than we are.
I have a serious question guys. I was just sitting here thinking, is this really going to help find Haleigh? I mean I enjoy watching these people look like idiots, but are these tapes going to help us find Haleigh? I'm just wondering if there is something else we all could be doing to find her. Or do we think that if we listen and look close enough there might be something in these tapes that will lead to Haleigh... Just wondering your thoughts about it.

Butterfly...I believe the drug charges were the most expedient way to get these people off the street and are directly related to Haleigh....Misty has what 1.3 million bond and Ron 900K-- I've seen bonds in PC for 504 bucks for these charges....JMO...
JMO - LE will find Haleigh if she is to be found. Nothing we do here will find Haleigh - LE is infinitely more well aware than we are.

Well, we might not FIND her...but I gotta believe the collective minds here are giving LE a boost as I have heard they do read here....so, perhaps indirectly, we are helping....at the very least, we are helping each other understand and discussion is good...
Well, we might not FIND her...but I gotta believe the collective minds here are giving LE a boost as I have heard they do read here....so, perhaps indirectly, we are helping....at the very least, we are helping each other understand and discussion is good...

No argument with that. :)
I have a serious question guys. I was just sitting here thinking, is this really going to help find Haleigh? I mean I enjoy watching these people look like idiots, but are these tapes going to help us find Haleigh? I'm just wondering if there is something else we all could be doing to find her. Or do we think that if we listen and look close enough there might be something in these tapes that will lead to Haleigh... Just wondering your thoughts about it.

{{{{Butterfly}}}} Your post is so heartfelt. I doubt there is anything we can do to find Haleigh unless we go back to square one. It might not be a bad idea because I think that we all have a different view of Ron and Misty now that these tapes came out. Maybe we will hear something in a different way now. It's like we've all been looking at the same house, but now we can look at the back door instead of the front door.

Feel free to start a new thread with that tone if you'd like.

Also, when I used to get frustrated dealing with high profile cases that had been sleuthed a lot, I'd go to the Unidentified Forum. Members have solved quite a few of those cases and brought families together with the unidentified. :blowkiss:
Thanks, guys for your honest opinions. I tell you, I posted on another forum before coming here. I got involved with missing child cases with Caylee, and have followed Haleigh's case since it broke, just so happened to be the day of Caylee's memorial. My one year anniversary at websleuth is Monday. I never thought I would be here a year and still no news of Haleigh. I guess we all in a way want to believe we are doing our part.
In the thread about Abraham Shakespeare the people here helped LE put the pieces together, and I want us to have the same results for Haleigh. I'm sorry I got off topic but I just had a thought and wanted to see what you guys thought. I think starting a thread to recap all we have learned this year would be a great idea.
I find these tapes very enlightening. To see the everyday activities going on with these folks unaware they are being documented. It's very telling.

A bunch of lost souls. I see how easily they lie, how easily they manipulate and how much RC runs his mouth and boasts. It shows how close him and Misty really are, it is unreal that they would be so stupid as to let themselves get set up.

Oh RC aren't you smart, give hand signals to Hope in the back seat to take a couple pills, then he pops one in his mouth, then tell some story to the UC that they'd go back and get the missing ones, and they wouldn't deal with that guy anymore. He rips off the UC! Unbelievable.

I noticed something else, when the car pulled up to pick up MC and Hope they appear to run to the car, not sure but if so...why are they running to the car? Did the girls go score the pills from someone ...or steal them?

It's all so shady. This is the real them, I'm glad these came out, we don't just see weepy RC and MC that's been shown on tv a million times, we see reality.

They let shady characters into their world so easily, they took a huge chance with this new drug contact, so they can't even sense an undercover, they know they are being scrutinized by LE because of Haleigh and go for it anyway, and talk talk talk.

After seeing these tapes, can you imagine the shady characters they let come around when they weren't being scrutinized intensely? Maybe one of those wacked out pill heads really did take haleigh that fateful night.

If you want to judge for yourself if RC puts a pill in his mouth or not, it is on the tape where Misty has a black jacket on, goes with Hope to score pills and ron hops in the front seat and talks about how dope boys don't steal kids. It's near the end, at about the 4:55 minute mark when the girls hop back in and RC is handed them by hope, He most definitely pops a pill in his mouth, holds it in his teeth for a bit on the right side of his mouth.

