UPDATE- Bin Laden is Dead-President spoke

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My heart goes back to that horrible day and everyone we lost. It's not closure but I'm thankful he's dead. Having a beer to celebrate.
ABC news reporting that Bin Laden was actively involved in the firefight himself, he was actually shooting at the SEALS, so he knew exactly who was attacking and that he was going to die at our hands.
Totally get what you're sayin, Mel. But sounds like they were living it up in a Mansion in Pakistan! Or perhaps she was promised 70 Chippendale dancers on the other side???

hmmmm - wonder if she got em ;)

Ughh - just heard on CNN that they are going handle his body with islamic tradition. Are U kidding me~ Why should he get his wish? Throw the bits n' pieces in the dirt in an undisclosed place and never let islam know where he is. That's what I'd do. Better yet, just cremate him and throw his ashes in the bin. I don't think he's worthy of any more.
Sorry not to have much sympathy for her and his son. What in the HE11 were they doing in his presence? Having tea? Discussing their next mission.

I understand what you're saying (using her as a shield) = but my goodness what would she expect! Unless of course she didn't know who he was (which I doubt).



She probably thought he was a gallant hero. Her last moments of life were a hard life lesson.

It was removed, what did it say?

She was responding to this;

I'm sure this was just an honest accident;


View attachment STAMP.JPG

Have been almost speechless since hearing this news. 10 years is a long time. While I am thinking of the thousands of lives lost on 9/11 I am also thinking of the thousands lost in battle since that day and all of those who have served and do serve in our military and just must say "thank you all"


(Sorry, I didn't know how to make my pictures any bigger.)
Do you know I can actually visualize bringing baskets of food to those I knew who lost loved ones? It feels like yesterday. How can it be 10 years?

RR if no one has told you this--bless you for your compassion.

I didn't personally know anyone that was killed on 9/11. My only experience has been offering as much sympathy and holding the hands of spouses that lost their husband or Mom who lost her child during this war.

But while I'm sad for all the lives that were lost...I feel an immense pride in our armed forces who fulfilled our promise as Americans that the people responsible for the attacks on 9/11 will pay for their deeds.

No matter what the personal sacrifice they fulfilled that promise and if anyone sees a member of the armed forces remember to say a silent prayer for their safety and if you feel comfortable just tell them thanks...and walk away. It embarrasses most of them but deep down they do appreciate it.
hmmmm - wonder if she got em ;)

Ughh - just heard on CNN that they are going handle his body with islamic tradition. Are U kidding me~ Why should he get his wish? Throw the bits n' pieces in the dirt in an undisclosed place and never let islam know where he is. That's what I'd do. Better yet, just cremate him and throw his ashes in the bin. I don't think he's worthy of any more.

Why make things worse between us and Muslims. Why give them something to use as a recruiting tool in Al Queada?
Here's a round for all of us -

Their country is destroyed, their population in tears and now their "folk hero" died hiding behind a woman!

respectfully snipped and BBM

That about said it all! :rocker:
I have never seen such mass jubilation here in America as there is tonight! The scenes are amazing from Washington.
Lots of universities in a small area...the kids...g-d bless them.
They're going to chop his head off and play the tape on Arab TV?

That. was. so. freakin. funny

I snorted water up my nose hahahahaha.
Why make things worse between us and Muslims. Why give them something to use as a recruiting tool in Al Queada?

Hi Steely,

I'm angry I guess. Look at what he planned for all those people on 9/11. Many were never buried. I don't think his burial will be a recruiting tool = I think the killing is by far worse. The US and radical muslims will never ever be friends (and I'm not talking about the non-radicals that live in peace here in the US). I'd be horrified if there was a place the radicals could go and worship over his remains.

But that's just the opinion of this American!


well I have seen the picture of him dead and can honestly say it didn't bother me at all.
Why make things worse between us and Muslims. Why give them something to use as a recruiting tool in Al Queada?

I too am worried they will try to turn him into some kind of martyr.

LOL I am also wondering if SNL, Letterman or one of the other comedians will do a skit of Osama hiding behind a woman?
So how did Geraldo get to DC so fast...isn't his show from NY?

ETA: I'm sure he took a plane or helicopter. Leave it to Geraldo!
well I have seen the picture of him dead and can honestly say it didn't bother me at all.
I finally saw it - looks like he took one right between the eyes! Good shot. Good riddens!
Why make things worse between us and Muslims. Why give them something to use as a recruiting tool in Al Queada?

Really, it will appease anyone to merely kill their figurehead, but bury him according to Islamic tradition?
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