He's a addict.

RC most likely deals to support his habit, scoops a few pills for himself on every deal.

I would be embarrassed if my son/grandson was living like this with small kids.

shame shame.

All my opinion only.
I agree 100% with everything you said Luv but....

snipped for space
I would be embarrassed if my son/grandson was living like this with small kids.

....I'd be far too ENRAGED to be embarrassed if our daughter mimicked any of the behaviors of RC and MC, considering she has 3 adorable little boys. I'm no prude, but the filthy language, the drugs, the friends, the (non) work ethics, the (non) values.....oh my gosh, if ANY of that went on in our grandsons' home, we'd have those babies here with their Poppa and me in the blink of an eye! Daughter and son-in-law know it too....we threatened to sue for custody 'cos they didn't take the boys to see Santa in 2009. (Of course we were kidding.....kinda'. LOL)

Poor Haleigh. It's been such a weight off my heart since Jr got to go back with his Mommy. Up until then, tears were a daily occurrence when I'd think of little Jr and what he must be seeing, hearing, feeling. I'm still so concerned about him having lost his "Sissy" and how he is/will cope with that, now and long-term. :( My middle grandson is 4, and I can't even imagine.......Ahhhh, nopey, just too heartbreaking.
I agree 100% with everything you said Luv but....

snipped for space

....I'd be far too ENRAGED to be embarrassed if our daughter mimicked any of the behaviors of RC and MC, considering she has 3 adorable little boys. I'm no prude, but the filthy language, the drugs, the friends, the (non) work ethics, the (non) values.....oh my gosh, if ANY of that went on in our grandsons' home, we'd have those babies here with their Poppa and me in the blink of an eye! Daughter and son-in-law know it too....we threatened to sue for custody 'cos they didn't take the boys to see Santa in 2009. (Of course we were kidding.....kinda'. LOL)

Poor Haleigh. It's been such a weight off my heart since Jr got to go back with his Mommy. Up until then, tears were a daily occurrence when I'd think of little Jr and what he must be seeing, hearing, feeling. I'm still so concerned about him having lost his "Sissy" and how he is/will cope with that, now and long-term. :( My middle grandson is 4, and I can't even imagine.......Ahhhh, nopey, just too heartbreaking.

You're right Daisy. I should have qualified what I meant by that. RCs mom and grandma are always in such high praise of RC and how great a father he is, bla bla.

I'm embarrassed for them to continually stand by this guy, house him, help him defend him etc. when he was leading this lifestyle long before anything happened to Haleigh. Instead they seem to worship the ground he walks on. It's sick. When is enough enough, I understand standing by your kids, but unless they are also like RC with bad habits, why wouldn't they have put a stop to this stuff for the sake of those innocent kids?

Disfunction Junction.
We've also learned from the videos that Ron will work at a real job while also drug dealing, and probably keeps drugs around the home where small children live. He could have been doing this back when Haleigh went missing, so their keeping silent about their associates and people who came to the trailer might be hindering the investigation. If Haleigh saw her daddy put a pill in his mouth and chew it up, she might want to be just like him, except he probably chewed several at a time before going to bed if he's an addict. We also learned that Misty really does take orders from Ron and doesn't seem too experienced at drug dealing since she yelled out the window and admitted to being scared.
I have a serious question guys. I was just sitting here thinking, is this really going to help find Haleigh? I mean I enjoy watching these people look like idiots, but are these tapes going to help us find Haleigh? I'm just wondering if there is something else we all could be doing to find her. Or do we think that if we listen and look close enough there might be something in these tapes that will lead to Haleigh... Just wondering your thoughts about it.

I understand where your coming from butterfly. I at times feel little hope that Haleigh will ever be found, but then we get to see events like the ones from last month that make me think about what may of happen a bit differently and that lost hope get reassured that LE has not given up. LE is way ahead of them...I put all of this in God's hands and pray for the best.

I feel that any and all tapes/audios/videos/recordings from anyone that knew Haleigh may shed some light to LE about her life before she went missing. Maybe something is said that LE doesn't catch that an average person will, and it can help put a piece of the puzzle in place.
Maybe some of the statements from others will now hold some value..it will back up what was said.
Many have their opinions on all the players and most would never believe that Ron was into this drug dealing, seeing it on video open some eyes I must say.
Some of the things said also open my eyes and I hope it did LE's as well. From what I understand LE dose read hear at WS and everyone here is able to offer LE some type help, whether it be some type of theory, a dream, something that was said by one of the players, or something minor that LE may of missed. There are so many amazing people here at WS, to me it's almost like a private group of PI's and Investigators combined. (You Guys Are Amazing!!!):blowkiss::blowkiss:
I found a few disturbing things on the videos and hope LE caught them as well. We see who Misty and Ron are in their true colors...and they are not pretty IMO. Ron dose not seem like someone who is grieving his child IMO. Misty is not as dumb as she looks. They both seem to enjoy the drug life style.

Ron ask the UC if he likes to party...They are selling the UC prescription drugs and I wonder if that is to make money for the street drugs?

Ron ask the UC if he needs Roxies that he can get them, he guarantees he can get more drugs for the UC.

:furious:Misty tells the UC that they have to pick up Jr. Ron's son and they have to go do another job (Drug Run)? WTH? So, Ron takes Jr. on drug runs?

I would assume he and Misty also took Haleigh along in the past. Could this be where Misty went the night Haleigh went missing? Was Misty doing a drug run for Ron? Who is his Roxie supplier?
I pray that Did LE took note of this.
I didn't see the drugs so clearly, could they have been in the original packaging?

Anyway, IMO the fact that RC chose to make a comment that he might as well eat them himself signifies that the actual intent was to distribute. I'll try to sell them but failing that, I'll eat them. If somebody was buying 200 pills for their own consumption I don't think they'd think to say this.

I think you've got it Donjeta. Ron is using a double entendre with this statement. If he can't sell them (for profit), he'll eat (the loss) them. It just so happens, in this case, he means he'll really eat, not only the loss, but the pills themselves. At least that's my take on it.
The above law is what is probably throwing Misty. She doesn't know it is trafficking for just holding the drugs in the transactions even though she wasn't the person buying them.

In the jailhouse video with her father, she stated that trafficking was going between two states. I hope her attorney has explained a little more to her by now.
Yeah, they were stiffed a few pills allright, Ron was eating them right in front of the UC,lol

Did anyone catch how many pills they were supposed to get in this drug deal? They counted 24, so thought they were stiffed how many? Maybe the two Ron was seen putting in his mouth? What a guy. LOL Bad to the bone.
One of the big things I learned from this tape in particular:


I note that Ron doesn't hesitate to take off from work to make a drug deal. It is explained in the tape.

This leaves me to wonder about Shoemaker's statements that Ron always went to work early, attempting to imply Ron was serious about his job. After watching the tapes and hearing his propensity to just take off work to make a drug deal, I have to wonder if Ron didn't go to work at PDM early for the same reasons. I also have to wonder how many times, if any, did he leave PDM for the same reason, to sell drugs or for other reasons. I am left to wonder that based on the way PDM let Ron go from his job. JMO - there is more to the story of why PDM let him go than the simple failure to call.
One of the big things I learned from this tape in particular:


I note that Ron doesn't hesitate to take off from work to make a drug deal. It is explained in the tape.

These leaves me to wonder about Shoemaker's statements that Ron always went to work early, attempting to imply Ron was serious about his job. after watching the tapes and hearing his propensity to just take off work to make a drug deal, I have to wonder if Ron didn't go to work early for the same reasons. I also have to wonder how many times, if any, did he leave PDM for the same reasons. I am left to wonder that based on the way PDM let Ron go from his job. JMO - there is more to the story of why PDM let him go than the simple failure to call.

I agree raisincharlie. Viewing this tape confirmed IMO, that this was prolly not the first time Ron left work to take care of other 'business'. Also, if his shift at PDM was 4pm -midnight (as has been reported) and he worked overtime, then did he get a 'break' at midnight before he started working the OT? I think there's more to his being let go than just not calling in. Everyone knew Haleigh was missing. Wouldn't a missing child qualify for FMLA leave? It just doesn't add up, IMO.

all moo

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